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The Race For 2024

Voting 3rd party is just a vote that decides to not beat Trump, so that’s Right Out.

Only in swing states, and even then it is only maybe.

Then again, my 3rd party vote in CALIFORNIA was blamed for Hillary's loss in 2016.
That’s silly. We all know Trump lost California in 2016 only because of all the illegals voting for Hilary.
Voting 3rd party is just a vote that decides to not beat Trump, so that’s Right Out.

Only in swing states, and even then it is only maybe.

Then again, my 3rd party vote in CALIFORNIA was blamed for Hillary's loss in 2016.
That’s silly. We all know Trump lost California in 2016 only because of all the illegals voting for Hilary.
But my 3rd party vote in California is the reason Hillary lost Pennsylvania.
Voting 3rd party is just a vote that decides to not beat Trump, so that’s Right Out.

Only in swing states, and even then it is only maybe.

Then again, my 3rd party vote in CALIFORNIA was blamed for Hillary's loss in 2016.
That’s silly. We all know Trump lost California in 2016 only because of all the illegals voting for Hilary.
But my 3rd party vote in California is the reason Hillary lost Pennsylvania.
Oh, snap!
18 jurors who heard the 2 cases -- and watched the orange infant act up in court and storm out when he wanted to -- and who watched his incredible and grotesque deposition footage -- concluded differently. But in the Age of Trump, our election system and court system and DOJ are all conspiring against the infant. Right?
Again, it shows just how broken the tort system is. There is zero evidence for that woman's claims. The dollar amount of so-called damages was pulled out of jurors' asses.

The jury system is a glorified popularity contest, esp. in civil trials. And Trump is very unpopular in NY, which is why he lost. Not because of (non-existent) evidence, which should be the deciding factor in court cases, not the popularity of parties to a lawsuit.
His denials were read as fake by the jury--and his saying she wasn't his type would pretty much indicate that he would be willing to do it to someone who was of his type--and she clearly was his type. I would hesitate on beyond a reasonable doubt, but clearly preponderance of the evidence was met. It's like with Kavanaugh--he painted himself into a corner and made a case that otherwise couldn't be proven.
Another one bites the dust.

Election 2024: Marianne Williamson suspends long-shot primary challenge to Biden | AP News - 7:36 PM PST, February 7, 2024
The 71-year-old onetime spiritual adviser to Oprah Winfrey contemplated suspending her campaign last month after winning just 5,000 votes in New Hampshire’s primary, writing that she “had to decide whether now is the time for a dignified exit or continue on our campaign journey.”

Williamson ultimately opted to continue on for two more primaries, but won just 2% of the vote in South Carolina and about 3% in Nevada.

“I hope future candidates will take what works for them, drinking from the well of information we prepared,” Williamson wrote in announcing the end of her bid. “My team and I brought to the table some great ideas, and I will take pleasure when I see them live on in campaigns and candidates yet to be created.”

Her second White House bid featured the same nontraditional campaigning style and many of the same policy proposals. But she struggled to raise money and was plagued by staff departures from her bid’s earliest stages.

She tweaked Biden, an avid Amtrak fan, by kicking off her campaign at Washington’s Union Station and campaigned especially hard in New Hampshire, hoping to capitalize on state Democrats’ frustration with the president.

Williamson acknowledged from the start that it was unlikely she would beat Biden, but she argued in her launch speech in March that “it is our job to create a vision of justice and love that is so powerful that it will override the forces of hatred and injustice and fear.”

In exiting this cycle’s race she wrote Wednesday that “while we did not succeed at running a winning political campaign, I know in my heart that we impacted the political ethers.”

“As with every other aspect of my career over the last forty years, I know how ideas float through the air forming ever new designs,” Williamson said in an email to supporters announcing that she was no longer running. “I will see and hear things in different situations and through different voices, and I will smile a small internal smile knowing in my heart where that came from.”
The only remaining Democratic challenger with any prominence is Dean Phillips, and he's not doing very well.
Oh dear lord;

The Department of Justice released its long-awaited investigation into Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents Thursday, delivering a damning assessment of the president's 'diminished faculties' and limited memory. In interviews with investigators, Biden became muddled about the dates he was vice president and could not even remember the year in which his son Beau died. One of the reasons they decided not to press charges was because 'at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory'.

Daily Mail

He can't possibly run.

Fun fact — Donald Trump said he either couldn’t remember, couldn’t recall or couldn’t recollect 36 times when answering questions about events during his campaign in written responses to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.In the Trump U. Lawsuit Deposition, he said he didn’t remember 35 times.In the E. Jean Carroll case he confused Carroll with his ex-wife Marla Maples and couldn’t even remember if he had an affair with her.He thinks he ran against Obama, that Jeb Bush got us into the war in Iraq, and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th.So…
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Oh dear lord;

The Department of Justice released its long-awaited investigation into Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents Thursday, delivering a damning assessment of the president's 'diminished faculties' and limited memory. In interviews with investigators, Biden became muddled about the dates he was vice president and could not even remember the year in which his son Beau died. One of the reasons they decided not to press charges was because 'at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory'.

Daily Mail

He can't possibly run.

Fun fact — Donald Trump said he either couldn’t remember, couldn’t recall or couldn’t recollect 36 times when answering questions about events during his campaign in written responses to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.In the Trump U. Lawsuit Deposition, he said he didn’t remember 35 times.In the E. Jean Carroll case he confused Carroll with his ex-wife Marla Maples and couldn’t even remember if he had an affair with her.He thinks he ran against Obama, that Jeb Bush got us into the war in Iraq, and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th.So…
Oh wow, great post. Yea, there is such a double standard against Biden. Bottom line: I'd take Biden's judgment and decision making ability against Trump any day of the week.
Oy vey. I wish I had a nickel for every time I got called out for "Whataboutism". Personally, I think it can be a valid way to make a point, but it would be nice if there weren't double standards regarding its use.

