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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

I wonder if I can guess what sex you are. How many tries do I get?

You will definitely get it in two tries since it is a 50/50 chance (male/female) no matter what the misogynist wokesters say.

To save you responding I am male.
Let me tell you that you really didn't need to say you're a dude. But can you do me a favour - everytime the discussion of politics occurs in your life can you please tell people who you are voting for and "abortion just isn't an important issue for me"? Thanks in advance.
I hope you are right, but you must know that the "incessant chicken little handwringing" is not going to stop. Wishful thinking won't make it happen. Biden won't be getting any younger. His speech impediment isn't going to get better, nor will his political instincts. I don't think he has dementia, but he is showing the inevitable decline of old age in a super critical job that requires the drive and stamina of a younger mature individual. Neither of these men are really fit for that office, although the bigoted, poorly educated, mendacious, corrupt rapist and fraudster was arguably unsuitable even as a younger man. Half of the public seems willing to give him another shot at destroying our system of government, and Biden is presenting himself as the only one who can stop Trump.

Harris may be uninspiring to you, but, if you think handwringing over Biden's flaws is a bad idea, what makes you think that handwringing over hers is going to help? She has her flaws, but she is better able to present the case for electing Democrats than Joe Biden at this point in time. If you can overlook Biden's flaws and deficits, you can overlook hers.
Replacing Biden is a bad idea. The people leading the charge with regards to Biden's competency are MAGAtards who aren't acting in good faith. If everyone does what MAGAtards want, I fucking guarantee you that those people will instantly pivot to "You can't vote for candidate X. This is proof Democrats are unstable and unpredictable from the top down. They'll change their leadership at the drop of a hat which the country doesn't need right now. Vote Trump, he's a strong leader"

This move to replace Biden is being led by Democrats--voters like myself and representatives in Congress, not MAGAtards. Every one of us will vote for Biden in November, if that is our only choice. However, because of Biden's poor performance in unscripted appearances, there are serious questions about his ability to beat Donald Trump in November. This problem was not manufactured by Republicans, the Democratic "elite", or anyone else but Joe Biden. He was the one who decided to run for a second term despite his age and questions about his health. He is the one claiming to be the only Democrat capable of beating Donald Trump. He is the one whose standing against Donald Trump has been falling in opinion polls. And he is the one who chose to debate Donald Trump early, thinking that all he had to do was stand there and act like the adult in the room. He is also the one who thought he could carry off a campaign schedule just like he used to do when he was a young man.

So he caught a cold, became befuddled during the debate, and completely destroyed his credibility as the one Democrat who could beat Donald Trump. Did you watch his debate performance? And then he decided to do an unscripted interview with George Stephanopoulos, where he stumbled over every other sentence, gave some confused answers, and assured everyone that, if Donald Trump beat him, he would be ok if he felt he had done his best and that was what it was all about. Too bad if he blew it for democracy and managed to get the convicted felon/sex offender/fraudster back in place to appoint some more Supreme Court justices and go after his political enemies. He is also the one who holds the power to stay right where he is and take us all along for the ride, because he has all the delegates to the nominating convention and nobody else can beat Donald Trump. I can't wait for his September "debate" with motormouth. :hopelessness:

The reason I know this is because I, like every other Australian over 14, has seen this play out[/out]. I've [url=https://iidb.org/threads/why-are-so-many-australians-so-invested-in-the-minutia-of-us-politics.22199/#post-826830]been on record saying that I follow US politics because it gives me an insight on what Australian politicians are going to do - in this instance the reverse is just as true. If you replace Biden the narrative will be "the Dems don't know what they're doing" and it will be far more effective than "Biden is old" because you can't point to Trump's obvious dementia as a counter point.

