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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

Bullshit. You haven’t been paying attention. They are explicitly calling for the end of democracy. They are flat out calling for “Christian Nationalism” that will enshrine Christianity as a state religion in all but name. They are openly calling for the use of the insurrection act against their enemies - including the devil worshipping atheists. Only a fool would not take them at their word. They are openly praising Victor Orban. You are voting for a fascist. Fascism is a great form of government if you’re a fascist.
lol. As I say, this hysteria is just boring. It’s Qanon-esq.

I ‘ain’t voting for Brandon.
You will make an excellent subject for King Trump... until you aren't.
Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

I wonder if I can guess what sex you are. How many tries do I get?

You will definitely get it in two tries since it is a 50/50 chance (male/female) no matter what the misogynist wokesters say.

To save you responding I am male.
You obviously missed the sarcasm of the original question. Also, being woke and being misogynist are opposite positions.

Putting aside the issues of mental health (on which many people are stubbornly wrong because of their worship of Trump), if we simply consider physical health Biden is superior there also, as he exercises, rides bikes, walks and eats healthy food.
Trump is the one most likely to not be able to live long enough to last through a second presidential term.
Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

I wonder if I can guess what sex you are. How many tries do I get?

You will definitely get it in two tries since it is a 50/50 chance (male/female) no matter what the misogynist wokesters say.

To save you responding I am male.
You obviously missed the sarcasm of the original question. Also, being woke and being misogynist are opposite positions.
Obvious? Hard to tell with that one.

Putting aside the issues of mental health (on which many people are stubbornly wrong because of their worship of Trump), if we simply consider physical health Biden is superior there also, as he exercises, rides bikes, walks and eats healthy food.
Trump is the one most likely to not be able to live long enough to last through a second presidential term.
Why on earth would anyone “put aside” Brandon’s obvious mental decline which is gathering pace? Because he rode a bike? He fell off the bike you know? He needs training wheels these days.

I’m not voting for Brandon out of some misplaced belief that it’s “the right thing to do”.

You go ahead and vote for Brandon fella.
Why on earth would anyone “put aside” Brandon’s obvious mental decline which is gathering pace?
Because of the obvious fact that if said decline was accelerating exponentially, it would take between 7.3 and 12.8 years for it to reach the mental level currently retained (however tenuously, and declining) by The Felon.
Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

I wonder if I can guess what sex you are. How many tries do I get?

You will definitely get it in two tries since it is a 50/50 chance (male/female) no matter what the misogynist wokesters say.

To save you responding I am male.
You obviously missed the sarcasm of the original question. Also, being woke and being misogynist are opposite positions.
Obvious? Hard to tell with that one.

Putting aside the issues of mental health (on which many people are stubbornly wrong because of their worship of Trump), if we simply consider physical health Biden is superior there also, as he exercises, rides bikes, walks and eats healthy food.
Trump is the one most likely to not be able to live long enough to last through a second presidential term.
Why on earth would anyone “put aside” Brandon’s obvious mental decline which is gathering pace? Because he rode a bike? He fell off the bike you know? He needs training wheels these days.

I’m not voting for Brandon out of some misplaced belief that it’s “the right thing to do”.

You go ahead and vote for Brandon fella.
Unfortunately I can't vote for Biden because I'm not an American. Also, I support Americans voting for Biden, not because he is an ideal candidate (I think neither Trump nor Biden should have been eligible to stand in 2020 due to age) but because he is not Trump.
Lots of young bike riders fall off their bikes, its not a biggie; Trump couldn't even get on a bike.

Also, the facts are that Trump has obvious mental decline, whilst Biden has normal age related slowness, but retains actual mental acuity when actually doing his job. As an aside, when Trump was president from 2017-2020 he was generally incapable of doing the job he was supposed to do, as he lacked comprehension of how to handle issues (eg Covid pandemic) properly.
Unfortunately I can't vote for Biden because I'm not an American. Also, I support Americans voting for Biden, not because he is an ideal candidate (I think neither Trump nor Biden should have been eligible to stand in 2020 due to age) but because he is not Trump.

