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6/27/24 presidential debate

So I don't think ordinary people like me can make a valid judgment about Biden's cognition. But White House insiders certainly could.
I find that hard to believe but apparently not all of them can/could. Most people are simply blind to this, they can't read subtle clues, to others these clues are not subtle at all.
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If Biden is competent/coherent, but can't present a certain savior faire, there is reason for handlers to maybe step it back.
My two cents … he is competent, is NOT coherent unless given several passes per sentence, and il ne peut rien faire, let alone demonstrate “savoir faire”, even if he knows how. But it’s up to President Biden, not his handlers (who just demonstrated their uselessness) to step it back.
If Biden is competent/coherent, but can't present a certain savior faire, there is reason for handlers to maybe step it back.
My two cents … he is competent, is NOT coherent unless given several passes per sentence, and il ne peut rien faire, let alone demonstrate “savoir faire”, even if he knows how. But it’s up to President Biden, not his handlers (who just demonstrated their uselessness) to step it back.
I think they overprepared him. They knew Trump would lie about the facts so they pumped Biden so full of facts to try to counter it that he had trouble recalling everything, especially hard given they weren’t allowed to bring in notes. Trump was spewing the same lies he always spews so no need to prepare for him and he was more relaxed.
If Biden is competent/coherent, but can't present a certain savior faire, there is reason for handlers to maybe step it back.
My two cents … he is competent, is NOT coherent unless given several passes per sentence, and il ne peut rien faire, let alone demonstrate “savoir faire”, even if he knows how. But it’s up to President Biden, not his handlers (who just demonstrated their uselessness) to step it back.
I think they overprepared him. They knew Trump would lie about the facts so they pumped Biden so full of facts to try to counter it that he had trouble recalling everything, especially hard given they weren’t allowed to bring in notes. Trump was spewing the same lies he always spews so no need to prepare for him and he was more relaxed.
From all appearance, that’s right. And incredibly stupid. The President’s job is not to memorize facts, it’s to have access to them and the ability to use them to make good decisions on behalf of the Country.
It was a tragically misguided attempt to play defense against the assertion that Joe doesn’t know stuff any more, and it backfired spectacularly.
How pathetic He’d have been infinitely better off with zero prep.
In my opinion, it's more effective to provide well-reasoned arguments than to fabricate errors & attribute them to your opponent.. It seems that for Trump supporters, the opposite is true.
In my opinion, it's more effective to provide well-reasoned arguments than to fabricate errors & attribute them to your opponent.. It seems that for Trump supporters, the opposite is true.
Well, if you’re incapable of providing well-reasoned arguments then what other option would you have?
In my opinion, it's more effective to provide well-reasoned arguments than to fabricate errors & attribute them to your opponent.. It seems that for Trump supporters, the opposite is true.
Well, if you’re incapable of providing well-reasoned arguments then what other option would you have?
Fabricating errors and attributing them to your opponent is effective when used in a wall of lies attack, jumping back and forth between creating new errors and harping on old fabrications (even if refuted). There is no verbal defense against that, and all it requires is an uninhibited willingness to lie lie lie.
Remind us again how your system allowed two obviously unfit (in their own unique ways) candidates to be up on that stage.
The system is designed to exclude alternatives. That's why for the entire 21st century thus far we've had to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.

No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA

If you like socialism and hate fascism you are inconsistent.

Was Obama the turd sandwich or the giant douche? How far must you go back to find a President or major candidate who was not a turd sandwich or major douche?
Who cares. The election is about turnout.
Why do you think she'd be better for turnout than any alternatives like Whitmer or Goodhair?
And again, the superficial stuff that drives the morons who will actually decide the election; her nasal voice, pedantic delivery, the fact that she's a woman carrying Joe's baggage... I think more viable choices abound, even though she may well be the best choice for The Country.
Her poor judgment is the most salient negative. Forget her voice, or delivery. She has shown in the 2020 race that she lacks judgment.
  • She had an early lead with donors, and Hillary's bundlers flocked to her. She wasted a lot of money and her campaign was broke by December 2019.
  • Instead of using her diverse background (half Indian, half Jamaican, with a white Jewish husband) as an example of unity in diversity, she decided to be a divider. She went "blacker than thou" and attacked Joe Biden on racial issues such as the failed 70s forced bussing policy. She also claimed that Michael Brown was "murdered", a cynical lie.
  • She would have been more at home in the moderate lane. Instead, she moved far left, to the Bernie/Warren lane and staked extreme positions such as banning fracking and offshore drilling.
I think she is the best by a number of metrics. She isn't a Dan Quayle or Sarah Palin. Easier for me to say, I wanted her to lead the ticket in 2020.
KH had a lot of potential when she started her campaign. She squandered it with poor decisions throughout her campaign.
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I'm afraid it is YOU who has misspelled Kamala's name! I think she's fine, but the fact that her name is hard-to-spell is already one strike against her. Whom do we draft to replace Biden? Let me quote myself from 15 months ago:

One name that doesn't appear on most of these lists is Gretchen Whitmer. I hereby throw her hat into the ring, and direct my delegates to support her!