Everyone has been pointing to Trump's obvious dementia, criminal behavior, lies, and fraud for years, so I don't see how that is going to be a game changer. What is new here is that Joe Biden seems unable to deliver on his promise to beat Donald Trump. From now on, every time he mispronounces a word, stumbles, or appears confused, the press will be all over it. They are tired of reporting on Donald Trump's screwy behavior, because people just don't care about him. Joe Biden is fresh meat right now. Have you noticed how quiet Donald Trump has been lately? He couldn't be happier. His trials have been locked down and neutralized before the election. His sentencing for the felonies has been postponed. Why rock the boat while his only rival is melting down?
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Everyone has been pointing to Trump's obvious dementia, criminal behavior, lies, and fraud for years, so I don't see how that is going to be a game changer.
Because everyone hasn't been saying it. Late night comedians and the occasional pundit certainly. If the Democrats actually grew a pair and made it a legitimate talking point comparable to the way Karl Rove did about McCain's black baby, undecided voters are going to listen.
What is new here is that Joe Biden seems unable to deliver on his promise to beat Donald Trump.
Strictly speaking he never could as it isn't up to him. It might seem pedantic but I think that's an important distinction. As much as I hate it, this election is as much a referendum on Trump and his beliefs as it is on the Biden Administration. Possibly even more so, as so many too fucking many people still believe in the Great Man Theory.
They are tired of reporting on Donald Trump's screwy behavior, because people just don't care about him. Joe Biden is fresh meat right now.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that for a second. Trump is easy clickbait and by and large, journalists are a pack of lazy cunts. No way they are giving up their gravy train. Much like how Disney constantly churns out Marvel and Star Wars content with diminishing returns, the media is going to milk out every last drop of Trump they can get. And I strongly suspect we are only at the Thor 2/The last Jedi stage of that.
Even if you think Biden should stay in the race and let's say he beats Trump, then what? Its pretty clear that at the rate he's going downhill, he ain't gonna make it the whole 4 years. So, its either a) resign soon (likely) into his 2nd term or b) he gets booted out via 25th amendment. Either way, its not going to be pretty. If he's this stubbon about stepping aside now, what's it going to be like when he's in the middle of second term and even more far gone? Is he going to get violent, irrational and/or weepy like a lot of old people do when you take away their car keys or put them in an old folks home? It could get both really sad and/or ugly. Not sure we would be doing anyone (him, his family or the country) any favors by pushing him forward.
Who gives a fuck? Compared to Trump this is nothing and easy problem to deal with. He gets replaced by Harris. BFD. If he doesn’t go quietly, then the 25th amendment gives us a rather simple process to replace him with Harris. It’s fucking irrelevant to the issue at hand which is how we defeat the fucktard Donald Trump.
This is the court that the GOP built under W and Trump. These states are considering this legislation because SCOTUS ruled there is no Constitutional protection to an abortion and Thomas indicated that they should also look at all the protections presumed to exist by SCOTUS tied to the right to privacy.

I'm not fixated on abortion like most on here so I don't have a lot of knowledge on the legal and constitutional standings of the subject. From the little knowledge I do have about the subject the "right" to abortion ruling (Roe v Wade) was always a bit shaky.

Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

You should really reconsider your position.

For now, this is the least of my worries and I will leave it to others to figure it out.
You cut off my entire post practically and failed to address the points I raised. I can’t believe any atheist would consider supporting anyone but Biden. This is not a liberal or conservative thing. It’s whether you want to see the establishment of a theocratic government along the model of Rushdoony and Falwell, or whether you really believe that we should have religious freedom in this country. I fail to see what other possible considerations you could have that would trump those. Please don’t tell me Kyoto again. Shit.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that for a second. Trump is easy clickbait and by and large, journalists are a pack of lazy cunts.

That’s a cheap, contemptible slur. And wholly inaccurate. Journalists have been holding Trump’s feet to the fire for years but MAGAts DON’T CARE. They even love him more for being a vicious rogue. Journalists are ALSO obligated to report on the condition of a president who behaved like a fucking animatronic cadaver during the debate. And the reason this is so crucial is precisely because it is vital to beat Trump.
This is the court that the GOP built under W and Trump. These states are considering this legislation because SCOTUS ruled there is no Constitutional protection to an abortion and Thomas indicated that they should also look at all the protections presumed to exist by SCOTUS tied to the right to privacy.

