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Is there a God of atheism?

Somebody here besides myself is actually able to think properly.
Holy guacamole you're an arrogant prat, aren't you?
Wow Emily, and here I was thinking you were a shy person.
Sure, sure. My posting history totally supports the concept of me as a wilting violet.

With most posters, I try to focus on actual discussion, the exchange of ideas, explaining my perspective and the reasoning behind it. Sometimes though... that's a losing proposition because the other party isn't here for that. When it becomes clear that a n00b is pretty much here to shit on all of us, insult us, call us liars, and basically engage in some public masturbation about how smart they are? Nah, I'm too old, too busy, and too short on patience for that kind of bullshit anymore. My box of fucks is running perilously low, I can't afford to waste any of them on this kind of dipshittery.
Young girls are also known to giggle.

Honestly, impugning the manhood of a rando on the internet because you're losing an argument is so incredibly juvenile that I can't stop laughing. I might pee myself if you keep this up. Seriously, are you ten?
Yepperdoodle. He said that. Thanx 4 havn my back. i already spiteblocked him. I told everyone in 2nd per. lunch that hes a major emonerd. Also on sat its my b-day and were havn a major rager. my older bro (college!) is bringn near beer. And NO SOLJERS invited!! Face!!
I've often heard the religious, Christians in particular, refer to a "God of atheism." Depending on where you get your definitions, "God of atheism" appears to be an oxymoron. Many atheists define themselves as people without belief in God(s). Other atheists might see themselves as those who deny and argue against the objective existence of God(s). For them, God is just a figment of the imagination. They can't have a God if God is merely what other people cook up.

So although a God of atheism appears to be a very implausible idea, I don't see it as completely wrong-headed. Atheists can defend their faith with tenacity at least as fierce as theists defend their beliefs. Atheists have some unproved ideas that are upheld not with valid reason or strong evidence but with anger, abuse, and if possible, forced silence. That kind of behavior appears indicative of theistic belief--you must help God if he is to help you. Now, I'm not saying that atheists actually worship an all-mighty, anthropomorphic God sitting on a throne in the sky. But there does seem to be a counterpart there. Some central figure of existence who is truth itself who is to be served and pleased.
It looks like I'll wrap up this thread with some closing thoughts.

Although it seems very counterintuitive to state there is a God of atheism, it's very obvious that many here act to defend their claimed doubt in God existing with all the tenacity that some people defend their belief in God existing. So if this dogma on the part of avowed atheists does not come from a God, then I don't know where else it comes from.

As for me, I've decided to keep an open mind regarding the existence of a God of atheism. This God need not be real, of course, but can be a God that atheists imagine. I'll keep an eye on the scientific literature to see if there is any evidence that atheists believe in a God.
Do you have faith in what you believe?

Which sense of the word faith? 1. Confidence or 2. Religious faith that goes beyond mere confidence to include teachings to ignore critical thinking and contrary evidence?

1 or 2?
I understand faith as confidence or trust that a claim is true. Do you put faith in your own thoughts? If not, then why do you have no faith that there is no God of atheism? If you do have such faith, then you're on my side!
Do you have faith in what you believe?

Which sense of the word faith? 1. Confidence or 2. Religious faith that goes beyond mere confidence to include teachings to ignore critical thinking and contrary evidence?

1 or 2?
I understand faith as confidence or trust that a claim is true. Do you put faith in your own thoughts? If not, then why do you have no faith that there is no God of atheism? If you do have such faith, then you're on my side!

You are creating a false equivalence.
The 'foundation of morality' as you mention - in a reality which doesn't have this as a commandment. Should allow people to freely care only about themselves and not care for the feelings of others, if they choose to
This reads as if the entire concept of evolution as it applies to social species was something you've missed in your education.
Ok. The concepts of moral subjectivity and moral objectivity seems to have gone over you. Perhaps this concept understanding was not taught in your evolution classes.
Do you have faith in what you believe?

Which sense of the word faith? 1. Confidence or 2. Religious faith that goes beyond mere confidence to include teachings to ignore critical thinking and contrary evidence?

1 or 2?
I understand faith as confidence or trust that a claim is true. Do you put faith in your own thoughts? If not, then why do you have no faith that there is no God of atheism? If you do have such faith, then you're on my side!

You are creating a false equivalence.
No I didn't.

It's time for you to admit that you do have a God.
Do you have faith in what you believe?

