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The Race For 2024

He ran and won last time despite his age.
I hate to point out the obvious, but four years ago he was four years younger. There is a yuge difference between 77 and 81.
And 2020 was a weird election, what with the Pandemic and all. He could get away with barely campaigning. He can't just hide in his basement until November this time around.
He ran and won last time despite his age.
I hate to point out the obvious, but four years ago he was four years younger. There is a yuge difference between 77 and 81.
Yeah, I'm passed that point of denial of Biden running in 2024. So I don't know what your point is. Yes, Biden is old. Yes, Biden isn't a great communicator.
And 2020 was a weird election, what with the Pandemic and all. He could get away with barely campaigning. He can't just hide in his basement until November this time around.
If he has been managing the job up to now, he can be President again. If he hasn't, something other than some YouTube mined videos would be necessary to establish as such, then we can discuss how he isn't mentally fit for the job.

is adjudicated guilty of sexual assault and defamation
That claim was completely and obviously bogus, and the fact that she is getting wealthy off her false rape claim just shows how broken US tort system is.
18 jurors who heard the 2 cases -- and watched the orange infant act up in court and storm out when he wanted to -- and who watched his incredible and grotesque deposition footage -- concluded differently. But in the Age of Trump, our election system and court system and DOJ are all conspiring against the infant. Right?
Brandon is fine, lol;

On Wednesday at a campaign fundraiser in New York, Biden reportedly referred to the former German chancellor Helmut Kohl as talking to him about European concerns about the attempt to stop the certification of his 2020 election win, when he apparently meant Angela Merkel. Kohl died in 2017.

Teh Gruaniad
18 jurors who heard the 2 cases -- and watched the orange infant act up in court and storm out when he wanted to -- and who watched his incredible and grotesque deposition footage -- concluded differently. But in the Age of Trump, our election system and court system and DOJ are all conspiring against the infant. Right?
Again, it shows just how broken the tort system is. There is zero evidence for that woman's claims. The dollar amount of so-called damages was pulled out of jurors' asses.

The jury system is a glorified popularity contest, esp. in civil trials. And Trump is very unpopular in NY, which is why he lost. Not because of (non-existent) evidence, which should be the deciding factor in court cases, not the popularity of parties to a lawsuit.
Oh dear lord;

The Department of Justice released its long-awaited investigation into Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents Thursday, delivering a damning assessment of the president's 'diminished faculties' and limited memory. In interviews with investigators, Biden became muddled about the dates he was vice president and could not even remember the year in which his son Beau died. One of the reasons they decided not to press charges was because 'at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory'.

Daily Mail

He can't possibly run.
Mitterand. Kohl. Biden seems to be regressing to his glory days in the 80s.
What did he say? There is no quote. If he says "I was speaking with the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl about the 2020 election certification" that has one interpretation. He says he was "talking to Chancellor Kohl" it has another. Merkel... Kohl... Merkohl, a speech impediment issue. According to TSwizzle, I need to be sent to a home because I have speaking issues.
Mitterand. Kohl. Biden seems to be regressing to his glory days in the 80s.
What did he say? There is no quote. If he says "I was speaking with the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl about the 2020 election certification" that has one interpretation. He says he was "talking to Chancellor Kohl" it has another. Merkel... Kohl... Merkohl, a speech impediment issue. According to TSwizzle, I need to be sent to a home because I have speaking issues.
I never said Brandon needs to be sent to a home for "speaking issues". I said Brandon can't possibly run for POTUS because he's a cabbage. There's a big difference.
Mitterand. Kohl. Biden seems to be regressing to his glory days in the 80s.
What did he say? There is no quote. If he says "I was speaking with the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl about the 2020 election certification" that has one interpretation. He says he was "talking to Chancellor Kohl" it has another. Merkel... Kohl... Merkohl, a speech impediment issue. According to TSwizzle, I need to be sent to a home because I have speaking issues.
I never said Brandon needs to be sent to a home for "speaking issues". I said Brandon can't possibly run for POTUS because he's a cabbage. There's a big difference.
Well, if he’s really that bad then surely he will lose to the opposing party’s superior candidate. Oh, wait…
He ran and won last time despite his age.
I hate to point out the obvious, but four years ago he was four years younger. There is a yuge difference between 77 and 81.
And 2020 was a weird election, what with the Pandemic and all. He could get away with barely campaigning. He can't just hide in his basement until November this time around.
That's a crazy claim. People in their 40s sometimes get dementia and people in their 90s are often very sharp. I cared for some victims of dementia who were in their 40s and I've known a few 90 plus year olds who were sharper than any 20 year old. Your ageist remarks are meaningless.

The real question is why would anyone with half a brain support a life long criminal grifter who has obvious symptoms of severe narcissism as well as psychopathy, and some symptoms of cognitive decline, which seem to be accelerating, compared to any of Biden's gaffes.

Biden might be off his game a bit, but compared to the alternative, he's smart, experienced and has compassion, plus he will surround himself with decent people instead of the type of people who Trump will put in a cabinet or as advisors, like Steve Bannon or Ginni Thomas etc. Forgetting things happens to everyone, but when you confuse things like Trump does almost every time he opens his lying mouth, you just might have some symptoms of MCI or full blown dementia. Plus, Biden is under terrific stress, like most any president, but especially one who has been attacked like Biden has been lately.