Anyway, Hur's report about Biden's mental condition is basically "pointing out the elephant in the room" that quite a few people have been denying here and elsewhere. Nothing he wrote really shocked me, but its surpisingly blunt though. It makes me wonder about the Hur's background. Is he a Republican with an ax to grind? Or just a "tell it like it is" sorta guy? Hard to tell for sure.
Oy vey. I wish I had a nickel for every time I got called out for "Whataboutism". Personally, I think it can be a valid way to make a point, but it would be nice if there weren't double standards regarding its use.

Anyway, Hur's report about Biden's mental condition is basically "pointing out the elephant in the room" that quite a few people have been denying here and elsewhere. Nothing he wrote really shocked me, but its surpisingly blunt though. It makes me wonder about the Hur's background. Is he a Republican with an ax to grind? Or just a "tell it like it is" sorta guy? Hard to tell for sure.

Publicly the democratic machine plays down Brandon's obvious mental decline but behind the scenes and off the record they are talking about it and they are shitting their pants.
Publicly the democratic machine plays down Brandon's obvious mental decline but behind the scenes and off the record they are talking about it and they are shitting their pants.
How do you know this?
One of the reasons they decided not to press charges was because 'at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory'.

Utterly irrelevant political bullshit, included in the report by the Trumpsucking special counsel, at the direction of his boss.
The reason there are no criminal charges filed is because there was no criminal intent in evidence, unlike in Cheato’s case.
But the trumpsucker is still trying to score points with the mob boss.

Publicly the democratic machine plays down Brandon's obvious mental decline but behind the scenes and off the record they are talking about it and they are shitting their pants.
Must be really depressing that your boy has been outwitted at every turn by such a hapless, impaired individual! :hysterical:

I bet your Nazi wannabe wishes HE could steal an election, give himself 7 million extra votes and steal the electoral college in a landslide -all without leaving a single trace!!!
But no - he is far too stupid and kompromatted to ever pull off something like that. What a clown. Almost as dumb as his apologists.
Habba: Mr. President, if you call her a whack job or liar again, especially now, after they've penalized you in the amount of five million dollars, you have no idea what a second jury might do.
America's Problem Child: But she is a whack job!! She is a Liar!! She's a Doody-Head!! I wanna say it! I gotta say it! People gotta know I aint afraid of her!!
Habba: But if you --
A.P.C.: Don't lecture me!! You just go into court and win for us!! That's what I'm paying you for!!
Habba: That's another thing, Mr. President.
Well, if he’s really that bad then surely he will lose to the opposing party’s superior candidate. Oh, wait…

Are you saying that Trump winning the next election is beyond the realms of possibility?
Nope. Just saying that Trump is not a superior candidate in the mental realm, in addition to being a criminal.

At least you agree Brandon's mental faculties are indeed shot.
"Shot" is too strong a term. I think there are moments that definitely do not look good for him and there are other moments that I've seen that show him in good form, especially considering his age. I think it's easy to cherry pick video, and Biden has always been a gaffe machine. Having watched him in TV interviews for a few decades, this becomes apparent, regardless of any age-related concerns.

Though I might prefer a younger candidate, given the options I have this coming election the choice is clear that Biden is the far superior candidate. I, personally, don't think Trump is even Constitutionally qualified given the 14th Amendment, but we'll have to see how the Supreme Court decides to avoid the issue when they rule and Trump will very likely still be on the ballot come November.

I vote for President in a state where it won't really matter if he is or isn't, so I'll just have to hope that other parts of the country act sensibly when they vote.
Well, if he’s really that bad then surely he will lose to the opposing party’s superior candidate. Oh, wait…

Are you saying that Trump winning the next election is beyond the realms of possibility?
Nope. Just saying that Trump is not a superior candidate in the mental realm, in addition to being a criminal.

At least you agree Brandon's mental faculties are indeed shot.
"Shot" is too strong a term. I think there are moments that definitely do not look good for him and there are other moments that I've seen that show him in good form, especially considering his age. I think it's easy to cherry pick video, and Biden has always been a gaffe machine. Having watched him in TV interviews for a few decades, this becomes apparent, regardless of any age-related concerns.

Dementia sufferers have good days and bad days. The bad days are becoming more frequent and these episodes that he is having are not gaffes, they are indicators of a fading mind. His body is also in steep decline. He's got that old geezer walk. It can only get worse, not better.
Oy vey. I wish I had a nickel for every time I got called out for "Whataboutism". Personally, I think it can be a valid way to make a point, but it would be nice if there weren't double standards regarding its use.

Anyway, Hur's report about Biden's mental condition is basically "pointing out the elephant in the room" that quite a few people have been denying here and elsewhere. Nothing he wrote really shocked me, but its surpisingly blunt though.
It is surprisingly blunt, especially when the guy is a lawyer and not a doctor. That he didn't include clear transcripts and just made vague allegations makes it hard to really now what the heck is going on. I don't want another Reagan. But I keep seeing things that amount of gray area allegations than actual indications that he is early onset dementia. I keep seeing mine quoted examples of how "bad" Biden is. Recalls the wrong name here and there, during decent length statements which would imply he isn't as lost as being alleged. Gaffes a lot, like we are used to with him. These interviews took place around the Hamas attack on Israel, which probably was preoccupying a lot of his mind... not some meaningless document case.

Yes, McConnell, Biden, Trump, Feinstein have (had) exhibited signs of aging and potential signs of issues that would make it harder for them to govern. Feinstein was by far the worse.

There is also the frustration when Trump is out there bragging about passed minimalist tests and saying they were hard... and his supporters pointing at Biden screaming "DEMENTIA!!!"
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