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2020 Election Results

Now the Georgia Secretary of State is saying the certification is not complete. What a cluster fark.
*slamming head on concrete wall*

article said:
Despite an earlier announcement, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) said the office is still completing its certification. The office issued a correction, reversing an earlier announcement that had declared the certification was complete. Raffensperger said he expects certification to be completed later Friday.
Doesn't he sign off on it... like literally?
Now the Georgia Secretary of State is saying the certification is not complete. What a cluster fark.
*slamming head on concrete wall*

article said:
Despite an earlier announcement, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) said the office is still completing its certification. The office issued a correction, reversing an earlier announcement that had declared the certification was complete. Raffensperger said he expects certification to be completed later Friday.
Doesn't he sign off on it... like literally?

I wonder if he's got a knife to his rib.
Latinas for Trump founder unseated Florida Democrat after ‘shadow candidate’ with his surname entered the race

WPLG reporter Glenna Milberg approached the South Florida address listed for Alex Rodriguez earlier this week ready to pepper him with questions: Why had the 55-year-old mechanic abruptly decide to run for office? How did he win nearly 3 percent of the vote without even a campaign website? Did he live in Miami at all?

“I’m looking for Alex,” she told a white-haired man who answered the door. “Is he around?”

“Uh, no. He’ll be back tomorrow, though,” the man replied, refusing to say where Rodriguez was, how to reach him, or why a man with no history in politics — a registered Republican until a few months ago — had become an unaffiliated candidate for Florida’s 37th State Senate District.

Days later, Milberg discovered the man at the door had been lying. He was, in fact, Rodriguez, whose more than 6,000 votes may have tipped the election away from a Democratic incumbent in Miami with the same last name.

A close race was always expected between state Sen. José Javier Rodríguez (D) and Ileana Garcia (R), a well-funded Republican challenger who had worked for President Trump’s campaign and previously founded the group Latinas for Trump.

But as a recount last week confirmed Garcia’s victory by the thinnest of margins — 34 votes — the Democratic incumbent has raised alarms that Alex Rodriguez ran for just one reason: to confuse voters and siphon off ballots meant for José Javier Rodríguez.

See my sig.
Senior GOP lawmakers grow anxious over Trump's effort to overturn election results - CNNPolitics
In recent days, more Republicans have spoken out -- even though party leaders and a vast majority of congressional Republicans continue to back Trump's efforts to challenge the results.

Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Rep. Kay Granger of Texas and Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan -- all senior Republicans -- have each raised concerns in recent days about the transition of power.
Along with Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah.

But many other Republican politicians continue to support Trump's state-legislature Electoral College end run.
Trump meets with Michigan lawmakers as part of challenge to Biden win
President Donald Trump met Friday with Michigan lawmakers as part of an overall effort to reverse election losses in key states – but his guests said later that Michigan's electoral votes should go to the winner of its popular vote, and that is Joe Biden.

"The candidates who win the most votes win elections and Michigan's electoral votes," said a joint statement from Mike Shirkey, the majority leader in the Michigan state senate, and Lee Chatfield, speaker of the Michigan House. "These are simple truths that should provide confidence in our elections.”

Numerous legal analysts said Trump has no path to reverse the election results and seems more interested in undermining the emerging Biden presidency by having backers question the integrity of the process.
Good that those legislators are refusing to create a slate of Trump electors just because Trump seems to want that.
There's one point that is often overlooked. Biden won rather convincingly. Trump might have to further subvert THREE of the close states to prevent a Biden Presidency.

Imagine an alternate universe where this election was like 2000 and could be reversed by flipping a single state.

"The candidates who win the most votes win elections and Michigan's electoral votes," said a joint statement from Mike Shirkey, the majority leader in the Michigan state senate, and Lee Chatfield, speaker of the Michigan House. "These are simple truths that should provide confidence in our elections.”

Numerous legal analysts said Trump has no path to reverse the election results and seems more interested in undermining the emerging Biden presidency by having backers question the integrity of the process.
Good that those legislators are refusing to create a slate of Trump electors just because Trump seems to want that.

Cheating in Michigan would be a great way to kiss Trump's ass, but that brat may soon be impotent. Many Republicans now feel that, going forward from here, taking the side of America, democracy, and the rule of law is the way to win continued support from voters and donors.

But suppose that the election were close and that flipping Michigan were enough to give Trump another four years. Does anyone think that Shirkey and Chatfield would have upheld the same "simple truths"? (Disclaimer: I know nothing about these two other than the "R" by their names; it's not inconceivable that they aren't even criminals.)

Maybe. But the odds are against it. If it would have kept the WH in the hands of the right-wing evil-doers, most of the Repugniclans now getting credit for taking the side of American democracy would be gleefully helping to steal this election. The fact that there's so much impetus to cheat, despite that three states have to swing for the cheat to work, shows that I was right in my prediction: If the election had been close, the GOP would have won by post-election cheating. Let this be a lesson for 2024. When analyzing the EC, figure that the GOP needs only 250, the Ds need at least 290.