I'm not fixated on abortion like most on here so I don't have a lot of knowledge on the legal and constitutional standings of the subject. From the little knowledge I do have about the subject the "right" to abortion ruling (Roe v Wade) was always a bit shaky.

Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

You should really reconsider your position.

For now, this is the least of my worries and I will leave it to others to figure it out.
You cut off my entire post practically and failed to address the points I raised.

Yes, I did do that only because I don't want to get into an abortion debate. I wasn't trying to be rude or smart or anything. It's just not an area of interest for me.

I can’t believe any atheist would consider supporting anyone but Biden. This is not a liberal or conservative thing. It’s whether you want to see the establishment of a theocratic government along the model of Rushdoony and Falwell, or whether you really believe that we should have religious freedom in this country. I fail to see what other possible considerations you could have that would trump those. Please don’t tell me Kyoto again. Shit.

I find all this hyperbole about theocracy and the end of democracy tedious. I will absolutely NOT be voting for Brandon (even if he were reasonably fit) and will probably not vote for any of the democratic alternates that have been mentioned. I will likely vote for Trump. Keep in mind I vote in California so my vote for Trump would not count for anything anyway.
This is the court that the GOP built under W and Trump. These states are considering this legislation because SCOTUS ruled there is no Constitutional protection to an abortion and Thomas indicated that they should also look at all the protections presumed to exist by SCOTUS tied to the right to privacy.

I'm not fixated on abortion like most on here so I don't have a lot of knowledge on the legal and constitutional standings of the subject. From the little knowledge I do have about the subject the "right" to abortion ruling (Roe v Wade) was always a bit shaky.

Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

You should really reconsider your position.

For now, this is the least of my worries and I will leave it to others to figure it out.
You cut off my entire post practically and failed to address the points I raised.

Yes, I did do that only because I don't want to get into an abortion debate. I wasn't trying to be rude or smart or anything. It's just not an area of interest for me.

I can’t believe any atheist would consider supporting anyone but Biden. This is not a liberal or conservative thing. It’s whether you want to see the establishment of a theocratic government along the model of Rushdoony and Falwell, or whether you really believe that we should have religious freedom in this country. I fail to see what other possible considerations you could have that would trump those. Please don’t tell me Kyoto again. Shit.

I find all this hyperbole about theocracy and the end of democracy tedious. I will absolutely NOT be voting for Brandon (even if he were reasonably fit) and will probably not vote for any of the democratic alternates that have been mentioned. I will likely vote for Trump. Keep in mind I vote in California so my vote for Trump would not count for anything anyway.
What if God Almighty himself tells you to vote for Biden so as to avoid a Trump theocracy? Then, will you change your mind?!
The "false narrative" is a bear trap Biden walked right into at the debate. Biden could be fine and had a bad night, but the perception sticks. Look at Romney and his "binder full of women" retort and how that stuck. Or Dana Carvey's HW Bush "Not gonna do it" act that HW Bush never said, but lives on. In US politics, the truth isn't as important as the perception, Trump is living proof of that. Even George W Bush was a reflection of image over actual identity.
The debate is going to be ancient history by election day.
Everyone has been pointing to Trump's obvious dementia, criminal behavior, lies, and fraud for years, so I don't see how that is going to be a game changer.
Because everyone hasn't been saying it. Late night comedians and the occasional pundit certainly. If the Democrats actually grew a pair and made it a legitimate talking point comparable to the way Karl Rove did about McCain's black baby, undecided voters are going to listen.

