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Immigrant Concentration Camps

Angry Floof

Tricksy Leftits
Staff member
Jul 17, 2008
Sector 001
Basic Beliefs
Let's be honest grownups and call them what they are.

Here is a breakdown of the facilities now serving as concentration camps for immigrants, put together by Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin.


McLaughlin writes:

I've created this flow chart, based on everything I've learned in the last 48 hours, so that everyday Americans can understand the US camp system as presently in operation at our border.

This has been vetted by legal advocates who have been inside these facilities, are familiar with the system, and have either witnessed these horrors or represent clients who have experienced them, and who have ok'd its release. Some of the data is from media sources, including the superb reporting at Texas Monthly.

Please share far and wide.


Right wing authoritarian disease always, always targets the most vulnerable first, the standard for cowardly fascists.

See also:






Right, concentration camps. We are overwhelmed by upwards of 100,000 unweducated and non English speaking refugees. Many requiring health care. Children . Pregnant women traveling alone.

On CNN today there are Africans making their wat to South America and into Mexico.

Lets betruly rational, how the hell are we supposed to deal with that? Already this year the equivalent of a number of small cities and towns have crossed the border.

Again on CNN interviewing refugees. The belief is common that once you get across the border especialy with children you are homer free. It is that perception more than anyone else that drives the migration. As much as I despise Trump it is not really his fault.

It is the fault of Congress for decades of kicking the can down the road. It is he fault of liberals who out of fear of being labeled racist refuse to condemn the migration and call it what it is. Illegal immigration. They managed to change the narrative to 'undocumented immigrants' in an attempt to legitimize illegal immigration.

It is the fault of citizens who going far back looked the away benefiting from cheap labor.

Please spare us the Nazi symbolism.
Right, concentration camps. We are overwhelmed by upwards of 100,000 unweducated and non English speaking refugees. Many requiring health care. Children . Pregnant women traveling alone.

On CNN today there are Africans making their wat to South America and into Mexico.

Lets betruly rational, how the hell are we supposed to deal with that? Already this year the equivalent of a number of small cities and towns have crossed the border.

Again on CNN interviewing refugees. The belief is common that once you get across the border especialy with children you are homer free. It is that perception more than anyone else that drives the migration. As much as I despise Trump it is not really his fault.

It is the fault of Congress for decades of kicking the can down the road. It is he fault of liberals who out of fear of being labeled racist refuse to condemn the migration and call it what it is. Illegal immigration. They managed to change the narrative to 'undocumented immigrants' in an attempt to legitimize illegal immigration.

It is the fault of citizens who going far back looked the away benefiting from cheap labor.

Please spare us the Nazi symbolism.
We deal with it HUMANELY. What is wrong with you?

And it's not symbolism. It's Nazism. Do you live under a rock?
Right, concentration camps. We are overwhelmed by upwards of 100,000 unweducated and non English speaking refugees. Many requiring health care.
Talk to Jordan about being overwhelmed with hundreds of thousands of people flocking over the border. The existing US system isn't capable of handling the influx, however, it seems ironic that Trump's escalation was followed by an asylum surge. The US didn't have an "overwhelming" problem, yet... now we do.

Lets betruly rational, how the hell are we supposed to deal with that?
You mean other than help invest in Central America and make real progress in dealing with the American drug habit that drives the cartels in their countries?
I watched a 1940s movie on TCM called Border Incident. It was about human trafficking at the southern border to supply American busness. Govt agents working with Mexicamn agents to bring down a smuggling group.

It muight just as well been made today. Illegal immigrants being left to die. Violence between smugglers and agnets.

It was an issue at least as far back as the 40s. It is coming to head today because of the numbers.

IMO it is largely because we have legitimized illegal immigration. Seattle is a sanctuary city. California is a sanctuary state.

Back in the 70s I knew someone from Haiti that came over on a student visa and stayed on illegal. The issues are not new.

I am not anti immigrant. I have been around Somali and Ethiopian legal immigrants. There is a thriving community in Seattle. Those that have some equivalence to our primary education fit right in. They may have some English to begin with and become fluent. Those that do not are unable to acquire English are stuck in lowest level jobs with no possibility of a path out. They can not communicate.

We are bringing large numbers of people beyond our capacity to assimilate who are destined to become a permanent underclass.

I hate to agree with Trump, but Mexico's allowing caravans of illegal immigrants to pass through Mexico unchallenged is a big problem.
We could provide adequate funding. We don't. Blame: Washington.

