After the recent presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, entrepreneur Mark Cuban utilized artificial intelligence to provide a unique analysis of the candidates’ performances. Cuban, well-known for his business and television ventures, shared this innovative approach on X, the...
This raises an interesting question, like for example, since we know people are pretty stupid, are people themselves merely artificially intelligent? I am genuinely beginning to think so.
In any case, I decided to ask a different but related question to ChatGPT:
Don2 said:
Suppose hypothetically that there are two candidates for President. One is a convicted felon whose 34 convictions might be overturned by a Supreme Court that has a strong majority membership of his Party. This candidate engages in hyperbole often and some think they are a narcissist. The other candidate might be showing signs of mental decline such as forgetting lines of thought and specific words. Only given this information, which candidate would be best to vote on and why?
I received a lengthy response and here is the conclusion portion of it:
ChatGPT said:
Given only this information, it might be challenging to definitively state which candidate is the best to vote for. However, the ethical and legal concerns associated with a convicted felon might be more substantial and harder to mitigate than the potential cognitive decline, which could be managed with a robust support system. Therefore, the candidate showing signs of mental decline might be a safer choice in terms of ethical considerations and overall stability. However, it is crucial to seek more comprehensive information about each candidate’s policies, capabilities, and support systems before making a final decision.
While I am not going to say we SHOULD listen to AIs, even if I am beginning to think we humans act like AIs much of the time, we can at least look at what an AI concludes and decide if it has merit. In this particular case, I find the comment regarding "a robust support system" very compelling. Biden doesn't decide things on his own--he has a lot of people in his Administration who are trustworthy and competent. Compared to Trump--this is very different--he supports only Trumpists, does things his way, and if there is any disagreement, it's "You're fired!" by an untrustworthy person. So if we approach this from a politically and ideologically neutral POV or in conversations with independents, clearly one side is better even though media pundits are making tons of noise about that one side.