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Immigrant Concentration Camps

Disproof of a statement required a single counterexample. The fact that you provided the counterexample in the original quote means you should just quit trying to sling that bullshit.

I think Drumpf would be perfectly fine appointing a racist like Ghandi*, though.

And after all the suspicious appointments, there's an obligation to do some digging: he has an unbroken track record for appointing criminals, grifters, rapists, and charlatans.

If someone always lies, and they said for example, that "Angelo is an honest and intelligent person" one day, what would that imply about you?

Edit: @ Half-Life and Angelo: if Trump tomorrow proposed that all legal citizens needed to register to get a mark or brand of citizenship in some prominent place on their body so as to make identifying non-citizens immediate and trivial, how would you feel about this plan?

*if he wasn't brown himself

Has Trump ever proposed, or even thought about such a nonsecal proposal!

I noticed you didn't answer the question...

Edit: hell, you didn't answer either question...

There's no answer for a stupid hypothetical that won't happen.
There's no answer for a stupid hypothetical that won't happen.

Hate to break it to you, but anything regarding Trump has a non zero possibility of being accurate. He is the Schrodinger's arsehole of politicians. Every opinion he has is balanced by a diametrically opposite view, and every hypothetical about him is both equally impossible and probable at the exact time.
I noticed you didn't answer the question...

Edit: hell, you didn't answer either question...

There's no answer for a stupid hypothetical that won't happen.

But if it did happen, if it was proposed, would you support it?

What is so hard about saying "according to my principles I could not would not!" Or "that seems reasonable!"
A mark was used to identify Jews in Nazi Germany and that must never happen again in the Democratic West. But all citizens of America and most other nations already have a personal number, not their person but on their ID cards!
A mark was used to identify Jews in Nazi Germany and that must never happen again in the Democratic West. But all citizens of America and most other nations already have a personal number, not their person but on their ID cards!

That wasn't the question. It's a fairly simple yes/no: would you accept a policy wherein citizens would receive a mark of citizenship upon their bodies in an easily identifiable location, so as to make identifying non-citizens easier without having to force or ask any group to self-identity membership?

Also, how is this suddenly a "stupid hypothetical that won't happen"? It's literally one of the most commonly discussed hypotheticals regarding ID laws by the Christian right.

Edit: I find it pretty telling that this is a "Line in the Sand" you are not willing to draw. I mean sure, I get why, in some twisted solipsistic self-worshiping narcissistic sociopathic idiot's brain, why concentration camps might be considered a good idea. I get that. So I guess I understand how you, you, who MAY not be such a person, might think likewise.

What I cannot figure out, no matter how foolish or idiotic someone would have to be to base their entire philosophy on the rightness of authority on the basis of a book literally claimed to be the work of the creator of the universe, and not at a bare minimum not oppose literally anyone who would implement exactly what that book says is the invention of the enemy of God Himself, and which should be opposed and rejected by all who would be favored of him.

It would literally be impossible for a person to claim they are a Christian and support such a policy.

I don't support it, and I am most decidedly not Christian. I would reject such a thing, and fight by protest and by blood against anyone who attempted it. That's just me, I guess.

I mean Christian's have like what, exactly two things that damn them unequivocally and for all eternity, right? Taking a mark of allegiance to a worldly power, for which not taking it bears dire consequences, and saying God is really Satan and Visa versa.

I'm not going to sugar coat it anymore, so I guess what I'm wondering is, would you damn yourself to the Christian hell for this guy?
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A mark was used to identify Jews in Nazi Germany and that must never happen again in the Democratic West. But all citizens of America and most other nations already have a personal number, not their person but on their ID cards!

That wasn't the question. It's a fairly simple yes/no: would you accept a policy wherein citizens would receive a mark of citizenship upon their bodies in an easily identifiable location, so as to make identifying non-citizens easier without having to force or ask any group to self-identity membership?

Also, how is this suddenly a "stupid hypothetical that won't happen"? It's literally one of the most commonly discussed hypotheticals regarding ID laws by the Christian right.

I presume you want an outright yes or no from me. My answer is No!
A mark was used to identify Jews in Nazi Germany and that must never happen again in the Democratic West. But all citizens of America and most other nations already have a personal number, not their person but on their ID cards!

But that number says nothing about you. Older versions said where it was issued but all that says is you lived there at some point, it suggests but does not prove where you were born.
A mark was used to identify Jews in Nazi Germany and that must never happen again in the Democratic West. But all citizens of America and most other nations already have a personal number, not their person but on their ID cards!

But that number says nothing about you. Older versions said where it was issued but all that says is you lived there at some point, it suggests but does not prove where you were born.

Does it really matter where one was born if she/he becomes a law abiding citizen of their new land and it's customs and way of life and the people who accepted them into their neighborhoods? The problems arise when immigrants who come from the worsts shitholes on Earth bring their hatreds, ideologies and prejudeces with them and expect the general population to change and accept their barbarism they escaped from in the first place!
So you're saying no country should want you.
A mark was used to identify Jews in Nazi Germany and that must never happen again in the Democratic West. But all citizens of America and most other nations already have a personal number, not their person but on their ID cards!