As you say, you're following all of this from Australia. You seem to think that this is a problem with everyone but Biden. Did you watch his debate performance? Did you watch the Stephanopoulos interview? Trump's voters are enthusiastic and will be turning out in droves to reelect him. Biden's voters are dispirited and turned off. The only motivation to turn out Biden's base is terror that Donald Trump is going to march right back into the White House, because the focus is on Biden, not him. The polls suggest that Trump will win the electoral college and possibly even the popular vote. Right now, Biden has dug himself in and refused to budge or consider the possibility that he may need to step aside. The Democratic Party is divided, and Biden is doing nothing to assure anyone that he has a plan to fix the damage he has done to his campaign.

What is new here is that Joe Biden seems unable to deliver on his promise to beat Donald Trump.
Strictly speaking he never could as it isn't up to him. It might seem pedantic but I think that's an important distinction. As much as I hate it, this election is as much a referendum on Trump and his beliefs as it is on the Biden Administration. Possibly even more so, as so many too fucking many people still believe in the Great Man Theory.

Again, you seem not to have grasped why Biden's supporters are in a panic. This crisis was not manufactured. It was triggered by Biden's own very public behavior. During the debate, Donald Trump lied his pants off and said all manner of kooky things. That's normal, and his voters loved it. Biden was the one who created this mess. I believe his excuse that he had a serious cold and that it caused his problems. However, a younger person with that same cold would likely not have failed as badly, and it was obvious that Biden's frailty was age-related. That's the issue. He is not the same person who ran in 2020, and he isn't even the same person who delivered the SOTU. He isn't going to getting any younger or stronger as a candidate.

They are tired of reporting on Donald Trump's screwy behavior, because people just don't care about him. Joe Biden is fresh meat right now.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that for a second. Trump is easy clickbait and by and large, journalists are a pack of lazy cunts. No way they are giving up their gravy train. Much like how Disney constantly churns out Marvel and Star Wars content with diminishing returns, the media is going to milk out every last drop of Trump they can get. And I strongly suspect we are only at the Thor 2/The last Jedi stage of that.

Sorry, but I completely disagree with you. He isn't called "Teflon Don" for nothing. Your contempt for journalists is noted, but it is immaterial. They will do what they always do, and Joe Biden is the one generating all the news right now. We still have months to go, and we can only hope the Biden's ship will right itself. There is no question that those of us who normally vote blue will turn out and support him, but it doesn't seem likely to be enough. Joe should go, but he won't. The rest of us have no choice but to go along, but I'm not going to pretend that nothing is wrong. Democrats who behave that way aren't fooling anyone.
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The "false narrative" is a bear trap Biden walked right into at the debate. Biden could be fine and had a bad night, but the perception sticks. Look at Romney and his "binder full of women" retort and how that stuck. Or Dana Carvey's HW Bush "Not gonna do it" act that HW Bush never said, but lives on. In US politics, the truth isn't as important as the perception, Trump is living proof of that. Even George W Bush was a reflection of image over actual identity.
The debate is going to be ancient history by election day.

If this were a one-off for Biden, you’d be right. But will it be a one-off?
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The "false narrative" is a bear trap Biden walked right into at the debate. Biden could be fine and had a bad night, but the perception sticks. Look at Romney and his "binder full of women" retort and how that stuck. Or Dana Carvey's HW Bush "Not gonna do it" act that HW Bush never said, but lives on. In US politics, the truth isn't as important as the perception, Trump is living proof of that. Even George W Bush was a reflection of image over actual identity.
The debate is going to be ancient history by election day.

If this were a one-off for Biden, you’d be right. But will it be a one-off?

Unfortunately, we have the September debate to look forward to. I expect Biden to stumble his way through that one, too, but not as badly as the last debate. Hopefully, he will not have a cold and won't look as slack-jawed in the split screen. However, the guy has a lot of heavy campaign events ahead of him, and he still has to do his job as president.
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This is the court that the GOP built under W and Trump. These states are considering this legislation because SCOTUS ruled there is no Constitutional protection to an abortion and Thomas indicated that they should also look at all the protections presumed to exist by SCOTUS tied to the right to privacy.

