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16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

I can't say I care that much about Nobel Prize in economics.
US presidents has been ruining economy long before Trump.

Reagan and both Bushes did a bang up job of screwing up the U.S. economy.
Same with Clinton, Obama and Biden.

Clinton balanced the budget. Obama rescued the economy after Bush and a GOP Congress lead to the biggest economic collapse since the great depression, despite attempted GOP sabotage of his efforts. Under Biden, the U.S. has enjoy the greatest GDP growth of all Western Industrial nations. And slashed deficit spending to half of what it was under Trumpo the Clown. Trump gave the U.S. $7.8 trillion in deficits. Under Biden, the stock market has reached the greatest heights in history. Shut up. You know nothing about any of this.
Clinton balanced the budget
Bullshit. Clinton was lucky becasue of Internet investment bubble due to deregulation of stock investment rules.
Obama rescued the economy after Bush
By increasing debt. And it was your economics genius Clinton who fucking started the fucking Housing Crisis!
Under Biden, the U.S. has enjoy the greatest GDP growth of all Western Industrial nations.
That's because Biden tanked EU by blowing up NordStream.
Economy is not limited to US only, there are other countries too.
And Bidenomics is fiction anyway, it mainly points toward stockmarket, it does not correspond to regular people lives.
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I'm surprised Paul Krugman wasn't one of the names.

It does seem like a big surprise; he certainly prefers Biden over Trump as ALL Americans do, unless filled with hatreds or ignorance. Perhaps he knows that his name is a nasty word among the Dunning-Kruger crowd, and would do more harm than good.

Krugman has written recently that inflation as "should" be measured is already under 3% and it's time to lower interest rates.

(With debts too large to be repaid and escalating geopolitical risks, Eat, drink and make Mary?)
Clinton balanced the budget
Bullshit. Clinton was lucky becasue of Internet investment bubble due to deregulation of stock investment rules.
Obama rescued the economy after Bush
By increasing debt. And it was your economics genius Clinton who fucking started the fucking Housing Crisis!
Under Biden, the U.S. has enjoy the greatest GDP growth of all Western Industrial nations.
That's because Biden tanked EU by blowing up NordStream.
Economy is not limited to US only, there are other countries too.
And Bidenomics is fiction anyway, it mainly points toward stockmarket, it does not correspond to regular people lives.

Clinton (gasp!) raised taxes on the wealthy. And slashed spending. Nutty Newt Gingrich and his Newtzies moaned and groaned and predicted recession, no, depression! And tried to scuttle Clinton's economic actions and failed. And the dire results including mass unemployment Nutty Newt predicted failed to materialize. Part of Clinton's 'luck' was that the wretched G.W.H. Bush had been forced by Tip O'Neal to slash spending when Bush's OBM head Richard Darman had to tell Congress Bush's economic plan (Read my lips. No New Taxes!) would give America a $400 billion dollar deficit. O'Neil refused to shoulder the burden of saving America from Bush and forced Bush to raise taxes and slash spending ending Reagan's Supply Side nonsense with a bang. Tip O;Neal forced Bush to do the right thing. Clinton balanced the budget with support of O'Neal and the U.S. enjoyed the best economy it had had in years. Bush II undid it all and buried us in deficits with massive tax cuts instead of following the successful Clinton economic model. Then the derivatives disaster tanked the economy, already weak due to Bush.

You are utterly, bone, stone, stick ignorant of what happened under Bush and Clinton.
Clinton balanced the budget
Bullshit. Clinton was lucky becasue of Internet investment bubble due to deregulation of stock investment rules.
Obama rescued the economy after Bush
By increasing debt. And it was your economics genius Clinton who fucking started the fucking Housing Crisis!
Under Biden, the U.S. has enjoy the greatest GDP growth of all Western Industrial nations.
That's because Biden tanked EU by blowing up NordStream.
Economy is not limited to US only, there are other countries too.
And Bidenomics is fiction anyway, it mainly points toward stockmarket, it does not correspond to regular people lives.

Clinton (gasp!) raised taxes on the wealthy. And slashed spending. Nutty Newt Gingrich and his Newtzies moaned and groaned and predicted recession, no, depression! And tried to scuttle Clinton's economic actions and failed. And the dire results including mass unemployment Nutty Newt predicted failed to materialize. Part of Clinton's 'luck' was that the wretched G.W.H. Bush had been forced by Tip O'Neal to slash spending when Bush's OBM head Richard Darman had to tell Congress Bush's economic plan (Read my lips. No New Taxes!) would give America a $400 billion dollar deficit. O'Neil refused to shoulder the burden of saving America from Bush and forced Bush to raise taxes and slash spending ending Reagan's Supply Side nonsense with a bang. Tip O;Neal forced Bush to do the right thing. Clinton balanced the budget with support of O'Neal and the U.S. enjoyed the best economy it had had in years. Bush II undid it all and buried us in deficits with massive tax cuts instead of following the successful Clinton economic model. Then the derivatives disaster tanked the economy, already weak due to Bush.

