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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

For a side so obsessed about punching supposed Nazis, you are very dismissive of those who work with actual Nazis.

You are still babbling about this, really? Let's review your gripe. AOC has a chief of staff. The chief of staff wore a shirt with a picture of a controversial Indian guy. The Indian guy "collaborated" with Nazis, which by that you mean worked with them in order to get independence from the British, i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my temporary ally. i.e. person#1 works with person#2 who admires person#3 who felt forced into working with Nazis (people#4). Therefore, you are going on and on about person#1 who is 3 times removed from Nazis.
Doesn't change the fact that burning oil to protest oil pipelines is like fucking for virginity.
Depends one is protesting about the oil pipelines.

I know a major stated reason was a danger of water contamination. But then the thousands of protesters build a camp on a plain that is annually flooded by the Mississippi causing a much more clear and present danger of water contamination than the pipeline ever presented....Yet you keep repeating it like a Christian apologist rehashes their favorite arguments.
I have not repeated any arguments about whether the pipeline was a good idea or represented a danger. So what on earth are you babbling about?

Because I find admiring Nazi collaborators a sign of bad judgment at best, and something much more sinister at worst.
But you don't know if the admiration is based on the collaboration with the Nazis or not. And regardless, it has nothing at all to do with AOC.
For a side so obsessed about punching supposed Nazis, you are very dismissive of those who work with actual Nazis.
You are babbling again. I am not defending this guy, I am trying to find out how this is at all relevant to AOC. So far, all you've done is babble (i.e. spout irrelevant fact after irrelevant fact).
The former chief of staff did not collaborate with Nazis. _____?
I never said he was. But people have been punched and had vegan milksoyjuiceshakes thrown at them for far less.
Then start a thread instigating a pie in the face or throwing a milkshake at the guy. But none of that has anything whatsoever to do with AOC or the topic under discussion. Which means you are babbling again. And, it makes your visceral dislike of AOC appear completely irrational.
Therefore, you are going on and on about person#1 who is 3 times removed from Nazis.
Still a much more direct connection to Nazis than Andy Ngo.

He was working as a propagandist for neo-Nazis. So, I don't think so.

On the other hand, AOC is not collaborating with Nazis. So this whole line of indirect connections to indirect connections to Nazis is irrelevant. A way for you to be political and poison the well.
Derec said:
There is also the symbolism of burning large quantities of fossil fuels to protest fossil fuels. Especially later on, when hard winter set in and protesters hauled (via truck) many cords of firewood from 100s of miles away. Or used propane heaters. ...blah blah blah....
Your criticism is childish. The avoidable carbon released into the atmosphere by these protesters has a miniscule effect on global climate change.
True, but it is the principle that counts. It must be conceded that it's hard to avoid using fossil fuels in our society unless one is an extreme Luddite.

Traveling 3000 miles would require some 50 hours of continuous driving - 2 days. Walking is 10 miles/day, meaning nearly a year. Horses are not much faster, especially if one wants the same horses over the entire distance.

I've found North Dakota's First Solar Farm Opens on Standing Rock Tribal Land
I did not say he sympathized with Nazis, but that he sympathized with a Nazi collaborator. Which is beyond dispute, even for you.
Thank you for admitting your smear tactic.
Saikat Chakrabarti liked Subhas Chandra Bose as an Indian nationalist, but I agree that SCB had very bad taste in friends. He also slammed some moderate Democrats as being too much like Dixiecrat segregationists.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We can no longer bear to see gun violence & mass shootings continue as a norm in America.
How many deaths to gun violence could have been preventable with responsible gun safety laws? How many children would still have their mothers?
Enough. It’s way past time we act. https://t.co/1u0XdxMMrt" / Twitter

After some shootings in an El Paso WalMart.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you’re just as sick of gun violence as an American reality, it’s time to get organizing.
Join a local group & attend a mtg:
Or shout out any one of your favorite orgs below ⬇️
(The House has passed HR8, but McConnell‘s blocked it.)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "White supremacy has quickly turned into a domestic terror crisis in the US.
They rely on you thinking “it’s not a big deal.” It is a big deal.
White supremacy now makes up the majority of domestic terrorism in the United States. They radicalize online. https://t.co/JnrWkg5As1" / Twitter
Wray says FBI has recorded about 100 domestic terrorism arrests in fiscal 2019 and many investigations involve white supremacy - The Washington Post

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Many assume Neo-Nazis mainly lurk in the dark, gross, v racist & misogynistic corners of 4chan.
But that’s not where young people get radicalized. That’s where they end up AFTER getting radicalized on social.
There is a trail of breadcrumbs that leads there from FB,YouTube,etc." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Confronts FBI Official Over White Supremacists | NowThis - YouTube - earlier this year. This seems much like the Weimar Republic, letting right-wingers get off easily, including very famously Adolf Hitler. The judges let him rant at length about how he wanted to make Germany great again by rebelling against the supposed traitors who now rule the nation, and he received a *very* light sentence for an attempted coup d'état.
Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Too Far Left for Hollywood? | Hollywood Reporter - on how she didn't reach out to Hollywood big names last year.