Yes, a teeny tiny number of Republicans do support democracy and it's possible that, by chance, Shirkey and Chatfield are such four-leaf clovers. But the general principle remains: Had Biden won by 20 electoral votes or less, we'd be moving toward a coup right now. Even as is, the only thing making a Biden inauguration likely is Trump. A few of the evil right-wing GOPsters who'd be happy to cheat and install one of their fellows as President, are less eager to want four more years of this doltish and insecure brat.
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Georgia's Republican governor, no friend of mine, explained why he certified the vote.


The governor announced his move by also venting frustration at an “unacceptable” tallying process that found thousands of ballots in four counties that had previously gone uncounted. He also urged lawmakers to consider requiring voter ID for mail-in ballots, which has surged during the pandemic.

Kemp, a former secretary of state, expanded on his remarks in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shortly before he certified the electors. He refrained from firing back at Trump, who has peppered him with criticism, but expressed broader “frustration” at the system.

“State law requires us to formalize the certification that the Secretary of State delivered earlier today. I’m legally bound to take this step.”

On his response to the tweets from Trump and other supporters that urged him to take unspecified actions to intervene:

He is calling for absentee ballots to include voter ID in the future, but that is just another way of making it difficult for poor homebound people to vote. Not everyone has access to a copying machine or a computer where they can download their ID, so it would make it more difficult to change the rules for absentee voting. Anyway, that would need to be passed by the legislature and it has no bearing on the current election results. If Trump wants one more recount, it will only be done by machine. The results aren't going to change. Biden won Georgia.

Kemp also mentioned that the Republicans must get out and vote for the two assholes who are running for the Senate in the January runoff. Well, he didn't exactly call them assholes but they do have an R after their names and their is some evidence that they are both corrupt, so.....
"a new YouGov poll of 1,500 registered voters revealed that 88 percent of [Trump voters] think Donald Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election.

There is no sign whatsoever that Trump will ever concede the election or cease trying to discredit it. "​

That's right. Of the next eight Republicans you meet, seven of them will be hopelessly ignorant dunces or lying hypocrites. Eighty-eight percent!

In his latest CNN appearance Fareed Zakaria compares Trump with other autocrats like General Pinochet of Chile. Pinochet stepped down when he lost an election; while Trump's behavior is unprecedented, at least among countries where elections are more than a laughable sham. Biden will make no progress on anything without support from 'Moscow Mitch' McConnell and eleven other Repugnant Senators. American politics will remain dysfunctional for many years if not decades.

What will happen to Trump? Most likely, I suppose, is that he will found a new cable-TV channel, similar to, but out-stupiding, Alex Jones' Infowars. Don Jr. and Eric will participate, ready to cover for Dad when his senility is too blatant. To fill 24 hours, they'll have infomercials for Trump Beer, Trump Porn, Trump-brand adult diapers, etc., and will be hosting Bible-thumpers who agree to split the loot. There will be Trump News, assisted by bimboes defected from Fox'n'Friends, selling news from Putin or whoever the highest bidder is. Millions of Americans will lap it up.

What a colossal tragedy this has all turned into.
"a new YouGov poll of 1,500 registered voters revealed that 88 percent of [Trump voters] think Donald Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election.

There is no sign whatsoever that Trump will ever concede the election or cease trying to discredit it. "​

That's right. Of the next eight Republicans you meet, seven of them will be hopelessly ignorant dunces or lying hypocrites. Eighty-eight percent!

In his latest CNN appearance Fareed Zakaria compares Trump with other autocrats like General Pinochet of Chile. Pinochet stepped down when he lost an election; while Trump's behavior is unprecedented, at least among countries where elections are more than a laughable sham. Biden will make no progress on anything without support from 'Moscow Mitch' McConnell and eleven other Repugnant Senators. American politics will remain dysfunctional for many years if not decades.

What will happen to Trump? Most likely, I suppose, is that he will found a new cable-TV channel, similar to, but out-stupiding, Alex Jones' Infowars. Don Jr. and Eric will participate, ready to cover for Dad when his senility is too blatant. To fill 24 hours, they'll have infomercials for Trump Beer, Trump Porn, Trump-brand adult diapers, etc., and will be hosting Bible-thumpers who agree to split the loot. There will be Trump News, assisted by bimboes defected from Fox'n'Friends, selling news from Putin or whoever the highest bidder is. Millions of Americans will lap it up.

What a colossal tragedy this has all turned into.

These polls are all over the place, so I doubt that any of them are accurate. I've read that anywhere between 30 and 80% of Republicans don't think that Biden won. Most of them are based on a small number of participants. There are some Republicans who either believe that Biden didn't win or the election was rigged, but I seriously doubt it's as high as 88%. These polls are about as valid as the ones that said the Democrats would increase their wins in the House and easily take back the Senate, imo.

