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Immigrant Concentration Camps

Allegations against Kavanaugh were never meaningfully investigated. The Republicans either don't want to know the truth or know he's guilty and don't care.
There were numerous hearings.
But how do you think it could be "meaningfully" investigated? It's something that supposedly happened over 30 years ago and the accuser can't even remember exactly where. How is any evidence supposed to be collected? It can't be done.
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Coming from someone who holds onto the bigoted and simplistic "rapeugee" and "fakefugee" narrative that breaks the irony meters throughout the internetz.

Nothing bigoted about that. Just a pithy way to describe the reality of the mass migration scam.

"Rapefugee" is about these mass migrants having much higher rape rates than native Europeans.
Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV

"Fakefugee" is about the fact that most of these mass migrants are not, and never were refugees. They simply seek better ecomomic opportunities in Europe. The usual way it is done is that the family pays smugglers 1000s of dollars (often they have to sell land to do so) to get one of their adult or almost adult sons to Europe so he can start sending money back. The idea is that they can make enough through jobs and benefits to send back a multiple of the initial investment within a few years.

I mean what do you think these Bangladeshis, where there is neither war nor persecution, are fleeing exactly?

When they come to Europe, they nevertheless all claim "asylum", just like the migrants at our southern border have learned to do.
What would you call them if not "fakefugees".

And, another thing. Even people from say Syria, who started out as legitimate refugees can become fakefugees. If you are in safety in Turkey, demanding to go to Germany because of more generous benefits is economic migration, not fleeing for your life.
Allegations against Kavanaugh were never meaningfully investigated. The Republicans either don't want to know the truth or know he's guilty and don't care.
There were numerous hearings.
But how do you think it could be "meaningfully" investigated? It's something that supposedly happened over 30 years ago and the accuser can't remember exactly where. How is any evidence supposed to be collected? It can't be done.
That is especially true if no one even bothers to investigate.
3. I have no criminal record.

So you prefer to be called an undocumented criminal.

Does the Left ever tire of ad hominems?

There is no ad hom. You are an undocumented criminal. Come to think of it, you're also an alien. So that makes you an undocumented criminal alien. Speaking of which, an alien acquaintence of mine ended up in a detention center because he committed crimes similar to yours. The biggest difference between him and you was luck. Yet here you are pointing the finger at aliens who end up in detention centers because, like you, they have an interest in themselves (or their family) above the law. But in the case of asylum seekers, there's no comparison. They are trying to enter the country legally but get stuck in more-or-less a prison where you could be, if you weren't so lucky. Maybe instead of
screaming about ad homs, you could try to put yourself in Hispanic shoes and stop the ad homs against them.
That is especially true if no one even bothers to investigate.

If she wanted somebody to seriously investigate she should have reported it to the police when there was still something to meaningfully investigate.
Not report it to Washington Post when there was a political benefit to trying to derail the other party's SCOTUS nominee and she knew him in high school.
Allegations against Kavanaugh were never meaningfully investigated. The Republicans either don't want to know the truth or know he's guilty and don't care.
There were numerous hearings.
But how do you think it could be "meaningfully" investigated? It's something that supposedly happened over 30 years ago and the accuser can't remember exactly where. How is any evidence supposed to be collected? It can't be done.

Well for starters, Mark Judge should be interviewed under oath. Because without that, there is no meaningful investigation.

Dr. Ford testified under oath. Kavanaugh's calendars place him at a party within the right time frame and his yearbook buffoonery indicates that yeah, he was that kind of guy who'd sexually assault a 15 year old in front of his friend for laughs. Also, his explanation of what being a 'Renate Alumnus' means indicates he's a liar. There was more than enough justification for compelling Judge to testify during the confirmation hearings no matter how much he wanted to stay at that motel in Dewey Beach.
There is no ad hom. You are an undocumented criminal.
Ad hominem is about arguing the person, not the argument. Which is what you are doing now. Which is what your side is always doing when you are losing the argument. It's getting tiresome, you need to update your playlist. Even Frikki got tired of obsessing over it after a while. I suggest you do too.

Come to think of it, you're also an alien.
Wrong. I am a citizen. Have been a citizen for 15 years. First election I voted in was the 2004 primary.

Yet here you are pointing the finger at aliens who end up in detention centers because, like you, they have an interest in themselves (or their family) above the law.
They entered the country illegally. I did not.
And again, we should argue the issues, not posters around here.

