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Federal troops helping suppress protests in Portland OR

Operation Diligent Valor: Trump showcased federal power in Portland, making a culture war campaign pitch - The Washington Post
Sinking in the polls over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump seized a chance to appear as a field general in a wider American cultural conflict over racial justice, police misconduct and the reexamination of American history and monuments. In Portland, he found a theater for his fight.

The scenes of militarized federal forces on the city’s streets have stunned many Americans and unnerved former Homeland Security officials, but they have not quieted the protests. In many ways, the agents and the barricades they have erected have re-energized the demonstrators and have converted the courthouse into a proxy for the Trump administration itself.

Trump’s campaign officials say that the president wants to amplify his law-and-order message to show he is a last bastion of safety for a reeling American public, and that U.S. cities ravaged by crime and unrest — which also happen to be heavily Democratic — are the right venue.
Portland protesters use leaf blowers to clear tear gas as nightly demonstrations against DHS forces continue to grow - The Washington Post
The tear gas started early Friday night, interrupting a line of drums and dancing, chanting protesters, an artist painting in oils underneath a tree in the park and a man with a microphone speaking about the issues of racial justice and policing at the center of these nightly demonstrations.

“Hey guys, don’t panic, don’t panic,” the man said from the steps of the Multnomah County Justice Center, one block over from the federal courthouse in downtown Portland. “All you first-timers out here, it’s just tear gas. Everybody just relax.”

As if on cue, a brigade of orange-shirted men with leaf blowers descended on the cloud, revved their engines and blew the tear gas away. The crowd cheered.

“Thank you leaf-blower dads!” shouted a young woman.
Among those showing up:
On Friday, they were joined by other burgeoning groups — the veteran-led Wall of Vets, green-shirted Teachers Against Tyrants, the pizza-box carrying ChefBloc, health-care workers in scrubs and Lawyers for Black Lives, who turned up at the protest in suits and ties.
"I'll give you my leaf blower when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!"
Well I am not a lawyer, I think that one of the aspects of using Anonymous of lease is it which is not been discussed is that the win the case is against Lee demonstrators is prosecuted they have the writing Court to cross-examine the witness. This would result in the identity of the Lisa being revealed in the cross examination process of.

In addition to that if civil litigation follows then the plaintiff would be able to serve interrogatories and take that position. The interrogatories would be used to discover the identity of the person making the arrest and the deposition would go into detail about the defendant's identity.

Is also the question of whether or not the use of other than the police of making an arrest is a valid constitutional procedure.

This will probably not have any immediate impact on the political aspects of the procedure at this point this will be something that will be played out in both the criminal and civil courts.
He is definitely using his propaganda machine to try to spin this as communists or whatever being bad to the brave cops

Of course! Trump's team is very politically savvy. Trump is trying to run as the law and order President. The protests and defund the police are golden issues for his campaign.
He is definitely using his propaganda machine to try to spin this as communists or whatever being bad to the brave cops

Of course! Trump's team is very politically savvy. Trump is trying to run as the law and order President. The protests and defund the police are golden issues for his campaign.

The defund thing is defanged and disowned by the Dems. But there's not much anyone can do about Trump's ability to create reasons to protest. He will continue to send goons to any location where he thinks he can get away with unconstitutional authoritarian displays and inciting violence, while Faux Nooz has field day after field day "covering" the results of his provocations.
How long of a prison sentence should be given for the people using the ultra powerful lasers at cops?
But if you really believe that the protesters are the aggressors, ask yourself if you are willing to believe that the vast majority of a 10k person crowd is really an anarchist group. If you are, you are both wrong and stupid. .
Allow me to introduce you to.... murka. ;)
Allow me to introduce you to.... murka. ;)

... where people take hydroxychloroquine, drink Chlorox and inject disinfectants at the suggestion of a semi-literate Crime Boss.

How long of a prison sentence should be given for the people using the ultra powerful lasers at cops?

A long one, if they injure any actual cops. If the damage is done to Blackwater/KBR thugs contracted by Trump at taxpayer expense to incite violence... then none. Those fuckers bought that ticket when they signed up to promote fascism.
Allow me to introduce you to.... murka. ;)

... where people take hydroxychloroquine, drink Chlorox and inject disinfectants at the suggestion of a semi-literate Crime Boss.

How long of a prison sentence should be given for the people using the ultra powerful lasers at cops?

A long one, if they injure any actual cops. If the damage is done to Blackwater/KBR thugs contracted by Trump at taxpayer expense to incite violence... then none. Those fuckers bought that ticket when they signed up to promote fascism.
Even the ones who get actual cops. I think the people with lasers should get qualified immunity. ;)
How long of a prison sentence should be given for the people using the ultra powerful lasers at cops?

