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Black Icons Against BLM

He did not say 'Derec says all blacks are thugs.' He referred to your 'every black person is a thug' routine.
THat's his impression of your running gag, not a direct quote, nor an attempt to put words in your mouth.
Of course it is. I never claimed that "every black person is a thug". Obviously, only a small subset are.
His blatant mischaracterization of my posts is indefensible, and you should know better than to defend him.

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You two make him look like he has 20/20 vision.

You're quoting me and you in your post.
Please don't lump me in with you, Derec.
You two referred to Ford and you obviously. Two peas in an alt-left pod.
Of course it is. I never claimed that "every black person is a thug". Obviously, only a small subset are.
His blatant mischaracterization of my posts is indefensible, and you should know better than to defend him.
I'd say your effort to read offense into his post is a mischaracterization.
And, you know, if the shoe fits...

I know you know this, you just defended YOUR name-calling and characterization by using it.
So, really, you've got nothing to stand on but your own dick.

You two referred to Ford and you obviously. Two peas in an alt-left pod.
Ah. See, i was just sticking to what was actually in your post, unlike your apparent telepathic abilities at discernment.
There is (or really, several) subgroups on Twitter that call themselves "black Twitter", and yes, I'm also on a rather large network that refers to itself as that - and you'll be shocked to learn it has nothing to do with what he describes. I'm sure you already know that a good portion of hip hop is nothing as he describes, so this shouldn't shock you, either.
So why don't you expound on what the different kinds of "black Twitter" are supposed to be?
By the way, I found this gem:

For someone who is not racist against blacks, you sure get a good amount of personal happiness from pointing out all the unsavory black individuals and their behaviors.
Of course it is. I never claimed that "every black person is a thug". Obviously, only a small subset are.
His blatant mischaracterization of my posts is indefensible, and you should know better than to defend him.

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You two make him look like he has 20/20 vision.

You're quoting me and you in your post.
Please don't lump me in with you, Derec.
You two referred to Ford and you obviously. Two peas in an alt-left pod.
Using your standard, that is a libelous accusation. When should we expect your retraction and apology?
See now you're talking about some derailing goings on that have nothing to do with the approaching evil I'm addressing. What is a Poe, btw. I know what a PPP is, but not a plain Poe. 3x in my life someone has called me a Poe of some sort. Strange. I agree with lots of people, all the time. Like, 102% agree. Should I keep it to myself, for fear of Poening too hard, or what?

The evil, it is real. What I'm talking about here. I'll just narrow things and say the Hip Hop industry - something I know nothing about. That doesn't really matter. As I see, it is kind of a web, holding things together out there. Much larger than it should be, don't you agree? Does it not irritate you, that your black friends are constantly humiliated by such an evil thing? I'm talkin daytime television BIG time. You see it resonate there. The attitude. And music, dear GOD, the music. Almost too much to approach, without seeming silly (the best kind of evil). What has happened to black music? There is a violent undertone, and a materialistic flair in all of R&B, rap, television sampling for commercials.... black music is rape. There is also a certain surface noise, saying that there are few options for young blacks. It is right there. I don't have to say shit. Go look please. I was asked to point in the right direction and I find that humorous. If you share my reality, you don't need me to do that. We confirmed this already. We're right here. Pointing in the right direction is hard because this is something I saw move over many hours of monitoring accounts, watching how they blend, seeing things transform.. Have you ever seen a condensation effect in social media? Something real, that pertains to this completely.

Anyways, I couldn't capture it moving and provide you with an image today, but you can likely see it yourself if you care about black people in America. For me, It started with a fascination. How can cool shoes get me laid? It baffled me, so I dove in to learn why. That was how I stumbled onto this. I could just say poor people and the goddamn shoes, because the whites have a similar attitude, and it makes my bowels freeze when I think about how ignorant people can be to this growing attitude. The shoes man. IT starts with the shoes. God damn, wake the fuck up. I don't care about he said this and she ignored that, because that is stupid. You should be able to pull a decent point out of what I just said. If you can't, it may be too late for you to do anything to help.

This hot chick isn't paranoid. What she says is the truth (in this video).

