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What kind of person was Stephon Clark?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Some people want to say he was terrible. A "hood rat." etc etc. Some people, not so much. I see this as a completely separate issue from his shooting and so I want to set this space off somewhere else, other than the thread where police killing him is discussed. So, what are your thoughts on Stephon Clark?
I do not care what type of person Mr. Clark seemed to be or was, because that has nothing whatsoever to do with the actions of the police. Just like I do not care what type of person Mr Clark's brother is or whether or not he is poor, because that has nothing whatsoever to do with the actions of the police.

I do understand why some people do care about Mr. Clark's character because they wish to use it to diminish his victimhood and to somehow justify the actions of the police. But since his character (or lack thereof) is not relevant to the actions of the police, their views reflect poorly on their position, not Mr. Clark.

In fact, we could ask "What kind of person would think Mr. Clark's character is even relevant to the actions of the police"? But, I am pretty sure most of us know the answer to that question.
Some people want to say he was terrible. A "hood rat." etc etc. Some people, not so much. I see this as a completely separate issue from his shooting and so I want to set this space off somewhere else, other than the thread where police killing him is discussed. So, what are your thoughts on Stephon Clark?

I don't know or particularly care what kind of person he was. I'm sure he was a complicated individual just as we all are. I agree with you that it is irrelevant to his shooting.
Some people want to say he was terrible. A "hood rat." etc etc. Some people, not so much. I see this as a completely separate issue from his shooting and so I want to set this space off somewhere else, other than the thread where police killing him is discussed. So, what are your thoughts on Stephon Clark?

I don't know or particularly care what kind of person he was. I'm sure he was a complicated individual just as we all are. I agree with you that it is irrelevant to his shooting.

If his character is irrelevant to the shooting and the only reason anyone who never met him is talking about him is the shooting, then his character should be irrelevant to anyone never met him.

Yet here we are in a thread about his character populated by people who never met him.
The reason it's relevant is that almost all these shootings are cases of resisting arrest where the guy does something that makes the cops think there's danger.

The black community always tries to portray them as innocents but they almost never are.
The reason it's relevant is that almost all these shootings are cases of resisting arrest where the guy does something that makes the cops think there's danger.

The black community always tries to portray them as innocents but they almost never are.

So, you believe that being in your backyard, holding a cell phone is a capitol offense if you are black?

And how can you resist arrest if police are not trying to arrest you? Especially when they do not identify themselves as police?

BTW, the autopsy is out. He was shot in the back 7 of the 8 bullets that hit his back; the other one struck his thigh, probably as he was falling.

So try again. This time, let actual information AKA facts guide your opinions, not your prejudices.
The reason it's relevant is that almost all these shootings are cases of resisting arrest where the guy does something that makes the cops think there's danger.

The black community always tries to portray them as innocents but they almost never are.
It hasn’t mattered in the past to you if they were guilty or innocent.

Regardless, his character is irrelevant as the officers didn’t know who he was and were pumped with adrenaline from the chase.
If people are so desperate they will look at his social media pages from a year ago, then there's going to be a lot of useless material posted in the other thread. Btw, I wonder if those social media pages are fake.
If they shot and killed my brother, I would do way more than that. I'd flip out on someone. Temporary insanity.
If they shot and killed my brother, I would do way more than that. I'd flip out on someone. Temporary insanity.

you are lying that you would do this.

No, I would not do what he did, I'd lose control on someone if/when I saw them. His disruption of a meeting of suits is way more mature than I'd be feeling.
Some people want to say he was terrible. A "hood rat." etc etc. Some people, not so much. I see this as a completely separate issue from his shooting and so I want to set this space off somewhere else, other than the thread where police killing him is discussed. So, what are your thoughts on Stephon Clark?

I love how they seem to think that if they can say he was a bad person, then he deserved to be killed in the streets without the bother of a judge, jury, and a trial.
The reason it's relevant is that almost all these shootings are cases of resisting arrest where the guy does something that makes the cops think there's danger.

The black community always tries to portray them as innocents but they almost never are.

I must have missed the part of the law where it says that making cops nervous is a justification for summary execution.

As to the OP question, what sort of person he was is also not a justification for summary execution. There's a couple Circle K stores I go to on occasion, and there's some less than savory characters waiting outside. "Hey man, can you spare a brother some change?" "Excuse me sir, but I need bus fare." I turn them down or claim I don't have any cash, because I know that they're probably just looking for some money to score drugs or buy a 40. Maybe they've got a criminal record. Maybe they're homeless because they're hooked on something. Maybe they're terrible people who are just putting on a polite facade to get me to give them a few bucks.

Are they innocent? Probably not. Are they worthy of being gunned down by a cop who was nervous interacting with them? No.
You have no reason to believe that.
Just like you have no reason to say 95% of the shit you say on this board. :shrug:

But as long as you are going to derail this thread over a pair of headphones because you think a black man doesn't deserve them, I am going to state as a "FACT" that he received them as a gift from one of the holiday charities.

2. So what
It's a messed up state of affairs when people receiving benefits end up having nicer shit than people paying for those benefits.
Give up your prostitutes for a couple of months, then buy your own Dr. Dre's if you are so jealous

and what evidence to you have that he gets "benefits"

3. You only harp on this because he is black
Your history betrays you.
The reason it's relevant is that almost all these shootings are cases of resisting arrest where the guy does something that makes the cops think there's danger.
The police don't know the suspect's character, so it is not relevant.
The black community always tries to portray them as innocents but they almost never are.
You really cannot help yourself. Wow.
Some people want to say he was terrible. A "hood rat." etc etc. Some people, not so much. I see this as a completely separate issue from his shooting and so I want to set this space off somewhere else, other than the thread where police killing him is discussed. So, what are your thoughts on Stephon Clark?

I think he was trash.

And I disagree that it is irrelevant to the shooting. What kind of person he was affects his behavior, including what led to the shooting.
Also, what kind of person he was affects support he should be getting. There is unfortunately too much uncritical praise these people get whenever they get killed by police.
So, you believe that being in your backyard, holding a cell phone is a capitol offense if you are black?
He wasn't "being" there, he fled there from an attempted break in.

And how can you resist arrest if police are not trying to arrest you? Especially when they do not identify themselves as police?
He fled as soon as he saw police. That's resisting.

BTW, the autopsy is out. He was shot in the back 7 of the 8 bullets that hit his back; the other one struck his thigh, probably as he was falling.
More about the autopsy in the main thread but suffice it to say now that this is not the official autopsy nor is it an independent autopsy. It is an autopsy commissioned by the family lawyer.

So try again. This time, let actual information AKA facts guide your opinions, not your prejudices.
LMAO! You were the one pushing the completely wrong "he was just taking a shortcut" falsehood.
If people are so desperate they will look at his social media pages from a year ago, then there's going to be a lot of useless material posted in the other thread.
His low opinion on (dark skinned) black women is not relevant to the shooting but it should dampen the praise and support he has been receiving from the black community.
Btw, I wonder if those social media pages are fake.

Probably not. These statements (together by social media statements of the girlfriend) have been all over (black) Twitter. If they were fake, they would have been falsified by now.
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