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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

But whining about what someone else posts on the internet does get one something? Who knew?

Thank you so much for your anecdote, may your one friend find his or her way to your halfassed close-enough-for-me utopia. So then everything's cool right? We're cool with endless illegal wars of aggression and global occupation and all the blow-back that comes in tow, while the funding of such economically cannibalizes our own society. We're all happy in a well-no-one's-perfect kinda way, with our concentration camps on the border. We're numbed to kids being gunned down in schools, thoughts and prayers ya'll. We're ok with living in a militarized police state in which everyone is under constant surveillance, and the police gun down unarmed nonthreatening citizens in the streets. We're ok and happy with ostensible representative govt participating, in our name, in the Israeli genocide in Gaza and in the Saudi genocide in Yemen; which we all participate in funding. We are all happy enough, so it really doesn't matter if public water supply contamination across the US is commonplace, most especially if we think it's just in Flint, MI and "certain" neighborhoods where lead in the water and retardation in the next generation won't bear down upon us directly.

All of this was in place before Don, Don is merely a symptom and the next demagogue may be worse; may be adept. I would suggest that "other" party consider its candidate and its social/societal responsibilities more seriously this election cycle. Perhaps it should win voters over rather than lecture them on who is most evil.

Voting gives one a right to complain? Fuck that, get off with that nonsense, attempting to herd voters with psychobabble slogans has worn thin, the ecosystem is at risk while we mindlessly believe business as per usual is the only way to see the world. Don is a dick and a sorryassed human being, he is not the first to occupy that office. Maybe it's the system stupid.

Yes of course, the role of the citizen is to quietly shuffle along and not make any waves, the system is beyond reproach. Speaking of happy, where does america fall in in the World Happiness Report which comes out annually? Hmmmm? And was there any drop in our ranking in those reports as a result of Don coming into office?

By the way shoog, who is against SS or Medicaid?

Remember my fellow fweedumb loving americans, if you question the system or the power structure, you are the one with the problem, there is something wrong with you, now get out there and don't feel socially isolated, get in line with the rest of the aristocracy's subjects and shut up.

Jtfc. Another freshman.

Feel free to pick it apart love.

I have a thousand times before you came here. As have many on here. Hence, "freshman."

Surprise, surprise, love, you aren't exactly offering any new perspective that the rest of us haven't decimated countless times already. Or simply agreed with, for that matter.

Come back with better insights and an actual argument, not simply another false equivalence fallacy. Do better.
Feel free to pick it apart love.

I have a thousand times before you came here. As have many on here. Hence, "freshman."

Surprise, surprise, love, you aren't exactly offering any new perspective that the rest of us haven't decimated countless times already. Or simply agreed with, for that matter.

Come back with better insights and an actual argument, not simply another false equivalence fallacy. Do better.

Dodge noted.
I don't personally believe the impeachment will go past the senate, no matter what the investigation unearths.
It doesn't have to go past the Senate. The Senate is what convicts or not. And McConnell just stated that they would have to try him if the House votes to impeach...

Ya. They'll try him... after throwing every piece of evidence and testimony out because it is partisan... Partisan as defined as "in opposition to anything Trump has ever said or done". So, lacking any evidence at all, it will last 1 second in Senate, and they will talk about all the investigations into the investigators as often as possible.
The House, if intelligent, will never hand it over to the Senate to bless Trump as the victim of Democratic harassment of the president.

The trial in the Senate will be run by Chief Justice Roberts, not by Moscow Mitch.
Ya. They'll try him... after throwing every piece of evidence and testimony out because it is partisan... Partisan as defined as "in opposition to anything Trump has ever said or done". So, lacking any evidence at all, it will last 1 second in Senate, and they will talk about all the investigations into the investigators as often as possible.
The House, if intelligent, will never hand it over to the Senate to bless Trump as the victim of Democratic harassment of the president.

The trial in the Senate will be run by Chief Justice Roberts, not by Moscow Mitch.

That's refreshing to know, you mean Roberts presides, seriously? I can live with that.
But whining about what someone else posts on the internet does get one something? Who knew?

