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Europe submits voluntarily

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And here you lie again: she isnt investigated because she questioned the twitter, it is because she called muslims barbarians.
She didn't call all Muslims barbarians. She called those Muslims who attacked women during NYE a couple of years ago in Cologne barbarians. That was in the context of her criticizing the local police for tweeting in Arabic.
Should the government really be able to prohibit you from calling people barbarians who act as barbarians? Being Muslim should not give somebody immunity from criticism, even strong criticism.

And the article is very clear on this so it is very clear that your lie was deliberate.
I provided the link to the article for more details. Duh!
540 Australian-born, .1% of the population means that you would expect about a 50% chance that one was by someone from Sudan--but the real rate is almost 200x that.
It's typical "lying with statistics". Looking at raw numbers and not per capita numbers when population shares are very different is basically fraud.
And here you lie again: she isnt investigated because she questioned the twitter, it is because she called muslims barbarians.
She didn't call all Muslims barbarians. She called those Muslims who attacked women during NYE a couple of years ago in Cologne barbarians. That was in the context of her criticizing the local police for tweeting in Arabic.
Should the government really be able to prohibit you from calling people barbarians who act as barbarians? Being Muslim should not give somebody immunity from criticism, even strong criticism.

And the article is very clear on this so it is very clear that your lie was deliberate.
I provided the link to the article for more details. Duh!

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I keep harping on about the incompatibility of the of followers mohammad the warmonger terrorist been a supremacists narcists ideology that suppresses women, kills gays, intolerant of all other religions, is anti-Semitic, and most, up to 80% do not condemn jihadi terrorists attacks on innocent people. Importing these barbarians into our society may one day lead to civil war, or at least vigilante attacks on all Muslims.
Anyway, most of these freeloaders who country shop for the best welfare states are males. Doesn't that say something?
But the average migrant is not less likely to be criminal than the average German. The numbers show them to be significantly more likely to be criminal.
Unfortunately it is virtually impossible to deport migrants even when they commit serious crimes.

The average migrant is also younger, more likely to be male, and more likely to be poor. You sure have not demonstrated any discrepancy that is not explained by those factors.
But the average migrant is not less likely to be criminal than the average German. The numbers show them to be significantly more likely to be criminal.
Unfortunately it is virtually impossible to deport migrants even when they commit serious crimes.

The average migrant is also younger, more likely to be male, and more likely to be poor. You sure have not demonstrated any discrepancy that is not explained by those factors.

There are millions of poor unemployed Filipinos and Indians, just two examples who although poor do not commit terrorist attacks or figure predominantly in crimes everywhere they live!
But the average migrant is not less likely to be criminal than the average German. The numbers show them to be significantly more likely to be criminal.
Unfortunately it is virtually impossible to deport migrants even when they commit serious crimes.

The average migrant is also younger, more likely to be male, and more likely to be poor. You sure have not demonstrated any discrepancy that is not explained by those factors.

There are millions of poor unemployed Filipinos and Indians, just two examples who although poor do not commit terrorist attacks or figure predominantly in crimes everywhere they live!

Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in the (mostly Catholic) Philippines: 9.84 (most recent figure of 2014)
Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in (mostly Muslim) Indonesia: 0.50 (same year)

Funny you should mention Indonesia, a country that wanted to behead it's Christian pm purely because he wasn't a Muslim. And those figures are way out of kilter in say Jakarta or other high population centres.
Funny you should mention Indonesia, a country that wanted to behead it's Christian pm purely because he wasn't a Muslim.

Any sources for that? You may be confusing it with the case of a local governor that was sentenced to two years for blasphemy. That's bad enough as it is, but far from beheading - and many Western countries have blasphemy laws too, though I'd be the first to argue we should scrap them without replacement.

And those figures are way out of kilter in say Jakarta or other high population centres.