Most people who make it to 85 don't have dementia btw, but based on my nearly 2 decades of being responsible for overseeing the care of people with a variety of types of dementia, it's Trump who exhibits some signs. Don't you think it's weird that he brags about passing the mini mental test several years ago, a test that is used to assess for some basic signs of dementia and yet isn't foolproof. Only an idiot would brag about being able to pass that test.

What makes you such an expert on aging, btw? Not only have I taken a college course on aging studies just to increase my knowledge, as well as taking most of my CEUs on dementia or other aspects of aging, I spent more than half of my career directly caring for older adults who suffered from either mental or physical ailments.

The Republican Party has become a Trump sucking autocracy loving party that hasn't accomplished a thing since taking over the House. Without compromise, by both sides, we're totally fucked. And while there are a small number on the Left who may not understand the importance of compromise, the entire right wing, as evidenced by their inability to pass a single bill out of fear that their Orange Master will disown them, have refused to work with the Democrats on anything over the past two years. The immigration bill that the Republicans developed and then refused to pass, as soon as the Master told them not to pass it, is the perfect example of their incompetent, Trump sucking behavior.

If Trump wins the election, it's more evidence that Idiocracy has come to the US.

Did Pence remember every piece of classified material that he took? I don't think that Biden or Pence purposely meant to keep these articles where they shouldn't have put them. There were both forgetful, which doesn't mean either of them have dementia. Unless someone has an extremely extraordinary memory, all of us forget some of the things we've done in the past, or where we've put something. You don't have to be old to forget things at times.
There is zero evidence for that woman's claims.
Sometimes sexual assault cases depend on the jury's assessment of the believably of the parties involved. The defendant in this case bragged on tape about pretty much exactly what she said happened. In his deposition, he actually said that the ability of a celebrity to grab pussy was a fact of life, quote, "fortunately or unfortunately".
The dollar amount of so-called damages was pulled out of jurors' asses.

There is no set legal formula for damages in a defamation case. In this case, defendant was continuing to issue statements that defamed her, even during the second trial. What amount would make him shut his pie hole? They tried $5million, which didn't stop him for a nanosecond.

The jury system is a glorified popularity contest, esp. in civil trials. And Trump is very unpopular in NY, which is why he lost. the popularity of parties to a lawsui
Finding a jury of one's peers is the goal, but the pool of sociopathic septuagenarians with the emotional age of 5 or 6 isn't that easy to fill.
Well, if he’s really that bad then surely he will lose to the opposing party’s superior candidate. Oh, wait…

Are you saying that Trump winning the next election is beyond the realms of possibility?
Nope. Just saying that Trump is not a superior candidate in the mental realm, in addition to being a criminal.

More often than not the American Presidency comes down to a choice of lesser evil, and whatever you may think of Biden he is by far the lesser of evils.
That brings up an interesting point.

Right now the effort to keep Trump off the ballot is taking place in the primaries. Even if it works, it looks like Trump will get the nomination anyway.

What about keeping him off the general election ballot?

It seems the only states that are going through with the effort to remove him from the ballot are states that he won't win anyway, and isn't happening in the swing states, that leaves open the possibility that he will win anyway.

If it looks like Trump might actually win, what should be done to prevent this?
Did Pence remember every piece of classified material that he took? I don't think that Biden or Pence purposely meant to keep these articles where they shouldn't have put them. There were both forgetful, which doesn't mean either of them have dementia. Unless someone has an extremely extraordinary memory, all of us forget some of the things we've done in the past, or where we've put something. You don't have to be old to forget things at times.
I find it highly doubtful that Pence, Biden, and Trump packed and moved their own boxes.

Trump, however I think directed a lot of those classified documents to be boxed and transported. The enormity of the stockpile makes it obvious it was a directed operation. He then continuously lied about it (Isn't lying to the FBI a crime?). Then claimed they were his all along.
Does not alarm me on anywhere near the scale of the guy whose team is regularly giving him dementia tests and he’s bragging about how hard they are when he aces them, and who also wants to destroy our country’s government.
The Mitterand gaffe is on par with the Haley-Pelosi mixup Trump had earlier.

Neither of these two should be running for president.
That’s an interesting claim. That they are “on par”.

Trump repeated his gaffe, what, 6 or 7 times?
Biden said it once, it looked ot me like he realized it, and quickly switched to “Chancellor” because he was aware of what he said.

Trump never looked aware. Or if he was aware, he couldn’t break the repeat button in his brain and kep saying it.

Oh my giddy aunt.

Joe Biden left onlookers stunned when the 81-year-old President appeared to speak gibberish and stumble through an important speech. The US President said: "There is some movement...and I don't wanna...I don't wanna."

[Media of Biden at presser about mjiddle east]

So on this one, you see “gibberish,” and I see a guy in a very triucky diplomatic situation saying thatn he wants to choose his words very carefully.

Both of you are making claims that his brain is breaking. And it’s just not a slam dunk.

I agree he’s getting old. I wish he would put on a pair of glasses and stop squinting, for example. I would have been happier with someone younger. But he does have the benefits of having been through all the vetting that there is to vet, and he remains pretty savvy about statesmanship.

Since the nominee on the other side is an absolute disaster, it’s no contest.
Voting 3rd party is just a vote that decides to not beat Trump, so that’s Right Out.

By comparison, I am happy with Biden. Even if I don’t think he’ll make it to the end of 2029, I still prefer him to anyone else on the ballot.
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