The people see the inhumanity of their actions yet continue them. They're free to walk away. Lets ship the guards off to Nuremburg.
I've met some of these undocumented immigrants that some of you demonize. Most of them are wonderful, hard working people. The reason they don't always assimilate is because we don't give them a chance to assimilate. It's not because they don't want to speak English. It's because they haven't had the opportunity to learn, as most Americans treat them as if they are invisible. I met two a few weeks ago. I think my husband and I are probably the first American citizens that they've met who treated them as if they were equals, who appreciated them for their humanity. They can't get a driver's license so many of them walk or ride bicycles to work, although I know of one who drives without a license. He came here legally and over stayed his visa, as the majority of undocumented immigrants do.

They can't rent a decent place to live because that would require all kinds of checks on their legal status. Plus, immigrants often have children that become successful entrepreneurs, or go on to obtain an education that allows them to become professionals. I've worked with a couple of young women who had parents from Central America. If the children were born here, they don't have to worry about being deported, so it's easier for them to move up to the middle class.

Some of you have no idea how much value most of these folks add to our country. I'm not suggesting we have open borders, but we should be making it much easier for people with good work ethics who are coming from countries where extreme poverty and/or violence is rampant to have a chance to be part of the US. With our declining birth rate, we should be welcoming more young immigrants who are desperately looking for a better life.

In the meantime, those who ask for asylum should be treated in a dignified way, and not locked up, separated from their children etc. That is inhumane, regardless of how we label it.

And, yes, we should be helping these poor countries that we've damaged by our war on drugs, our extremely large carbon output, which has influenced climate change in some of those poor countries. In the past, the US has supported brutal dictators in some of these countries too, so we are partially responsible for what's going on in some of these places. For example, droughts in Central America have left a lot of family famers unable to grow their crops, leaving them in severe poverty, with children suffering from malnutrition. As this problem gets worse, it's expected that the number of immigrants trying to reach the border will rise in much greater numbers. Hate, inhumane treatment and xenophobia aren't the solutions.
I watched a 1940s movie on TCM called Border Incident. It was about human trafficking at the southern border to supply American busness. Govt agents working with Mexicamn agents to bring down a smuggling group.

It muight just as well been made today. Illegal immigrants being left to die. Violence between smugglers and agnets.

It was an issue at least as far back as the 40s. It is coming to head today because of the numbers.

IMO it is largely because we have legitimized illegal immigration.
If illegal immigration is the current problem, why is everyone heading to the border and applying for "asylum"?

I hate to agree with Trump, but Mexico's allowing caravans of illegal immigrants to pass through Mexico unchallenged is a big problem.
I find it funny that you talk about the horrors of human trafficking and then rail on caravans, which actually is safer for the people.
If you want to be rational, 100,000 refugees in a nation of 327,200,000 is not a crisis.

Absolutely correct. People moaning about adding a few hundred thousand individuals to the general population have lost all sense of scale, and are mostly victims of racist propaganda. Even though illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native born citizens, the bulk of the right wind constituency is convinced by right wing media that they would be less safe if asylum were granted - to even a fraction of those trying to apply for it.
The all-out war that this administration is waging against reality, is succeeding in perpetuating and exacerbating every paranoid delusion that is collectively harbored by the once-honorable conservative community.
If you want to be rational, 100,000 refugees in a nation of 327,200,000 is not a crisis.

Absolutely correct. People moaning about adding a few hundred thousand individuals to the general population have lost all sense of scale, and are mostly victims of racist propaganda. Even though illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native born citizens, the bulk of the right wind constituency is convinced by right wing media that they would be less safe if asylum were granted - to even a fraction of those trying to apply for it.
The all-out war that this administration is waging against reality, is succeeding in perpetuating and exacerbating every paranoid delusion that is collectively harbored by the once-honorable conservative community.

I agree with your sentiment here, but this is not a problem that started with the current administration. Obama also separated immigrant children from their parents, and used the same former Japanese internment camps that Trump is now using to house them. It's great that this is now getting covered, and perhaps it takes an outwardly fascist-friendly President to make people see the parallels rather than a smooth-talking liberal one, but the difference between their immigration policies where this matter is concerned is minor at best. Conservatives like to use this as a way of excusing Trump; what we should be doing is using it to condemn both Trump and Obama.
If you want to be rational, 100,000 refugees in a nation of 327,200,000 is not a crisis.

