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2020 Election Results

They could have a plan, but at the moment, Trump is saying they are going SCOTUS... but no one even had time to receive ballots after the election. So what could possibly be the problem?

In Florida SoS Harris declined the excuse that the result could change was reason enough for manual recounts. Now Trump is trying say 'his word that there is fraud' is reason enough to ignore the vote.
Nice to see this: Laura Loomer loses Florida congressional race to Lois Frankel - this Muslim-hater won an upset victory in the FL-21 Republican primary, but she lost the general election to incumbent Lois Frankel (D) by 59.0% to 39.2%. A third candidate got 1.8% of the vote.

Trump calls to halt vote counting, prematurely declares victory - YouTube
From video's description:
President Donald Trump appeared in the East Room of the White House early on Wednesday morning to claim falsely that he had already beaten Democrat Joe Biden, and the election was being stolen from him in a massive act of fraud. He vowed to mount a challenge in the Supreme Court and declared that he had already won states that were still counting votes, including Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.
The election has not yet been won, and the President and the former vice president are still locked in a tight battle for the decisive states with millions of votes still being counted.

Trump's comments were especially remarkable since it appears that the President has a good chance of winning outstanding states in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina and Michigan, which could hand him a second term. And the implication of his authoritarian remarks was that the President wants vote counting to stop in those states but to go on in Arizona, where he trails Biden.
Trump claims victory with many states still undeclared, hints at possible Supreme Court case | Fox News - "President claims he's won Georgia, North Carolina, other states still up in the air"

The rest of them are the three Rust Belt states that he unexpectedly won in 2016: PA, MI, and WI. When I went to bed last night, Trump was ahead in all three, but when I woke up, Biden pulled ahead in MI and WI. PA still has a lot of votes to be counted, however.

Mike Pence said that we should keep counting the votes, and Chris Christie agreed. He was willing to criticize Trump's statements, but no currently-elected Republican was.

Trump also wants to take the case to the Supreme Court, but one won't be able to do so directly.

So if they stop counting right this second, Biden wins
Oh,... they can keep counting in NV and AZ. That is totally different!
This SCOTUS already ruled states can receive votes after election. They have consistently deferred to the state legislatures (and not their courts).
As of about 12:00 ET the AP reports -
89% total votes counted so far
Biden = 69,801,988 = 50.1%
Trump = 67,190,884 = 48.3%

That total counted so far = 136,992,872
and total votes cast (100%/89%) = 153,924,575
I don't know how the AP calculated the percentages but based on that total votes cast:
Biden = 45.3%
Trump = 43.7%

Needed uncounted votes to win popular vote -
Biden: 50% - 45.3% = 4.7%
Trump: 50% - 43.7% = 6.3%

So Trump needs to get:
6.3 / 4.7 = one third more of the uncounted votes than Biden gets in order to win the popular vote.
From all reports on the makeup of the uncounted votes that seems unlikely.

Also, the AP report on Electoral votes so far -
Biden = 224
Trump = 213

In order to get to 270 Trump needs:
(270 - 213) / (270 - 224) = 57 / 46 = one quarter more of the remaining electoral votes than Biden gets to win.
Of course that seems more likely than winning the popular vote. But that's what was expected.
This SCOTUS already ruled states can receive votes after election.
An 8 member court ruled that.
They have consistently deferred to the state legislatures (and not their courts).
They, at best are 3 liberals and 1 Justice Roberts. The other 4 have been jacking off over fucking the vote.
Trump tweeted: "How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?" Can't make this shit up. :hysterical:
Trump tweeted: "How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?" Can't make this shit up. :hysterical:
Can't be too hard, he did after all. ;)

As of about 12:00 ET the AP reports -
89% total votes counted so far
Biden = 69,801,988 = 50.1%
Trump = 67,190,884 = 48.3%

That total counted so far = 136,992,872
and total votes cast (100%/89%) = 153,924,575
I don't know how the AP calculated the percentages but based on that total votes cast:
Biden = 45.3%
Trump = 43.7%

Needed uncounted votes to win popular vote -
Biden: 50% - 45.3% = 4.7%
Trump: 50% - 43.7% = 6.3%

So Trump needs to get:
6.3 / 4.7 = one third more of the uncounted votes than Biden gets in order to win the popular vote.
From all reports on the makeup of the uncounted votes that seems unlikely.

Also, the AP report on Electoral votes so far -
Biden = 224
Trump = 213

In order to get to 270 Trump needs:
(270 - 213) / (270 - 224) = 57 / 46 = 24% more of the remaining electoral votes than Biden gets to win.
Of course that seems more likely than winning the popular vote. But that's what was expected.
Ehhh... I don't know if that math works out. EVs come in clumps.