Whatever floats your boat, have at it.
he was generally incapable of doing the job he was supposed to do, as he lacked comprehension of how to handle issues (eg Covid pandemic) properly
That is more germane than his name being Trump or the fact that he is a self interested avaricious idiot.
As an aside, when Trump was president from 2017-2020 he was generally incapable of doing the job he was supposed to do, as he lacked comprehension of how to handle issues (eg Covid pandemic)
Or even much simpler tasks. They eventually had to give up on giving him full written briefings, normally the start of a president's daily schedule. With Trump, who is only arguably literate, he demanded in person summaries instead but then got confused and angry when they tried to give them, and harrassed his staff to make them simpler and quicker. In theory he was still getting them weekly if not daily, but by the end of his presidency, he hadn't attended one in weeks. He is not capable of the "job" part of the job he's demanding, and never was.

Biden reads the written briefing each morning, generally taking notes and discussing any pressing issues with his VP if she's present, as she often is if she's in Washington. Full in person briefings from members of the intelligence community every few days.
This move to replace Biden is being led by Democrats--voters like myself and representatives in Congress, not MAGAtards.
No. You are just using MAGAtards arguments that undermine the candidacy of the only person that has ever beaten trump.

I'm sorry that you think I'm some kind of "useful idiot" for the MAGA movement, but I've explained what motivates my position--Biden's performance during the debate and his subsequent performance in unscripted interviews. I think you know that I have never once supported Donald Trump and that I will vote for Biden, if he cannot be persuaded to let a stronger candidate become the Democratic standard-bearer. I have praised his past performance as President. So don't try to smear me and others with similar concerns as tools of the MAGA movement. That tactic is not going to fix Biden's image now or help the party unite behind the Democratic candidate. Biden himself undermined his candidacy. Accept that and move on.

ETA: I am not saying that Biden is unable to carry out most of his duties as President. He is obviously competent to carry out his duties as president. My position is that he is incompetent to run a political campaign for reelection at this point in his long career, but he is ensconced as the Democratic standard bearer unless and until he decides to relinquish control of that role.
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I wonder if I can guess what sex you are. How many tries do I get?

You will definitely get it in two tries since it is a 50/50 chance (male/female) no matter what the misogynist wokesters say.

To save you responding I am male.
You obviously missed the sarcasm of the original question. Also, being woke and being misogynist are opposite positions.
Obvious? Hard to tell with that one.

Pro Tip: If I'm talking at you at all, I'm being sarcastic.
This move to replace Biden is being led by Democrats--voters like myself and representatives in Congress, not MAGAtards.
No. You are just using MAGAtards arguments that undermine the candidacy of the only person that has ever beaten trump.
I understand the honest desire to defend Biden at all costs at this late stage of the presidential race, but this comment is borderline delusional.

Whether you agree or not, there is genuine concern among committed anti-Trumpers that Biden's apparent frailty could influence 'undecideds' and and give Trump the presidency.

Whether you agree or not, there is genuine concern among committed anti-Trumpers that Biden's apparent frailty could influence 'undecideds' and and give Trump the presidency.

There's not really a great option available, though. He stays in, and there's a risk he loses. He steps aside and Harris runs? There's a significant risk she loses. There's a free-for-all at the convention and he's discarded in favor of some other candidate? Likely even a smaller chance of a win. The thing is that in any of these scenarios, the Democratic party will be divided. They've never been good at unifying behind a candidate, and at this late stage in the campaign, the chances are that whatever path forward they settle on will be beset with utter chaos.

I'd say the "undecided" are the key, but unfortunately the media has collectively decided that the story moving forward will be "Biden is a drooling incompetent who must be replaced."

Now, does anyone know of a place with a discount on brown shirts? We may need a bulk purchase....
IF there's to be a replacement it should be SOON. And time is running out for the replacement to be anyone but Kamala Harris. For several reasons: nominating anyone else would admit Harris was the wrong choice all along. Nominating a man would be a slap against women. AND changing nominees at a late date would raise logistic or legal* problems.

