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2020 Election Results

Trump's former campaign manager Brad Parscale said he planned to capitalize on baseless fears about mass voter fraud
  • President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Brad Parscale told Fox News that the Trump campaign planned to capitalize on baseless fears about "rampant voter fraud" in the 2020 election.
  • Parscale claimed that he devised a plan to have "lawyers everywhere" monitoring polling places across the country and somehow preventing voter fraud on Election Day.
  • "If it's not going to be rampant, everyone's going to think it's rampant," Parscale said he told his team about potential voter fraud.
  • Parscale said his plan to closely monitor voter fraud fell apart after he was ousted from the campaign.
Seems like Trump depends on his underlings for strategic thinking, like here.

Trump news - live: President posts ‘most important’ 46-minute speech filled with false voter fraud claims

Democracy survived 2020 but we must keep fighting disinformation - "Barr gave us a defining moment. It's time to shine sunlight on disinformation and start building a shared reality based on our common love of country."
That's Trump's attorney general.

"Coming from the same official who embraced past untruths about the Mueller investigation, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Michael Flynn case, mail-in voting and more, this is a defining development in the saga of the 2020 election."

Opinion | The MAGA Revolution Devours Its Own - The New York Times
Since Trump’s defeat, the MAGA revolution has begun devouring its own. As it does, some conservatives are discovering the downsides of having a president who spreads malicious conspiracy theories, subverts faith in democracy and turns the denial of reality into a loyalty test. As the internet meme goes, people voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party, and now the leopards are turning on them.

Historically the American left, more than the right, was known for circular firing squads and excommunications. By turning the Republican Party into a cult of personality, Trump changed that. As the archconservative Jeff Sessions learned years ago, even a lifetime of ideological service is no defense when you’ve displeased Dear Leader.
Teri Kanefield: Trump and Giuliani's Georgia election fraud farce underscores Republican Party's civil war - "It appears that the GOP has maneuvered itself into a lose-lose situation. But one option is significantly better for America."

MI state rep confirms Rudy Giuliani farted during an election hearing - Business Insider
  • After a viral video appeared to show Rudy Giuliani experiencing flatulence during a Michigan election hearing on Wednesday, a state lawmaker has chimed in to say the fart was real.
  • There were two instances during the hearing in which President Donald Trump's personal attorney appeared to pass gas.
  • Democratic State Rep. Darrin Camilleri said both farts did indeed happen and were not edited into the video.
  • Camilleri tweeted Friday about how he was featured in the video clip of the incident shown on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on Thursday night.
  • "In normal times, using our time and taxpayer dollars to investigate illegitimate claims of election fraud would be wasteful, but in the middle of a pandemic, it's cowardly and cruel," Camilleri told Insider.

Biden says GOP senators have called to congratulate him | TheHill
"There have been more than several sitting Republican senators who have privately called me and congratulated me,” Biden told CNN’s Jake Tapper in the former vice president’s first joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I understand the situation they find themselves in. And until the election is clearly decided in the minds when the Electoral College votes, they get put in a very tough position," Biden added.
He did not name which ones.
GOP Sens. Mitt Romney (Utah), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine), Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Pat Toomey (Pa.) have all released public statements congratulating Biden.
Even though several other ones have agreed with Trump that he was the victim of massive voter fraud.
EXPLAINER: Trump's failing, monthlong fight against election - has the status of lawsuits in AZ, PA, MI, and WI. Not very good for them.

Trump Has Raised $200 Million Since Election while Playing Up Fraud Claims - what a mega grifter.

Trump’s top Justice Department liaison banned for reportedly seeking out alleged voter fraud evidence
A top ally to President Donald Trump at the Justice Department was ordered to vacate the building and banned from accessing its facilities after attempting to "pressure" officials into providing her with alleged information about election fraud, according to a new report.

The White House liaison, Heidi Stirrup, was a reportedly close colleague to Stephen Miller, one of the president’s closest advisers. She was appointed to serve as a liaison between the White House and the Justice Department in recent months amid the final days of the 2020 election.

