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Why won't the Democratic Party Impeach President Trump?

That's one of the best arguments I've seen so far. Of course, the very best argument is that we don't have the luxury to choose whether or not to impeach. It's a mandate, not a suggestion. By refusing to initiate impeachment proceedings in light of clear and overwhelming evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors, Warren is correct; the Democrats are complicit.

Again, just imagine the outrage that would result in a prosecutor announcing he wasn't going to try a murderer because he's a white guy and would likely just be acquitted by a white jury or white judge, so why bother? That simply is not an option. His job mandates his actions, not his opinions or assessments of potential outcomes or the like.
That's one of the best arguments I've seen so far. Of course, the very best argument is that we don't have the luxury to choose whether or not to impeach. It's a mandate, not a suggestion. By refusing to initiate impeachment proceedings in light of clear and overwhelming evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors, Warren is correct; the Democrats are complicit.

Again, just imagine the outrage that would result in a prosecutor announcing he wasn't going to try a murderer because he's a white guy and would likely just be acquitted by a white jury or white judge, so why bother? That simply is not an option. His job mandates his actions, not his opinions or assessments of potential outcomes or the like.

Precisely. The Democrats are as liable for this presidency as the Republicans are at this point.
Without hearings, no one’s mind will be changed. If the voters change their mind, GOP will fall in line.
Without testimony or documents, there is nothing to base the hearings on. The GOP have already given the finger to the Mueller Report. A transcript from the Ukrainian conversation might tilt the scales though, if Trump did threaten their President.

So maybe he shouldn’t be impeached right, but hearings should be continued. The GOPers are better at this game.
The GOP are edging into the anti-Democracy category, so yeah, that helps them be better at usurping Democracy.

Then they need to get the litigation into the news, and cite nonshowers with contempt. By doing nothing, they send the message that nothing's going on.

That's the enchilada, to realize that if Nixon were in the white house today there would be no actions taken by republicans in congress on account of the Watergate break in, or doctored tapes or anything the guy did. They would be stonewalling any investigations. That's how the country has changed. Party, money and re-election have become more important than anything else. Pelosi realizes (is an equally contributing party to) this. It's a shame to say the least.

Fixed it for you.
Why is it even allowable that the head of a party can also be speaker of the house? There seems to be a conflict between the two roles, wherein one is beholden to the interests of an essentially private organization and the other is supposed to defer to constitutional responsibilities.
Why is it even allowable that the head of a party can also be speaker of the house? There seems to be a conflict between the two roles, wherein one is beholden to the interests of an essentially private organization and the other is supposed to defer to constitutional responsibilities.

Because it's America and constitutional responsibilities are a distant second in importance for government officials to the needs of private organizations.
Three Republicans were on Morning Joe a bit ago, all calling for Trump's removal (and even his execution for treason) in far more strident terms than any Democrat has done so far.
Quite a spectacle.

All three of them share the conviction that if Trump is allowed to cancel elections, defy Congress and remain on the ticket, the Republican party will cease to exist after 2020.
Does anyone here share that opinion?
Perhaps a better question: will the Country be better or worse off if the Republican party ceases to exist? I have mixed feelings about that.

Why would a party exist in a dictatorship?
Three Republicans were on Morning Joe a bit ago, all calling for Trump's removal (and even his execution for treason) in far more strident terms than any Democrat has done so far.
Quite a spectacle.

All three of them share the conviction that if Trump is allowed to cancel elections, defy Congress and remain on the ticket, the Republican party will cease to exist after 2020.
Does anyone here share that opinion?
Perhaps a better question: will the Country be better or worse off if the Republican party ceases to exist? I have mixed feelings about that.

Why would a party exist in a dictatorship?

I'm confused as well, but Lindsay Graham won't give me a straight answer as to why
To everyone in the "impeachment is meaningless without conviction" crowd: is your official, on-the-record position that a President should be able to break any law for any reason unless the opposing party has a Congressional majority?

It's not a matter of a position, but acceptance of what can actually be accomplished.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and party leaders are ramping up their offensive against President Donald Trump for pressuring Ukrainian officials to investigate Joe Biden — with a potential House vote on a resolution condemning Trump as the caucus edges toward impeachment.
Pelosi spent all weekend and Monday working the phones, including reaching out to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, as she sought to take the temperature of the caucus on impeachment. She's set to meet with the six committee chairmen investigating Trump on Tuesday afternoon to discuss Democrats' next steps.