Lil Wayne has a 4.0 in psychology I just learned. Bowels have frozen for a week. :help:
I don't know about the "Federal Guvmint". That part of her video is a little icky. Going crazy and pointing fingers like that just makes things stupid. So far this isn't stupid. The point I'm making, here. Nah, it isn't stupid. And nevermind, it isn't hard to get a university bachelors, and judging from his Twitter, Lil Wayne is a dipshit. BUT a very influential one. Insane role model Lil Wayne has dodged the issue a few times. Not having an opinion is (in his case) giving a bigger message than having one, so good on him. By the way, what is wrong with him? I see heroin at the very least. Can hear it in his voice, compared to how he sounded in his old days. Urban facial tattoos make people look strange, so maybe I'm just tripping. Maybe Lil Wayne is totally Okay. Yeah.

Hmm.. who else? I looked up "icon" and it turns out it can be anyone of importance, at any time. Everything checks out when you travel back in time to 2015 (400 years ago), when Michael Whaley gave a heartfelt speech from a flip phone in an alley. It resonated and became somewhat popular. It was later used in some whoring videos that pushed other themes, but still remained relevant.

I can relate to the shoes. I totally get it now, but he dint understand that you have to have your sock collection up before anything else. To save face and reclaim the respect of his peers he claimed that it was all a sociological experiment. Something about white bias in the comment section, idk. Not buying it, but it was a decent vid and an honest moment in an alley. I'm so tickled by stuff like that.

That is all I have for now. I'd use Twitter links but how could I ever link someone to Twitter in good conscience - whatever color it may be? I'm sure blue Twitter is just as damn evil. Red you'd think would be the worst. Excellent place to soak things in, but bad place to spread around. Lotta bad stuff happening there. Kids prostituting themselves in figurative and quite literal ways. Adults living their lives as second runners up, always attempting to appear as what they are, not be what they are. That has always been a disease but now there is an impenetrable incubator. A perfect way to escape your shitty life and be what you want, while destroying what you are - slowly. too slowly to notice. One day you may wake up, reach for your device and not know the difference. I thought something like social media would do the opposite, but whew was I wrong. What a train wreck. Clean that shit up for us, please.

Twitter is a bad one, but not nearly as bad as the others. Or maybe not. I'm on the fence, but no longer watching the others' side, so I'll never know at this point. I've almost seen all I need to, from those garbage dumps. I'm down to Twitter, and when I feel I've had enough, I'll be quitting with the social media, like any rational person should be gearing up to do. That is a little off topic, but it isn't. The evil we're talking about pulsates through this Twitter place. You may get a better snapshot of it when it surfaces (compared to the other places it manifests). Not a hard thing to spot, man.

Some nice links would be helpful. I'd even accept Twitter. I, myself, may even CLICK the link. you never know. Or just disassemble what I said and ignore the problem another day. Shouldn't be too hard to take a buzz saw to this post, or just mysteriously stop talking. Whichever is most convenient for you is what I'm all about. Plenty more evil where this one came from.
You're right. You see the picture developing don't you? Something real is in that mess, I'm promising you. I'll have something better put together soon enough. I'll lose the alarmist, evil approaching, hide your kids type of attitude next time. That may be where things fell apart. Thank you, none.
So you're not going to tell me if I'm supposed to hide my kids or not until tomorrow???!!
Well Don I would suggest you hide them but they are your kids. Let them soak in whatever you like. As a parent, you're already worrying about what they are exposed to. You're always worrying. What goes into their heads is just as important as what they eat in at lunch. Surely you take care, when cutting the crust from their sambwiches. Well, let me use what crude utensils I have on hand - to paint why children are food. Children are food is not a good thread title. I'm trying to draw something decent out, but in the meantime, I'll sketch the animal coming for all of us - kids first. Yours may be safe, I don't know you. No offense to you or your children personally. Just doodling something awful because it is real. It is important to live in everyone's reality, Don. If you see a Chupacabra, don't be afraid to call the police, even if you know it will make you seem nuts. They're out there.

Here you go:

A Chupacabra-like animal, pacing in a pile of slobber. Picture that. It has a leash, and that leash is being jerked. It is such a disgusting animal. It has been well known for a long time. We'll say it beefed up around 1999, when the smell of this animal became so bad, people had to complain. The complaint department has since denied requests because of overflow and (possible) ties to the leash holders. This Chupacabra may be dragging the leash around alone. You never know. Maybe it is stuck on a fence at the moment, unable to finish the meal it has already half devoured, digested, defecated and eaten again. Nasty things, Chupacabras are.

