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6/27/24 presidential debate

And you don’t know my opinion as I haven’t given it to you yet.
Your refusal to give it told me all I needed to know.
I don’t engage with bad faith actors. You are free to assume all you want and strut around with your air of superiority for having assumed others’ thoughts.

It wouldn’t have mattered what opinion I expressed because you already admitted you didn’t care and assumed your answer anyway.
So now you can answer - why the fuck do you care?
I care because I do.

We didn't realize you had an immense amount of caring over schedule changes. But since that's your personality.... I normally wake up at 5:40 but today I woke up at 6:30. Very unusual. I bet you really, really need to know why my schedule changed.

It's 12:30 pm here and I'm going downstairs to pop some potatoes in the microwave. My schedule is too erratic to call this a "change." Does this help?
I wonder if the campaign decided to have this debate so early due to Biden's decline? In case he got worse as the campaign progressed to November. It backfired.
Campaigns. Both sides had to agree to this early debate. Claiming early voting/vote by mail was the reason to agree to this. They'll both have to go at it again in September assuming neither one of these nags is at the glue factory by then.
I think that Biden has done a superb job of lowering expectations for the next debate. Even his supporters are now dreading it. There is nowhere else for his reputation as a safe, dependable leader to go but up. OTOH, everyone already knows and expects Trump to be unsafe and undependable, so he doesn't need to lower expectations. The worrisome thing for him is that he no longer has a commanding lead in the lowered expectations category. He'll have to work harder, because no one seems to care when he acts befuddled and confused. It's normal for him. And it's normal for his supporters to see that as "Trump being Trump".
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I wonder if the campaign decided to have this debate so early due to Biden's decline? In case he got worse as the campaign progressed to November. It backfired.
Many mental health experts have all opined that it is Trump, not Biden, that is in mental decline, based on overwhelming evidence that is available to everyone.
Right, It's Trump who is senile, not Biden, I believe these "many Many mental health experts"
Believe what you wish, reality will choose its own path. Perhaps we are living in a reality where two contradictory facts can both be true, and we just haven't noticed.
I wonder if the campaign decided to have this debate so early due to Biden's decline? In case he got worse as the campaign progressed to November. It backfired.
Many mental health experts have all opined that it is Trump, not Biden, that is in mental decline, based on overwhelming evidence that is available to everyone.
Right, It's Trump who is senile, not Biden, I believe these "many Many mental health experts"
I don't think Trump is senile but he does have some major mental health issues. The biggest one is his sociopathy.
I wonder if the campaign decided to have this debate so early due to Biden's decline? In case he got worse as the campaign progressed to November. It backfired.
Many mental health experts have all opined that it is Trump, not Biden, that is in mental decline, based on overwhelming evidence that is available to everyone.
Right, It's Trump who is senile, not Biden, I believe these "many Many mental health experts"
I don't think Trump is senile but he does have some major mental health issues. The biggest one is his sociopathy.
How dare you to contradict "Many mental health experts"!
So did you

show it.

It was a rhetorical question with the purpose of demonstration of my opponents dishonesty. I succeeded.
Good for you.

You claimed to honestly want to know my opinion but now you’ve made it clear that’s not true. “It was a rhetorical question”.
"Good for you" part was not honest, it was disingenuous!
I did not need to go too far to prove that you are not honest.
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I think you’re reading too much in to my words here and leading yourself astray. Perhaps it’s a language issue. I just don’t want to engage with you because you have not engaged with me in a good faith manner. So, instead I respond mostly in snark now, as you point out. Anything more isn’t worth the effort.

I personally will stop with this because it’s an unnecessary derail from the discussion.
I think you’re reading too much in to my words here and leading yourself astray. Perhaps it’s a language issue. I just don’t want to engage with you because you have not engaged with me in a good faith manner.
No, it's not language, and it's not me, it's you. It's really you.
If you can't endure rhetorical question, then you should get the hell out of the internet.
I think you’re reading too much in to my words here and leading yourself astray. Perhaps it’s a language issue. I just don’t want to engage with you because you have not engaged with me in a good faith manner.
No, it's not language, and it's not me, it's you. It's really you.
If you can't endure rhetorical question, then you should get the hell out of the internet.
Since you’re likely the type who must have the final word, I’ll let you. Good night dear sir.
I don't understand how he performed so poorly (and looked like hell) last night but looks and acts healthy and fully capable today.
He did sound much better and far more energetic in NC.
It was probably a combination of several issues, including the cold (did he take some cold medicine?), and maybe he was jacked up on Mountain Dew in NC and that's why he was able to come at Trump like a spider monkey.
But mostly I think it's easier to give a speech with a teleprompter than do a debate off the cuff. And the time of day matters too - the debate was 9-10:30, while he was speaking in NC mid-day. The debate was probably past Biden's bedtime.
Trump and the Teleprompter:

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