Again, any sources for that? Of course, like in every country, crime is probably higher in urban areas than in the countryside in Indonesia too. This doesn't change the fact that, out of all South East Asian nations, the highest crime rates (at least going by murder rates, which are the only ones were a direct comparison across different jurisdictions is at least somewhat feasible) are, in order: Catholic Indonesia, Buddhist Laos, Catholic East Timor, and Buddhist Thailand.
There are millions of poor unemployed Filipinos and Indians, just two examples who although poor do not commit terrorist attacks or figure predominantly in crimes everywhere they live!

Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in the (mostly Catholic) Philippines: 9.84 (most recent figure of 2014)
Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in (mostly Muslim) Indonesia: 0.50 (same year)


Which country has an active Muslim terrorist movement?
There are millions of poor unemployed Filipinos and Indians, just two examples who although poor do not commit terrorist attacks or figure predominantly in crimes everywhere they live!

Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in the (mostly Catholic) Philippines: 9.84 (most recent figure of 2014)
Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in (mostly Muslim) Indonesia: 0.50 (same year)


Which country has an active Muslim terrorist movement?

Both of them. Was that a trick question?
Which country has an active Muslim terrorist movement?

Both of them. Was that a trick question?

I hear of a lot more stuff in the Philippines.

At the moment thousands of operations are in progress against the drug cartels some of which were run by mayors and the police.
A war against ISIS


The groups are fighting each other

Yet many Moros, like Musa, are not victims of a heavy-handed central government but the casualties of infighting among their own kin. The battle at Zamboanga, which led to the destruction of Musa’s home, started off when factions of one rebel group, the Moro National Liberation Front, wanted to signal their displeasure with the peace negotiations with Manila then being carried out by another rebel group, Moro Islamic Liberation Front. It took 3,000 troops to end the rebel occupation of several districts of the city, in an operation that saw 51 insurgents killed and drove 70,000 people from their homes.
There are millions of poor unemployed Filipinos and Indians, just two examples who although poor do not commit terrorist attacks or figure predominantly in crimes everywhere they live!

Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in the (mostly Catholic) Philippines: 9.84 (most recent figure of 2014)
Murders per 100,000 inhabitants in (mostly Muslim) Indonesia: 0.50 (same year)


Which country has an active Muslim terrorist movement?

This conversation is simply surreal.

Do you really think that murder rate in the Philippines is mostly due to terrorist attacks? This is too absurd to merit comment, but I'm going to please you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_Philippines#2014

You could have googled that yourself, but there you go. I'm even going to summarise for you: Total terrorist-related deaths in the Philippines in 2014: 12

For a country that had almost exactly 100 million inhabitants in 2014, excluding terrorist deaths would thus bring down the murder rate from 9.84 per 100,000 to -- 9.72 per 100,000.

Again, you could have worked that out yourself.
Which country has an active Muslim terrorist movement?

Both of them. Was that a trick question?

I hear of a lot more stuff in the Philippines.

You would. As a former US protectorate, or whatever you called that unhealthy relationship you had, anything happening there is inherently more newsworthy in the US than anything happening in Indonesia. Plus, some media might be more inclined to report Islamist terrorism in a mostly Catholic country, which lends itself to propaganda along the lines of "them Muslims are killing good Christian folks", than admit that globally, Islamism is a threat more to Muslims than to anyone else.
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Funny you should mention Indonesia, a country that wanted to behead it's Christian pm purely because he wasn't a Muslim.

Any sources for that? You may be confusing it with the case of a local governor that was sentenced to two years for blasphemy. That's bad enough as it is, but far from beheading - and many Western countries have blasphemy laws too, though I'd be the first to argue we should scrap them without replacement.

And those figures are way out of kilter in say Jakarta or other high population centres.

Again, any sources for that? Of course, like in every country, crime is probably higher in urban areas than in the countryside in Indonesia too. This doesn't change the fact that, out of all South East Asian nations, the highest crime rates (at least going by murder rates, which are the only ones were a direct comparison across different jurisdictions is at least somewhat feasible) are, in order: Catholic Indonesia, Buddhist Laos, Catholic East Timor, and Buddhist Thailand.

