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2020 Election Results

Trump campaign sues to stop vote counting in Michigan until their campaign can get better access.

article said:
President Trump's reelection campaign on Wednesday said it was filing a lawsuit to halt the counting of votes in Michigan until it is given access to observe the tabulation process.

Campaign manager Bill Stepien alleged that it had not been given "meaningful access" to observe the opening of ballots at multiple locations.
"We have filed suit today in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted," Stepien said in a statement. "We also demand to review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access. President Trump is committed to ensuring that all legal votes are counted in Michigan and everywhere else."
So is this Schrodinger's Voter Fraud?
Trump isn't just fighting for his reelection. Given all of the court cases waiting for him to not be president, he may literally be fighting for his own freedom. He has already indicated that if he loses may have to leave the country.
Federal judge orders new sweeps at USPS processing facilities in Texas

A new order from Judge Emmet Sullivan instructs USPS to conduct two sweeps for ballots in Texas.

Lawyers for the NAACP asked for the order, which Sullivan granted.

It instructs USPS to conduct two sweeps in all Texas processing plants for ballots postmarked on Election Day or earlier.

The first sweep must start immediately; the second must take place at 4 p.m. ET.

Any ballots postmarked on or before Election Day found in the sweeps must be delivered to election officials by 5 p.m. ET, according to the order.

The order also requires USPS to report on how many ballots were found during those Texas sweeps.

USPS' Kevin Bray, who is in charge of all mail processing during the 2020 election, told the court that the instructions had already been sent to postal employees in the Lone Star State.

In post offices, the order instructs the USPS to remind all managers that ballots should implement local turnaround, which skips normal processing procedures so that ballots can be delivered immediately.

This order is important because Texas allows for the counting of ballots that arrive by 5 p.m. Wednesday (November 4) as long as they are postmarked on or before Election Day.

-CNN live updates
Biden is gaining just over 70% of the absentees in Pennsylvania, pretty consistently. At that rate, he needs 630,000 more absentee ballots remaining to be counted. I have no idea how many remain. PA is around 81% reported.

In Georgia, Biden is receiving just over 80% of the absentee ballots. This is understandable as the ballots are concentrated in a pretty blue part of the state, where as PA is turning these things in from all over. At this rate, Biden needs just under 100,000 absentee ballots left to be counted to turn Big Red into Tiny Blue. The numbers indicate 38,000 votes have been reported so far today. Which is incredible news for Biden. Flat out, no Georgia or Pennsylvania for Trump, no White House.
Trump isn't just fighting for his reelection. Given all of the court cases waiting for him to not be president, he may literally be fighting for his own freedom. He has already indicated that if he loses may have to leave the country.
That was because of the shame of losing to Slow Joe. Trump can always look to a career in remembering short lists of words for people.
Biden is gaining just over 70% of the absentees in Pennsylvania, pretty consistently. At that rate, he needs 630,000 more absentee ballots remaining to be counted. I have no idea how many remain. PA is around 81% reported.

This morning on the way to work I heard NPR say that PA still had something like 2.5 million ballots left to count. Not sure what they're at now but it may still be enough.
Looking at the Senate, ME-SEN Susan Collins (R) has won there. Looking at MI-SEN, John James (R) is barely ahead of Gary Peters (D) by 0.2% or 0.3% with est. 93% of votes counted. So the Democrat may win by a hair.

How Miami Cubans disrupted Biden’s path to a Florida win - POLITICO - “It was a foreseeable trainwreck for Democrats when you saw Cuban Americans.”
President Donald Trump’s obsession with Cubans has paid off.

After four years of non-stop outreach to Miami’s Cuban exile community, Trump cruised to victory in Florida thanks to their heavy turnout that also helped the GOP flip two congressional seats and win big in state House and Senate races.

Cuban Americans have long been Republican leaning but began drifting toward the Democratic fold during Barack Obama’s successful presidential campaigns and Hillary Clinton’s run in 2016, when she blew Trump away in Miami-Dade.

Republicans responded by focusing more on the community and stepping up their anti-socialist messaging, often depicting Democrats as radical leftists and socialists, labels that former Vice President Joe Biden and his campaign struggled to shake off.

History of assistance for Cuban immigrants - South Florida Sun-Sentinel - going back to Fidel Castro's takeover of the island. These right-wingers *love* welfare when they are the ones who are collecting it.
Senate seems to stay in Mitch's necrotic hands also. Dems gain two seats, AZ & GA, but probably lose MI. Either way falling short of 51.

