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2020 Election Results

If anyone cares, Biden is rounding close to national 4 million popular vote lead, likely to approach 5 million total.
- GA , appreciate the sacrifice that some other states (*cough* NV, AZ, PA), seem incapable of making. Biden is now down by less than 18,000 votes. To put that into perspective, the difference is about 1/5 of those diagnosed with Covid-19 yesterday. Actually, I don't think that is helpful. The number of absentee ballots left to be counted? I have no idea. But Biden needs that number to likely be around 25,000 to 30,000.
More importantly due to the US's method of electing a President via game show mechanics, GA SoS says under 25,000 absentees remain statewide. I goofed my math. 25,000 would provide Biden with around 18,000 votes, not a net gain of 18,000. The difference in Georgia, based on this info looks like will eek out a victory for Trump, by thousands of votes. Likely less than a quarter of a percent... or as Republicans like to say, "by a mandate!"
If anyone cares, Biden is rounding close to national 4 million popular vote lead, likely to approach 5 million total.
- GA , appreciate the sacrifice that some other states (*cough* NV, AZ, PA), seem incapable of making. Biden is now down by less than 18,000 votes. To put that into perspective, the difference is about 1/5 of those diagnosed with Covid-19 yesterday. Actually, I don't think that is helpful. The number of absentee ballots left to be counted? I have no idea. But Biden needs that number to likely be around 25,000 to 30,000.
More importantly due to the US's method of electing a President via game show mechanics, GA SoS says under 25,000 absentees remain statewide. I goofed my math. 25,000 would provide Biden with around 18,000 votes, not a net gain of 18,000. The difference in Georgia, based on this info looks like will eek out a victory for Trump, by thousands of votes. Likely less than a quarter of a percent... or as Republicans like to say, "by a mandate!"

I Just heard that the SOS's estimate is wrong. There are more than 25K votes to count and almost all of them are in bright blue areas. This is a nail biter, for sure. I doubt that anyone knows the exact number of votes left to count. Of course, if Biden wins the state, Trump will most likely ask for recount, which he can get if the race is less than 1 percent. Can you imagine what a mess it will be to have to recount the votes in Georgia, considering the large number of mail in ballots that have to be counted by hand?
All things being equal, Biden is leading PA by Noon-ish. Lead is about 146,000 votes now, and Biden is chomping away at 73%. That means 200,000 more votes and he's got a Blue PA. That'd put the total of absentee votes counted at 1.1 million since early yesterday.
If anyone cares, Biden is rounding close to national 4 million popular vote lead, likely to approach 5 million total.
- GA , appreciate the sacrifice that some other states (*cough* NV, AZ, PA), seem incapable of making. Biden is now down by less than 18,000 votes. To put that into perspective, the difference is about 1/5 of those diagnosed with Covid-19 yesterday. Actually, I don't think that is helpful. The number of absentee ballots left to be counted? I have no idea. But Biden needs that number to likely be around 25,000 to 30,000.
More importantly due to the US's method of electing a President via game show mechanics, GA SoS says under 25,000 absentees remain statewide. I goofed my math. 25,000 would provide Biden with around 18,000 votes, not a net gain of 18,000. The difference in Georgia, based on this info looks like will eek out a victory for Trump, by thousands of votes. Likely less than a quarter of a percent... or as Republicans like to say, "by a mandate!"

I Just heard that the SOS's estimate is wrong. There are more than 25K votes to count and almost all of them are in bright blue areas. This is a nail biter, for sure. I doubt that anyone knows the exact number of votes left to count. Of course, if Biden wins the state, Trump will most likely ask for recount, which he can get if the race is less than 1 percent. Can you imagine what a mess it will be to have to recount the votes in Georgia, considering the large number of mail in ballots that have to be counted by hand?
Based on the winning margin, I think a recount probably makes sense just for due diligence. It could be less than a tenth of a percent! Florida in 2000 was something like less than 0.001%.

But yeah, a recount, in theory is great, but the Trump Team will try any number of tricks. It'll be like the Minnesota race between Franken and Coleman, though in this case, there is a ticking clock. .

Here is a link to the SoS correction that there are 50,000 to 60,000 absentee ballots left. At 50,000, that means an average of 70 percent need to go to Biden, which is a number he has been surpassing so far. Gwinnett County has about 10,000 of these votes, as the deep blue are about done. Gwinnett is blue, but not as solid blue.

The funny thing is that if Trump were to pull this off, he'd act like he won in an '84 landslide.
Wow! The crazy is strong in this one.

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Presidential spiritual adviser Paula White is currently leading an impassioned prayer service in an effort to secure Trump's reelection. <a href="https://t.co/hCSRh84d6g">pic.twitter.com/hCSRh84d6g</a></p>— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) <a href="https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1324175651515949056?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
Est 952,000 votes left to count in PA - Biden needs 58% of those to overtake Trump.
I am not worried about claims like above but instead specific concrete claims of fraud where people are hoaxing things and creating fake incriminating evidence.
Why would Trump be screaming "STOP THE COUNT" today at 9am if that would only guarantee a Biden win??

He has no mind.

But of course if that were to happen perhaps millions of valid votes would go uncounted and he's again be guilty of undermining democracy.

I am not worried about claims like above but instead specific concrete claims of fraud where people are hoaxing things and creating fake incriminating evidence.

Oh, like that fraud hoax video that I believe was Eric Trump posted of "Dems" burning 80 "Trump" ballots.
I am not worried about claims like above but instead specific concrete claims of fraud where people are hoaxing things and creating fake incriminating evidence.

Oh, like that fraud hoax video that I believe was Eric Trump posted of "Dems" burning 80 "Trump" ballots.

Not quite. Qarens, fundies, and James OKeefe are spinning evidence and witness testimony of hundreds of thousands of votes. Examples: Qaren claims to have talked to a poll watcher in Detroit who said they received 130k biden ballots in a batch. Okeefe has video of postal worker claiming 100k ballots were backdated on a particular day after election. They are going to have weeks to make up evidence and some of it could be believed by biased courts.
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