* - Printing ballots with new names is a trivial task, doable with a few days' notice but you can bet that states run by QOPAnon -- and that includes most of the swing states -- will be dragging their feet and trying every shenanigan, legal or not, to screw-up the D names on ballots.

One question we should ask is: If Harris is the nominee, who will run for the V.P. slot? Whitmer? Nah, two women. Newsom? Nah, two Californians. The difficulty of finding the right V.P. takes us back to Square One.

Does either Party even have leaders who would pass for Wise Men these days? Consternation and grumbling need to cease. The D wise men -- Obama? Pelosi? DNC Vice Whitmer?? Schumer?? -- need to confer and issue a Diktat. The stakes couldn't be higher. Delay is not on our side.
The truth is what’s needed, not a “fresh” candidate. Our problem is that so many in the Trump bubble don’t know the truth.

I wish it were as simple as that, but the truth has been out there in full measure since at least 2016, and polls suggest that over half the country prefers Donald Trump over Joe Biden. It's crazy, but that's the reality. I don't know if it can be fixed, but I do believe that Joe Biden stands less of a chance of fixing it than his VP, who would at least change the dynamic of the election. She is younger, and the party would rally behind her, just as a great many Democrats are still trying to rally behind Joe Biden.

Biden's age-related issues are simply going to be the focus of the campaign from now into the foreseeable future. Republican campaign strategists are having a field day, and they no longer need to rely so much on faked videos and stories. The mainstream news media is taking the issue seriously, regardless of how strongly Democrats rally around Biden. The focus right now is on the Parkinson's disease controversy, which is all over Fox News. The White House at first denied that Biden was examined by the Parkinson's expert who visited the White House on record 8 times in 8 months. Now they are admitting that the specific doctor did examine Biden at the beginning of the year, but they claim he has not been diagnosed with Parkinson's and is not taking medications for the condition. It is a common neurological disorder in the elderly, and Biden's movements can easily be interpreted as consistent with the symptoms. So this is all over Fox News, The Daily Mail, and other rightwing propaganda outlets, who are, of course, saying things like this:

Top neurologist makes bombshell claim that Biden, 81, 'definitely' has Parkinson's disease and reveals the common symptoms he is displaying: 'I could have diagnosed him from across the mall'

A top neurologist who diagnoses people in shopping malls. :rolleyes: Utterly stupid, but some people take these stories seriously.

Here is how a mainstream news outlet reports on the issue in a more balanced way:


Whether you agree or not, there is genuine concern among committed anti-Trumpers that Biden's apparent frailty could influence 'undecideds' and and give Trump the presidency.

There's not really a great option available, though. He stays in, and there's a risk he loses. He steps aside and Harris runs? There's a significant risk she loses. There's a free-for-all at the convention and he's discarded in favor of some other candidate? Likely even a smaller chance of a win. The thing is that in any of these scenarios, the Democratic party will be divided. They've never been good at unifying behind a candidate, and at this late stage in the campaign, the chances are that whatever path forward they settle on will be beset with utter chaos.
The sunk cost fallacy. If you aren't sure what's right, stick with the path you've already committed significant risks and investments to. Intellectuals may mock the logic of it, but when it's your investment, it's hard to avoid the sentiment.
A top neurologist who diagnoses people in shopping malls. :rolleyes: Utterly stupid, but some people take these stories seriously.
"We" were running them every other month when Trump was in office. He was a delusional narcissist, a clinical sociopath, Alzheimer's, Long COVID, and whatever other weaponized medical diagnosis people could come up with. All it has really done is insulate the public against this tactic. I think this will probably help Biden as well, though. If someone decides not to vote for him, it will more likely be because he "looks old" than because of the testimony of some lawn chair psychiatrist, which everyone has by now been taught to ignore. Biden needs a good wig and a side chick more than he needs the testimony of a neuroscientist.

I remember being warned against this kind of political co-option of medical language when I was a social scientist in training, in the most dire of terms. That it would degrade the legitimacy of the discipline and end up hurting real clients who were now distrustful of what experts tell them even when that skepticism isn't justified. My professors were... obviously right. But now they're the ones getting in front of microphones and making the very mistakes they warned us about. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
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