But in the case of asylum seekers, there's no comparison. They are trying to enter the country legally but get stuck in more-or-less a prison where you could be, if you weren't so lucky.
BS. Asylum is for those fleeing persecution. Masses of people claiming asylum fraudulently is the latest scam by those facilitating illegal migration. It's an abuse of the asylum system.

you could try to put yourself in Hispanic shoes
For what purpose? Are you arguing that because I sometimes see sex workers I should welcome open borders and mass migrations of millions of Central Americans into US?
yeah, he was that kind of guy who'd sexually assault a 15 year old in front of his friend for laughs.
Is being "the kind of guy who'd" considered evidence all of a sudden?

It was over 30 years ago. It's all unprovable at this point and they were all minors at the time anyway. The Left should just let it go.

I forgot some of the details (except "I like beer" which was a classic!), but wasn't there some issue about Ford being caught in a lie about why there was a second entrance to her house or something?

Also, why are we discussing Kavenaugh on this thread? That's not an El Salvadoran name. :)
Wrong. I am a citizen. Have been a citizen for 15 years. First election I voted in was the 2004 primary.

So you became a citizen under false pretenses of following our laws, the very thing you are accusing others of doing.

Derec said:
And again, we should argue the issues, not posters around here.

I disagree. If you want there to be government policies and forcing people into things, then those things should apply across the board, you shouldn't have special privileges or be hypocritical.
The family did not admit that he and his wife ONLY fled El Salavador to make more money.
As usual, you are very wrong.
NY Times said:
“I didn’t want them to go,” Ms. Ramírez, Mr. Martínez’s mother, said this week in an interview at the small, two-bedroom rowhouse that she shared with her son and his family. “But they didn’t take my advice.”

It remains unclear how the Martínez family intended to argue their case for asylum, or whether they even understood the legal basis for gaining such protection. Mr. Martínez’s wife, Ms. Ávalos, did not respond to requests for an interview.

But Ms. Ramírez repeatedly said that her son and his family were not fleeing persecution or the threat of it — requirements for gaining asylum in the United States.

They migrated “only because of the economic situation,” she said. “Lamentably, the salaries here are very little and they aren’t enough,” she added, speaking softly.
‘I Didn’t Want Them to Go’: Salvadoran Family Grieves for Father and Daughter Who Drowned
But even if she had not admitted it, it would not mean that he was a legitimate asylum seeker.

And anyone who admits serial law breaking is a real criminal by definition, regardless of their view of the validity of the law(s) they break.
More irrelevant ad hominems I see. How about we get back on topic, which is your support for illegal aliens and unrestricted mass migration.
But even if she had not admitted it, it would not mean that he was a legitimate asylum seeker.
You do realize that her view does not mean he was an illegitimate asylum seeker either.
And anyone who admits serial law breaking is a real criminal by definition, regardless of their view of the validity of the law(s) they break.
More irrelevant ad hominems I see.
That is not an ad hom.
How about we get back on topic, which is your support for illegal aliens and unrestricted mass migration.
I am for unrestricted mass migration as much as you are for the mass murders of these immigrants.
yeah, he was that kind of guy who'd sexually assault a 15 year old in front of his friend for laughs.
Is being "the kind of guy who'd" considered evidence all of a sudden?

What was written down by Kavanaugh himself while he was in prep school is evidence of his character and behavior at the time Ford says he sexually assaulted her.

It was over 30 years ago. It's all unprovable at this point and they were all minors at the time anyway. The Left should just let it go.

I forgot some of the details (except "I like beer" which was a classic!), but wasn't there some issue about Ford being caught in a lie about why there was a second entrance to her house or something?

Good question. You should look into it.

Also, why are we discussing Kavenaugh on this thread? That's not an El Salvadoran name. :)

You were the one who brought him into the conversation. But I'm happy to move onto discussing a better class of person, like Oscar Ramírez and his daughter.
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?

Allegations against Kavanaugh were never meaningfully investigated. The Republicans either don't want to know the truth or know he's guilty and don't care.
There were numerous hearings.
But how do you think it could be "meaningfully" investigated? It's something that supposedly happened over 30 years ago and the accuser can't remember exactly where. How is any evidence supposed to be collected? It can't be done.

Well for starters, Mark Judge should be interviewed under oath. Because without that, there is no meaningful investigation.

