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Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

Bruh, while I agree that they should be arrested for the destruction of property, remember that such actions ultimately led to America's Declaration of Independence. So, technically it's an act of patriotism.
The Boston Tea Party?
Haven't looked at this thread, but thought this is appropriate coverage about the protests

[stupid YouTube video]
The very title indicates that it is a pretty stupid take. Calling them "anti-genocide" protesters when they have nothing bad to say about Hamas which actually has genocidal intent.
The article you quoted said they were protesting the war. The AP headline claimed they were pro-Palestinian. Where are you getting the idea they were pro-Hamas?
They are certainly pro-Palestinian. So much is evident from all the signs they are carrying.
Hamas is the Palestinian faction that governs Gaza and which started this war by murdering >1000 and kidnapping hundreds. These protesters have nothing bad to say about Hamas. Some are overtly in support of Hamas and are praising the October 7th massacre. Are you denying that?
Are you unable to distinguish between those three positions, or are you employing extremist rhetoric as a smear against anyone who protests the war for any reason?
The onus of the protesters to distance themselves from those who are praising genocidal Hamas violence.

Now what do you, Arctish, think about these protesters, whether you believe them to be, damaging university buildings and other property?
The sickness is spreading to med schools and hospitals.

In San Francisco, Doctors Feud Over ‘Do No Harm’ When It Comes to War Protests

NY Times said:
It looked like any other pro-Palestinian encampment at a college campus in the United States. The tents, the flags, the banners calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war.
But this was at the University of California, San Francisco, one of the nation’s pre-eminent medical schools and teaching hospitals. The protesters were medical students and doctors. And the chants of “intifada, intifada, long live intifada!” could be heard by patients in their hospital rooms at the U.C.S.F. Medical Center.
And no, Arctish, chanting "long live intifada" (which refers to the two years-long terror campaigns where Palestinians were suicide bombing Israeli civilians, among other terror attacks) does not make one "anti war". These are pro-Hamas, or at the very least, pro-terrorism, protests.
It is truly beyond the pale that UCSF is allowing this to happen.
Jonathan Terdiman, a Jewish gastroenterologist, said the behavior that might be tolerated on an undergraduate campus — such as the “intifada” chant — hits differently at a hospital.
“People are coming here for chemotherapy. They have dire illnesses,” Dr. Terdiman said. “When that chant goes up and is heard in the patient care rooms, which it clearly was, it’s a violation of our professional obligations as health care providers.”
Some Jewish doctors said they have darted into side rooms when they have seen staunch Israel critics approaching. Others said they have tried to keep their Jewish identity a secret. Matthew Smith, a doctoral student in biophysics who is Jewish and wears a skullcap, said he has been told by a lab technician that Israel deserved what happened on Oct. 7 and by another student that “Jews control the banks.”
Overt antisemitism. And yet the administration is doing nothing.
U.C.S.F. has a dress code prohibiting political symbols in patient care settings, but Dr. Ghannam said staff members for years have worn pins supporting abortion rights, Black Lives Matter and the L.G.B.T.Q. community without repercussions.[/quote\
If there is a policy against political displays, these should not have been allowed either.
“I don’t think they would tolerate this if it were medical conspiracy theories alleging such hateful things about other groups,” he said. “But they are tolerating this.”
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"...supporting and financing some work..."

Yeah, um, of course some countries we don't like fund some stuff against Israel. Even if 100% of the things that protesters say are true and even if 100% of their points and rationales are valid, they'd still be partially funded and supported by countries that don't like Israel, like Iran, for example.

From the article:
Haines made clear that the anti-Israel protest movement is not created by Iran-linked actors, and much of the speech is authentic from Americans.

Also, this:
I want to be clear that I know Americans who participate in protests are, in good faith, expressing their views on the conflict in Gaza — this intelligence does not indicate otherwise,” Haines said. “Moreover, the freedom to express diverse views, when done peacefully, is essential to our democracy, but it is also important to warn of foreign actors who seek to exploit our debate for their own purposes.”

Yet, Derec chooses to call it astroturfing:
Derec said:
Anti-Israel protests have been astroturfed from Iran.

  1. the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public.
No, that isn't astroturfing, but this is the same kind of poisoning the well ad hom like when Derec created the Israel thread, saying the Squad was rejoicing.
No, that isn't astroturfing, but this is the same kind of poisoning the well ad hom like when Derec created the Israel thread, saying the Squad was rejoicing.
I disagree that it isn't astroturfing. If the protests are even partially funded and organized from Tehran, then they are not organically springing up.
Pro-Hamas protests in Washington DC yesterday are not even bothering to pretend that they are not Hamas supporters any more.



They also vandalized statues and the like. Quite disgusting, but I am sure the Ilk will try to defend them anyway.
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No, that isn't astroturfing, but this is the same kind of poisoning the well ad hom like when Derec created the Israel thread, saying the Squad was rejoicing.
I disagree that it isn't astroturfing. If the protests are even partially funded and organized from Tehran, then they are not organically springing up.
Nonsense. Helping someone achieve a goal of their own is not astroturfing.
Pro-Hamas protests in Washington DC yesterday are not even bothering to pretend that they are not Hamas supporters any more.



They also vandalized statues and the like. Quite disgusting, but I am sure the Ilk will try to defend them anyway.

You left out the bell.

Pro-Hamas protests in Washington DC yesterday are not even bothering to pretend that they are not Hamas supporters any more.



They also vandalized statues and the like. Quite disgusting, but I am sure the Ilk will try to defend them anyway.

You left out the bell.

Oh no!

They've abused that symbol of freedom, by trying to make it into some sort of symbol of freedom!
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