This was a pretty awesome movie. The futuristic battles with the Sentinels were cool. I liked how they had a bunch of the A-List X-Men just getting ripped apart by these unstoppable mo-fos.
For me, the highlight of the movie was the Quicksilver scene where he just darts around all the people moving in slow motion. Magneto was great and I love how he just fucked everyone over and the battle for the soul of Mystique between him and Professor X was well done. Wolverine spent more time talking and less time slicing people apart than I would have liked, but I loved how he continuously forgot that he didn't have metal claws in the past and did things like trying to slice off the Sentinel's arm, but just has his bone claws bounce off it.
There was also the cool bit at the end where they tore the god-awful X-Men 3 out of the spacetime continuum. It was funny when Wolverine was about to hug Jean and then Cyclops grabs his arm from offscreen and was like "Hey! WTF are you doing, dude?".
A very enjoyable film.