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6/27/24 presidential debate

Biden talks and walks like an old man trying to make the walk to the mailbox and not sure he's gonna make it.
Trumps sounds like a six year old describing the bestest milkshake he ever drank and the worstest spinach he ever ate.

This is not debate, It's Arrested Development Dennis and Nursing Home Ready Mr. Wilson yelling at each other..
I stopped watching it and hit the bottle. Biden needs to step aside.
This is a disaster.
I tend to agree. There’s no way to stop his blatant lies. It’s just a forum for him to spew his bullshit.]

It’s not just that. Biden is a disaster. He looks and sounds like a cadaver. We are in serious trouble.
And yet everything he says makes sense and is backed up by verifiable fact. Meanwhile Trump lies continuously. “Best environment number ever!” He didn’t even recognize the climate issue as real. He sidestepped every question I could bear to listen to. He knows he doesn’t have real answers so he just blames it all on illegal immigrants.
This is a disaster.
I tend to agree. There’s no way to stop his blatant lies. It’s just a forum for him to spew his bullshit.]

It’s not just that. Biden is a disaster. He looks and sounds like a cadaver. We are in serious trouble.
I couldn’t take anymore of it. And turned it off. On the one hand , he talks sense and tells the truth, on the other hand, he does sound like a cadaver. I really didn’t expect him to run a second term. But Harris would get her ass kicked.
I think the Democrats are going to have to somehow prevail upon Biden to step aside and give it to Gavin Newsom, who shined on the pre-debate coverage. He could keep Harris as VP. I just don’t see Biden winning the election after this disaster, and this election must be won. Otherwise there might not be another.
Even though we have the same candidates in 2024 as we had in 2020, we have worse candidates in 2024 than we had in 2020. I hate to say it but this debate was actually dull. Neither candidate did anything out of the ordinary. Trump didn't go on a tirade, Biden didn't lose himself in a senior moment.
I stopped watching it and hit the bottle. Biden needs to step aside.
The problem is: who will replace him?
If DNC chooses Kamala, Trump most likely wins, because she is very unpopular.
If they choose somebody else (Whitmer, Shapiro, or even Goodhair) they risk losing black support since they snubbed the blackish Veep.

Biden really should have decided not to run again a year ago. That way, Dems could have held a competitive primary.
The only thing that lets Trump be on par with Biden here is the reluctance of the moderators to fact check. If they just could point out what the lies are the debate would be between Trump and Tapper.
Even though we have the same candidates in 2024 as we had in 2020, we have worse candidates in 2024 than we had in 2020.
Biden didn't lose himself in a senior moment.
You don't think so? He did lose his train of thought on several occasions. He did get better later in the debate though.
Maybe the Red Bull kicked in.
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