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The southern US border is insane right now.

The date when Whites become a minority in America could easily move up from 2045 to 2035

This apparently bothers you quite a bit. Why is that?
Simply that it shows the trend is much more than most think it is.
Why is that trend worth pointing out? It doesn’t bother me at all.
So says Mark Zuckerberg, the indigenous people of Martha's estate, and all the other hypocrit liberals out there. "It's great for everyone else to be over run with outsiders but we want our walls around our vast H

And we're back on the Daily Mail kick.

Serious question...do you have any other sources than this rag, Paul Craig Roberts, and the white nationalist sites you don't share here?

Another serious question...do you not think that conservative billionaires like - oh, I dunno - the one in your OP video donate to right wing causes and try to use their obscene wealth to tip the scales?

If Elon's last name ended with "berg" or "stein" would you be such a big fan? Or if he was black?

Again, as Tucker says, I'm just asking questions.

The date when Whites become a minority in America could easily move up from 2045 to 2035

This apparently bothers you quite a bit. Why is that?
Simply that it shows the trend is much more than most think it is.
Why is that trend worth pointing out? It doesn’t bother me at all.
So says Mark Zuckerberg, the indigenous people of Martha's estate, and all the other hypocrit liberals out there. "It's great for everyone else to be over run with outsiders but we want our walls around our vast Hawaiian estates and borders so we don't have to deal with those other folks. Because those folk don't bother us at all if they give us cheap services as long as they stay down there in Texas."

dumping dozens of asylum seekers on the doorstep of Northeastern Democrats who have resisted calls to clamp down on immigration.
Those dumped asylum seekers did not last long at all at Martha's Vinyard for some reason.

The article is behind a paywall, but I must again ask...um, what?

To clarify, what the fuck does this have to do with Mark Zuckerberg? Do you just throw his name out there like "George Soros" to say "see? It was tha Jooz!"?

And the reason the people who were human trafficked to Martha's Vineyard "didn't last long," is because the community didn't have the facilities to take care of them. Which is a big reason why they were sent there...cruelty and spite. But I guess cruelty and spite is just fine in your book so long as the victims are brown.

But in case you missed it, those well-off white liberals on MV did everything they could to take care of the victims of Rhonda and Gregg's racist shitfuckery until they could be taken in by more well-equipped organizations. Instead of calling security and having the poor brown people kicked out, they took them in, fed them, and gave them whatever aid was available. You are trying to make this into a "rich libs don't want 'those people' around" thing, but they did the right thing, aiding refugees to the best of their ability.

I bet your ideal solution would involve train cars and camps where these people can be "concentrated."
Here's a gift link to the NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/02/...nzlpsg98oLCgKjNMeY5swbFVZ4uHMo&smid=url-share
Here is the thing. It seems so many people are just simply ignorant of how the world we live in works.

Republican voters want capitalism but expect our government to somehow protect and see to it high paying jobs are still around for those voters. These voters fail to understand that if you want capitalism you have to lower wages here or let those business owners go overseas to cheaper labor and have to tolerate the mess that creates for people. If they value the high paying jobs they have to understand the government will have to step in with the power of law and regulate those businesses, make price and wage controls, and the mess that comes with that.

Everyone wants the moon and it isn't going to happen. And if a plan doesn't deliver 100 percent the way a person wants they throw a fit. Multiply this by 100,000,000 and you see why nothing gets done.

The real problem is you can't make the land Shangri La. Deal with it.
A country only exists to be plundered by its leaders and small cabal of supporters. There is no way the average citizenry can be lifted up to the level of the wealthy. If no one made any stupid mistakes, was smart and willing to learn, and worked their butt off it still wouldn't happen.
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EDIT: I'm kind of curious about the double standard here RVonse. You claim the elite are "hypocrit" because they don't put their money into fixing immigration, but Zuckerberg is corrupt because he is doing that, but with regards to election administration.

