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2020 Election Results

According to Elixir, "Trumpsuckers" refer to Trump as a clown.

Elixir refers to Trump as a clown. Hmmmm.....
Ah, so Jason never did 'sets' in math class.
That whole circles within circles, circles beside circles, overlapping circles, thing.

Much is explained.

You didn't catch the contradiction of equating those who insult Trump with those who support Trump.

Here's a hint - if you are insulting someone, odds are you don't support him.

unless you think you can get something out of them, and so you make nice to their face.
The slogan "stop the steal" is so ironic given it's Trump supporters/ Republicans who are trying to steal the election. These Penn Republicans are disgusting.



It's not so much irony as it is hypocrisy. If they had won the presidential election not a single lawsuit would have been filed.

Was reading an article today which asked the question if lame duck Trumpo will leave office as a raging bull. Raging? Perhaps. I see him as a raging duck, same as his lunatic followers, the snake handler republicans epitomized by Guliani and Sidney Powell.

doesn't he see himself as a golden goose--the problem in his use of that trope, is that the goose is dead, not just lame.
Here's the entire Michigan Senate hearing, 7 hours of it, if you want to waste a day of your life.

Tweets from a year ago when Kamala dropped out of the presidential race.

Michigan voter fraud hearing goes viral for alleged flatulence, unruly witness | TheHill
During the nearly five-hour hearing before the Michigan state legislature, President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and other witnesses repeated debunked claims of voter fraud and election misconduct, according to MLive.com.

HuffPost reporter Ryan J. Reilly shared a video on Twitter of Giuliani passionately answering a question about Attorney General William Barr’s statement that federal prosecutors had not found evidence of election fraud that would influence the outcome.

During the clip, what sounds like flatulence can be heard as he’s speaking.

Also in that hearing, that blond woman who claimed massive vote fraud.
Roughly 30 seconds into the clip, she interrupts a Michigan representatives trying to ask a follow-up question to a statement she made.

Giuliani can be seen reaching over to her, tapping her arm, and then tapping the table. He appeared to be trying to get the witness' attention.
:rofl: Obviously that question about whether all this nonsense was part of his reported request for a pardon from Trump really hit a nerve, his fart nerve to be precise.
This blonde vision is Melissa Carone, all set up for her 15 minutes of immortality. (Why couldn't her name be Capone? Life is not fair.) As much as I do not want to see a Victoria Jackson comeback (she is one hot mess of a Trump lover, besides having nothing more to offer than her shtick from 30 years ago), she could do this zaftig muffin-brain in her sleep.
This blonde vision is Melissa Carone, all set up for her 15 minutes of immortality. (Why couldn't her name be Capone? Life is not fair.) As much as I do not want to see a Victoria Jackson comeback (she is one hot mess of a Trump lover, besides having nothing more to offer than her shtick from 30 years ago), she could do this zaftig muffin-brain in her sleep.

Carone reminds me more of Steve Buscemi's hooker in Fargo.

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every cop and bartender in America is familiar with this style of argumentation. <a href="https://t.co/uW1LUMGgms">pic.twitter.com/uW1LUMGgms</a></p>— Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) <a href="https://twitter.com/CalebHowe/status/1334350513513619456?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]..
Watch the lady next to him.

From the Read-It-and-Weep desk:

Betfair is still taking bets on the outcome of the Presidential election. Two weeks ago, the total action was less than $1 billion but now it's almost $2 billion. American dollars. Billion with a B.

You can back Biden at 1.03-for-1 for up to $29M or back Trump at 30-for-1 for up to $140K. Lays are 1.04 ($6M) and 32 ($15K). In other words, gamblers with (cumulatively) millions to burn still think Trump's chance of winning the election is more than 3%. (Applying what I call Rothschild's long-shot bias adjustment, this 3.2% reduces to just 0.12%. But even that is almost disturbingly high.)
From the Read-It-and-Weep desk:

Betfair is still taking bets on the outcome of the Presidential election. Two weeks ago, the total action was less than $1 billion but now it's almost $2 billion. American dollars. Billion with a B.

You can back Biden at 1.03-for-1 for up to $29M or back Trump at 30-for-1 for up to $140K. Lays are 1.04 ($6M) and 32 ($15K). In other words, gamblers with (cumulatively) millions to burn still think Trump's chance of winning the election is more than 3%. (Applying what I call Rothschild's long-shot bias adjustment, this 3.2% reduces to just 0.12%. But even that is almost disturbingly high.)

That makes me feel pretty good actually. 3% is a lot lower than the percentage of the population that buys into delusional claims. As an example, my immediate family is at 25%. The population generally is higher.

Clearly much of mankind prefers fantasy over reality. I always knew Thoreau was correct but now I see a way to measure and document his claim.
The NYT and AP have finally called House races NY-01 and NY-02, with the Republican candidates winning both of them, Lee Zeldin beating Nancy Goroff in NY-01 and Anthony Garbarino beating Jackie Gordon in NY-02.

That leaves only NY-22 and IA-02, and both races have *very* narrow vote margins.

Which States Have Certified Presidential Vote Totals - The New York Times
As of Dec. 4, the only uncertified states are CA, HI, MD, MO, NJ

 2020 United States presidential election has likewise been updated, with the only unlisted states now being CA, CO, ID, IL, MD, MO, NJ

This helps me resolve an important issue. Was Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen a spoiler?

Swing states that voted for Biden where JJ might have been a spoiler:
StateEVsMarginLib vote
In PA, she wasn't, but by a very tiny margin, and that is why I'm showing that state in this table.