Which countries have blasphemy laws besides Islamic theocracies?
Any sources for that? You may be confusing it with the case of a local governor that was sentenced to two years for blasphemy. That's bad enough as it is, but far from beheading - and many Western countries have blasphemy laws too, though I'd be the first to argue we should scrap them without replacement.

Again, any sources for that? Of course, like in every country, crime is probably higher in urban areas than in the countryside in Indonesia too. This doesn't change the fact that, out of all South East Asian nations, the highest crime rates (at least going by murder rates, which are the only ones were a direct comparison across different jurisdictions is at least somewhat feasible) are, in order: Catholic Indonesia, Buddhist Laos, Catholic East Timor, and Buddhist Thailand.

Which countries have blasphemy laws besides Islamic theocracies?

Among others: Germany, Austria, Poland, Israel, India, Thailand, the Philippines, New Zealand, and, at the subnational level, - and that's only counting countries where blasphemy carries a potential prison sentence. Other countries that only recently repealed their blasphemy laws are the Netherlands (2014) and Denmark (2017), among others.

The common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel were abolished in England and Wales in 2008 with the passage of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act.[7] Other countries to abolish or repeal blasphemy laws include France in 1881 (except for the Alsace-Moselle region, part of Germany at the time), Sweden in 1970, Norway with Acts in 2009 and 2015, the Netherlands in 2014, Iceland in 2015, Malta in 2016, France for its Alsace-Moselle region in 2016, and Denmark in 2017. Australia abolished and repealed all blasphemy laws at the Federal Level in 1995 but blasphemy laws remain in some States and Territories. source

Indeed, Tasmania's blasphemy law with a maximal sentence of 21 years in prison (though rarely executed) appears to be one of the harshest in the Western world at least by the letter (compare Indonesia's maximum sentence of 5 years) - source, source2.

What's this thing about right wingers and being unable to google the simplest stuff? Is it genetic? Or is it environmental -- because you usually get away with just making up stuff as you go along?
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Jokodo, you are forgetting that blasphemy laws are very rarely used in Europe (probably the same for Tasmania) and that the last time somebody was charged for blasphemy in Europe was for burning the Quran. That too, then, is a sign of creeping Islamization.
Danish man who videoed himself burning the Quran charged with blasphemy

That is decidedly *not* the only recent time anyone was charged for blasphemy in Europe. In Malta alone, before the law was finally abolished in 2016, there were 3-digit numbers of convictions per year - in a country of less than half a million. https://end-blasphemy-laws.org/countries/europe/malta/

Other countries where blasphemy laws regularly lead to convictions (for blaspheming against Christianity) include Greece and Poland.

As a matter of fact, the staunchest defenders of blasphemy laws, everywhere in Europe, are the conservative and right-wing parties (it's only karma when occasionally, those laws, which they always only meant to protect Christianity but couldn't say so because the rule of law still applies, fall back on them). The ones who want to scrap them are the Greens and to a lesser extent/less consistently Social Democrats - the ones you guys accuse of being in bed with Islamists. To claim that existing blasphemy laws are a sign of creeping islamization is not just wrong, it is a 180° reversal of the truth: At the same time as Muslim populations are growing, blasphemy laws are being scrapped, and not the at the insistence of the self-declared "defenders of Europe"!

That which I'm allegedly forgetting exists only in the mind of propagandists.
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Saudi Arabia

In 2009, Amnesty International reported that "at least 102 men and women, 39 of them foreign nationals, were executed in 2008. Many were executed for non-violent offences, including drug offences, 'sodomy', blasphemy and apostasy."[3] In 2008, Human Rights Watch reported that Saudi Arabia frequently convicts persons for alleged insults to religion.[4] In 1999, the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Commission expressed concern about the lack of response from Saudi Arabia to inquiries about the circumstances of detained persons
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