Thank you so much for your anecdote, may your one friend find his or her way to your halfassed close-enough-for-me utopia. So then everything's cool right? We're cool with endless illegal wars of aggression and global occupation and all the blow-back that comes in tow, while the funding of such economically cannibalizes our own society. We're all happy in a well-no-one's-perfect kinda way, with our concentration camps on the border. We're numbed to kids being gunned down in schools, thoughts and prayers ya'll. We're ok with living in a militarized police state in which everyone is under constant surveillance, and the police gun down unarmed nonthreatening citizens in the streets. We're ok and happy with ostensible representative govt participating, in our name, in the Israeli genocide in Gaza and in the Saudi genocide in Yemen; which we all participate in funding. We are all happy enough, so it really doesn't matter if public water supply contamination across the US is commonplace, most especially if we think it's just in Flint, MI and "certain" neighborhoods where lead in the water and retardation in the next generation won't bear down upon us directly.

All of this was in place before Don, Don is merely a symptom and the next demagogue may be worse; may be adept. I would suggest that "other" party consider its candidate and its social/societal responsibilities more seriously this election cycle. Perhaps it should win voters over rather than lecture them on who is most evil.

Voting gives one a right to complain? Fuck that, get off with that nonsense, attempting to herd voters with psychobabble slogans has worn thin, the ecosystem is at risk while we mindlessly believe business as per usual is the only way to see the world. Don is a dick and a sorryassed human being, he is not the first to occupy that office. Maybe it's the system stupid.

Yes of course, the role of the citizen is to quietly shuffle along and not make any waves, the system is beyond reproach. Speaking of happy, where does america fall in in the World Happiness Report which comes out annually? Hmmmm? And was there any drop in our ranking in those reports as a result of Don coming into office?

By the way shoog, who is against SS or Medicaid?

Remember my fellow fweedumb loving americans, if you question the system or the power structure, you are the one with the problem, there is something wrong with you, now get out there and don't feel socially isolated, get in line with the rest of the aristocracy's subjects and shut up.

You and PH have totally misunderstood my post. The point is that you referred to the country as a shit hole country, but in reality, while we certainly should extend the safety net, we do have some programs that currently help people like the woman I referred to earlier. Her problem is that she pisses off so many friends and family members that she has lost just about all of her friends. And, if she was in one of the other large countries, she would be living on the street. Yes, the US, like most countries needs to improve. I think anyone with half a brain realizes that.

I've never said that I don't want poor people to have more than they do, but you and PH apparently like to read things into what was said. I would like to see the minimum wage greatly increased, and I think SS payments should be much higher. But, I've advocated for those things my entire life. My point was that even poor people can be happy if they have good social support systems. But, you and PH decided to mistakenly interpret what I wrote, and judge me as the greedy bad guy, when in fact, I spent almost my entire career advocating for poor people, helping connect them to social programs that would enable them to live more comfortable lives. Despite being under paid and often over worked, it was rewarding to do what I could for those who I served. Btw, I've given money to many of my poor friends, and I'm not wealthy.

I never said that I blindly loved America. I said it was much better than other large countries and no country is perfect. I've not saluted the flag or sang or stood for the anthem since I was 16. I actively protested many things in the 60s, including one of our worst wars. 58000 of my peers needlessly died. Your hatred and prejudice are sad. Nobody despises war more than I do. Nobody hates the income inequality any more than I do. But, I am a realist and I understand that in all of our relationships in our short lives, we must compromise. That's just the way of the world. Sorry if you haven't learned that lesson yet.

So, how many wars have you protested? What have you done to make someone else's life a little better? How many times have you helped a poor friend or given money to some poor homeless person? You seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is part of the problem. Maybe if you got off of your high horse and tried to find some commonalities with people who don't see think exactly like you do, you'd have a better life.

You still haven't told us where this utopian society that you seem to think exists is. Let's see. Could it be China? Oh wait, China uses surveillance 24 hours a day so all of the citizens can be watched like "Big Brother is watching over you." Nah. It can't be China. How about India? Oh wait. Have you ever seen the air in Mumbai? Poor people in India don't even have indoor plumbing and income inequality is far worse than it is here. What about Russia? A country where communism didn't really work out very well, did it. Oh and Putin. Can't be Russia. Sure, there are some very small countries that do a much better job than we do in caring for their citizens. But, imo, you can't compare a smaller country to a huge highly diverse country and expect the two to be the same. You criticize but I've yet to see you come up with a single idea that might make things a little better.