How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Broke All the Rules of New York Politics - POLITICO Magazine - “I have seen her more in the past six months than I saw Joe Crowley in the past 10 years,” said one neighborhood activist.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Asking myself this question changed my life
In her high-school years, she had distinguished herself by feeding antioxidants to nematodes to see if that would make them live longer. She had a little bit of success there. She became a student at Boston University, studying biochemistry on the premed track. But in her second year there, her father died of lung cancer.
“What the passing of my father did was, it didn’t change who I was, but I think it forced me to have a much more acute understanding [of myself],” she said in an interview with journalist and author Ta-Nehisi Coates at the fourth annual MLK Now event at Riverside Church in Harlem on Monday, Jan. 21. “It really clarified a lot of things, because having my father pass away at such a young age forced a lot of questions of mortality. What am I here for?”

That question was the start of her switch from a medical future to a political one.

”[My father] passed when he was 48 years old, and so it really forced me to grapple with questions of legacy and what is important and what do I want to do with my life at 18,” she continued. “I really started to feel when I was on this premedical route that it was going to take another 12 years for me to actually serve as a doctor, after residency and medical school and undergrad, and even then it would be on a case by case basis. And I wanted to examine issues on a more macro scale, which led me to start studying public health more.”
After doing some maternal-health work in West Africa, she went back and majored in economics and international relations, and she started her activist career by interning for Teddy Kennedy. She helped Bernie Sanders's 2016 campaign, visited Standing Rock, and then attended a sort of boot camp for Congressional candidates run by Brand New Congress / Justice Democrats.
Since the US Army Corps of Engineers only had jurisdiction over the crossings and not the entire route, I say that that's what they presented.

I also suspect that the north-of-Bismarck route proposal was an attempt by the DAPL people to appease the Indians. It makes no sense otherwise - it crosses more developed/populated areas, it is longer, it has significantly more water crossings. And if you look at the map, the final route looks pretty direct, but the north-of-Bismark route looks like a detour. The only conceivable advantage to the rejected proposed route is that it is further away from the reservation.

But the north of Bismarck route is the one that crosses more waterways and takes more than 10 miles extra pipe. Not the final route.

I think you may be overlooking the expense of developing access to a construction site in a remote or underdeveloped area vs, being able to use existing roads, railways, and electrical service. Also, I don't think you know what the developers thought would be the likeliest way to secure the necessary permits. And I don't think you checked to see if the partners in the LLC already had facilities, leases, and feeder lines along the initial proposed route that made it potentially more profitable for them despite being longer.

In short, I think we're missing a lot of information here. But we do know which route they initially chose for the Bismarck area. It was the one that ran north of the city.

And still, anti-DAPL propaganda has pushed this idea that north-of-Bismarck route was superior and that the only reason it was rejected was that whitey complained. Which is patently false.

In other words, the applications for permits initially were for the Bismarck route but the applications made to the North Dakota PSC didn't include it because by the time it was necessary to seek approval at the state level, the Dakota Access LLC had already been forced to go with an alternate route.
It could be that they had several alternatives lined up for the Corps of Engineers. I don't know the details of the application process. \
But I do know that the north-of-Bismarck route is inferior in every way. Contrary to propaganda.

It wasn't inferior.
It is. It is longer, it crosses more waterways, it does not follow an existing pipeline route, it goes through more densely populated and developed areas, which means getting easements from many owners of small parcels rather than from few owners of sprawling ranches, it means digging up more roads, etc. The only benefit to the north-of-Bismarck route is that it is somewhat further away from the reservation.

There was just more effective pushback from Bismarck
There is no evidence of any "pushback from Bismarck".

and approval for rerouting it closer to the Standing Rock Reservation was rushed.
There is no evidence that anything was rushed.

And anyway, that doesn't affect it having been chosen by Dakota Access LLC as the route they wanted to follow when they submitted their applications for permits, i.e. their preferred route.
There is no evidence the north-of-Bismarck route was 'preferred' by the company. And as a matter of fact, if it was, they should fire whoever made that determination.

The evidence it was preferred is that, out of all the potential routes to bring oil from the Bakken formation in North Dakota to the oil terminal near Patoka, Illinois, it was the one they chose.

We know they chose it because they filed the paperwork seeking permission to build it.

And we know it was their first choice because they didn't file plans for any other route before that one.

So unless you are prepared to argue the partners in the LLC really didn't have a preference on which way the pipeline would go, your objection to my use of the word 'preferred' looks like quibbling over nothing.
People Want to Debate Ocasio-Cortez; No One Will Debate Ilhan Omar - AOC and IO have very similar politics, though with some difference on the Israel/Palestine issue.
While Pelosi and other centrists are often critical of AOC, they come at her with the tone of someone on their team to be kept in line rather than an ideological enemy.

Democratic leadership can be snide and condescending toward Ocasio-Cortez, sure, but it has the tone of collegial chiding from senior members to an upstart. When they talk about Omar, they act like they are talking about an enemy.