Ms Stirrup has been accused of demanding sensitive information from Justice Department sources surrounding ongoing investigations and open cases into apparent allegations of voter fraud.
Rudy Giuliani tries to shush alleged voter fraud witness as she attacks Republicans at latest disaster hearing -- Melissa Carone, who shouted "I know what I saw. I know what I saw." at Michigan legislators.

Trump Election Fraud Witness Says We Need Voter ID Because ‘All Chinese Look Alike’ (Video) - an Asian Indian woman
One specific complaint she had, which had little to do with what she was there to testify about, was that people can vote without a photo ID.

This is a problem, she said, because “all Chinese look alike.”

The woman made the comment in response to a question from the Michigan House Oversight Committee chair, who asked what she would do in the future to avoid election fraud.

“I come from a country where a lot of things go wrong. Our countries are known for corruption. But when it comes to elections, from what I’ve seen here to what we used to do back in India, it is a lot more organized now because we have an identification system,” the woman said.

“And the fact that now, as the other representatives said, you can actually show up and vote without an ID. It’s shocking. How can you allow that to happen?

“Like, a lot of people think all Indians look alike. I think all Chinese look alike. So how would you tell? If some Chow shows up, you can be anybody and you can vote. And if somebody with my name — you can’t even tell my name — anybody can vote on my behalf. So ID should be the basic requirement.”
So she does what she objects to others doing to her.

Wait, There's More: Michigan Election Hearing Witness Mellissa Carone Has A Criminal Record

Carone, 33, was sentenced to 12 months of probation for [a computer crime] in September 2019, stemming from an incident in November 2018.

The mother of two had struck a plea deal with Michigan prosecutors, who in turn dropped a first-degree obscenity charge against her. ...

Carone's criminal past is the latest public blunder for Giuliani as he attempts to prove alleged election fraud.

The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office on Friday said Carone pleaded guilty to only disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor, and that the computer crime charge was also dismissed.

Details of the incident were not immediately available. Carone was arraigned in June 2019 by Southgate District Judge James Kandrevas for "using computers to commit a crime," as a court record says. Her court-appointed attorney was David Loeckner of Wyandotte, who declined comment Friday.

Carone grew up in Allen Park and has a 2015 information technology certificate from ITT Technical Institute in Dearborn.

Someone on FB said her Linkedin profile contains a lot of BS diploma mill entries. I don't have a LI account to verify that.

She also worked for Ford in IT but got fired and got her job with the voting machine company through a temp service.
Someone on FB said her Linkedin profile contains a lot of BS diploma mill entries. I don't have a LI account to verify that.

She also worked for Ford in IT but got fired and got her job with the voting machine company through a temp service.

I've found Mellissa Carone | LinkedIn - complete with mentions of:
So it's her and not some other Melissa Carone.

Under "Education", I find
  • University of Michigan
  • ITT Technical Institute-Dearborn
and under "Licenses & certifications" I find
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate Industrial (CCNA I)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker
  • Security+ Certified (Cisco)
  • Microsoft Office 365
The U of MI is a reputable university, and Cisco is a reputable company. ITT Technical Institute is another story entirely. The Wikipedia article on it describes oodles of legal battles that it has been in, with allegations of fraud and grade inflation and misrepresentation and the like.

Melissa Carone herself does not have a Wikipedia page.
I want her to get her own Fox show. It could be called Swear to God. She'd fit right in with Sean, Tucker, Lou, and Laura. Christ this country is crawling with loony birds.
Which States Have Certified Presidential Vote Totals - The New York Times
Only uncertified states: CA, HI, MO, NJ

Election results certification dates, 2020 - Ballotpedia
Remaining deadlines: Dec 7: NY, Dec 8: MD, MO, NJ, Dec 11: CA

However, Biden officially clinches Electoral College votes with California certification | TheHill and Biden officially secures enough electors to become president though I couldn't find any link to some original press release

This certification gives Biden 279 certified electoral votes, enough to win.
Judge calls Trump request in Wisconsin lawsuit 'bizarre'
A judge hearing President Donald Trump’s federal lawsuit seeking to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s win in Wisconsin said Friday that the president’s request to “remand” the case to the GOP-controlled Legislature to pick new electors was “bizarre.”