Since 1999, this animal has become very strong. Strong enough, I believe, to tear away and sink some teeth into the thigh of (from what I see) HALF of an American race. A lot of people scarred by just a few teeth. This is animal kills very efficiently. Have you ever been bitten by an animal and locked eyes with it while the teeth remained in your flesh? What did you see? "Fight or flight" syndrome kicks in. I know in some cases it is better to go limp and play dead. Maybe not even make eye contact, like when a bear has you. Don't screw with bears. Pretend you're dead, they say. Sure, there is no choice but play dead. But sometimes you have to fight the smaller animals, because you, the animal and the rest of the world (in that eye locking moment) are nothing but food.

I will doodle a nice picture of a Chupacabra for you to have a nightmare about, Don. If some surface-bullshit issue would please you more, I'll click back a few and ask is hip hop bad in a thread. Personally I feel it is too late for that. In the end, everything is about children. Nobody's children in particular, but that is the truth. A child will approach this animal without fear, and this animal may even play nice, while looking for a good neck bite.

Bottom line, Don, Prepare to behold a mass mauling of children, and the mysterious Chupacabra will be responsible. But those don't EXIST, so you see the problem? What does the animal look like to you? I KNOW you hear it panting outside. Try to spot it. Good luck.
The Hip Hop industry is a stalking Chupacabra. IT is under someone's control. Recent events of popular Hop Hopper interacting with the President made me squint. That, don. is a "wut". As if the world can't get any more revolting. Don't worry about that, though. That is all on the surface. There to mislead you. THings can get so wutty you just say scew it sometimes. Ignore it. Yeah, it will go away...

Don, you don't see the Chupacabra? You really don't? Are you not living in my reality? There is a test we an do to determine this but Ima assume you do live in our reality, Don. The one going on right now? Where Hip Hop has more influence over blacks than anything else (other than government benefits), and it has such a negative message that it can barely be called art anymore? If you have been shot enough times and you can TALK without rhyming over a stolen beat.... and become a Goddamn BILLIONAIRE, Don... that is a Chupacabra if I've ever seen one.

But Don the rappers aren't the actual problem. Offer me some money to talk about all of the horrible things I've never done on tracks and tattoo my face, sure I'll bargain with you. I mean we're talking big numbers, and a lot of prestige. I'd cave at $23,000 and say go ahead, tattoo my face, I'm hungry. When do we begin? But seriously Don this gets very wutty when you think about why. Why is this wicked lifestyle and mindset so popular? Don it won't be long until Hip Hop is whispering things about breaking into YOUR home. It all comes around. I'm glad you don't allow it in your home, I do respect you for that.

I thought it was pretty clear. This rock & roll music is dangerous. It gives good kids bad ideas. Sure, you let your kids go to the sock hop at the high school thinking it isn't a big deal, but the next thing you know your daughter is going steady with a motorcycle-riding juvenile delinquent, and your son is smoking cigarettes and growing his hair too long. Soon you lose control of them altogether, and your kids tell you "hey daddy-o, don't be a square." Then you find out the boy is wearing blue jeans and a leather jacket and the girl is wearing makeup and a skirt that's dangerously close to showing her knees.

Best to send them both to a boarding school where they won't be able to hear their rock & roll records.
The Hip Hop industry is a stalking Chupacabra. IT is under someone's control. Recent events of popular Hop Hopper interacting with the President made me squint. That, don. is a "wut". As if the world can't get any more revolting. Don't worry about that, though. That is all on the surface. There to mislead you. THings can get so wutty you just say scew it sometimes. Ignore it. Yeah, it will go away...

Don, you don't see the Chupacabra? You really don't? Are you not living in my reality? There is a test we an do to determine this but Ima assume you do live in our reality, Don. The one going on right now? Where Hip Hop has more influence over blacks than anything else (other than government benefits), and it has such a negative message that it can barely be called art anymore? If you have been shot enough times and you can TALK without rhyming over a stolen beat.... and become a Goddamn BILLIONAIRE, Don... that is a Chupacabra if I've ever seen one.

But Don the rappers aren't the actual problem. Offer me some money to talk about all of the horrible things I've never done on tracks and tattoo my face, sure I'll bargain with you. I mean we're talking big numbers, and a lot of prestige. I'd cave at $23,000 and say go ahead, tattoo my face, I'm hungry. When do we begin? But seriously Don this gets very wutty when you think about why. Why is this wicked lifestyle and mindset so popular? Don it won't be long until Hip Hop is whispering things about breaking into YOUR home. It all comes around. I'm glad you don't allow it in your home, I do respect you for that.

Don't worry, we've haven't broken 100 posts yet
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