Second EDIT: Not surprisingly, the Daily Mail article is complete horseshit. Not only was the dollar figure wrong (it's still a lot though, $350 million), it wasn't used to "favour Democrat counties", but to help with the massive upsurge of mail in votes. (for some reason a lot of people voted by mail in 2020, I can't remember why, perhaps RVonse can tell us). For example;

Turner used the grant to buy 14 drop boxes for ballots, pay staff to watch those sites and purchase body cameras that recorded employees collecting ballots from the drop boxes. He also spent a large portion of the grant on additional equipment and people to ensure that ballots were mailed out and counted quickly. The county processed 150,000 mail ballots for the November election in 36 hours. Without the new equipment and personnel, he said, it would have taken a week or longer.

So the money was spent making sure not only the votes were counted, but the process was legitimate and a secure chain of custody was established all the way. No wonder RVonse is pissed about it.

Anyways, here's a more accurate article about the amount of money and how it was spent;

This time it actually took me longer typing this all up than it did debunking RVonse.
Everyone wants the moon and it isn't going to happen.

I mean, the moon happened, but not the same way everyone thought.

The Mercury missions were a losing proposition financially. They spent millions without any immediate return apart from national pride. Same thing with Gemini. Millions down the hole for what? When Apollo came around, it was a cool billion, and for what? So some dudes could walk around on the Moon? Cancel the program! It's not making money!

Yet those few pounds of rocks they returned changed our understanding of how the Earth was formed. The technology that came out of these flights led to a network of GPS satellites, a transformation of weather prediction, and a parade of technological advances that makes our present world possible. Yet our present world looks at this stuff and says "I don't get it. If this doesn't return at least 7 percent on investment by Q4 it's a waste of time and money."

When it comes to immigration, folks like RVonse look at the brown people and think "what value could they possibly bring other than cheap labor? Build a wall and keep them out. We don't need this rabble."
Here is the thing. It seems so many people are just simply ignorant of how the world we live in works.

Republican voters want capitalism but expect our government to somehow protect and see to it high paying jobs are still around for those voters. These voters fail to understand that if you want capitalism you have to lower wages here or let those business owners go overseas to cheaper labor and have to tolerate the mess that creates for people. If they value the high paying jobs they have to understand the government will have to step in with the power of law and regulate those businesses, make price and wage controls, and the mess that comes with that.

Everyone wants the moon and it isn't going to happen. And if a plan doesn't deliver 100 percent the way a person wants they throw a fit. Multiply this by 100,000,000 and you see why nothing gets done.

The real problem is you can't make the land Shangri La. Deal with it.
You have an awareness not shared by enough of our species. I think I possess that same awareness and as you say, I deal with it. And I might add that every species on the planet also must deal with it, and does, aware or not.

It's interesting this dichotomy in how so many people think when it comes to "government." In reality "government" is the most obvious example we have of private enterprise operating in free societies. The society, in other words all those free, private individuals, invent "government." I don't think most folks, and for sure RVonse, have the faintest inkling of a notion that this is how it works. To them "government" is some kind of externally imposed bogeyman that we need to fight against. Maybe they are living in some kind of simplistic, dreamy, neolithic, family-clan society. God bless their little hearts, I suppose, but I do wish they would grow up.
Maybe they are living in some kind of simplistic, dreamy, neolithic, family-clan society.
Even such early societies had government. Someone had to be the decider who chose what to do in response to various opportunities or threats. Someone had to be the representative of the clan, in their interactions with other clans. That someone is typically called a chief, but essentially they are a small scale instance of a government. Certainly, as soon as they have assistants whose role is to communicate decisions to the people, or to enforce such decisions when the people are reluctant to carry them out, what you have is a government.

Even a tiny nuclear family has a government, typically by one or both parents.

Government is an unavoidable consequence of being a social species. Big government is an unavoidable consequence of being an intelligent and communicative social species.

Anarchy rarely lasts long; It's unstable, and invariably breaks down rapidly into a society (or societies) with one or more governments.

Government is inevitable; Absolute dictatorship (usually in the guise of a monarchy, which is a dictatorship in which the dictator inherits power from one of their parents, rather than having to fight for it) is by FAR the most common way to govern any society, and other forms of government, including representative democracy, are anomalous and abnormal occurrences in human history.