Hearings on both lawsuits were scheduled for Thursday, with the judges noting the importance of resolving the legal battles before the Electoral College meets on Dec. 14.

Trump, who argues that hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots cast in accordance with state guidelines were illegal, wants a federal judge to give the Republican-controlled Legislature the power to determine who won the election.
What a spoiled brat.

Kellyanne Conway acknowledges Biden as apparent winner | TheHill

Trump Pentagon nominee alleged Biden 'coup': report | TheHill
Scott O'Grady: Trump Pentagon nominee spreads debunked conspiracies and tweets suggesting Trump declare martial law - CNNPolitics
President Donald Trump's nominee to become a senior Pentagon official spread debunked conspiracies on Twitter that called Trump's election loss to Joe Biden a "coup" attempt and shared tweets that suggest Trump should declare martial law.

Scott O'Grady, a former fighter pilot and Trump loyalist, repeatedly retweeted tweets that falsely stated Trump won the election in "landslide fashion" and that millions of votes were stolen from the President.
What Trump is doing isn't politics. It's something much worse. by Damon Linker

"What in the world does Donald Trump think he's doing?"
The answer is that Trump is offering them a story of injustice and promised retribution. He's done that from the beginning, affixing blame to a series of powerful people and institutions that have supposedly ruined the lives of ordinary Americans: the Republican establishment, Democrats, the media, rapacious companies that have outsourced manufacturing jobs, China, Iran, and specific, corrupt evildoers like Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe. They are the perps. The cheering throngs at the Trump rally are the victims. And Trump is the champion and defender of the latter — the man who, with his words of anger and grievance, permits them the possibility of vicarious vengeance.

But now, in the story he's spinning every day, Trump is a victim, too. The man who put aside his comfortable life of wealth and private enterprise to become a tribune to the common man has been terribly wronged himself. His enemies deployed all their powers against him and the result was a stolen presidency — stolen from him as well as the tens of millions who voted for him.

In some ways, that could make the post-election Trump more powerful as a demagogue than he's ever been.
So he's claiming that his defeat was America being stabbed in the back by enemies and traitors. Like how Germany was supposedly stabbed in the back by enemies and traitors by conceding defeat in WWI.
But the reality is this: The just-defeated president is actively working to convince a sizable segment of Americans that the electoral system, the media, the "deep state," and all the institutions of government, including elected and appointed Republicans at all levels, from secretaries of state to federal appellate judges appointed by Trump himself, cannot be trusted to run a free and fair election that identifies the rightful winner and rewards him (and his supporters) with political power.

That is incredibly dangerous.
It's been quite a week here in Arizona.

On Monday, our GOP governor was signing the papers certifying the state officially going for Biden. While he was doing so, his phone rang. The "Hail to the Chief" ringtone could be heard, meaning it was Trump calling. To his credit, the governor silenced the phone and kept signing papers. Trump was not pleased.

On Wednesday, our new Senator was sworn into office. Democrat (and former astronaut) Mark Kelly won the seat formerly held by the late John McCain. In a beautiful instance of trolling, Mike Pence had to swear him in while our other Senator - the bisexual Democrat Kyrsten Sinema - held the Bible while wearing a purple wig and an animal print dress. Mother would not be happy.

On Friday, our Republican Speaker of the House revealed - in a press release - that Trump's people tried to pressure the state legislature into overturning the results and awarding our electoral votes to Trump. Trump was told - politely but firmly - to fuck off.


