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  1. Z

    The Highest Valued Work

    Thinking about how humans value work. Postulate: We value those that take responsibility and make decisions for others. We value the work of leaders above all. Discuss.
  2. Z

    Poll: Is the world overpopulated?

    I have related questions. I am wondering how life experience and perceptions affect the opinions expressed. So, next time you do a poll, ask these three questions: Which Generation do you belong too? Boomers, X, ect. Do you live in an Urban, Suburban or Rural setting? Do you think there is...
  3. Z

    Logic Test

    pfft. The answer is clearly the shadow of the tallest building at precisely Y time of day. The sentence uses an interrogative pronoun. The subject of the sentence is "What". That creates a question even if you leave off the ? at the end. Like a Jeopardy "answer".
  4. Z

    Another logic problem 2

    So tell us where you were going with this...anyway
  5. Z

    Noam Chomsky - 'Obama is Worse Than Bush'

    Are you kidding? We would be at war in Egypt and Syria and the Ukraine.
  6. Z

    What is your favourite Bob Dylan album(s)?

    Blood on the Tracks. Over the years that one has stayed strong even as I changed But I left Dylan for Cohen years ago.
  7. Z

    Another logic question

    This is why I think a course in Critical Thinking and Logic could be taught easily by deconstructing TV commercials.
  8. Z

    Another logic problem 2

    Moles? In daylight? What the heck are they doing above ground? Or do I have 12 Mole HOLES, which of course I could maybe see, but then being HOLES, they have no weight. And if my backyard is big enough for 12 territorial MOLES, it is not likely I could see ALL the Holes. It is more...
  9. Z

    Game of Thrones

    I am glad HBO has deviated firmly from that monstrous crap that was the books. I was suspicious on the third book, and downright pissed on the 4th, and my suspicions were confirmed in the 5th. Martin himself is lost in this crap. The last episode gave me hope that there will eventually be a...
  10. Z

    Growing Inequality (or How Libertarian Theories Go BOOM!)

    The problem with their interpretation of the Protestant Work Ethic is that it was originally directed at the children of the wealthy. The second sons of lords and whatnot that felt that they weren't supposed to do manual labor in the new colonies. Everyone else knew they had to work to eat.
  11. Z

    The White House Wants to Issue You an Online ID

    On line Voting! Do away with elected representatives and have the people vote directly on Bills. Would save so much money. This ^^ But only This. But like Driver's Licenses, eventually everyone will want to see it for proof you are who you say you are. We enjoyed the Wild West...
  12. Z

    Londonistan, Eurabia

    http://www.firstcoastnews.com/story/news/local/2014/04/27/bacon-nation-festival/8305769/ Don't worry. Western Core Values are alive and well elsewhere. The Bacon Fest ran out of Bacon in two hours.
  13. Z

    Is Holder's DOJ trying to shut down porn?

    Payday lenders too? From the article, this is a pretty wide net that is being cast, not just at porn stars. And just what kind of favors does Chase owe the DOJ that they would comply? And does China attempts to clean up the internet have anything to do with this? Well, I guess if you...
  14. Z

    The Privatization Backlash

    That is what the World Bank Should Promote. But here, I give you a link, you make up your own mind. http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/ The president of the World Bank is "selected" by the President of the US, and strangely enough, they tend to appoint people who follow their politics. Or...
  15. Z


    Nicotine raises blood sugar, no matter whether you get it from a cig, chew, patch or vaping.
  16. Z

    I call shennigans !

    IMO, Microsoft is pulling shit because some really stubborn people won't buy their new Crapola. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/27/us-cybersecurity-microsoft-browser-idUSBREA3Q0PB20140427 Internet Explorer 6 was released on August 27, 2001, shortly after the completion of Windows XP...
  17. Z

    Fuck Football... really...

    Actually, the people making money on twitch, besides twitch, are amateur video game players. I like that about it. I like anything where people can make money doing things they like to do and being free to decide when and how much they do it. The big dogs haven't figured out how to get rich...
  18. Z

    Fuck Football... really...

    And baseball, and wrestling.... http://www.gamespot.com/articles/twitch-beats-out-espn-wwe-and-mlb-as-largest-live-streaming-site-in-the-us/1100-6419226/ Down with jocks, nerds pwn
  19. Z

    Origins and History of Hatred of Jews

    First, you have to look at the Catholic church who encouraged and made use of Jewish banking. https://sites.google.com/site/hashtaumd/contents-1/banking Then you have to remember that Jewish Communities kept themselves apart in many ways. Religion, marriages, different days of worship, dress...
  20. Z


    The fancier ones have refillable reservoirs that you can put about any mix of flavors and strength of nicotine in. Nicotine is a poison, just like alcohol and many other substances that will kill you if you do too much. However, recent studies are showing that nicotine, like alcohol, has some...
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