The same sentence that would be given if they shined a powerful laser at a normal citizen. (Sentence should be more severe if pointed at pilot as this action threatens a large group of passengers). As an aside (not directed at you), sad to see some on the left adopting some of the behavior of those on the extreme right and not caring about rule of law.
Right wing boot lickers will always side with power and authority against their fellow citizens no matter how violent or unconstitutional the abuse of power. And right now, Fox and other right wing media are only showing them propaganda that makes them believe the protesters are violent and police and mercenaries are not. And they will believe anything that appeals to their prejudices, all while 99% of protesters are peaceful and much of the violence is law enforcement escalating or instigating violence.

These are the same people who will sit silently and even watch and cheer as citizens are brutalized or kidnapped, but when their ilk are finally out of power, they'll pretend they were never on the wrong side of history to begin with.
Right wing boot lickers will always side with power and authority against their fellow citizens no matter how violent or unconstitutional the abuse of power. And right now, Fox and other right wing media are only showing them propaganda that makes them believe the protesters are violent and police and mercenaries are not. And they will believe anything that appeals to their prejudices, all while 99% of protesters are peaceful and much of the violence is law enforcement escalating or instigating violence.

These are the same people who will sit silently and even watch and cheer as citizens are brutalized or kidnapped, but when their ilk are finally out of power, they'll pretend they were never on the wrong side of history to begin with.

Well, of course! The right wing wants to win. You can expect a very strong republican campaign that will try to make the case that Democrats favor chaos, are against law and order, want to take away everyone's gun, want to shut down churches, will increase taxes on everyone to 80%, and etc.
Right wing boot lickers will always side with power and authority against their fellow citizens no matter how violent or unconstitutional the abuse of power. And right now, Fox and other right wing media are only showing them propaganda that makes them believe the protesters are violent and police and mercenaries are not. And they will believe anything that appeals to their prejudices, all while 99% of protesters are peaceful and much of the violence is law enforcement escalating or instigating violence.

These are the same people who will sit silently and even watch and cheer as citizens are brutalized or kidnapped, but when their ilk are finally out of power, they'll pretend they were never on the wrong side of history to begin with.

Well, of course! The right wing wants to win. You can expect a very strong republican campaign that will try to make the case that Democrats favor chaos, are against law and order, want to take away everyone's gun, want to shut down churches, will increase taxes on everyone to 80%, and etc.

Except they have to outright lie to do it.

However, Fox News has been reporting it as “left-wing violence.” During one report, Sean Hannity listed all the violence happening in Portland when most of it was graffiti. Oliver points out that the violence is an overstatement and Hannity’s “tone does not reflect conditions on the ground.”

Oliver stated, “The troubling thing here is Portland seems to be being used as a staging ground by the president to put on an authoritarian show of force — and this could end very badly especially as he has now threatened to use fed force in other cities as well which is absolutely outrageous.”

He added, “If you, like Trump, think that it is fun to use federal troops as a prop to crush the constitutional right to assemble then like a great American, I’d like to offer you a basic cognitive test.” He then held up two middle fingers, “How many fingers am I holding up?”

Even here in this supposed "freethought" community, it's alarming how many are falling for right wing bullshit and ferociously defending the "left wing violence" narrative.

But as I said, there will come a time when they will pretend otherwise, or go away and hide if they can't pretend.
Except they have to outright lie to do it.

Bingo. That is the heart and the soul of the (current) Republican Party. A few years ago there was a little bit of subtlety to it. There were even some Republican stalwarts who told the truth about some things, like their opinions of Donald Trump for example. Of course it was politically expedient for them at the time. But as soon as Trump became "their" nominee, they began lying about that as well.
Right now, they have gone out on the limb of Trump's lost credibility and it's costing them in the polls. But there is no real cost to their "faithful" constituents for telling pollsters they can see through the lies, and when the chips are on the table and it's time to vote, I believe most of them will revert. Only at the margins are there a few whose distaste for the obvious mendacity of the Party will cause them to switch their vote. But that should be enough... if the elections are anything like fair.
Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter

RICHMOND, Va. – Riots in downtown Richmond over the weekend were instigated by white supremacists under the guise of Black Lives Matter, according to law enforcement officials.

Protesters tore down police tape and pushed forward toward Richmond police headquarters, where they set a city dump truck on fire.

Police declared the event an “unlawful assembly” and ordered people to leave, later deploying tear gas.

Six people were arrested. The mayor of Richmond thanked the Black Lives Matter protesters he said tried to stop the white supremacists from spearheading the violence.
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