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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

I have no time for anyone who thinks swapping out individuals will ameliorate this societal condition when "both" parties are funded by the same donor class. The divide-n-conquer shtick response by the public is pathetically Pavlovian at this point.

As is the constant and casual use of a false equivalence fallacy.

Do go on, or not.

With your false equivalence fallacy? What would be the point? It's a fallacy.
Not following, not chasing, the system it utterly corrupt, I have no interest in choosing the lessor of the evils. Ride that.

If by your lack of interest you fail to choose the lesser evil by not voting Democrat in the next election, then you are supporting a second Trump term. Period. There is no "not woke enough" argument that is more compelling than "not as dangerously corrupt". "I didn't vote to reelect Trump" is not a defensible position. You either voted for the Democratic solution to the current problem, or you supported the current problem.

People that can't self-moderate what is a smart battle to fight and what is follishily-fuckwitted to get into at the worst possible moment, don't deserve the freedoms this awesome country affords.

Bullshit DNCC voter shaming, didn't work last time either. Look at you, deciding who deserves freedom-n-who-don't-n-shit. You sound like "them" to me. All partisanshitheads do. Your party better find a candidate with a better message than that.

Ya, we all get to decide what we think of any damn thing we want... and I have decided that people who do not actively support the GOP this year and also fail to express that by voting against the GOP, should go back to the shithole country their ancestors came from. I think they are stupid for failing to fight the right battles at the right time... and probably are socially awkward, foolish looking and sounding people that have a hard time understanding social nuances, and find themselves either excluded from many activities, or choose to exclude themselves because they don;t "get it". ... there, that about cover it for you.. or not so much?
Bullshit DNCC voter shaming, didn't work last time either. Look at you, deciding who deserves freedom-n-who-don't-n-shit. You sound like "them" to me. All partisanshitheads do. Your party better find a candidate with a better message than that.

Ya, we all get to decide what we think of any damn thing we want... and I have decided that people who do not actively support the GOP this year and also fail to express that by voting against the GOP, should go back to the shithole country their ancestors came from. I think they are stupid for failing to fight the right battles at the right time... and probably are socially awkward, foolish looking and sounding people that have a hard time understanding social nuances, and find themselves either excluded from many activities, or choose to exclude themselves because they don;t "get it". ... there, that about cover it for you.. or not so much?

You covered you.
Bullshit DNCC voter shaming, didn't work last time either. Look at you, deciding who deserves freedom-n-who-don't-n-shit. You sound like "them" to me. All partisanshitheads do. Your party better find a candidate with a better message than that.

Ya, we all get to decide what we think of any damn thing we want... and I have decided that people who do not actively support the GOP this year and also fail to express that by voting against the GOP, should go back to the shithole country their ancestors came from. I think they are stupid for failing to fight the right battles at the right time... and probably are socially awkward, foolish looking and sounding people that have a hard time understanding social nuances, and find themselves either excluded from many activities, or choose to exclude themselves because they don;t "get it". ... there, that about cover it for you.. or not so much?
If, on the other hand, you do support the GOP, and choose to vote for the GOP.. well then we can agree or disagree on things.. but you probably aren't just stupid... maybe just misinformed.. willfully or not.

Point is, not voting isn't a statement.. it's just a foolish act of a fool.
Not following, not chasing, the system it utterly corrupt, I have no interest in choosing the lessor of the evils. Ride that.

If by your lack of interest you fail to choose the lesser evil by not voting Democrat in the next election, then you are supporting a second Trump term. Period. There is no "not woke enough" argument that is more compelling than "not as dangerously corrupt". "I didn't vote to reelect Trump" is not a defensible position. You either voted for the Democratic solution to the current problem, or you supported the current problem.

People that can't self-moderate what is a smart battle to fight and what is follishily-fuckwitted to get into at the worst possible moment, don't deserve the freedoms this awesome country affords.

Bullshit DNCC voter shaming, didn't work last time either. Look at you, deciding who deserves freedom-n-who-don't-n-shit. You sound like "them" to me. All partisanshitheads do. Your party better find a candidate with a better message than that.
This is the problem though. Sen. Flake represents the establishment and the bought by Wall Street cliche that many (most) Democrats in the Senate are. The Trump Wing of the GOP are way beyond just being partisan.
Bullshit DNCC voter shaming, didn't work last time either. Look at you, deciding who deserves freedom-n-who-don't-n-shit. You sound like "them" to me. All partisanshitheads do. Your party better find a candidate with a better message than that.

Ya, we all get to decide what we think of any damn thing we want... and I have decided that people who do not actively support the GOP this year and also fail to express that by voting against the GOP, should go back to the shithole country their ancestors came from. I think they are stupid for failing to fight the right battles at the right time... and probably are socially awkward, foolish looking and sounding people that have a hard time understanding social nuances, and find themselves either excluded from many activities, or choose to exclude themselves because they don;t "get it". ... there, that about cover it for you.. or not so much?

You covered you.

HAHAHA... "I know you are but what am I".