Yeah, looks like we are in for at least two years of gridlock. At least that's better than two more years of Republicans.
So Nevada has what? 2 million voters? Is there some reason it takes two days to count them? The longer the process goes the louder the loser will yell vote rigging.

We went nearly 100% mail-in, something we haven't done before. We aren't set up to count on that scale.
GA has 106,000 in happy blue counties and 22,000 in red counties.

106,000 at the current grab would Biden a slight lead. It is impossible to say who those 22,000 red county votes go to. 50-50, 75-25 red 75-25 blue?
Looking at the Senate, ME-SEN Susan Collins (R) has won there. Looking at MI-SEN, John James (R) is barely ahead of Gary Peters (D) by 0.2% or 0.3% with est. 93% of votes counted. So the Democrat may win by a hair.
This Michigan Senate is driving me nuts. How in the world would Peters get fired and Trump get fired?
Yeah, looks like we are in for at least two years of gridlock. At least that's better than two more years of Republicans.

I realize I'm being overly optimistic here but with Trump out of the way so the Republicans don't have to kiss his ass, is it possible that we could actually see compromise on stuff now in order to make something that Joe will actually sign? I'm typically in favor of having congress and the prez from different parties but I think the ship has sailed on compromise in this country.
Yeah, looks like we are in for at least two years of gridlock. At least that's better than two more years of Republicans.

I realize I'm being overly optimistic here but with Trump out of the way so the Republicans don't have to kiss his ass, is it possible that we could actually see compromise on stuff now in order to make something that Joe will actually sign? I'm typically in favor of having congress and the prez from different parties but I think the ship has sailed on compromise in this country.
This past 2 years, the Senate and the House are the issue. Just look at the 2nd attempt at the pandemic relief package: Trump and the House came really close but the Senate would not budge from its lowball position.
Yeah, looks like we are in for at least two years of gridlock. At least that's better than two more years of Republicans.

I realize I'm being overly optimistic here but with Trump out of the way so the Republicans don't have to kiss his ass, is it possible that we could actually see compromise on stuff now in order to make something that Joe will actually sign? I'm typically in favor of having congress and the prez from different parties but I think the ship has sailed on compromise in this country.
McConnell's obstructionism predates Trump.
Trump trying to go straight to SCOTUS for a repeat.

article said:
The Trump campaign is going to the Supreme Court asking to intervene in a pending case challenging a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that allowed ballots to be counted after election day.

The justices refused to expedite the appeal before the election, but they are still considering whether to take up the case.
“The time has come. Given last night’s results, the vote in Pennsylvania may well determine the next President of the United States,” Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for the President, said in the new filing.
Yeah, looks like we are in for at least two years of gridlock. At least that's better than two more years of Republicans.

I realize I'm being overly optimistic here but with Trump out of the way so the Republicans don't have to kiss his ass, is it possible that we could actually see compromise on stuff now in order to make something that Joe will actually sign? I'm typically in favor of having congress and the prez from different parties but I think the ship has sailed on compromise in this country.
Do you not remember McConnell and his shit with Obama? The Dems needed a 60 vote majority to pass ACA! or just about anything.
If the Rs hold Senate, there is nothing stopping McConnell from just blocking every single nomination Biden makes.
Reps whining about Wisconsin turnout jumping from a steady pattern of 70% to 89%

Ignoring that Wisc has same day reg.
So, Trump's Campaign who ran out of money is begging for money for lawyers. Apparently Biden is stealing the election by counting the vote methodically... like we said it would be for months. In fact, I started a thread that predicted if Florida and Ohio and North Carolina didn't go for Biden, it'd take a while. I'm not a prophet... we knew this would be the case.

Regardless, rich Billionaire is on a street corner begging for lawyers!
That all depends on how the data is entered, and when the screenshots were taken.

If a monkey is typing in the numbers, and you refresh after the monkey has updated the numbers for Biden, but before the monkey has done so for Trump, you would see the above result.
But more likely it is a bullshit screen capture.

The debunk of the image is: "it's a random and unsourced image on the Internet".

Nothing more need be (or even can, usefully, be) said.
So it looks like the senate will be 48 to 52 with repugs in control. Assuming Biden wins, there will be no more packing the courts with right-wing crazies. But McConnell will probably block all Biden nominations to the court like he did with Obama.
If the Rs hold Senate, there is nothing stopping McConnell from just blocking every single nomination Biden makes.

Can't he just do recess appointments and interim cabinet members and all? That's a thing now.
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