Trump needs Nevada to turn around net 9,000 in his favor, which might be impossible. Arizona seems a very hard target as well. So that means Trump needs... Nevada or Arizona... and PA. WI and MI aren't going to Trump. And Georgia is still floating out there.
article said:
As of this morning, the North Carolina State Board of Elections reported that there are approximately 117,000 outstanding absentee by mail ballots. This number does not account for people who may have voted or mailed their ballot on Election Day. It is also possible many of these voters did not cast a ballot at all.
So, that means there are 117,000 out there in the ether... on the way... or not. Nothing to get excited about.
This SCOTUS already ruled states can receive votes after election.
An 8 member court ruled that.
They have consistently deferred to the state legislatures (and not their courts).
They, at best are 3 liberals and 1 Justice Roberts. The other 4 have been jacking off over fucking the vote.

Yeah, that's right, and they didn't actually rule other than declining to hear the case.
Some good nuggets amidst the shitshow:

Biden has now received more votes than any president in history.

Stephanie Byers is now the first trans legislator in KS.

Mauree Turner (OK) is the first non-binary state lawmaker in history.

Kim Jackson is the openly LGBTQ+ person elcted in GA.

Shervin Jones is the first openly LGBTQ+ person to be a state senator in FL.

Jabari Brisport is the LGBTQ+ person of color elected to NY Senate.

Taylor Small is Vermont's first trans state legislator.

Michele Tayner-Goolsby is the first black, queer woman elected to FL legislature.

I look forward to the day when these are not considered newsworty, but for now, the little things matter.

Also, fuck trump and his enablers, goons, and supporters.
Some good nuggets amidst the shitshow:

Biden has now received more votes than any president in history.

Stephanie Byers is now the first trans legislator in KS.

Mauree Turner (OK) is the first non-binary state lawmaker in history.

Kim Jackson is the openly LGBTQ+ person elcted in GA.

Shervin Jones is the first openly LGBTQ+ person to be a state senator in FL.

Jabari Brisport is the LGBTQ+ person of color elected to NY Senate.

Taylor Small is Vermont's first trans state legislator.

Michele Tayner-Goolsby is the first black, queer woman elected to FL legislature.

I look forward to the day when these are not considered newsworty, but for now, the little things matter.

Also, fuck trump and his enablers, goons, and supporters.

We now have more indigenous representation in the House than in any previous cycle, too.
So Biden looks to have won the Presidency. Now the bad news... the Democrats don't seem to have made any progress on State Legislatures in this election! That is even more depressing than not taking the Senate, which seems locked at 48-52.
An interesting statistic: Biden now has more votes than any other candidate in history. And that's as of twenty minutes ago, so his numbers can only grow as more votes are counted, especially those from my home state (we're favoring Biden 2 to 1 so far and there are a lot of us).
According to my math, Biden has received 1600% more votes than George Washington, which pretty much makes him a god! :D

We now have more indigenous representation in the House than in any previous cycle, too.
I'm pretty certain most of those in the House were born in the US. So pretty much exclusively indigenous. ;)
An interesting statistic: Biden now has more votes than any other candidate in history. And that's as of twenty minutes ago, so his numbers can only grow as more votes are counted, especially those from my home state (we're favoring Biden 2 to 1 so far and there are a lot of us).
According to my math, Biden has received 1600% more votes than George Washington, which pretty much makes him a god! :D

Haha, well, that isn't hard to do. Old George definitely benefited from effective voter suppression techniques. And he bribed the electors he got.
Wisconsin may do a recount - Biden is only 0.6% ahead there with over 98% of votes counted.

The NYT has Live: Where Presidential Votes Remain to Be Counted - The New York Times

Pennsylvania is at 80% counted, meaning 1.4 million votes uncounted. Of the other states, NV 86%, AZ 86%, GA 93%, MI 94%, NC 95%, WI >98%

Trump seems to want every vote counted in states where he is behind, but not where he is ahead.

Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "Count every ballot." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Donald Trump’s premature claims of victory are illegitimate, dangerous, and authoritarian.

Count the votes. Respect the results." / Twitter
Wisconsin may do a recount - Biden is only 0.6% ahead there with over 98% of votes counted.
With lead > 0.25%, Trump has to pay for it... likely upfront.

Meanwhile, with roughly 400,000 extrapolated votes remaining in Arizona, Trump needs about 62% of the remaining vote overcome his deficit.
ha, possibly malicious reversal of snapshots for an error correction on a reporting site


expect more of this


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Another gem from Trump: "They are finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!" Anyone who supports this fascist doesn't care about democracy. Laugh in their faces when Biden wins.
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