Whitmer is of course the Governor of Michigan whom MAGAites conspired to assassinate.

She is smart of course. Like Kamala Harris she is a former prosecutor. But she is seven years younger than Kamala, more charismatic I think, and -- yes, it DOES matter -- more photogenic.

The GOPlins and hate-drenched racists are unlikely to come to their senses, but if they do they'll push for Nikki Haley. Will the D's need to put forth a female of their own? I'm afraid Haley wins in a Haley-Harris contest.

Gretchen Whitmer for President
Wait. You have issues with Kamala as a name, but embrace "Heinrich! Mir graut's vor dir" Gretchen?
I don't know, but just f'rinstance...
HOW: Jill pulls him aside and tells him enough is enough. I think that would do the trick.
WHO: Right now the obvious choice is Gavin Newsome.
For the millionth time, it's Newsom!
You misspelled Kamila Harris, who is the VP and has instant brand awareness.
She is heiress apparent but that does not necessarily make her the right choice.
That's why I think Biden should have demurred a year ago, and given Dems a chance to run a competitive primary. There will be a lot of hurt feelings no matter who is nominated in Chicago if Biden decides not to run now.
In my opinion, it's more effective to provide well-reasoned arguments than to fabricate errors & attribute them to your opponent.. It seems that for Trump supporters, the opposite is true.
As a reminder, Gore lost to W. Clinton lost to Trump. Carter was smoked by Reagan.

The populace wants honesty, competence, and great leadership... except that isn't how they vote. They reward charisma, quick retorts, and intangibles that don't make a damn difference to the ability to govern.
The talk in this thread of wanting to replace Biden with another candidate is nonsense. Why don't people just wait to make a judgment call?

Biden showed he's as capable as his IIDB fans have said he is in his North Caroline speech today:

I don't understand how he performed so poorly (and looked like hell) last night but looks and acts healthy and fully capable today. Over-prepped to the point of exhaustion combined with a cold last night, but a totally different person today? Not on enough drugs last night? (And, about the accusation of drugs... if drugs do this for anyone then 1) I want some! and 2) I want him to stay on these drugs because effective medication is, obviously-as-fucking-hell, a very good thing!)

But to perform so well shows the fears he's gone feeble and demented are false. And anyway, if he gets elected then dies then Harris takes over, that's good too (especially if she's prone to progressive's manipulations like some suggest (y) ).

Next week the Supreme Court will steal attention away from this debate and we'll be back to being outraged at them again instead of worrying over Biden's health.
The talk in this thread of wanting to replace Biden with another candidate is nonsense. Why don't people just wait to make a judgment call?

Biden showed he's as capable as his IIDB fans have said he is in his North Caroline speech today:
As I noted, if it was a one off, he needs to tear the country a new one and prove he is in the game. One speech won't be enough.
The talk in this thread of wanting to replace Biden with another candidate is nonsense. Why don't people just wait to make a judgment call?

Biden showed he's as capable as his IIDB fans have said he is in his North Caroline speech today:

I don't understand how he performed so poorly (and looked like hell) last night but looks and acts healthy and fully capable today. Over-prepped to the point of exhaustion combined with a cold last night, but a totally different person today? Not on enough drugs last night? (And, about the accusation of drugs... if drugs do this for anyone then 1) I want some! and 2) I want him to stay on these drugs because effective medication is, obviously-as-fucking-hell, a very good thing!)

But to perform so well shows the fears he's gone feeble and demented are false. And anyway, if he gets elected then dies then Harris takes over, that's good too (especially if she's prone to progressive's manipulations like some suggest (y) ).

Next week the Supreme Court will steal attention away from this debate and we'll be back to being outraged at them again instead of worrying over Biden's health.

I heard this morning he had a pretty heavy cold last night. Considering how his voice sounded I think it's true. And maybe some potent cold medicine in the mix.
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