Dr. Ford testified under oath. Kavanaugh's calendars place him at a party within the right time frame and his yearbook buffoonery indicates that yeah, he was that kind of guy who'd sexually assault a 15 year old in front of his friend for laughs. Also, his explanation of what being a 'Renate Alumnus' means indicates he's a liar. There was more than enough justification for compelling Judge to testify during the confirmation hearings no matter how much he wanted to stay at that motel in Dewey Beach.

Had the Trumpet appointed Jesus Christ himself [ were he to exist at the present time] the Trump haters would condem the decision, and try to dig up dirt on him!
You do realize that her view does not mean he was an illegitimate asylum seeker either.
More irrelevant ad hominems I see.
That is not an ad hom.
How about we get back on topic, which is your support for illegal aliens and unrestricted mass migration.
I am for unrestricted mass migration as much as you are for the mass murders of these immigrants.

Immigrants? What happened to calling them refugees?
Had the Trumpet appointed Jesus Christ himself [ were he to exist at the present time] the Trump haters would condem the decision, and try to dig up dirt on him!

You have it backwards. The only reason Kavanaugh was even considered for the Supreme Court was the Republicans' incessant obstruction of Merrick Garland. You might want to check your history and facts.
Well for starters, Mark Judge should be interviewed under oath. Because without that, there is no meaningful investigation.

Dr. Ford testified under oath. Kavanaugh's calendars place him at a party within the right time frame and his yearbook buffoonery indicates that yeah, he was that kind of guy who'd sexually assault a 15 year old in front of his friend for laughs. Also, his explanation of what being a 'Renate Alumnus' means indicates he's a liar. There was more than enough justification for compelling Judge to testify during the confirmation hearings no matter how much he wanted to stay at that motel in Dewey Beach.

Had the Trumpet appointed Jesus Christ himself [ were he to exist at the present time] the Trump haters would condem the decision, and try to dig up dirt on him!
Damn fucking straight we would have!

Sen. Schumer: But you are God, you could have prevented the Holocaust.
Jesus: Look, as you can see on my calendar, I was busy elsewhere in the cosmos.
Sen. Schumer: I thought you were omnipotent.
Jesus: What did you call me?!
Sen. Schumer: I said omnipotent.
Jesus: Omnipresent, omnigoodness, and omniscient as well.
Sen. Schumer: Then you would have known about the holocaust.
Jesus: You are putting words into my mouth.
Sen. Schumer: You can't have it both...
Jesus: Look, do you want to play god?! You think it is easy to stand judgment of so many people in so many places? I love my family. My daughter asked me last night, why is Ponus Pilate bothering you again. From the mouths of babes.
Sen. Schumer: You have a daughter?
Jesus: I'm not the one on trial here!!!!
Had the Trumpet appointed Jesus Christ himself [ were he to exist at the present time] the Trump haters would condem the decision, and try to dig up dirt on him!

You have it backwards. The only reason Kavanaugh was even considered for the Supreme Court was the Republicans' incessant obstruction of Merrick Garland. You might want to check your history and facts.

Yeah, he doesn't seem to understand that if Trump appointed Jesus himself, Jesus would fight tooth and nail to end the camps.

The immigrants in the concentration camps are hungry, thirsty, raped and imprisoned. Jesus had a fair bit to say about what should come to those who do such things:

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’"

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’"

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"

And the rest of the Bible is pretty clear on it, too:

"Any immigrant who lives with you must be treated as if they were one of your citizens."

"The Lord proclaims: Do what is just and right; rescue the oppressed from the power of the oppressor. Don’t exploit or mistreat the refugee, the orphan, and the widow. Don’t spill the blood of the innocent in this place.'"
Well for starters, Mark Judge should be interviewed under oath. Because without that, there is no meaningful investigation.

Dr. Ford testified under oath. Kavanaugh's calendars place him at a party within the right time frame and his yearbook buffoonery indicates that yeah, he was that kind of guy who'd sexually assault a 15 year old in front of his friend for laughs. Also, his explanation of what being a 'Renate Alumnus' means indicates he's a liar. There was more than enough justification for compelling Judge to testify during the confirmation hearings no matter how much he wanted to stay at that motel in Dewey Beach.

Had the Trumpet appointed Jesus Christ himself [ were he to exist at the present time] the Trump haters would condem the decision, and try to dig up dirt on him!

Had Jesus Christ existed today, right-wingers would condemn him as a dirty, filthy socialist. And Bonespurs would have nothing to do with him except make up a juvenile, stupid nickname for him.
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