I'm not whining by the way. Nice projection there.

Anyway, I see no reason to respond to any more of your posts. I do hope you will find something that makes you less cynical and more understanding of people who don't agree with you.

Relax pard, the "shithole nation" bit was sarcasm and a call back to Trump's idiocy. Of course YOU'RE not whining, only others with a different view are. Realism = cynicism? Here we go again, color inside the lines the system allows, we're all in reality subjects of the empire.

Refused to go to Nam and protested everything since, I do not answer to you, you really don't get fweedumb do you.

So don't respond, k? I'm ok with that, cheers, go pout somewhere else.

Really. I would have never guessed you were that old. From the nature of your posts, I would have guessed a somewhat immature twenty year old.
I don't personally believe the impeachment will go past the senate, no matter what the investigation unearths.
It doesn't have to go past the Senate. The Senate is what convicts or not. And McConnell just stated that they would have to try him if the House votes to impeach...

They don't have the votes to change the rules and the rules state the trial must happen.

I think there would need to be 50 votes to stop a rule change. Currently I think the Senate has 51 Republicans, 47 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who both caucus with the Democrats. VP Pence would normally serve as the tie breaker, but if Justice Roberts is presiding I don't know. So when united the Republicans can probably do anything they want.
They don't have the votes to change the rules and the rules state the trial must happen.

I think there would need to be 50 votes to stop a rule change. Currently I think the Senate has 51 Republicans, 47 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who both caucus with the Democrats. VP Pence would normally serve as the tie breaker, but if Justice Roberts is presiding I don't know. So when united the Republicans can probably do anything they want.
I can't imagine the Senate could survive such a maneuver. Schumer would have to retaliate and use whatever he had left in the bag to shut down the Senate.
President Ellipsis said:
Yup. He posted a county by county map of his victory in 2016...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

Nope, this isn't the 2016 election map. It appears to be a doctored version of it. Some blue counties appear to be a purplish color. I noticed Lake County in Minnesota was off... and that county hasn't been won in a while by the Republicans... a long while.

So why did Trump post an image of a doctored electoral map? Who the fuck knows. What I didn't know was the Clinton won counties in Alaska.

View attachment 24164

Nixon won 520 electoral votes in 72.

nixon mcgovern election map.png
President Ellipsis said:
Yup. He posted a county by county map of his victory in 2016...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

Nope, this isn't the 2016 election map. It appears to be a doctored version of it. Some blue counties appear to be a purplish color. I noticed Lake County in Minnesota was off... and that county hasn't been won in a while by the Republicans... a long while.

So why did Trump post an image of a doctored electoral map? Who the fuck knows. What I didn't know was the Clinton won counties in Alaska.

View attachment 24164

Nixon won 520 electoral votes in 72.

View attachment 24166

Trump impeachment: Pompeo blasts Democrats for 'bullying' staff

New tactic from Trumpo and his law-breaking cronies.

Mr Pompeo said the request from the House Foreign Affairs chairman Eliot Engel could be "understood only as an attempt to intimidate, bully and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the Department of State".

"I will not tolerate such tactics and I will use all means at my disposal to prevent and expose any attempts to intimidate the dedicated professionals whom I am proud to lead."

Pretty clever dodge, that won't stand obviously, but it's directed at the worshipping minions. Doncha love when someone wraps themselves in the flag?
They don't have the votes to change the rules and the rules state the trial must happen.

I think there would need to be 50 votes to stop a rule change. Currently I think the Senate has 51 Republicans, 47 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who both caucus with the Democrats. VP Pence would normally serve as the tie breaker, but if Justice Roberts is presiding I don't know. So when united the Republicans can probably do anything they want.

Rule changes in the Senate require a two-thirds vote. Per  Filibuster_in_the_United_States_Senate
Wikipedia said:
In 1975, the Senate revised its cloture rule so that three-fifths of sworn senators (60 votes out of 100) could limit debate, except for changing Senate rules which still requires a two-thirds majority of those present and voting to invoke cloture.