Dude, firstly, there is an age restriction here.. you have to be older than you appear to be to post here. Secondly, That is the Don's defense line... you owe him royalties.
We all know Trumpo is a narcissist. The question is how that is going to play out with Gulianni and possibly others like Pompeo and even the whistleblower getting so much attention. Trumpo doesn't tolerate this stuff very well or even at all. That's why Bolton was shown the door, because Trumpo wants to be the number one focus.

This is going to get very interesting on many facets, not just the timeline of events wrt Ukraine.
Yes the transcript shows Trump never said "do x and I'll give you y." All he said was "could you please do x?" Asking a question is not illegal. LOL these unmedicated lefties!

1) In a situation like this the offer of y (the aid) is implicit. Not spelling it out is irrelevant.

2) In this case his "could you please do x?" is illegal by itself, even without a quid pro quo. He's soliciting a campaign contribution from a foreign power. Go directly to jail, do not pass go. Disconnect the wire from Faux Noise to your brain!
Half the country doesn't even vote. People who don't vote are just making it more favorable for Trump. We heard every excuse in the book as to why Trump won't win in 2016. I am telling you that a lot of independent voters are getting sick of the witch hunts. Even if they do not like Trump all that much, they view all this stalling as "Do something already or stop talking about it!" This leans them more towards Trump's side because it does look like stall tactics and witch hunts. The underdog is the hero of the story. It takes a lot of guts to stand at a podium giving a speech to a nation of TDS sufferers who have nothing but vile hatred for your very existence.

It's those independents that have been moving away from His Flatulence.
MSNBC has TDS just like CNN. Of course they're gonna say he committed a crime! We need unbiased sources. Fox News had Judge Digeneva on and he said there was absolutely no crime committed whatsoever.

But, you won't believe him because he was on Fox News. So, we clearly do not trust each others sources. What do we do?

Well, well. What do you know. DeGenova,who is not nor ever has been a judge BTW, is involved in this thing up to his eyeballs. I wonder if he happened to disclose that when he was on Fox News saying "no crime committed"?

The newspaper also reported, of Firtash, “the oligarch’s defense team has hired two attorneys connected to Trump, Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing.” ABC7 says that Firtash is also represented by lawyer Dan Webb, a Chicago attorney and former federal prosecutor. DiGenova and Toensing are conservative lawyers whose backgrounds you can read more about later in this article. According to Daily Beast, Fox News reported that DiGenova and Toensing were “working off the books” to help Rudy Giuliani dig up dirt against Biden. Chris Wallace broke the story on Fox.

“Two high-profile Washington lawyers, Joe diGenova, who’s been a fierce critic of the Democratic investigation, and his wife Victoria Toensing were working with Giuliani to get oppo research on Biden,” Wallace said on Fox.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "“Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats can’t put down the Impeachment match. They know they couldn’t beat him in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, and they’re increasingly aware of the fact that they won’t win against him in 2020, and Impeachment is the only tool they have to get...." / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....rid of Donald J. Trump - And the Democrats don’t care if they burn down and destroy this nation in the process. I have never seen the Evangelical Christians more angry over any issue than this attempt to illegitimately remove this President from office, overturn the 2016...." / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....Election, and negate the votes of millions of Evangelicals in the process. They know the only Impeachable offense that President Trump has committed was beating Hillary Clinton in 2016. That’s the unpardonable sin for which the Democrats will never forgive him....." / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I truly can think of few things less patriotic, more cowardly, and plainly pathetic + reckless than amplifying calls for civil war within your own country.
This President has never been interested in leading. He‘s interested in consolidating power with a cult of personality. https://t.co/3hw5tr76x6" / Twitter

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley on Twitter: "The occupant of the White House engaged in behavior that undermines the integrity of our elections, the dignity of the office he holds & our national security. Let's be clear - the House will protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign & domestic. No one is above the law. https://t.co/e7dveXjLnX" / Twitter

AP calls Trump the "occupant" because she thinks that he is totally unworthy of the title "President".
I have decided that people who do not actively support the GOP this year and also fail to express that by voting against the GOP, should go back to the shithole country their ancestors came from.

I tend to agree... with the caveat that those who DO actively support the Party of Trump are even worse.
So it sounds like Secretary of State Pompeo was in on the call. Schiff has subpoena'd Giuliani stating, and I paraphrase, 'You have a big fucking mouth idiot!' A bit more hard to believe, Trump sought intel from the Aussies on Mueller as did Barr with the Brits as in just recently, in order to get to the bottom of the investigation on the Russian interference.

I'd suggest the last part is 1000 times worse than anything else because the Russian investigation began because he fired Comey for not dropping the investigation into Flynn... who had lied about his contact with the Russians. Trump was acting like a guilty man. So that is the origin. That Trump is so invested in the right-wing conspiracy theories, he has forgotten the real world experience he, himself, lived through. I find that terribly disturbing!
I don't personally believe the impeachment will go past the senate, no matter what the investigation unearths.
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