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  1. S

    The Biblical Flood Caused An Ice Age

    I don't know who's who in creation science but I heard this in passing on a radio show, Heard this in a Chi stain show. 'Secular' science says there is evidence that there have been multiple ice ages, but they are wrong there has only been one. And it was caused by the biblical flood. It goes...
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    Calculating Ad Approximating Math Functions

    Working solutions to c;calculating math functions.
  3. S

    What is social science?

    There is hard science and soft science. Physics is a invariant hard science. Psychology which has an experimental basis is a soft science. It can be based on statistical inference, but there are no deterministic equations and variables as in a hard science. Hard and soft science both use the...
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    The Jesus Cult Of Pain

    A bloody Jesus on a cross in agony wearing a crown of thorns represents a cut of pain and suffering. There was a large such a crucifix hanging over the alter in the church I went to as a kid. Around the church were the ;stains of the cross'. A priest in full regalia with a scepter followed by...
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    Religious Persecution Complex

    My only experience with Bahai was a couple. What they talked about is victimhood, how they are persecuted for their beliefs. Victims of persecution for beliefs Christians Muslims Jews Baha'i Hindus Sikhs It seems persecution by an adversary is a key element to religion. Us vs them. In the...
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    Comonality Of Priciple.

    A response to a post on another thread. In the 90s when I took a night class in modern physics it was a little anti-climactic. Some of the general principles I understood from elect cal theory. Principles of resonance and complex impedance are a general form that appear in electric circuits...
  7. S

    Euler's Identity

    ...is managing complex numbers in an experiential form where the laws of exponents apply instead of arithmetic in rectangular form. x^a * x^b = x ^(a+b) x^a \ x^b = x^(a-b) e^ja * e^ja = e ^(ja+jb) e^ja \ e^ja = e ^(ja-jb) (cos(x1) + jsin(x1))*(cos(x12) + jsin(x2)) = e^(jx1...
  8. S

    The Discrete Fourier Transfrom DFT

    ...f.write(s) f.close() return 0 def dft(n,y,fs,f,mag): print("Start") n2 = int( n/2) print(n," ",n2) w = 2.*m.pi/n c2 = 2./n fsum = 0 df = fs/n for freq in range(n2): f[freq] = fsum # trasform frequency scaling fsum += df...
  9. S

    Religious Morality

    Branching from a post on god of atheism... If it is in the bible it is moral, of course. Morally objective and absolute? Does not pass the laugh test. There is widespread Christian support for an ethically and morally repugnant Trump. Moral relativism. Christians openly say they know it but...
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    Having Fun With Math And Physics

    ...a resistor and a capacitor demonstrating the equivalence of electric potential energy and heat. Put a voltage on a capacitor, energy equaling .5*c*v^2. Discharge the capacitor and determining the power dissipated in the resistor. To finish the experiment put the resistor in a container of...
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    Books Online

    Engineering Electromagnetic by Hayt, an oldie but a goodie. Maxwell's Equations, fields, and EM wave propagation. https://alumni.media.mit.edu/~aggelos/papers/EM_Hayt_6th.pdf Calculus https://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/resources/Strang/Edited/Calculus/Calculus.pdf Linear Algebra...
  12. S

    Interpolation And Curve Fitting

    ...n = len(xd) y = 0 for i in range (n): wp = yd[i] for j in range(n): if j != i: wp = wp * (x - xd[j])/(xd[i] - xd[j]) y += wp return y n = 7 xd = n*[0] yd = n*[0] lo = 0 hi = math.pi/2 # x range 0 to 90 degrees dx =...
  13. S

    Complex Numbers

    ...+j where j is the imaginary number sqrt(-1) Impedance Z = real resistance +- imaginary reactance, a complex number/ Capacative reactance = 1/(2pi*f*c) = Xc Capacative impedance Zc = rc - jXc where rc is the internal resistance of a capacitor. The magnitude of the impedance Zc = sqrt(rc^2...
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    Marjoe Gortner Religion For Profit Documentray

    There was Marjoe Gortner, I read his book on how people profit off religion. His documentary may be online. When he was a kid they made up visions for him to recite on stage. They sewed deep pockets into his pants. After a service he walked around the crowd and people stuffed money in his...
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    In God's Image?

    The plural in Genesis has always puzzled me. If we are in god's image, or god and friends., then we are as god. Violent, greedy, petty, and warlike. If we take the passage as poetry and metaphor instead of a literal belief it makes sense. We are self described gods or god like with dominion...
  16. S


    Ipetrich posted math code in Python so I installed it. It looks like and old MSDOS program built on C libraries. The language looks fine for math, but a lot of low level system overhead. I can import a .py file located in the Python install directory and it executes. I have a directory...
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    Math Software

    I am not familiar with Mathmatica. Matlab became a standard tool for technical computing and simulation. Euler and Scilab are similar. Scilab originated in a French national laboratory as I recall. Scripted languages, good graphics, and specialized functions. Mathcad has an electronic...
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    If you were a god

    You are a single all powerful thinking aware god existing absolutely alone. You can wink things into existence at your whim. What would you do?
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    A Gun Question

    If you do not own guns and are maybe oppose gun ownership, at what point would you consider arming yourself? Here in Seattle the police department has effectively been destroyed by city councll policy, along with state policy. SPD continues to lose more officers than it hires. Property crime...
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    Stirling Engines

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling_engine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applications_of_the_Stirling_engine https://www.stirlingengine.com/ https://www.redhawkenergy.net/qnergy-stirling-engine/
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