McConnell actually mentioned that as the reason he had to hold the trial. (Not because it was the right thing to do, but because he didn't have enough votes to do the wrong thing.)
Mitch McConnell said:
The Kentucky Republican told CNBC that the obligation to hold a trial is part of Senate rules, and it would take a two-thirds vote of the chamber to change that.

"I would have no choice but to take it up, based on a Senate rule on impeachment," McConnell said.
Trump impeachment: Pompeo blasts Democrats for 'bullying' staff

New tactic from Trumpo and his law-breaking cronies.

Mr Pompeo said the request from the House Foreign Affairs chairman Eliot Engel could be "understood only as an attempt to intimidate, bully and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the Department of State".

"I will not tolerate such tactics and I will use all means at my disposal to prevent and expose any attempts to intimidate the dedicated professionals whom I am proud to lead."

Pretty clever dodge, that won't stand obviously, but it's directed at the worshipping minions. Doncha love when someone wraps themselves in the flag?

This is yhe guy retroactively classifying Statie Emails, and intimidating stsff, whining about bullying?
Rule changes in the Senate require a two-thirds vote. Per  Filibuster_in_the_United_States_Senate
Wikipedia said:
In 1975, the Senate revised its cloture rule so that three-fifths of sworn senators (60 votes out of 100) could limit debate, except for changing Senate rules which still requires a two-thirds majority of those present and voting to invoke cloture.

McConnell actually mentioned that as the reason he had to hold the trial. (Not because it was the right thing to do, but because he didn't have enough votes to do the wrong thing.)
Mitch McConnell said:
The Kentucky Republican told CNBC that the obligation to hold a trial is part of Senate rules, and it would take a two-thirds vote of the chamber to change that.

"I would have no choice but to take it up, based on a Senate rule on impeachment," McConnell said.

I'll defer to your opinion, but what about what it says here:
The nuclear option is a parliamentary procedure that allows the United States Senate to override the 60-vote rule to close debate, by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules. The option is invoked when the majority leader raises a point of order that only a simple majority is needed to close debate on certain matters. The presiding officer denies the point of order based on Senate rules, but the ruling of the chair is then appealed and overturned by majority vote, establishing new precedent.

This procedure effectively allows the Senate to decide any issue by simple majority vote, regardless of existing procedural rules such as Rule XXII which requires the consent of 60 senators (out of 100) to end a filibuster for legislation, and 67 for amending a Senate rule.

Maybe McConnell is saying that he is bound to hold the trial, but in reality once the trial starts they can change the rules as they wish.
Trump impeachment: Pompeo blasts Democrats for 'bullying' staff

New tactic from Trumpo and his law-breaking cronies.

Mr Pompeo said the request from the House Foreign Affairs chairman Eliot Engel could be "understood only as an attempt to intimidate, bully and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the Department of State".

"I will not tolerate such tactics and I will use all means at my disposal to prevent and expose any attempts to intimidate the dedicated professionals whom I am proud to lead."

Pretty clever dodge, that won't stand obviously, but it's directed at the worshipping minions. Doncha love when someone wraps themselves in the flag?

This is yhe guy retroactively classifying Statie Emails, and intimidating stsff, whining about bullying?

And he's now been warned that he can be charged with obstruction. Good stuff.

Saying one is being bullied is not a legal defense so he's obviously stalling because he doesn't know what else to do.
According to ABC News, the State Dept Inspector General has indicated they need to talk with Congress immediately regarding the Ukrainian documents.


The IG is a hold over from the Obama Admin.

So this is either OMFG, look at what the FBI did when they interfered in the 2016 election but forgot to actually interfere... and we move towards authoritarianism


You ain’t get a ‘you ain’t gonna believe these Trump Putin transcripts’.

AM radio is selling the absurd 2016 election interference argument hard.

Time will tell.
Could be about the Clinton emails they've been looking into or maybe lit's about Ukraine.

Edit: Oh, it is about Ukraine. And reportedly about documents received from the State Dept. legal adviser, Marik String, a recent Trump appointee. So it could be bs diversion.
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When I look at this graph, know what I see?

View attachment 24162

Bipartisanship. In societal wealth redistribution and concentration over time.

What you don't see is that it's deceptive. What that graph really shows is the wages of goods-producing workers. These days almost all the good jobs are service jobs.
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