You are utterly, bone, stone, stick ignorant of what happened under Bush and Clinton.
No, it's you.
I can't say I care that much about Nobel Prize in economics.
US presidents has been ruining economy long before Trump.

Reagan and both Bushes did a bang up job of screwing up the U.S. economy.
Same with Clinton, Obama and Biden.
Well, that was comprehensive.

First off, HW Bush didn't fuck up the economy, that was Reagan. HW Bush suffered from the recession that generally was impacted by the uber deficit savvy Reagan Administration. HW Bush raised taxes, wasn't a far-right asshole, and he was fired, in part by the Republicans and the growing Limbaugh movement. It'd take eight years to mold George W. Bush into an every day guy with a ranch, that went to an Ivy League school and vacationed with family in Kennebunkport, like all other normal folk do. W was the next stepping stone in the GOP's move towards madness.

But first, Clinton, The Clinton Presidency skull fucked the Laffer curve by raising taxes and overseeing the Internet Boom. Life was good. But Gingrich/Hastert and the GOP started their GOP First strategy. Forced a great deal of austerity, spending on the military was cut, welfare was reformed, and we learned about the super predators, creating new rules for Justice to save America from crime. It wasn't all great, but economically, things in the US were never better than during the Clinton Administration. That is undeniable. There was the Phil Gramm thing with deregulating derivatives trading, what is the worst that could do?

We had a "surplus" for the first time in a long time, and voodoo economists said we had a substantial surplus coming. So we got a tax cut, $1.2 trillion worth. W shot spending up through the roof. Military spending went way up. The years that followed had zero surplus and more deficits. George W. Bush also saw Alan Greenspan finish out his career in a blaze of glory, in the form of building the US economy up on a house of cards. Our economy was slowing, then rocked by 9/11, then resettled to slowing. Alan Greenspan had this idea that if we ignore booming housing, the growth will continue into infinity. W needed low interest rates because the Internet Boom was done and nothing was filling that void. He was also championing the "ownership society". Low interest rates were propelling the economy with purchases of durable and large goods. This all worked out fine until it didn't. And thanks to Phil Gramm, the entire global capitalistic system failed.

Obama got to takeover at this point and did what little he could. Economy righted itself. And the US populace then drove the American ship straight into an iceberg... in on purpose because it had a big red hat on it. Trump would deficit spend like it was going out of fashion, nearly a trillion a year. He up'd tariffs all around. He also made with a massive corporate tax cut that was followed up with little job growth, but substantial stock buybacks. And private equity continued buying up America.
Just before the internet was open for all, I was on a Bulletin board. There were two asshole Rush dittoheads there that swore the sun shone out of Rush's fat ass. Rush assured them that Reagan balanced the budget but the Demoncrats spent and spent and spent. All deficits and national debt came solely from the Demoncrats. Rush said so and that was that. It is law, and has been since FDR, that the president by January 20 must present the president's proposed budget for the year. In 1992, G.W.H. Bush did so. A budge prepared solely by Bush with absolutely no input from Democrats. The next day, Richard Darman, Bush's head of OBM layed out the estimated deficits for the year. $400 million dollars. The worst deficit ever for the U.S.. My two Rush dittoheads refused to admit the facts. The GOP with no imput from the Democrats planned the biggest deficits in human history. Roasting these two losers and Bush and Rush was a great deal of fun and pleasure. And taught me how to watch how these things really worked in Washington.

David Stockman's book, "The Triumph Of Politics" laid out Reagan and the GOP's economic incompetence and lies that Stockman admitted he was the author of himself. A book the Dittoheads and right wingers on the net avoided reading at all costs.
Clinton balanced the budget
Bullshit. Clinton was lucky becasue of Internet investment bubble due to deregulation of stock investment rules.
Obama rescued the economy after Bush
By increasing debt. And it was your economics genius Clinton who fucking started the fucking Housing Crisis!
Under Biden, the U.S. has enjoy the greatest GDP growth of all Western Industrial nations.
That's because Biden tanked EU by blowing up NordStream.
Economy is not limited to US only, there are other countries too.
And Bidenomics is fiction anyway, it mainly points toward stockmarket, it does not correspond to regular people lives.