Which sense of the word faith? 1. Confidence or 2. Religious faith that goes beyond mere confidence to include teachings to ignore critical thinking and contrary evidence?

1 or 2?
I understand faith as confidence or trust that a claim is true. Do you put faith in your own thoughts? If not, then why do you have no faith that there is no God of atheism? If you do have such faith, then you're on my side!

You are creating a false equivalence.
No I didn't.

It's time for you to admit that you do have a God.
Are you calling Don a liar?
It looks like I'll wrap up this thread
Your pompous delusions of power and/or authority remain hilarious.

You can leave the thread, or even the board, and discussion will simply continue without you.

It will likely be more productive and interesting without you.

Nobody cares. Leave, stay, whatever. The thread will keep going until everyone here decides not to bother with it.

And likely as not will be ressurected months or even years after we've all forgotten it, by some noob who didn't look at the date and saw something they thought worthy of a response.
Although it seems very counterintuitive to state there is a God of atheism, it's very obvious that many here act to defend their claimed doubt in God existing with all the tenacity that some people defend their belief in God existing.
Yeah, it's almost as though if you claim that someone is lying, they'll often vehemently defend themselves against that slur. What an astonishing revelation.
So if this dogma on the part of avowed atheists does not come from a God, then I don't know where else it comes from.
Mate, you know almost nothing. Literally nobody here is surprised that you don't know that; And your ignorance isn't a foundation for any belief whatsoever on your part.
As for me, I've decided to keep an open mind regarding the existence of a God of atheism. This God need not be real, of course, but can be a God that atheists imagine. I'll keep an eye on the scientific literature to see if there is any evidence that atheists believe in a God.
The only thing more risable than a fool is a pompous fool.
I've often heard the religious, Christians in particular, refer to a "God of atheism." Depending on where you get your definitions, "God of atheism" appears to be an oxymoron. Many atheists define themselves as people without belief in God(s). Other atheists might see themselves as those who deny and argue against the objective existence of God(s). For them, God is just a figment of the imagination. They can't have a God if God is merely what other people cook up.

So although a God of atheism appears to be a very implausible idea, I don't see it as completely wrong-headed. Atheists can defend their faith with tenacity at least as fierce as theists defend their beliefs. Atheists have some unproved ideas that are upheld not with valid reason or strong evidence but with anger, abuse, and if possible, forced silence. That kind of behavior appears indicative of theistic belief--you must help God if he is to help you. Now, I'm not saying that atheists actually worship an all-mighty, anthropomorphic God sitting on a throne in the sky. But there does seem to be a counterpart there. Some central figure of existence who is truth itself who is to be served and pleased.
It looks like I'll wrap up this thread with some closing thoughts.

I think you mean “thoughts.”

Although it seems very counterintuitive to state there is a God of atheism, it's very obvious that many here act to defend their claimed doubt in God existing with all the tenacity that some people defend their belief in God existing. So if this dogma on the part of avowed atheists does not come from a God, then I don't know where else it comes from.

”Claimed” doubt? Impugning people as lairs again, are we?

So the belief that God does not exist comes from God? Is this an example of your self-proclaimed impregnable reasoning powers?

As for me, I've decided to keep an open mind regarding the existence of a God of atheism. This God need not be real, of course, but can be a God that atheists imagine. I'll keep an eye on the scientific literature to see if there is any evidence that atheists believe in a God.

So atheists, who do not believe there is a God, imagine that there is a God. Gotcha.

And, yes, you do keep an eye on that scientific literature that atheists believe in God. :rofl: Let us know when you find some!
Do you have faith in what you believe?

Which sense of the word faith? 1. Confidence or 2. Religious faith that goes beyond mere confidence to include teachings to ignore critical thinking and contrary evidence?

1 or 2?
I understand faith as confidence or trust that a claim is true. Do you put faith in your own thoughts? If not, then why do you have no faith that there is no God of atheism? If you do have such faith, then you're on my side!

You still haven’t looked up the word “faith” in the dictionary, I see.
The 'foundation of morality' as you mention - in a reality which doesn't have this as a commandment. Should allow people to freely care only about themselves and not care for the feelings of others, if they choose to
This reads as if the entire concept of evolution as it applies to social species was something you've missed in your education.
Ok. The concepts of moral subjectivity and moral objectivity seems to have gone over you. Perhaps this concept understanding was not taught in your evolution classes.

Maybe you should take an evolution class and then you might know what you’re talking about for a change.
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