But that number says nothing about you. Older versions said where it was issued but all that says is you lived there at some point, it suggests but does not prove where you were born.
Does it really matter where one was born if she/he becomes a law abiding citizen of their new land and it's customs and way of life and the people who accepted them into their neighborhoods? The problems arise when immigrants who come from the worsts shitholes on Earth bring their hatreds, ideologies and prejudeces with them and expect the general population to change and accept their barbarism they escaped from in the first place!
My life has yet to be affected by one of these people.
Does it really matter where one was born if she/he becomes a law abiding citizen of their new land and it's customs and way of life and the people who accepted them into their neighborhoods? The problems arise when immigrants who come from the worsts shitholes on Earth bring their hatreds, ideologies and prejudeces with them and expect the general population to change and accept their barbarism they escaped from in the first place!
My life has yet to be affected by one of these people.

You should broaden your horizons a little methinks! You may not have been effected personally, but perhaps you should read about the horror the families of the victims of terrorism face every day. There are thousands of them world wide.
Does it really matter where one was born if she/he becomes a law abiding citizen of their new land and it's customs and way of life and the people who accepted them into their neighborhoods? The problems arise when immigrants who come from the worsts shitholes on Earth bring their hatreds, ideologies and prejudeces with them and expect the general population to change and accept their barbarism they escaped from in the first place!
My life has yet to be affected by one of these people.

I've known plenty of hard working immigrants from Mexico and Central America. My husband's grandparents were immigrants from Syria and Lebanon. My grandfather was the son of an Irish immigrant. Do you have any idea how much Irish, Italian and Polish immigrants were hated when they started to arrive here in large numbers. Oh, many of my neighbors were Polish immigrants when I was growing up and a large percentage of the town where I lived in NJ were second generation Italian immigrants. I've personally known a few immigrants from Iran. They were very nice people. And, I've known some Indian immigrants and at least one from Pakistan. Not a single one was hateful, angry or prejudiced.

I'm sure there must be some hateful immigrants, but they are rare compared to bigoted, hateful, narrow minded Americans. I've known quite a few of those as well and now we have a president who feeds their hate.

But, why must an immigrant adopt the culture here, as long as they follow our laws and live peacefully among us? We live in an extremely diverse country where some of us appreciate the different cultures. I have friends who don't speak English because they've never been given the opportunity to learn it. They live a simple, modest lifestyle, work very hard and appreciate the little things I've done for them.

There's a huge farmer's market in a small suburb of Atlanta, where all of the employees are immigrants. They are required to speak at least two languages, and English in order to be employed there. The owner isn't an immigrant, but the place is located in one of the most diverse areas of the US. I always enjoyed the place because of all the cultural diversity, in addition to the huge selection of produce. What's wrong with cultural appreciation? It would be extremely boring to me if the US was made up of nothing but white native born people. I like diversity.
Does it really matter where one was born if she/he becomes a law abiding citizen of their new land and it's customs and way of life and the people who accepted them into their neighborhoods? The problems arise when immigrants who come from the worsts shitholes on Earth bring their hatreds, ideologies and prejudeces with them and expect the general population to change and accept their barbarism they escaped from in the first place!
My life has yet to be affected by one of these people.

You should broaden your horizons a little methinks! You may not have been effected personally,
Have not, not may not.
...but perhaps you should read about the horror the families of the victims of terrorism face every day. There are thousands of them world wide.
Global terrorism is at its lowest rate in decades, if not ever.
You should broaden your horizons a little methinks! You may not have been effected personally,
Have not, not may not.
...but perhaps you should read about the horror the families of the victims of terrorism face every day. There are thousands of them world wide.
Global terrorism is at its lowest rate in decades, if not ever.

False. Right Wing ethno-nationalist terrorism has never been more prevalent!

But I don't think limiting immigrants will solve that problem. Maybe doing something to disrupt the right wing ethno-nationalist groups would work better, but I suppose appeasement is more Angelo's game?

I don't think it's right to negotiate with terrorists, but maybe that's just how Angelo rolls.
Does it really matter where one was born if she/he becomes a law abiding citizen of their new land and it's customs and way of life and the people who accepted them into their neighborhoods? The problems arise when immigrants who come from the worsts shitholes on Earth bring their hatreds, ideologies and prejudeces with them and expect the general population to change and accept their barbarism they escaped from in the first place!
My life has yet to be affected by one of these people.

I've known plenty of hard working immigrants from Mexico and Central America. My husband's grandparents were immigrants from Syria and Lebanon. My grandfather was the son of an Irish immigrant. Do you have any idea how much Irish, Italian and Polish immigrants were hated when they started to arrive here in large numbers. Oh, many of my neighbors were Polish immigrants when I was growing up and a large percentage of the town where I lived in NJ were second generation Italian immigrants. I've personally known a few immigrants from Iran. They were very nice people. And, I've known some Indian immigrants and at least one from Pakistan. Not a single one was hateful, angry or prejudiced.

I'm sure there must be some hateful immigrants, but they are rare compared to bigoted, hateful, narrow minded Americans. I've known quite a few of those as well and now we have a president who feeds their hate.