“This week, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and others representing President Donald Trump came to Arizona with a breathtaking request: that the Arizona Legislature overturn the certified results of last month’s election and deliver the state’s electoral college votes to President Trump,” Bowers noted, before soundly dismissing such a move. “The rule of law forbids us to do that.”
As seen somewhere else: "Biden wins the election again and again, and continues to do so every time tRump embarrasses himself."

(CNN)President Donald Trump on Saturday called Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, pushing him to convince state legislators to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's win in the state.

Trump asked Kemp to call a special session and convince state legislators to select their own electors that would support him, according to a source familiar with the conversation. He also asked the Republican governor to order an audit of absentee ballot signatures.

Kemp explained that he did not have this authority and denied the request, the source said.

This kind of thing has to be criminal somehow! Hopefully state criminal code so that Trump can't pardon himself.

Trump belongs in prison.

Call it election tampering.

More detail at WaPo

(CNN)President Donald Trump on Saturday called Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, pushing him to convince state legislators to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's win in the state.

Trump asked Kemp to call a special session and convince state legislators to select their own electors that would support him, according to a source familiar with the conversation. He also asked the Republican governor to order an audit of absentee ballot signatures.

Kemp explained that he did not have this authority and denied the request, the source said.

This kind of thing has to be criminal somehow! Hopefully state criminal code so that Trump can't pardon himself.

Trump belongs in prison.

Call it election tampering.

More detail at WaPo

Well, you know how that goes. I'm sure the Orange Slimer was only joking.
What GOP Members of Congress think of Trump’s election fraud claims - Washington Post

Who won?
  • Biden (actual winner): 25
  • Trump: 2
  • Unclear / no answer: 222
Support or oppose Trump's continuing efforts to claim victory?
  • Oppose: 9
  • Support: 8
  • Unclear / no answer: 232
If Joe Biden wins a majority of electoral votes, will you accept him as the legitimately elected President?
  • Yes: 32
  • No: 2
  • Unclear / no answer: 215
Republican politicians' unwillingness to give a straight answer to these questions suggests something very unflattering about them. Are they waiting until they see which side wins?
That fits.

The contributors to  2020 United States presidential election have added all the Presidential vote totals but for CO, MO, and NJ. I suspect that they will be added in the next few days. Those three states were firmly pro-Biden (CO, NJ) or pro-Trump (MO), so they would not affect my discussion of whether Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen was a spoiler.
Aides speculate if Trump will travel to Mar-a-Lago for holidays and never return - CNNPolitics
At this stage, there are plans for Trump to remain at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach over Christmas and New Year's, but the guidance offered to staffers ends there, people familiar with the plans said.

Trump could return to Washington for the final days on his term. But there have also been some discussions about the President and the first lady remaining in Florida and not coming back to the White House, a White House official said.
If he decides to do so, we can say "Good riddance!"
“We have now counted legally cast ballots three times, and the results remain unchanged,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said during a Monday press conference, marking the latest blow in the president’s attempts to change the election results in Georgia.
I remember 2000, where right-wingers were mocking the recount effort as "recount again and again and again". Now they love it.

Donald Trump's pandemic blindness and election denial darken America's desperate winter - CNNPolitics
Donald Trump's denial during his final days in office is darkening America's winter of sickness and death, damaging democracy, hampering Joe Biden's nascent presidency and jeopardizing Republican hopes of clinging to the Senate.

The President's dereliction of duty as a pandemic that has never been worse rages out of control is depriving America of sorely needed leadership from its most powerful voice. The scale of the crisis with death rates and hospitalizations soaring was further underscored Sunday after it emerged that Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani has Covid-19.
Federal judge dismisses lawsuit to block certification of Georgia's election
Sidney Powell's kraken was not much more than a water flea.

Georgia Re-Certifies Election Results After a Third and Hopefully Last Count

What 'safe harbor day' is and why it's bad news for Trump
The federal law says a state qualifies for the safe harbor protection if it has resolved "any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors." State court cases remain active in six states that certified Biden the winner — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada and Wisconsin. So they may not be able to claim the protection unless their cases are resolved by Tuesday.
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