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2020 Election Results

Yeah, looks like we are in for at least two years of gridlock. At least that's better than two more years of Republicans.

I realize I'm being overly optimistic here but with Trump out of the way so the Republicans don't have to kiss his ass, is it possible that we could actually see compromise on stuff now in order to make something that Joe will actually sign? I'm typically in favor of having congress and the prez from different parties but I think the ship has sailed on compromise in this country.
Do you not remember McConnell and his shit with Obama? The Dems needed a 60 vote majority to pass ACA! or just about anything.

Good point. I was just thinking more recently about how nothing even makes it to the floor. Totally didn't even think about Mitch's proudest moment being that he stonewalled everything Obama wanted to do. I guess I can hope that some of the senators who narrowly won reelection will wake up and cross the aisle from time to time.
Biden speaking. His tone definitely darker. He held up the decapitated head of Donald Trump Jr and noted that he didn't think there would be any need for court cases.
Do you not remember McConnell and his shit with Obama? The Dems needed a 60 vote majority to pass ACA! or just about anything.

Good point. I was just thinking more recently about how nothing even makes it to the floor. Totally didn't even think about Mitch's proudest moment being that he stonewalled everything Obama wanted to do. I guess I can hope that some of the senators who narrowly won reelection will wake up and cross the aisle from time to time.

In rare cases, if two Republicans vote with the Dems it will be a tie and Harris can break the tie.
Sara Gideon has thrown in the towel in the ME-SEN race. Susan Collins won a majority, so she wins that election. If she didn't, the race would have gone into instant-runoff mode. Max Linn got only 1.1% of first-preference votes, so he would then drop out. His voters' next-preference votes would be added to those of the three remaining candidates, and if nobody won a majority, then Lisa Savage would have been the next to drop out. She had been urging her supporters to vote for Sara Gideon as their next choice, so in the best case, SG would have gotten all of LS's first-perference votes.

In MI-SEN, D Gary Peters has pulled ahead of R John James by 0.1% - 0.2%. It's now 47 D's and 48 R's in the Senate, with only 5 Senate races officially uncalled: AK, MI, NC, GA, and GA-special. Of these, AK is likely Republican and MI is currently Democratic with almost all votes counted, giving D 48, R 49. The GA and NC ones might get flipped from R to D as votes come in, and GA-SP has gone into a runoff and might go either way.
Biden speaking. His tone definitely darker. He held up the decapitated head of Donald Trump Jr and noted that he didn't think there would be any need for court cases.

He did sort of ooze confidence. Usually the "it's time we bury the hatchet" speech is left until after the result is declared.

Also, the AP report on Electoral votes so far -
Biden = 224
Trump = 213

In order to get to 270 Trump needs:
(270 - 213) / (270 - 224) = 57 / 46 = 24% more of the remaining electoral votes than Biden gets to win.
Of course that seems more likely than winning the popular vote. But that's what was expected.

Ehhh... I don't know if that math works out. EVs come in clumps.

Trump needs Nevada to turn around net 9,000 in his favor, which might be impossible. Arizona seems a very hard target as well. So that means Trump needs... Nevada or Arizona... and PA. WI and MI aren't going to Trump. And Georgia is still floating out there.

Err... One of us doesn't know what you're talking about. The math is pretty simple. How the 24% comes about is another matter.

ETA - FoxNews now has Biden at 264 alongside a picture of Biden all smiles and Trump looking pissed.
In MI-SEN, D Gary Peters has pulled ahead of R John James by 0.1% - 0.2%. It's now 47 D's and 48 R's in the Senate, with only 5 Senate races officially uncalled: AK, MI, NC, GA, and GA-special. Of these, AK is likely Republican and MI is currently Democratic with almost all votes counted, giving D 48, R 49. The GA and NC ones might get flipped from R to D as votes come in, and GA-SP has gone into a runoff and might go either way.

Usually Dems perform dismally in runoffs. But this may be an exception, without Trump on the ticket to drive Trumpist turnout.
President Elect Joe Biden.
Not quite. We desperately need GA or PA because 270 to 268 means that one fucking Elector can send this damn thing to Congress... and I can't make it through that. These last four years, it has been one fucking thing after the other. I need this end! (FF to 1:30)

Pressing question - what to do with the dead body of Donald Trump? Put his head on a pike and parade it through the streets of the South as a warning? Bury it in a dumpster?
Seriously - calls for unity will be ringing loud once the dust settles if Sleepy Joe becomes President Elect. Once inaugurated, will the law dogs be sicced on Trump, or will there be some sort of agreement not to indulge in such unseemly pursuits when unity is in demand? I'm of mixed mind, but my heart really REALLY wants to see some just deserts served up.
Δ for Trump is ~70k votes but most of the outstanding ballots are in urban counties. Fulton though is pretty much finished with their count, but there is DeKalb, Clayton, Chatham, Bibb that have plenty of uncounted votes.
It's still unlikely for Biden to take Georgia, but it will be very close by the time all votes are counted.
Who picks the electors, and how likely is it that at least one trumpist can sneak in and turn the tables?
Who picks the electors, and how likely is it that at least one trumpist can sneak in and turn the tables?

The political parties pick their slate of electors. Whichever party wins their slate of electors votes in the Electoral College. The parties vet them for party loyalty, but no vetting is 100%.

Rudolph Giuliani has a source indicating there is proof of voter fraud in PA. He said in the Fox News interview that by chance he met the tan suit wearing American who immigrated from Kazakhstan and indicated to him "Uzbekistanis" were involved in a massive effort of voter fraud in Pennsylvania.
...270 to 268 means that one fucking Elector can send this damn thing to Congress...

And how would you estimate that elector's life expectancy after such an act?
I wouldn't want to be him/her.
They've gotten away with everything else up to now. Heck, the Trump Campaign is trying to stop the first vote in Michigan because they can't watch it enough. These people think they are invulnerable.
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