It still is not likely today Trump could be impeached, thanks to the obdurant GOP. But with full blown investigations into impeachment, if Trump is found to be so far into illegal and even treasonous actions that demand impeachment, this gives the GOP 2 options. Refuse to allow impeachment and be seen as not willing to uphold the Constitution and to allow any illegal acts. Or to final have to impeach Trump to save the Party for the future. Decisions, decisions. Pelosi has held her fire long enough for this to reach a boil over point so she cannot be claimed to be merely playing politics. Trump was playing politics. Again. And is going to have hard time scraping this crap off of his boot.
The opposition to impeachment from House Democrats in swing districts now seems to be crumbling away in the face of Trump's blatant use of his office to force a foreign government to help with his election campaign. Some moderate Republicans are even calling for full disclosure of the whistleblower report. Pelosi is meeting with her caucus, but the reporting on the eve of that meeting is that impeachment is almost a certainty now. The Democrats will likely have the votes in the house.
The opposition to impeachment from House Democrats in swing districts now seems to be crumbling away in the face of Trump's blatant use of his office to force a foreign government to help with his election campaign. Some moderate Republicans are even calling for full disclosure of the whistleblower report. Pelosi is meeting with her caucus, but the reporting on the eve of that meeting is that impeachment is almost a certainty now. The Democrats will likely have the votes in the house.
Moderate Republicans aren’t doing squat at the moment.
Pelosi seems to be heading towards impeachment, but I read this morning that she has said she wants some Republican support and I sure don't see that happening. It's the Republicans who lack the balls to stand up to Trump.
Pelosi seems to be heading towards impeachment, but I read this morning that she has said she wants some Republican support and I sure don't see that happening. It's the Republicans who lack the balls to stand up to Trump.
There appears to be solid evidence Trump did make with some Quid Quo Pro to get Ukraine to investigate Biden. This is so egregious, seems like a case where impeachment isn't necessary, because resigning is the only option for Trump.

But GOP are still on their path of one party rule and "conservatives" in the US are fucking idiots when it comes to politics. We had to endure fucking Coffeegate... and now the President blackmails the Ukrainian President for dirt on his political opponent, and the most outraged reaction from the GOP is Romney blow with the wind?!
Pelosi seems to be heading towards impeachment, but I read this morning that she has said she wants some Republican support and I sure don't see that happening. It's the Republicans who lack the balls to stand up to Trump.
There appears to be solid evidence Trump did make with some Quid Quo Pro to get Ukraine to investigate Biden. This is so egregious, seems like a case where impeachment isn't necessary, because resigning is the only option for Trump.

"Only option"? No way. He has the option of trying to take over the government entirely, turn it into a one-party dictatorship and cancel the 2020 elections, which many of his idiot followers would support.
Pelosi seems to be heading towards impeachment, but I read this morning that she has said she wants some Republican support and I sure don't see that happening. It's the Republicans who lack the balls to stand up to Trump.
There appears to be solid evidence Trump did make with some Quid Quo Pro to get Ukraine to investigate Biden. This is so egregious, seems like a case where impeachment isn't necessary, because resigning is the only option for Trump.

But GOP are still on their path of one party rule and "conservatives" in the US are fucking idiots when it comes to politics. We had to endure fucking Coffeegate... and now the President blackmails the Ukrainian President for dirt on his political opponent, and the most outraged reaction from the GOP is Romney blow with the wind?!

Trump has now admitted he withheld money from Ukraine. He wanted them to start an investigation of Biden to get the money. The problem with that theer is no money if they come back and say "There is nothing there, no crime, no corruption". So this almost guarantees that if there is nothing they will make stuff up. To get the money. This should be obvious to anybody with a brain.

Multiple news outlets reported Monday night that Trump ordered millions of dollars in military aid for Ukraine be withheld just days before a July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump has since acknowledged that he raised Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and corruption on the same call, alarming Democrats.

Trump has admitted funding passed by Congress was held up. We know it was held up shortly before this call. What Trump hasn't admitted yet, was the funding was specifically held up for the Biden dirt. That would likely be played out in the transcript which I'm sure he'll release shortly after his taxes for the past 20 years.
Of course, even if Trumpo did that and was caught red handed doing it, he will lie and deny it. And the GOP would roll their eyes and pretend he isn't lying and refuse to act. And the far right media will lie and lie and lie about all of this to millions of foolish Americans who listen to Faux etc. We all know the script.
Of course, even if Trumpo did that and was caught red handed doing it, he will lie and deny it. And the GOP would roll their eyes and pretend he isn't lying and refuse to act. And the far right media will lie and lie and lie about all of this to millions of foolish Americans who listen to Faux etc. We all know the script.
The AM Radio media is pretty sold on how the scandal is that Biden was exposed and this is the end of Biden.
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