This framing by their own party may lead conservatives to view Ocasio-Cortez as someone to be debated, while they are free to mock and ridicule Omar, as her own party often fails to come to her defense.

That Jewish center that AOC went to, it had a female rabbi.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speech in LA August 2018 - YouTube - she described how she campaigned. She had a bag that she hid in the bar with her campaign supplies, a checklist, an official-looking dress, etc. She'd change into that dress and go into the neighborhoods of her district and knock on door after door after door, day after day after day.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Remarks at 2011 Boston University Martin Luther King Jr., Celebration - YouTube - very nice speech on greatness and the like.

Comedian Alyssa Limperis' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Impression Is Going Viral
Actress and comedian Alyssa Limperis posted a hilarious impression of 29-year-old Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Twitter on Thursday evening and the clip has already garnered over 14,000 likes.

Limperis managed to sound exactly like Ocasio-Cortez. Like, exactly. Their cadences are practically identical. Her hand gestures (the finger countdown while ticking off a list!) are so accurate. Limperis even donned the congresswoman's classic red lip (she likes Stila “Stay All Day” Liquid Lipstick in Beso) and round glasses to complete the effect.
Satirizing AOC when she sounds very earnest about something.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Nets 5M Twitter Followers - more than most other Democratic politicians combined, though still less than President Trump's.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "For months, we have been raising questions around how white supremacists have been able to escape terrorist labeling.
Here’s one example ⬇️ https://t.co/hXPqV9L8vJ" / Twitter
NowThis on Twitter: ".@AOC made a great point about white supremacist violence and the label of terrorism https://t.co/kc4bpr1MRN" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "& again, this time asking the FBI.
It seems easier to label domestic, self-radicalized shooters who are Muslim as terrorists.
Yet white supremacists, who are responsible for far more violence in the US,often escape these charges.
Now they’re the #1 source of domestic terror ⬇️ https://t.co/RCjp4687by" / Twitter
NowThis on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC confronted this official about why the FBI doesn’t treat white supremacists the way it treats other terrorists https://t.co/latWQqn11N" / Twitter

So much like the Weimar Republic :(

AOC then tweeted about the necessity of gaining the Senate. IMO, that is a big flaw of the Left, to focus on the Presidency, and not enough on Congressional races and state and local ones.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The House passed HR8, a Bipartisan Background Checks Act, *5 months ago* and the Senate has yet to vote on it.
It was one of our 1st major priorities after ending the gov shutdown.
You’ve been sitting on it since February giving bogus excuses.
Care to explain the people why? https://t.co/l5ZSDyPyWw" / Twitter

Leader McConnell on Twitter: "The entire nation is horrified by today's senseless violence in El Paso. Elaine's and my prayers go out to the victims of this terrible violence, their families and friends, and the brave first responders who charged into harm’s way." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Video games aren’t causing mass shootings, white supremacy is.
Sadly the GOP refuse to acknowledge that, bc their strategy relies on rallying a white supremacist base.
That‘s why the President hosts stadiums of people chanting “send her back”& targets Congress-members of color. https://t.co/8F51h46bOO" / Twitter

Seems too much like the Weimar Republic. :(

They crushed a Communist uprising in Bavaria, bu they could barely get themselves to prosecute the monarchist Kapp putsch. When Hitler did his Beer Hall Putsch, he got off easily, getting to rant about how he wants to make Germany great again and getting a rather cushy jail cell for 8 months.
Mods: can we split this Israel derail off?

I was enjoying angelo not calling Ocasio Cortez a bimbo.

It would be easier following the thread. Might as well chop off the DAPL stuff while we're at it.
Although both are better characterized as side discussions rather than derails as both originated naturally from the core thread discussion.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Using the words “invasion,” “infestation,”w respect to a specific, targeted group of people, implying they are vermin: this is the language of white supremacy &it goes all the way to the top.
It’s not a matter of political stances. This is stoking hatred+endangering the country. https://t.co/zuziTB0c3u" / Twitter
Natalie Martinez on Twitter: "According to Facebook's ad archive, Trump has run around 2,200 FB ads since May 2018 mentioning the word "invasion." Scrolling through, all of them seem to be about immigration. https://t.co/0Q5TEewfL3" / Twitter
So horrible :(

We've heard a lot recently about hair activism recently, of black women wanting to avoid having to straighten their hair to be accepted in work situations. AOC weighs in:

Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez Wears a Braid To Honor Her Afro-Latina Roots in Congress (Nov 26, 2018)
“When I wear a braid, it is to honor the African and Indigenous heritage that is part of being Puerto Rican,” she wrote. “My family is Afro-Latina. When my niece was very little, it upset me to see how early she started to feel that her big, curly, beautiful, natural hair was anything other than gorgeous. I don’t want my little nieces to ever be told that their hair or their braids are “unprofessional.” That’s why I chose to wear one today—to MAKE it normal and celebrated, with respect and honor of our ancestors and to let every little girl out there know that they can bring their braids to Congress, too.”
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