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  1. F

    Police shootings -- what "Unarmed" really means

    I don´t think it explains a 25 times difference. Racism, culture and legal immunity for police officers with a lack of accountability is much larger. Here and in a large part of Europe policing is a 2-4 year college degree makes for better officers.
  2. F

    Stress of Trump era harms Americans' psychological health

    OK where do you whant us to build it for you?
  3. F

    Trump is not a racist

    They must have been bummed out when your parents moved in, with you in tow.
  4. F

    Police shootings -- what "Unarmed" really means

    Police manage to do that in every single other developed country.
  5. F

    Police shootings -- what "Unarmed" really means

    Funny how this is just a problem in the US. The US and Germany are similar in many ways, both are large Germany has about 80 million people, they are both majority white Germany 79% USA 77% both have large immigrant and minority populations Germany has a large population of Loren´s least...
  6. F

    Trump is not a racist

    Are you playing at being dense or is it real?
  7. F

    Trump is not a racist

    And imagine being so stupid that you did not understand what Hillary meant when she talked about the basket of deplorables, she was talking about the racist alt right. <snip>
  8. F

    Trump is not a racist

    <snip> You are even more unintelligible than usual <snip>
  9. F

    Europe submits voluntarily

  10. F


    With the help of you guys. Were you not content with ruining you home country, did you have to spread the misery?
  11. F

    Donald Trump: the Worst First Year Ever?

    Or it could be that Trausti being a Trump voter is not super good at numbers.
  12. F


    Sure you just spend all your time here defending your idiot dictator and the shithole country that he rules. Why on Earth are you defending Russia which is frankly speaking a gas station at this point because of mismanagement, you produce nothing but Oil and chaos and Putin who has mismanaged...
  13. F

    Nutritional inequality: 91% due to demand, only 9% due to availability (food deserts)

    Yes like Russia all that natural wealth, still a shithole becaus you can´t resist voting in incompetent leaders.
  14. F

    Tipping - Who are you actually going to be tipping?

    Here where I am we solve this problem by paying waitstaff a living wage and people who make waiting their profession can make a good living and if you work after 1800 you make time and a half.
  15. F

    Bernie Sanders about to be #MeTooBoated?

    That is one feminist I don´t screencap your posts and say that all incells think the way you do.
  16. F

    "Me Too" Judge Roy Moore

    And yet you always believe the testimony of whites that kill blacks and never vice versa, I wonder why that is hmmmmmmmmmm.
  17. F

    John Conyers To Resign

    Surprise Derec is defending the racist, woman hating child molester!
  18. F

    Trump calls Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring native American veterans

    Were you expecting something other from Dismal?
  19. F

    Trump calls Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring native American veterans

    The Twittler Youth don´t care. When has truth mattered to people like him? The funny thing is that his hero Trump claims to have Swedish ancestry, maybe they should start calling him Sven since they think playing with peoples names is so funny?
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