Whether they can be sustained for long enough to be considered "normal" remains to be seen, but certainly the confidence of early adherents of modern representative democracy has been sorely tested in the last century or so, and its long run success is still looking dubious today.

Dismantling representative democracy for fear of government repression seems to me to be a highly dangerous and counterproductive strategy; Libertarianism runs the severe (and ironic) risk of allowing totalitarianism in through the back door.
Wow. After reading that, I know for a fact RVonse hasn't. It proves the exact opposite of what he is asserting.

Several Democratic state lawmakers raised objections. “They crafted this bill, they set the rules of the game, and they can’t even comply with it,” State Senator Jason Pizzo, a Democrat, said of the DeSantis administration. Mr. Pizzo filed suit in Florida state court hoping to stop the state from spending any more money on similar flights.
Soon, the migrants were receiving items from a community thrift shop, Chicken Alley: trousers, T-shirts, shoes. Stores in the area donated underwear. An island hotline was inundated with calls from people who wished to help. Donations and volunteers poured into the church where the migrants spent two nights sleeping on cots. Staff members at the community center in Martha’s Vineyard arranged for a migrant named Pablo to call home to Venezuela, Ms. Rolanti said. He appeared broken. “My love, we were tricked,” he told his wife, weeping uncontrollably. “This woman lied to us. She lied.”

So the real hypocrites are Republicans (surprise), most notable the De Satan staffer Perla Heurta.

This thread reminds me of of the pearl clutching MAGA cunts had just prior to the 2018 mid terms with regards to the caravans. That turned out to be bullshit too.
This thread reminds me of of the pearl clutching MAGA cunts had just prior to the 2018 mid terms with regards to the caravans. That turned out to be bullshit too.
The bogeyman is coming. The bogeyman is coming. The bogeyman is coming. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Just keep repeating same and never mind informing oneself. It's the MAGAtard way.
Are there emigrant/immigrant numbers for every nation on the planet? Is the U.S. numero uno when it comes to people wishing to come hither? If it is I'm rather proud of that fact.

And what country brings up the bottom of the list? Maybe Putinstan?
I don't think the numbers would be too meaningful--the worst places actively try to keep their people from leaving.
Bilby did a good job of answering my query. But you are correct, comparing countries that are not free democracies to dictatorships is apples and oranges. Among actual functioning democracies I suppose lots of European states outpace the U.S. on a per capita basis. But I think sheer numbers tells the real story. In sheer numbers the U.S. is the clear winner.
The immigration numbers are meaningful, the emigration numbers are too tainted to be meaningful.

And I do agree the US is the clear winner. The US gets a lot more people from the Old World than Europe gets from the New World.
What color is the sky in your world? Because when you assert that he "single handedly" bought out the last election with his "millions" of donations, I can only surmise you live in some sort of alternate reality.
There's a lot more helping people in Democrat counties anyway. Republicans are adverse to such things.

The date when Whites become a minority in America could easily move up from 2045 to 2035

This apparently bothers you quite a bit. Why is that?
Simply that it shows the trend is much more than most think it is.
Why is that trend worth pointing out? It doesn’t bother me at all.
So says Mark Zuckerberg, the indigenous people of Martha's estate, and all the other hypocrit liberals out there. "It's great for everyone else to be over run with outsiders but we want our walls around our vast H

And we're back on the Daily Mail kick.

Serious question...do you have any other sources than this rag, Paul Craig Roberts, and the white nationalist sites you don't share here?

Another serious question...do you not think that conservative billionaires like - oh, I dunno - the one in your OP video donate to right wing causes and try to use their obscene wealth to tip the scales?

If Elon's last name ended with "berg" or "stein" would you be such a big fan? Or if he was black?

Again, as Tucker says, I'm just asking questions.
If most of the right leaning sources fail to agree with your ideology I can not control that. Nor would I not claim my OP (from X) was a left or right leaning source because it was actual video testimony and events taking place in real time. You can not get any more non partisan and factual than that.