I'm not fixated on abortion like most on here so I don't have a lot of knowledge on the legal and constitutional standings of the subject. From the little knowledge I do have about the subject the "right" to abortion ruling (Roe v Wade) was always a bit shaky.

Abortion just isn't an important issue for me. Have at it.

You should really reconsider your position.

For now, this is the least of my worries and I will leave it to others to figure it out.
You cut off my entire post practically and failed to address the points I raised.

Yes, I did do that only because I don't want to get into an abortion debate. I wasn't trying to be rude or smart or anything. It's just not an area of interest for me.

I can’t believe any atheist would consider supporting anyone but Biden. This is not a liberal or conservative thing. It’s whether you want to see the establishment of a theocratic government along the model of Rushdoony and Falwell, or whether you really believe that we should have religious freedom in this country. I fail to see what other possible considerations you could have that would trump those. Please don’t tell me Kyoto again. Shit.

I find all this hyperbole about theocracy and the end of democracy tedious. I will absolutely NOT be voting for Brandon (even if he were reasonably fit) and will probably not vote for any of the democratic alternates that have been mentioned. I will likely vote for Trump. Keep in mind I vote in California so my vote for Trump would not count for anything anyway.
Bullshit. You haven’t been paying attention. They are explicitly calling for the end of democracy. They are flat out calling for “Christian Nationalism” that will enshrine Christianity as a state religion in all but name. They are openly calling for the use of the insurrection act against their enemies - including the devil worshipping atheists. Only a fool would not take them at their word. They are openly praising Victor Orban. You are voting for a fascist. Fascism is a great form of government if you’re a fascist.
Anyway, where is this expert leadership coming from.
The record, Beave!
Best Post Trump Virus economic recovery on the planet, a fully recovered stock market, quickly improving inflation* and preservation of democracy in the face of a typhoon of fascist ambition per Project 2025.

* I heard on NPR today that in the last year grocery prices rose …

One Percent

ETA: sorry about the emoji!
The "false narrative" is a bear trap Biden walked right into at the debate. Biden could be fine and had a bad night, but the perception sticks. Look at Romney and his "binder full of women" retort and how that stuck. Or Dana Carvey's HW Bush "Not gonna do it" act that HW Bush never said, but lives on. In US politics, the truth isn't as important as the perception, Trump is living proof of that. Even George W Bush was a reflection of image over actual identity.
The debate is going to be ancient history by election day.
Politics is typically ADD, but ai'm uncertain about the debate and its significance.
Bullshit. You haven’t been paying attention. They are explicitly calling for the end of democracy. They are flat out calling for “Christian Nationalism” that will enshrine Christianity as a state religion in all but name. They are openly calling for the use of the insurrection act against their enemies - including the devil worshipping atheists. Only a fool would not take them at their word. They are openly praising Victor Orban. You are voting for a fascist. Fascism is a great form of government if you’re a fascist.
lol. As I say, this hysteria is just boring. It’s Qanon-esq.

I ‘ain’t voting for Brandon.
Bullshit. You haven’t been paying attention. They are explicitly calling for the end of democracy. They are flat out calling for “Christian Nationalism” that will enshrine Christianity as a state religion in all but name. They are openly calling for the use of the insurrection act against their enemies - including the devil worshipping atheists. Only a fool would not take them at their word. They are openly praising Victor Orban. You are voting for a fascist. Fascism is a great form of government if you’re a fascist.
lol. As I say, this hysteria is just boring. It’s Qanon-esq.

I ‘ain’t voting for Brandon.
How so? Are you truly saying that they aren’t openly saying these things?

You have yet to explain what is so great about Trump that makes you want to vote for him.
You have yet to explain what is so great about Trump that makes you want to vote for him.

Trump is not great but he ‘ain’t Brandon.

If Brandon is your guy, that’s cool but I will not be voting for him.
This move to replace Biden is being led by Democrats--voters like myself and representatives in Congress, not MAGAtards.
No. You are just using MAGAtards arguments that undermine the candidacy of the only person that has ever beaten trump.
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