Absolutely correct. People moaning about adding a few hundred thousand individuals to the general population have lost all sense of scale, and are mostly victims of racist propaganda. Even though illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native born citizens, the bulk of the right wind constituency is convinced by right wing media that they would be less safe if asylum were granted - to even a fraction of those trying to apply for it.
The all-out war that this administration is waging against reality, is succeeding in perpetuating and exacerbating every paranoid delusion that is collectively harbored by the once-honorable conservative community.

I agree with your sentiment here, but this is not a problem that started with the current administration. Obama also separated immigrant children from their parents, and used the same former Japanese internment camps that Trump is now using to house them. It's great that this is now getting covered, and perhaps it takes an outwardly fascist-friendly President to make people see the parallels rather than a smooth-talking liberal one, but the difference between their immigration policies where this matter is concerned is minor at best. Conservatives like to use this as a way of excusing Trump; what we should be doing is using it to condemn both Trump and Obama.

In order to be tried for illegal immigration, children must be separated form their parents. This was put in place by the Dems.
I agree with your sentiment here, but this is not a problem that started with the current administration. Obama also separated immigrant children from their parents, and used the same former Japanese internment camps that Trump is now using to house them. It's great that this is now getting covered, and perhaps it takes an outwardly fascist-friendly President to make people see the parallels rather than a smooth-talking liberal one, but the difference between their immigration policies where this matter is concerned is minor at best. Conservatives like to use this as a way of excusing Trump; what we should be doing is using it to condemn both Trump and Obama.

In order to be tried for illegal immigration, children must be separated form their parents. This was put in place by the Dems.
...as for asylum seekers?
I agree with your sentiment here, but this is not a problem that started with the current administration. Obama also separated immigrant children from their parents, and used the same former Japanese internment camps that Trump is now using to house them. It's great that this is now getting covered, and perhaps it takes an outwardly fascist-friendly President to make people see the parallels rather than a smooth-talking liberal one, but the difference between their immigration policies where this matter is concerned is minor at best. Conservatives like to use this as a way of excusing Trump; what we should be doing is using it to condemn both Trump and Obama.

In order to be tried for illegal immigration, children must be separated form their parents. This was put in place by the Dems.
...as for asylum seekers?

It really doesn't matter what the stated rationale is. Only shithole countries separate families and put them into internment camps.
...as for asylum seekers?

It really doesn't matter what the stated rationale is. Only shithole countries separate families and put them into internment camps.

Wouldn't a better example of a "shithole country" be countries where Muslims throw gays off rooftops and behead women for not wearing hijab?

Yes, I very surely trust your good faith argument which is a reflection of how much you truly care about gays and women's rights.
Wouldn't a better example of a "shithole country" be countries where Muslims throw gays off rooftops and behead women for not wearing hijab?

Yes, I very surely trust your good faith argument which is a reflection of how much you truly care about gays and women's rights.

Did you see the recent tweet that got tons of backlash? A woman posted a tweet that went something like this, "I love taking care of my husband and cleaning up after him!"


A lot of people who are anti-women bigots were complaining and screaming about this. The woman who tweeted was not forced by her husband to do anything. She enjoys it. Yet, deviate from the leftists mindset of how a woman should act and you get screamed at. Pretty sick stuff.
Wouldn't a better example of a "shithole country" be countries where Muslims throw gays off rooftops and behead women for not wearing hijab?

Yes, I very surely trust your good faith argument which is a reflection of how much you truly care about gays and women's rights.

Did you see the recent tweet that got tons of backlash? A woman posted a tweet that went something like this, "I love taking care of my husband and cleaning up after him!"


A lot of people who are anti-women bigots were complaining and screaming about this. The woman who tweeted was not forced by her husband to do anything. She enjoys it. Yet, deviate from the leftists mindset of how a woman should act and you get screamed at. Pretty sick stuff.

This thread is about the inhumane treatment of immigrants and the right wing pretense of emergency to justify their abuses. It's not here to be your fucking hobby horse to derail off into other branches of right wing authoritarian disease.
Here's an odd take. Why does being born in the country entitle you to more empathy from your fellow citizens than those immigrants who may be harder working and better people? Its a strange sort of birth right if you think about it. What if we exchanged some of our home grown for immigrants? That would piss off both the left and right equally, ya?
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