Biden won by 306-222, a margin of 74 votes. But if JJ's voters had a Trump-Biden margin of at least 20%, then Trump would have gotten GA and AZ, reducing Biden's EV victory margin to 32. If those voters had a T-B margin of at least 55%, then Trump would have gotten GA, AZ, and WI, making an electoral-vote tie.

That would have sent the vote into the House, and it would likely have voted for Trump.

So JJ was a likely spoiler.

I don't know if anyone has polled JJ's voters about which of the other candidates they might have preferred, but they might have liked Trump for his economic policies and Biden for some his social policies. Like the old joke that a Libertarian is a Republican who smokes pot.

I recall that someone once polled Ralph Nader's voters back in 2000, and they would have voted about 2/3 Gore and 1/3 Bush II, making Florida a clear win for Gore and making him President.
Republican U.S. judges choose Constitution over Trump as election fraud cases keep failing

How welcome. Trumpies may brag about how much they love the US Constitution, but look at what happens in practice.
Judges appointed by Republican and Democratic presidents alike have struck down the campaign’s allegations of voter fraud in every case on which they have ruled, according to a Yahoo News review of post-election federal complaints, active and closed, that were brought directly by the Trump campaign or by attorneys who are independently seeking to invalidate the results of the election in battleground states.

The review found that none of the nine federal judges who were appointed by Republican presidents or identified as Republicans before their confirmation (including a three-person appellate panel) assigned to seven of the 13 total cases, as of Dec. 3, ruled in favor of the campaign’s election fraud allegations. Lawsuits were filed in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin and Arizona.

Although federal judges are not expected to openly support a partisan agenda, Trump has often boasted about the number of conservative judges he has appointed and implied he expected them to rule in his favor. On substantive legal questions many of them have, but the electoral process, which goes to the heart of American democracy, is a different story. The campaign’s inability to gain traction with conservative judges is telling.

“Despite the narrative that Republicans have been marching in lockstep with President Trump and willing to say anything to further his agenda, there have been federal judges who were appointed by Trump, as well as state and local Republican officials, who, when faced with their duty and the reality in front of them, have done the right thing,” Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor in Chicago and legal analyst, told Yahoo News.
But that "narrative" is correct about Republican elected officials, especially Republican Congresspeople.

Election fraud claims will "cost Republicans control" of Senate
Meanwhile, the president and his allies continue telling voters that the system is rigged.

"They have not earned your vote. Don't you give it to them. Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election for God's sake?" attorney Lin Wood said at an event in Atlanta.

Sterling said he believes rhetoric like that will suppress votes, "and cost Republicans control of the United States Senate."

"I believe they'll suppress turnout on one side, mainly the Republican one, because they are being told your votes don't count, they're not real," he said.
It would be most welcome if they turn both runoff elections into own goals. It would be nice to see their enabling of him coming back to bite them.
So JJ was a likely spoiler.
Part of me wants to revel in the Libertarian was the spoiler party, because it is fun to say 'hey look, a Libertarian actually made a difference in an election!'

But seriously... how many of those were conservatives that wouldn't vote for Trump period? IE, how many of those votes were protest votes against Trump, but they thought that Biden was just too much of a communist to vote for? I do have doubts as to how many of those voting Libertarian would have ever ever voted for Trump, I think they would have stayed home otherwise.
EXPLAINER: Trump's failing, monthlong fight against election - has the status of lawsuits in AZ, PA, MI, and WI. Not very good for them.

Trump Has Raised $200 Million Since Election while Playing Up Fraud Claims - what a mega grifter.

Trump’s top Justice Department liaison banned for reportedly seeking out alleged voter fraud evidence
A top ally to President Donald Trump at the Justice Department was ordered to vacate the building and banned from accessing its facilities after attempting to "pressure" officials into providing her with alleged information about election fraud, according to a new report.

The White House liaison, Heidi Stirrup, was a reportedly close colleague to Stephen Miller, one of the president’s closest advisers. She was appointed to serve as a liaison between the White House and the Justice Department in recent months amid the final days of the 2020 election.

Ms Stirrup has been accused of demanding sensitive information from Justice Department sources surrounding ongoing investigations and open cases into apparent allegations of voter fraud.
Rudy Giuliani tries to shush alleged voter fraud witness as she attacks Republicans at latest disaster hearing -- Melissa Carone, who shouted "I know what I saw. I know what I saw." at Michigan legislators.

Trump Election Fraud Witness Says We Need Voter ID Because ‘All Chinese Look Alike’ (Video) - an Asian Indian woman
One specific complaint she had, which had little to do with what she was there to testify about, was that people can vote without a photo ID.

This is a problem, she said, because “all Chinese look alike.”

The woman made the comment in response to a question from the Michigan House Oversight Committee chair, who asked what she would do in the future to avoid election fraud.

“I come from a country where a lot of things go wrong. Our countries are known for corruption. But when it comes to elections, from what I’ve seen here to what we used to do back in India, it is a lot more organized now because we have an identification system,” the woman said.

“And the fact that now, as the other representatives said, you can actually show up and vote without an ID. It’s shocking. How can you allow that to happen?

“Like, a lot of people think all Indians look alike. I think all Chinese look alike. So how would you tell? If some Chow shows up, you can be anybody and you can vote. And if somebody with my name — you can’t even tell my name — anybody can vote on my behalf. So ID should be the basic requirement.”
So she does what she objects to others doing to her.
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