If you think Elon Musk is a conservative billionaire then you do not know anything about Elon Musk. I would call the Koch brothers conservative billionaires, not the founder of an electric car company. And although Elon is not black skinned he does qualify to be called an "African American" (he was born from South Africa).

I'm just answering questions....
This thread reminds me of of the pearl clutching MAGA cunts had just prior to the 2018 mid terms with regards to the caravans. That turned out to be bullshit too.
The bogeyman is coming. The bogeyman is coming. The bogeyman is coming. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Just keep repeating same and never mind informing oneself. It's the MAGAtard way.
Not necessarily the bogeyman but the real question to be answered is why did we have a revolution to the founding of the country if we don't give a shit about having any sort of border? And while pondering that question....why have a Constitution or Declaration of Independence if we don't want to have a country?

Without any border, laws, or property rights, there is no country, its more or less like an Oklahoma land rush with new squatters.
This thread reminds me of of the pearl clutching MAGA cunts had just prior to the 2018 mid terms with regards to the caravans. That turned out to be bullshit too.
The bogeyman is coming. The bogeyman is coming. The bogeyman is coming. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Bogeyman. Just keep repeating same and never mind informing oneself. It's the MAGAtard way.
Not necessarily the bogeyman but the real question to be answered is why did we have a revolution to the founding of the country if we don't give a shit about having any sort of border?
It wasn't about a "border" it was about governance. The French-Indian War was fought due our feelings about borders (Colonists weren't that big on them).
And while pondering that question....why have a Constitution or Declaration of Independence if we don't want to have a country?

Without any border, laws, or property rights, there is no country, its more or less like an Oklahoma land rush with new squatters.
As a reminder, there is a border between the US and Mexico. Mexico, as well as all the nations south of it, can't pass legislation or enforce rules north of the US/Mexico border.
Without any border, laws, or property rights, there is no country, its more or less like an Oklahoma land rush with new squatters.
Good thing nobody's arguing the dissolving of borders then.
If most of the right leaning sources fail to agree with your ideology I can not control that.
It's not the bias that's the issue, it's the outright lying your sources do. I'll say it again; your source deliberately mislead repeated crossings as individual crossings to inflate the numbers at the border (or boarder if you prefer) in order to manufacture a crisis. That is lying. If you had any integrity you would treat Musk and Paul Craig Roberts in the same manner you allege you want the MSM to be treated.
If you think Elon Musk is a conservative billionaire then you do not know anything about Elon Musk. I would call the Koch brothers conservative billionaires, not the founder of an electric car company. And although Elon is not black skinned he does qualify to be called an "African American" (he was born from South Africa).
Musk did not found Tesla.

I'm just answering questions....
Right now, the Southern US border is no more nor less "insane" than at any time in the last twenty years.

The border is always suddenly newsworthy when there's a Democrat in the Whitehouse, and a Presidential election within about eighteen months to two years.

But nothing much actually changes, other than the degree of clamour about it from Republicans who know a vote-winning subject when they see one; And the number and stupidity of the publicity stunts they engage in.
True, bilby.

The unauthorized immigrant population in the US has been flat for 15 years


This chart is based on consensus estimates of the unauthorized immigrant population. The final two years E my own (possibly iffy) projections based on the number of border encounters in 2022 and 2023.

So the number of Unauthorized Immigrants in the US stays flat for fifteen years, but suddenly when a Democrat is in the Oval Office, the Southern border becomes 'insane!'

Bear in mind, not all Unauthorized Immigrants stroll through the Southern border. Some come across the Northern Border. Others fly into airports. Some of these were visitors who came here by legal means but then overstayed their Visa.

Of course, many business and farms welcome them with open arms. That's why Congress doesn't do all that much from year to year about immigration--because their donors like that pool of cheap labor. If we were serious about keeping undocumented immigrants from taking our jobs, we'd enact  E-verify post haste. But we don't because we like cheap produce in our Walmarts.

But that doesn't stop unethical politicians from running on "INVASION!!!" campaigns to get the uninformed to vote for them.
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