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First real evidence presented the Biden POTUS election really was a fraud

That isn't particularly true. We know that most of the senior level people on the Trump
That's 100% true. Alfa bank story was 100% manufactured by democrat operatives. Trump Dossier is 90% garbage.

And Biden notebook IS real, information on it IS real.
His dealings with corrupt ukrainian regime ARE real.
Why this piece of shit is not investigated?
He stepped America out of treaties which was convenient for Putin. Most importantly, Trump distanced America from our allies in NATO. Stuff that only Russia benefited from.
So, let me get it straight, If Russia benefits then it must be collusion and treason?
What fucking idiot thinks the First Amendment dictates what individuals (not government) can choose to say or do?
Whomever holds this opinion has no clue what America is and is an enemy by opposing the Constitutional protections for me, as an individual, to choose to do business with whomever I want..
What are theses "files"? Something like "read the report" (that says the opposite of what I want it to say, 'cause I never read it and am totally counting on whomever I say "read the report" to, won't read it either.

The bold part comes with limitations. Civil rights limitations.
example? I have one... The "gay wedding cake" case. The courts upheld the bakery's right to discriminate against a couple on account of their sexual orientation. The government is bound by the First Amendment and Civil Rights of person seeking a public service.. a privately owned bakery is not.
What fucking idiot thinks the First Amendment dictates what individuals (not government) can choose to say or do?
Whomever holds this opinion has no clue what America is and is an enemy by opposing the Constitutional protections for me, as an individual, to choose to do business with whomever I want..
What are theses "files"? Something like "read the report" (that says the opposite of what I want it to say, 'cause I never read it and am totally counting on whomever I say "read the report" to, won't read it either.

The bold part comes with limitations. Civil rights limitations.
example? I have one... The "gay wedding cake" case. The courts upheld the bakery's right to discriminate against a couple on account of their sexual orientation. The government is bound by the First Amendment and Civil Rights of person seeking a public service.. a privately owned bakery is not.

:ROFLMAO: What? The Bakery for the gay wedding cake was protected from putting something like "gay wedding cake" (or equivalent) on the cake. It has nothing to do with public service itself. The court determined a message on the cake is an expression made by the baker. They are still required to service gay couples with Cakes equivalent to what they have sold to others. You are one hilarious member.

Edit: The Colorado Baker on the other hand is the one who lost because he didn't even get to discussing the design of the cake before refusing service. He lost his case as a result.

Edit: Just noticed this is a derail. Sorry team!
What fucking idiot thinks the First Amendment dictates what individuals (not government) can choose to say or do?
Whomever holds this opinion has no clue what America is and is an enemy by opposing the Constitutional protections for me, as an individual, to choose to do business with whomever I want..
What are theses "files"? Something like "read the report" (that says the opposite of what I want it to say, 'cause I never read it and am totally counting on whomever I say "read the report" to, won't read it either.

The bold part comes with limitations. Civil rights limitations.
example? I have one... The "gay wedding cake" case. The courts upheld the bakery's right to discriminate against a couple on account of their sexual orientation. The government is bound by the First Amendment and Civil Rights of person seeking a public service.. a privately owned bakery is not.

:ROFLMAO: What? The Bakery for the gay wedding cake was protected from putting something like "gay wedding cake" (or equivalent) on the cake. It has nothing to do with public service itself. The court determined a message on the cake is an expression made by the baker. They are still required to service gay couples with Cakes equivalent to what they have sold to others. You are one hilarious member.

Edit: The Colorado Baker on the other hand is the one who lost because he didn't even get to discussing the design of the cake before refusing service. He lost his case as a result.

Edit: Just noticed this is a derail. Sorry team!
You're right, its a derail... my apologies too. And you may be right about it not being illustrative of private individuals not being bound by the 1st... I think it is a worthy discussion though (for somewhere else)
The Twitter Files are a perfect example of right wing dishonesty at play. Firstly, keep in mind they were posted last year. They were big on implication and had zero facts behind them. It was obvious to everyone who read them that Elon Musk basically used Taibbi to rewrite history and promote the lie that Twitter before Musk's purchase was biased towards leftists and there was a conspiracy to censor right wingers. This narrative lasted about 0.0002 nanoseconds until you realise the level of preferential treatment prominent right wingers like Trump and Libs of TikTok were given in violating Twitter's Terms of Service.

But for right wingers, it's never about whether something is true or not, it's about how successful they can repeat the lie. Republicans leaped to the chance of repeating the lie the Twitter was censoring them and even provide a fake hearing. One that once again, proved the exact opposite.

But the greatest hypocrisy about this Twitter Files farce is Elon Musk and his collusion with the Indian government. As shown here:

Musk is doing the exact same thing that the supposed Twitter Files was revealing and condemning. This is the height of hypocrisy and is further evidence that every accusation from a right-winger is actually a confession.

When confronted with this obvious hypocrisy and equally obvious fact Taibbi is no longer a journalist and is now Musk's whore mouthpiece, Taibbi gets a little defensive.

Challenge accepted. Here's the best part - Medhi Hasan calls out Taibbi's bullshit and points out the huge and real double standards of Twitter since Musk has taken over and specifically mentions India. Taibbi goes on MSNBC and when asked about the one thing Hasan had mentioned, his response was, "I haven't researched that". He demands to go on Hasan's show to talk about India and then when on the show admits he knows nothing about it. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what Q-tards consider a journalist.

If you want to see the full interview and the proper context you can find it here, but I'll just quote the last paragraphs.

He presents it as a massive censorship operation, targeting 22 million tweets, with takedown demands from government players, seeking to silence the American public. When you look through the details, correcting Taibbi’s many errors, and putting it in context, you see that it was an academic operation to study information flows, who sent the more blatant issues they came across to Twitter with no suggestion that they do anything about them, and the vast majority of which Twitter ignored. In some minority of cases, Twitter applied its own speech to add more context to some of the tweets, and in a very small number of cases, where it found phishing attempts or people impersonating election officials (clear terms of service violations, and potentially actual crimes), it removed them.

There remains no there there. It’s less than a Potemkin village. There isn’t even a façade. This is the Emperor’s New Clothes for a modern era. Taibbi is pointing to a naked emperor and insisting that he’s clothed in all sorts of royal finery, whereas anyone who actually looks at the emperor sees he’s naked.

I have full confidence that we will start seeing Taibbi on hack shows like Russell Brand and Jimmy Dore because, and it's worth repeating, every right wing accusation is not true and actually is a confession.

Had Elon Musk not bought the company, these twitter files would never have been seen by the public. Proving beyond all doubt the Biden administration in collusion with twitter violated 1st amendment rights of all Americans. And with their collusion right before a POTUS election, caused the expected outcome (in this very close race) to be substantually affected by this conspiracy. Any reasonable person would have to conclude that twitter alone would have been more than enough to have thrown the last POTUS election.

No doubt these same shenanigans were done by both sides anywhere they could make it happen with the other media and social platforms. But this is the first hard evidence we can see of it.

Posted by Rvonse in another thread (the Clarence Thomas thread):

Look at my history of posts and it will be self evident to you.

1. I have.

2. It is.
Actually according to Trumpanzees JFK Jr. was resurrected and appeared at a rally with Trump last year, I believe it was, on some specific date. Someone had a prophecy of it, as in all good cults, and I suppose most Trumpanzees think it really happened even though it didn’t.
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