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Will the DNC cancel the debate?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Biden supporters online are shouting down others that Bernie needs to quit.

Senator Clyburn said the DNC should shut the primary down.

Biden seems to have a 50% chance of screwing up what he says, to include physically threatening people at worst and funny flubs at best.

So, will the DNC cancel the debate?
Biden supporters online are shouting down others that Bernie needs to quit.

Senator Clyburn said the DNC should shut the primary down.

Biden seems to have a 50% chance of screwing up what he says, to include physically threatening people at worst and funny flubs at best.

So, will the DNC cancel the debate?

Sanders is taking an ass-whipping. He can’t even beat a man who “seems to have a 50% chance of screwing up what he says”. He’s competitive in Washington only because of early voters. His base (young people) is the only demographic that’s voting at a lower rate compared to 2016. His message is stale, and his time is just about up.
Biden supporters online are shouting down others that Bernie needs to quit.

Senator Clyburn said the DNC should shut the primary down.

Biden seems to have a 50% chance of screwing up what he says, to include physically threatening people at worst and funny flubs at best.

So, will the DNC cancel the debate?

Sanders is taking an ass-whipping. He can’t even beat a man who “seems to have a 50% chance of screwing up what he says”. He’s competitive in Washington only because of early voters. His base (young people) is the only demographic that’s voting at a lower rate compared to 2016. His message is stale, and his time is just about up.

He has yet to take on Biden in a 1-1 debate. So, it's not an ass-whipping.

I take it by your not answering the op question directly, that any shutdown by the DNC, you will excuse?
No, the DNC will not cancel the debate. It will go through unless Sanders quits (improbable), and then Biden will go on to win the nomination, barring very low probability disruptive events (e.g., he dies suddenly).
As a follow-up, here's Biden in one of the previous debates:
“Mr. Vice President, I want to come to you and talk to you about inequality in schools and race. In a conversation about how to deal with segregation in schools back in 1975, you told a reporter, ‘I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather… and I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago…’ You said that some 40 years ago. But as you stand here tonight, what responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?”

Biden sneered and laughed – yes, sneered (or smirked, if you prefer) and laughed (go here to 2:06:49-53) – as the moderator began her question. Then came Sleep Joe’s pathetic, jumbled, evasive, and raving response (see here at 2:07:23-2:08:44):

“Well, they have to deal with the — look, there’s institutional segregation in this country. And from the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Red-lining banks, making sure that we are in a position where — look, you talk about education…make sure that we bring in to help the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home, we need — we have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are — I’m married to a teacher. My deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. We have — make sure that every single child does, in fact, have 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds go to school. School. Not daycare. School. We bring social workers into homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help. They don’t — they don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the — the — make sure that kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school — a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there.”
possible derail:

What I do not understand is why the Democrats allow Sanders, an independent, to take over part of their organisation for his own ends?

Why not tell him to get stuffed and do it as a good independent should - on his own.
possible derail:

What I do not understand is why the Democrats allow Sanders, an independent, to take over part of their organisation for his own ends?

Why not tell him to get stuffed and do it as a good independent should - on his own.

The democrats can only win by getting substantially more voters than the republicans. We need a large tent. We need every vote that we can get.
Biden supporters online are shouting down others that Bernie needs to quit.

Senator Clyburn said the DNC should shut the primary down.

Biden seems to have a 50% chance of screwing up what he says, to include physically threatening people at worst and funny flubs at best.

So, will the DNC cancel the debate?

Sanders is taking an ass-whipping. He can’t even beat a man who “seems to have a 50% chance of screwing up what he says”. He’s competitive in Washington only because of early voters. His base (young people) is the only demographic that’s voting at a lower rate compared to 2016. His message is stale, and his time is just about up.

He has yet to take on Biden in a 1-1 debate. So, it's not an ass-whipping.

I take it by your not answering the op question directly, that any shutdown by the DNC, you will excuse?

I would not consider a shutdown to be acceptable.

Meanwhile, why don't you read this article to learn how your candidate is his own worst enemy, and how his supporters' actions are even pissing off his most important endorsers (e.g. AOC). Then get back to me about how Biden's supporters are "just as bad":


If not for early voting in Washington state that caused 30% of the vote to go to candidates who've dropped out, last night would have been a total bloodbath. If Warren endorses Biden this week, as I think she will, next week will be the end of the road.
possible derail:

What I do not understand is why the Democrats allow Sanders, an independent, to take over part of their organisation for his own ends?

Why not tell him to get stuffed and do it as a good independent should - on his own.

Sanders is closer to what New Deal/Great Society Democrats were than what the current Democrats are now.
possible derail:

What I do not understand is why the Democrats allow Sanders, an independent, to take over part of their organisation for his own ends?

