You’ll need to expand a bit on what “minimize media coverage” means here, because it sounds a lot like you’re advocating censorship
What I would like to see is that any news outlet would be restricted to covering any given fact about such incidents once a year, other than as needed to provide consistency. You can say it, you just can't keep saying it. They don't get the attention the shooters crave. Give it the sort of coverage that 4 hours of traffic deaths (the equivalent of the Maine shooter) get.
It’s bizarre to me, to think that that’s more easily achievable or effective than reforming gun legislation.
Gun legislation can't remove the hundreds of millions of guns out there. Something sufficiently strict could get rid of most of them but the ones that would remain would by definition be in criminal hands. And guns in the hands of the law-abiding are a very minor part of crime statistics.
There are plenty of illegal guns in Europe. They're not a problem, because their illegality makes even hardened criminals wary of the possibility of being caught with one.
A gun in Europe is a ticket to a world of pain. If the cops find one in your home, or your car, or on your person, you're going to jail. Regardless of whether they have any evidence of any other crime that they can pin on you.
If a member of the public sees a person with a gun, they call the cops, who drop everything and show up in force. Casually noticing that a person has a gun, and then carrying on as though it were normal, isn't a thing when guns aren't generally lawful.
Illegal guns are cheaper in Europe than legal ones. Because literally nobody wants an illegal gun.
Even the criminals who do armed robberies typically don't want to keep guns; They obtain them as shortly as possible before a raid, and dispose of them as quickly as possible afterwards. Supplying firearms to such criminals is a specialist criminal practice in its own right.
Gun legislation doesn't NEED to "remove the hundreds of millions of guns out there", as observation of places where it's already in place can easily show. All that's needed to massively reduce gun violence is to make people wary of having, much less carrying, unlawful firearms.
A gun that's hidden away and never brought out of hiding isn't much of a danger to anyone. Despite its not having been handed in and destroyed.