Had Elon Musk not bought the company, these twitter files would never have been seen by the public.
Yeah, he's an incompetent fool.
Proving beyond all doubt the Biden administration
LOL. This was all from 2020 when Biden wasn't in office, but when your friend was.
in collusion with twitter violated 1st amendment rights of all Americans.
Double LOL, no. Even if he were President at the time, it wouldn't be a violation if he asked Twitter to remove a story. It would be bad government, the kind of thing Trump did all the time, but not illegal. It would be illegal for Biden to use government force on Twitter to take down this story, but then it would only be violating the First Amendment of the story producers and publishers, not the
rights of all Americans. *gasp!*
Anyone can ask Twitter to remove a tweet, and sometimes they will no matter who is asking. But Biden never asked Twitter to remove the NY Post story anyway, as far as is known.
Twitter can also arbitrarily remove anything they want to without violating the 1A, even though it would be a poor way to run a site like that, which is of course the way Musk is running it.
And with their collusion right before a POTUS election, caused the expected outcome (in this very close race) to be substantually affected by this conspiracy. Any reasonable person would have to conclude that twitter alone would have been more than enough to have thrown the last POTUS election.
Triple LOL. Twitter's suppression only made the story more well know than it would have been. And as some of us
learned recently, Twitter does not provide much link referral traffic to begin with.
Not to mention that there is nothing in the story proven to show any wrongdoing by Joe Biden. If anyone was or would have been influenced by the story to vote against him, they should have had their voting rights removed, in a perfect world.