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6/27/24 presidential debate

I was not able to watch the debate, but the aftermath proves that Biden gave a disastrous performance. His ego won't let him do the right thing and step aside for a younger, more competent Democrat to replace him. As Derec said, it is already too late to have a competitive primary. Trump gets credit for Trump being Trump, so the press declared him the winner of a non-debate. I'll vote for Biden in November, if that is my only choice. He has run a competent administration, despite his drawbacks as a campaigner and public speaker. Trump's chaotic first term is apparently a suppressed memory for an awful lot of American voters, and Trump only needs to win in a few battleground states to take the whole thing. Biden's idea to hold an early debate was phenomenally bad judgment, but he has a stranglehold on the nomination. Nobody is going to take it away from him, if he won't give it up voluntarily.
I recall Obama doing poorly in the first debate.
There is still time to fix this.
Biden needs to hammer tRump on the lies.
Most of us here have long-since decided which Party we will support in November. The debate wasn't for us; it was for the truly undecided voters who know only a few memes they picked up on Facebook.

And there's no doubt which way these Undecideds are now planning to vote after watching this debate.

Are all of the Democratic leaders completely incompetent at politics? How could they send Biden out there alone, without practicing various ways to attack Trump? One pundit who did have good advice for the D's debate is George Conway, a prominent Republican who recently chose the sane side of the aisle. Ds should have listened to him:

There were so many ways to attack Trump. He's a criminal, a grifter, compulsive liar, and his kowtowing to Vladimir Putin and leaving Top Secret documents unprotected make him a traitor. Delivering these complaints in his own fashion would have invigorated Joe. Instead all we heard was a weakly-told litany of facts. (And Biden gives himself credit for only creating 15 thousand jobs, not 15 million. He repeated the "thousand" at least twice, several minutes apart.)

The Art of War said:
The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.

Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected.

There are still more than seven weeks to the Democratic Convention in Chicago. If Biden is not competent to run, he must be asked to stand down ASAP.
I guess if you only care about energy and not the voluminous vomit of lies then it could make the difference. Being president isn’t about walking around and talking with high energy.
Not defending Trump on his lies, but it is also important to show some vigor.
Yes, I wish Joe didn’t look so frail. But he knew his facts whereas Trump obviously knows exactly nothing about policy and proper governance.
Broken record "knows" facts too, let elect broken record as POTUS.
And does he really know his facts?
Or he is just an old man who knows his stuff and it was lies that he needs drugs.
He is an old man who showed every year of his age. Trump is barely younger, but came across as much higher energy. That is a problem. The presidential campaign will be long and grueling. And Biden does not have COVID as an excuse to hide in the White House basement until November.
I guess if you only care about energy and not the voluminous vomit of lies then it could make the difference. Being president isn’t about walking around and talking with high energy.
True. But the problem is many potential voters don’t seem to realize that. Trump is betting on that.
Exactly. Not only is he betting on it, he knows conservative media will back him up.
OK, I've watched the whole thing till the end.
Biden did OK, all things considered. I mean he did not wander off the stage in the middle of the sentence as I had hoped he would. I think no distraction from the audience helped in that regard a lot. He did not start well though. He looked scared and rushing through the thing he was prepared to say.
Trump did Trump exactly as expected. None of the two have even a tiny bit of capacity to be president.

I honestly don't understand people who say that Biden should step down now. Were you expecting Biden doing better than this? Why?
Biden did OK, all things considered. I mean he did not wander off the stage in the middle of the sentence as I had hoped he would.

He did get saved by the bell sometimes though.
Sounds like that could have gone better. That Biden not only managed to fail to look good, but he didn't express things well enough either. Allegedly had a cold. The broken clocks are going to be crowing. Trump's performance was going to be irrelevant, Biden kind of had the most to lose. And he seemed to lose most of it. Houston, we've got a problem.
I recall Obama doing poorly in the first debate.
I don't.
There is still time to fix this.
Sure, if this was a one off event. The problem appears to be Biden didn't just look/sound old, he wasn't capable of a coherent message. That feeds right into the narrative Trump had been putting forth. There are a ton of questions to ask, from handlers, to Biden, to those that put this debate so early. Was there any design to the date? Is Biden having an off day? Presidents aren't really supposed to have those. I mean, yes, we've had Wilson and Reagan.

But there was a lot of damage done last night.
There are a ton of questions to ask, from handlers, to Biden, to those that put this debate so early. Was there any design to the date?
You are starting to ask the question I have been asking over and over again :D
You've lost all credibility with me with all things not science, so I don't particularly care about that.
There are a ton of questions to ask, from handlers, to Biden, to those that put this debate so early. Was there any design to the date?
You are starting to ask the question I have been asking over and over again :D
You've lost all credibility with me with all things not science, so I don't particularly care about that.
I was not asking you about that. By the way, political science is science, some say.
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It was a disaster.

I thought he was in trouble from the very first, when he walked onto the stage looking like a slack-jawed ambulatory cadaver. Then he began talking and removed all doubts. This is serious business. The Dems have got to get their act together and nominate someone who can beat Adolf Putin Trump.
It was a disaster.

I thought he was in trouble from the very first, when he walked onto the stage looking like a slack-jawed ambulatory cadaver. Then he began talking and removed all doubts. This is serious business. The Dems have got to get their act together and nominate someone who can beat Adolf Putin Trump.
Your expectations were irrationally high.
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