Why not tell him to get stuffed and do it as a good independent should - on his own.

Sanders is closer to what New Deal/Great Society Democrats were than what the current Democrats are now.

He's closer on policy to what exit polls show people support. People literally are walking into polling places, and voting in the primary for the option that doesn't support their policy positions over the one who does. I can only assume this is because they don't actually know who supports what policies.
He has yet to take on Biden in a 1-1 debate. So, it's not an ass-whipping.

I take it by your not answering the op question directly, that any shutdown by the DNC, you will excuse?

I would not consider a shutdown to be acceptable.

I agree. That's the thread topic.

Yet there's more and more Biden supporters and official endorses calling for an end.

Meanwhile, why don't you read this article to learn how your candidate is his own worst enemy, and how his supporters' actions are even pissing off his most important endorsers (e.g. AOC). Then get back to me about how Biden's supporters are "just as bad":


If not for early voting in Washington state that caused 30% of the vote to go to candidates who've dropped out, last night would have been a total bloodbath. If Warren endorses Biden this week, as I think she will, next week will be the end of the road.

At risk of derailing this thread, there are some quantifications out there that demonstrate Bernie supporters are not what has been claimed by Bernie opponents and Biden himself is threatening voters. It seems to have started back in 2018 when he said he would beat the hell out of Trump in high school. Since then he's been swearing at people who challenge him on things and recently went real low-brow with the violent rhetoric. His campaign manager was on the TV this morning saying she was proud of it and it was part of his No Malarkey appeal. Biden supporters are totally supporting this violent rhetoric, instead of the calm rational way that Bernie would have explained his position. This is not to say that one can conclude one is better than the other, but instead, to address specifically what you are saying about "bros" and violence. Biden's appeal to violence, beating up his opponent, and any voters who disagree with him publicly isn't only enabling us to head further into Idiocracy, it's also reminiscent of Trump's tactics. You can say he's trying to use evil to beat evil or whatever, but I don't see completed rational arguments in his responses when he does this. I'd like him to actually convince people in the middle who are listening and watching.

Now back to the op, being convincing and successful at debate is one of the ways we ought to be informed about which candidate is best. If Party officials are coming out en masse in order to influence voters to vote for one candidate and then get rid of the debate, it undermines the essential competition that is part of democracy...Of course, everything comes in degrees, and getting endorsements also informs the voting population, but an overriding set of endorsements with little tangible, coherent substance begins to look like a scam...maybe not within the echo chambers of people who already have opinions, but amongst people who are undecided, moderates, independents and Republicans. In the longer term, when such candidate goes to run in the General Election, confidence in them may be a little shaky and accusations can be made that they did not rightly earn their place, i.e. the Republican Spin Machine will have a lot of free ammo to put in their corporate media and Russian meddling megaphones.
possible derail:

What I do not understand is why the Democrats allow Sanders, an independent, to take over part of their organisation for his own ends?

Why not tell him to get stuffed and do it as a good independent should - on his own.

Sanders is closer to what New Deal/Great Society Democrats were than what the current Democrats are now.

He's closer on policy to what exit polls show people support. People literally are walking into polling places, and voting in the primary for the option that doesn't support their policy positions over the one who does. I can only assume this is because they don't actually know who supports what policies.

Screenshot from 2020-03-11 09-47-00.png
People literally are walking into polling places, and voting in the primary for the option that doesn't support their policy positions over the one who does. I can only assume this is because they don't actually know who supports what policies.

It speaks to the success of the Trumpublicans' Bre'er Rabbit treatment of Bernie Sanders. "Give us the SOCIALIST!" ... knowing that people who are simply disgusted by Trump's stupidity and ignorance but are not particularly well-versed in various candidates' positions will shy away from selecting the one that Trump claims to want to oppose. I guess collective amnesia is somewhat to blame - they should know damn well that if Trump SAYS he prefers Bernie, it means he's scared to death of him.
I guess collective amnesia is somewhat to blame - they should know damn well that if Trump SAYS he prefers Bernie, it means he's scared to death of him.

Sorry, what? When SCROTUS rags on Warren for (theoretically) sucking votes away from Sanders, it's because he's afraid of Sanders? That's hilarious. Next you'll say that Trump wanted the Ukrainians to investigate the Bidens because he was actually concerned about corruption, not because he's afraid to run against Joe.

Did I misinterpret an attempt at humor?
To me, it seems pretty obvious that Trump is scared shitless of Biden, not Sanders. Sanders would be much easier for Trump to demonize as a socialist. Biden has attracted a very broad coalition of voters, including some former Republicans who have finally seen the light when it comes to Trump. Biden is strongly supported by a large majority of the black community, and if he chooses the right VP to run with him, that will mobilize even more voters, who might otherwise find Biden too old school or not far enough to the left to satisfy them. No! Trump doesn't fear Sanders. He fears that Biden can "beat him like a drum". :D And, if the economy continues to tank, it will be pretty easy to do that.

