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Palins Involved in Drunken Brawl at House Party


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
Palin Family involved in drunken house party brawl

How these people ever got out of the trailer park, I'll never know. It's still comedy gold. :very_drunk:

Then she has to lie about it.:

But one person who claimed to be a witness commented on the post that Sarah’s traveling claim was a load of moose manure.

“Interesting . . . pretty sure you were not traveling and you and family were on the Southside causing chaos. Saw it happen. Don’t fib.”
That's not nice: what did Caribou ever do to you?
According to Alaska political blogger Amanda Coyne, who also reported on the fracas, Sarah Palin yelled at one point, “Don’t you know who I am?”

One partygoer responded, “This isn’t some damned hillbilly reality show!”

According to Alaska political blogger Amanda Coyne, who also reported on the fracas, Sarah Palin yelled at one point, “Don’t you know who I am?”

One partygoer responded, “This isn’t some damned hillbilly reality show!”


Sure sounds like one to me, especially the tearing the shirt off prior to fighting part.
You can take the girl out of the hills but you can't take the hillbilly out of the girl.
I don't know if this story is true or not, but their reputation is such that many people believe such hijinks by the Palins are certainly possible.
I don't know if this story is true or not, but their reputation is such that many people believe such hijinks by the Palins are certainly possible.

It's been reported in several places and, as I understand, confirmed by the police who were called to the altercation.
I don't know if this story is true or not, but their reputation is such that many people believe such hijinks by the Palins are certainly possible.

Their reputation in Wasilla, population ~8500 and Sarah's home since she was 8 years old, is such that no one there doubts the Palins might get into a brawl at a birthday party.
Actually I was rather disappointed. While it is entertaining to read of her kid(s) mixing it up I was looking for a real fist fight with her and Todd landing punch's, breaking beer bottles over the heads of party'ers, and Palin in a clothes ripping cat fight in mud with a local democratic politico. No one drove a truck through the wall of the house, or fired shots. At least someone could have put a shotgun round into the mailbox.

Seems to me they are getting rather wimpy compared to their trailer park days.
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