Clinton (gasp!) raised taxes on the wealthy. And slashed spending. Nutty Newt Gingrich and his Newtzies moaned and groaned and predicted recession, no, depression! And tried to scuttle Clinton's economic actions and failed. And the dire results including mass unemployment Nutty Newt predicted failed to materialize. Part of Clinton's 'luck' was that the wretched G.W.H. Bush had been forced by Tip O'Neal to slash spending when Bush's OBM head Richard Darman had to tell Congress Bush's economic plan (Read my lips. No New Taxes!) would give America a $400 billion dollar deficit. O'Neil refused to shoulder the burden of saving America from Bush and forced Bush to raise taxes and slash spending ending Reagan's Supply Side nonsense with a bang. Tip O;Neal forced Bush to do the right thing. Clinton balanced the budget with support of O'Neal and the U.S. enjoyed the best economy it had had in years. Bush II undid it all and buried us in deficits with massive tax cuts instead of following the successful Clinton economic model. Then the derivatives disaster tanked the economy, already weak due to Bush.

You are utterly, bone, stone, stick ignorant of what happened under Bush and Clinton.
No, it's you.
Just before the internet was open for all, I was on a Bulletin board. There were two asshole Rush dittoheads there that swore the sun shone out of Rush's fat ass. Rush assured them that Reagan balanced the budget but the Demoncrats spent and spent and spent. All deficits and national debt came solely from the Demoncrats. Rush said so and that was that. It is law, and has been since FDR, that the president by January 20 must present the president's proposed budget for the year. In 1992, G.W.H. Bush did so. A budge prepared solely by Bush with absolutely no input from Democrats. The next day, Richard Darman, Bush's head of OBM layed out the estimated deficits for the year. $400 million dollars. The worst deficit ever for the U.S.. My two Rush dittoheads refused to admit the facts. The GOP with no imput from the Democrats planned the biggest deficits in human history. Roasting these two losers and Bush and Rush was a great deal of fun and pleasure. And taught me how to watch how these things really worked in Washington.

David Stockman's book, "The Triumph Of Politics" laid out Reagan and the GOP's economic incompetence and lies that Stockman admitted he was the author of himself. A book the Dittoheads and right wingers on the net avoided reading at all costs.

Wow, I almost forgot about the “dittoheads”! That whole paradigm has been carried so far now, it’s easy to retain the impression that Trump invented Stoopid, rather than what he really invented. He invented the way to sell Stoopid as virtuous. That technique involves being so Stoopid that it makes your marks feel like they’re real smart. Elect him President, you’ll be as smart as, or smarter than, The President. What a great feeling. 🙄
Just before the internet was open for all, I was on a Bulletin board. There were two asshole Rush dittoheads there that swore the sun shone out of Rush's fat ass. Rush assured them that Reagan balanced the budget but the Demoncrats spent and spent and spent. All deficits and national debt came solely from the Demoncrats. Rush said so and that was that. It is law, and has been since FDR, that the president by January 20 must present the president's proposed budget for the year. In 1992, G.W.H. Bush did so. A budge prepared solely by Bush with absolutely no input from Democrats. The next day, Richard Darman, Bush's head of OBM layed out the estimated deficits for the year. $400 million billion dollars. The worst deficit ever for the U.S.. My two Rush dittoheads refused to admit the facts. The GOP with no imput from the Democrats planned the biggest deficits in human history. Roasting these two losers and Bush and Rush was a great deal of fun and pleasure. And taught me how to watch how these things really worked in Washington.
The GOP budgets have always shined bright lights from their butts (with the help of a match) on the economic growth that instantaneously resulted from tax cuts. So their tax income was always a lie. They probably knew it wouldn't work, but they were able to use the term "trickle down" successfully, as if anything trickling down would be sufficient for survival. Their starve the beast, we need to starve the beast more mentality has worked quite well. So much so, Americans have been programmed to think funding isn't necessary at all, all the while ensuring deficits while demonizing them.

You are utterly, bone, stone, stick ignorant of what happened under Bush and Clinton.
No, it's you.
well, I’m convinced. Hard to argue with that logic.
Russian “schooling” tops out with an intensive course called “I know you are but what am I?”
Is "I'm rubber and you're glue" a pre-req for that course?
Nah, that’s an elective. Certainly a plus for its representation of a dynamic process, but not mandatory. The main pre-req is Nuh-uh 101.
Heh, you think Gen Z wants to pick your food, pluck your chickens or clean your toilets or make your food?

Jeezus, you and Kelly Osborne share the same latent racism. You didn’t disappoint.
Do tell?

Many, many, many migrants work in various food and agriculture industries and in various settings for cleaning and other service industries.

Certainly there are many immigrants who come here to work in other areas of the economy, at universities, hospitals, research facilities and so on.

As it happens, I know immigrant people in many different categories of workers.

I made no assumption about the race of any of these people in the post you quoted, but apparently you have.

Why is that?
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