Of course, that also depends on how much voter suppression occurs, and how successful a certain country is at using social media to tell lies and crazy shit about Biden. I know that some of my Bernie supporting friends aren't happy about this, but most will grudgingly go to the polls, and vote for Biden. They now realize that allowing Trump to become president was a big mistake. Yes. I personally know some who refused to vote for Hillary because, "we don't like her". It wasn't her ideology that lost her the election. It was the simple fact that too many people didn't like her. Add in a dose of sexism to the mix and that brought us the worst president we could possibly have. Some people don't seem to understand that it's not necessarily ideology that impacts how people vote. It has a lot to do with personalty, experience and electability. Hillary did get more votes than the idiot in the WH, but due to the general hatred that a lot of people had for her, she wasn't able to gain enough votes in a few states that gave the victory to Trump.

After watching Sanders speech yesterday, I am hopeful that he and Biden will unite before too long. I think that if Sanders has accomplished anything, he has had some influence on bringing the Democratic Party a bit further to the Left. Sanders major problems included his lack of being able to be open minded and his distasted for compromise, as well as his long history as not playing well with others in government. That simply doesn't work. His promises were extremely unrealistic. His claims as how to pay for his dreams weren't based in reality. There are many ways to accomplish things like UHC, and people like Warren and Biden realize that. Sanders didn't want to consider other ways to reach that goal. Anyway, I've said enough for now. You either agree with me or you don't. I have no animosity for those who don't but I do hope all of us who realize that Trump is an extremely dangerous person who needs to be taken down, will do the right thing in November.
Of course, that also depends on how much voter suppression occurs, and how successful a certain country is at using social media to tell lies and crazy shit about Biden.

IMO, it will be a lot harder for the Russian trolls to turn people against someone they like and respect (Biden) vs. someone who people thought was simply the lesser of two evils (Hillary). If the attacks get nasty, it may just backfire and get even more people pissed of at SCROTUS for encouraging it. I read an article yesterday in WaPo that pointed out that the only President in the last 85 years who beat a more likable opponent was Richard Nixon.

Voter suppression is the real problem, although turnout so far has been excellent so far.
I guess collective amnesia is somewhat to blame - they should know damn well that if Trump SAYS he prefers Bernie, it means he's scared to death of him.

When SCROTUS rags on Warren for (theoretically) sucking votes away from Sanders, it's because he's afraid of Sanders?

It's just another way of trying to tell people that he wants to face Sanders. IOW, another lie.

Next you'll say that Trump wanted the Ukrainians to investigate the Bidens because he was actually concerned about corruption

Which is exactly the case - except it's HIS corruption he's worried about, not Joe's.

Did I misinterpret an attempt at humor?

No, but you may have underestimated the degree of sickness infecting the White House. Or you might be right, and Trump is actually troothin' about wanting to face off against Bernie - we know that he and Pootey already have a lot invested in terrifying people about SOCIALISM.
To me, it seems pretty obvious that Trump is scared shitless of Biden, not Sanders.
Maybe the impression he wants to give. The only one he was recorded actually worried about was if Hillary had taken Sanders as VP. He has been building attacks against Biden because he is the expected winner.

Sanders would be much easier for Trump to demonize as a socialist.
But republicans have a long history of attacking any democrat as a socialist/communist, regardless of the person's actual political orientation. Most of the people who would shy away from the 'socialist' label are people who vote republican anyway.

Biden has attracted a very broad coalition of voters, including some former Republicans who have finally seen the light when it comes to Trump.
True. His promise not to change the status quo is very appealing to people who like the status quo.

Biden is strongly supported by a large majority of the black community,
Which I find very confusing when you compare the two candidates history on racial issues.

and if he chooses the right VP to run with him, that will mobilize even more voters, who might otherwise find Biden too old school or not far enough to the left to satisfy them.
I hope so!

Yes. I personally know some who refused to vote for Hillary because, "we don't like her". It wasn't her ideology that lost her the election. It was the simple fact that too many people didn't like her. Add in a dose of sexism to the mix and that brought us the worst president we could possibly have. Some people don't seem to understand that it's not necessarily ideology that impacts how people vote. It has a lot to do with personalty, experience and electability. Hillary did get more votes than the idiot in the WH, but due to the general hatred that a lot of people had for her, she wasn't able to gain enough votes in a few states that gave the victory to Trump.
While I do think that disagreements with her ideology did drive some people away, 25+ years of smearing her has left a lot of people hating her, thinking she is corrupt, without any actual evidence to support it. She was probably the most qualified person ever to run, but qualifications don't matter as much in a stupid popularity contest. :(
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