But, why must an immigrant adopt the culture here, as long as they follow our laws and live peacefully among us? We live in an extremely diverse country where some of us appreciate the different cultures. I have friends who don't speak English because they've never been given the opportunity to learn it. They live a simple, modest lifestyle, work very hard and appreciate the little things I've done for them.

There's a huge farmer's market in a small suburb of Atlanta, where all of the employees are immigrants. They are required to speak at least two languages, and English in order to be employed there. The owner isn't an immigrant, but the place is located in one of the most diverse areas of the US. I always enjoyed the place because of all the cultural diversity, in addition to the huge selection of produce. What's wrong with cultural appreciation? It would be extremely boring to me if the US was made up of nothing but white native born people. I like diversity.

According to Pew polling of muslim people in some European nations, up to 80% of them place their islamic ideology above that of their host country. In other words, They're muslims first French, German etc second!
You should broaden your horizons a little methinks! You may not have been effected personally,
Have not, not may not.
...but perhaps you should read about the horror the families of the victims of terrorism face every day. There are thousands of them world wide.
Global terrorism is at its lowest rate in decades, if not ever.

That's mainly because today most terrorist attacks [ in the West at least] are discovered before the perpetrators can act and kill innocent people. But this comes at a huge cost of keeping thousands of would be terrorists under observation.
I've known plenty of hard working immigrants from Mexico and Central America. My husband's grandparents were immigrants from Syria and Lebanon. My grandfather was the son of an Irish immigrant. Do you have any idea how much Irish, Italian and Polish immigrants were hated when they started to arrive here in large numbers. Oh, many of my neighbors were Polish immigrants when I was growing up and a large percentage of the town where I lived in NJ were second generation Italian immigrants. I've personally known a few immigrants from Iran. They were very nice people. And, I've known some Indian immigrants and at least one from Pakistan. Not a single one was hateful, angry or prejudiced.

I'm sure there must be some hateful immigrants, but they are rare compared to bigoted, hateful, narrow minded Americans. I've known quite a few of those as well and now we have a president who feeds their hate.

But, why must an immigrant adopt the culture here, as long as they follow our laws and live peacefully among us? We live in an extremely diverse country where some of us appreciate the different cultures. I have friends who don't speak English because they've never been given the opportunity to learn it. They live a simple, modest lifestyle, work very hard and appreciate the little things I've done for them.

There's a huge farmer's market in a small suburb of Atlanta, where all of the employees are immigrants. They are required to speak at least two languages, and English in order to be employed there. The owner isn't an immigrant, but the place is located in one of the most diverse areas of the US. I always enjoyed the place because of all the cultural diversity, in addition to the huge selection of produce. What's wrong with cultural appreciation? It would be extremely boring to me if the US was made up of nothing but white native born people. I like diversity.

According to Pew polling of muslim people in some European nations, up to 80% of them place their islamic ideology above that of their host country. In other words, They're muslims first French, German etc second!

All conservative fundamentalists place religion over everything except the structured authority their bigoted leaders impose. Usually the religion and structure are the same, but sometimes not. That's why conservative Christians are okay with torture and immigrant concentration camps.
Much like the Christians in this country. For NOW at least, we still have SOME measure of protection.
I've known plenty of hard working immigrants from Mexico and Central America. My husband's grandparents were immigrants from Syria and Lebanon. My grandfather was the son of an Irish immigrant. Do you have any idea how much Irish, Italian and Polish immigrants were hated when they started to arrive here in large numbers. Oh, many of my neighbors were Polish immigrants when I was growing up and a large percentage of the town where I lived in NJ were second generation Italian immigrants. I've personally known a few immigrants from Iran. They were very nice people. And, I've known some Indian immigrants and at least one from Pakistan. Not a single one was hateful, angry or prejudiced.

I'm sure there must be some hateful immigrants, but they are rare compared to bigoted, hateful, narrow minded Americans. I've known quite a few of those as well and now we have a president who feeds their hate.

But, why must an immigrant adopt the culture here, as long as they follow our laws and live peacefully among us? We live in an extremely diverse country where some of us appreciate the different cultures. I have friends who don't speak English because they've never been given the opportunity to learn it. They live a simple, modest lifestyle, work very hard and appreciate the little things I've done for them.

There's a huge farmer's market in a small suburb of Atlanta, where all of the employees are immigrants. They are required to speak at least two languages, and English in order to be employed there. The owner isn't an immigrant, but the place is located in one of the most diverse areas of the US. I always enjoyed the place because of all the cultural diversity, in addition to the huge selection of produce. What's wrong with cultural appreciation? It would be extremely boring to me if the US was made up of nothing but white native born people. I like diversity.

According to Pew polling of muslim people in some European nations, up to 80% of them place their islamic ideology above that of their host country. In other words, They're muslims first French, German etc second!
Have not, not may not.

Global terrorism is at its lowest rate in decades, if not ever.

That's mainly because today most terrorist attacks [ in the West at least] are discovered before the perpetrators can act and kill innocent people.
It is? Is that why murders in the US are down too, because they have been preemptively prevented?
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