But, yes. It's crazy that so many people are still sucking up to Trump. Trump doesn't care about the country or anything but himself. It's very sad that so many people have been sucked up into his horrible cult.

But, yes. It's crazy that so many people are still sucking up to Trump. Trump doesn't care about the country or anything but himself. It's very sad that so many people have been sucked up into his horrible cult.

“When you’re famous, they let you do it.”
The system has always relied on the assumption that, once it became obvious that he had lost, a president would concede, congratulate his opponent, and start the transition process.

That's been assumed for ever, if for no other reason than that it's obviously very damaging to the country if it doesn't happen, and obviously the president will always put the country ahead of any other considerations.

We are now seeing what happens when these assumptions are incorrect.
There are two kinds of Trumpers out there.

Suckups: Suckups include other GOP politicians who either believe or don't believe Trump's delisions but are afraid to cross him because Trump has a huge deluded following that these politicians are afraid to cross because they will need their votes in the future. So these suckups will never cross Trump until Trump loses his crazy cultists. The Suckup also include people in right wing media make-believe-land who stand to make tons of money pandering to Trump and his delusional Cult base. I include in that Fox, Newmax,and other independents media and crazy conspiracy theory pushers who stand to make big bucks off of advertising and other sources for continuing to throw gasoline on the fire of Trump's crazy rantings.

Cult followers. These people have nothing in particular to gain in tangible terms to following Trump but Trump and the right-wing media have fed them a pile of horse shit and they gulp it down as they continue to detach from reality and live in their world of hate and craziness that fits their racist, etc... personalities.
Federal Judge in PA throws Trump lawyer out on his ears for providing no legal argument worth a 1/4 a can of spoiled beans and zero evidence. Trump wanted to invalidate 6 MILLION votes in PA


There have to some sort of crime to even try to do this.

Brann went on to admonish the Trump campaign lawyers for not presenting factual proof for seeking to invalidate so many votes in the key battleground state.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."



[The judge’s decision, which he explained in a scathing 37-page opinion, was a thorough rebuke of the president’s sole attempt to challenge the statewide result in Pennsylvania.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, personally took charge of the case and appeared at a hearing in Williamsport, Pa., Tuesday in an attempt to justify it. Five other attorneys who represented the president withdrew from the case.

Brann wrote on Saturday that Trump’s attorneys had haphazardly stitched this allegation together “like Frankenstein’s Monster” in an attempt to avoid unfavorable legal precedent.

In trying to depict “ballot curing” as illegal, Trump’s attorneys misstated a decision by Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court. Brann noted in his order on Saturday that the court had in fact “declined to explicitly answer whether such a policy is necessarily forbidden.”
Georgia's GOP governor and secretary of state certify Biden win, quashing Trump's longshot attempt to overturn results - CNNPolitics
Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Friday signed the paperwork that officially grants the state's 16 electoral votes to President-elect Joe Biden.

"The Governor has formalized the certification delivered to our office by the Secretary of State -- as is required by state law," Kemp spokesman Tate Mitchell told CNN in an email.

Kemp said earlier Friday that would "follow the law" and sign the paperwork.
Georgia governor calls for audit after state certifies election results - CBS News
Georgia's Republican Governor Brian Kemp certified the state's election results Friday, saying that now that the results are certified, the Trump campaign can pursue other legal options to call for a recount. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, also a Republican, told reporters Friday morning that President-elect Biden had definitively won the state, after the state's hand recount was completed Thursday.

But Kemp didn't endorse the results, instead calling for another full hand recount.
So that's done.

The next big date is the upcoming Monday, when PA's and MI's certifications are due. The day after that is when NV's is due, and the next Monday when AZ's is due.
Opinion | Why Trump Will Fail in Michigan - The New York Times
The country is coming to a crossroads on Monday. That’s the date Michigan is to certify the results of the 2020 election. Yet President Trump has chosen a state he lost by more than 150,000 votes — more than 14 times the size of his 2016 victory in Michigan — to try to subvert the election.

Having failed in the courts, President Trump is now grasping at a new lifeline: pressuring Republican election officials and legislators to ignore the reality that Joe Biden legitimately won the popular vote in their states. This tactic, now being played out in Michigan, is no doubt sending the anxiety levels of Biden supporters back to where they were before the courts had calmed these efforts by exposing how empty most of the legal claims were.

But this tactic, too, is destined to fail — though it is toxic for the country’s politics.
Republican leaders ask Michigan election board to delay certification of results, in latest GOP effort to cast doubt on the vote - The Washington Post
The letter has increased worries among state Democratic leaders that Republicans may block certification Monday. They have begun drafting legal documents and detailed contingency plans in the event the board fails to certify. Among the options being considered is for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to replace the GOP members using her executive authority, or to ask a judge to compel the board to certify the results, said a current and former Democratic official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on this matter.
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