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  1. 4

    Bigoted Doctor Fired

    So? != and /= and =/= are definitely != and /= and =/= English :)
  2. 4

    Bigoted Doctor Fired

    But here we speak English, of all kinds of different sorts, but English, not programspeak, we're not all robots, not yet.
  3. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Maybe it depends on what's in the water?
  4. 4

    The human mind

    And you say that all this activity is by chance with no gene involvement in the creation or direction of the cells and chemicals concerned? Either your teachers were ignorant or you misunderstood them. see for example https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867400808983 or...
  5. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Which is why, as stated in my earlier post, I support its legalization in Canada. But I do not support Unter's unscientific attitude and his apparently eager acceptance of anecdotal evidence and his faith-based statements.
  6. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Hyperbole is one sign of ignorant prejudice.
  7. 4

    New Horizons flies by distant planetoid

    It's a golden-coloured Snowman!!!
  8. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Wait till this habit becomes as widely accepted as "normal" for as long as alcohol use has been.
  9. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Also Sprach Zarathustra...
  10. 4

    Extrasensory perception?

    Speakpigeon (not to say Speakmuchomucho :) said: No. Not intuition but experience and memory of that experience. Next time you look and it's raining and there is a roof outside that you somehow cannot see, you will find the ground under it is dry, and that means you have more experience and...
  11. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Agree about schizophrenia so far. But effects occur and it is inane stupidity, and anti-scientific prejudice to deny them. For example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3037578/ or...
  12. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Agree that it was an aggression by the USA, against all evidence, and urged on by Israel, and supported in Western Europe only by the UK, who, along with Poland and Australia supplied armed forces in aid of the invading US forces. France, Germany, and I believe, Spain and Italy opposed the...
  13. 4

    The human mind

    [/B] What experiences that led to development in the womb? (Do you mean "influenced" and not "led"?) Hormonal experiences? Other chemical experiences including alcohol/other drug intake/inhalation by mother, including tobbaco smoke and "good", "harmless", drugs like caffeine or cannabis...
  14. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    It all depends on which insane-making drugs you are talking about.
  15. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Is it bad in Christianity and not in sharia?
  16. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    I am surprised that a leftist-anarcho-syndicalist would find good in a dictatorial religion like Islam, and have not a single good word for dictatorial Christianity. All three savage dictatorial Abrahamic religions were created by men to organize, direct and control their savage, mercurial...
  17. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    So you cannot back up your original or your present, tenfold decreased, figures. Both were pulled out of the air or from closer to where your autonomous mind sits. Your logical working out is OK; pity your premises are completely wrong for most of the time, based on nothing more than your...
  18. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    I was asking you to back up your original figures of 99% innocent and 1% jihadists. Back those up.
  19. 4

    Post Your Own Wildlife Photography

    You see?.... Trump was right... It's those damn immigrants again... :)
  20. 4

    Europe submits voluntarily

    I have made no statement in the above post that needs backing up with figures or even with opinions. You have. Now back it up. I am being generous to a famously autonomous mind.
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