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A day without stupid?

I can’t confirm it, but I’ve heard that people have seen zombie Jackie Onassis unearth herself and walking slowly towards the White House, wholly intent on strangling Melania and burying her in that “garden”.

That is just what I’ve heard.
Now THIS is a ridiculously overblown nothing burger. Seriously, we have better things to focus on (and according to Snopes, most of the hyperbole is flat out wrong anyway).
It isn't that important. True, but I think it is more along the lines of Melania didn't need to do anything to the Rose Garden. It was almost a purposeful attempt to erase past legacy.
I can’t confirm it, but I’ve heard that people have seen zombie Jackie Onassis unearth herself and walking slowly towards the White House, wholly intent on strangling Melania and burying her in that “garden”.

That is just what I’ve heard.
Now THIS is a ridiculously overblown nothing burger. Seriously, we have better things to focus on (and according to Snopes, most of the hyperbole is flat out wrong anyway).
It isn't that important. True, but I think it is more along the lines of Melania didn't need to do anything to the Rose Garden. It was almost a purposeful attempt to erase past legacy.
Except that seems to be mostly wrong, too: https://www.politifact.com/factchec...ania-trump-didnt-remove-roses-every-first-la/
I can’t confirm it, but I’ve heard that people have seen zombie Jackie Onassis unearth herself and walking slowly towards the White House, wholly intent on strangling Melania and burying her in that “garden”.

That is just what I’ve heard.
Now THIS is a ridiculously overblown nothing burger. Seriously, we have better things to focus on (and according to Snopes, most of the hyperbole is flat out wrong anyway).

...and besides, it's better now. For all of Trump's evils Melania's garden is better looking. The JFK one has colours that worked in the 70'ies but now look rediculous. It has too much going on. I'm on team Melania on the garden. I care about stuff like this.
Okay, so, what if the Democratic Party had adopted any one or all of the following as part of their 2020 platform, just to get through the election:

A. Tighten all the laws around abortion with the plan to eliminate all but medically required abortions by 2030 (fine print: by funding Planned Parenthood, sex ed, and free birth control).
B. Build a Wall between the US and Mexico by 2030 (fine print, using the Trump technology which is porous as hell).
C. Withdraw the Affordable Care Act (fine print, replace it with universal health care).
Okay, so, what if the Democratic Party had adopted any one or all of the following as part of their 2020 platform, just to get through the election:

A. Tighten all the laws around abortion with the plan to eliminate all but medically required abortions by 2030 (fine print: by funding Planned Parenthood, sex ed, and free birth control).
B. Build a Wall between the US and Mexico by 2030 (fine print, using the Trump technology which is porous as hell).
C. Withdraw the Affordable Care Act (fine print, replace it with universal health care).

No offense, but I'm not able to make a point out of this post. What do you think will happen? A groundswell of defection from the Republican party?
Okay, so, what if the Democratic Party had adopted any one or all of the following as part of their 2020 platform, just to get through the election:

A. Tighten all the laws around abortion with the plan to eliminate all but medically required abortions by 2030 (fine print: by funding Planned Parenthood, sex ed, and free birth control).
B. Build a Wall between the US and Mexico by 2030 (fine print, using the Trump technology which is porous as hell).
C. Withdraw the Affordable Care Act (fine print, replace it with universal health care).

No offense, but I'm not able to make a point out of this post. What do you think will happen? A groundswell of defection from the Republican party?

It is a what if? Would it make any difference? How many republican voters vote republican because and only because of these issues and the "platform" of either party?

Frankly, it is readily obvious the the Republicans Party doesn't care about abortions - it is just an issue to exploit, that they know that guns aren't going away - another issue to exploit, that they know that migrant labor drives the profits of their constituents, that the only reason to object to the Affordable Care Act is that it cuts into profits and that it has nothing to do with "socialism".
Okay, so, what if the Democratic Party had adopted any one or all of the following as part of their 2020 platform, just to get through the election:

A. Tighten all the laws around abortion with the plan to eliminate all but medically required abortions by 2030 (fine print: by funding Planned Parenthood, sex ed, and free birth control).
B. Build a Wall between the US and Mexico by 2030 (fine print, using the Trump technology which is porous as hell).
C. Withdraw the Affordable Care Act (fine print, replace it with universal health care).

No offense, but I'm not able to make a point out of this post. What do you think will happen? A groundswell of defection from the Republican party?

It is a what if? Would it make any difference? How many republican voters vote republican because and only because of these issues and the "platform" of either party?

Frankly, it is readily obvious the the Republicans Party doesn't care about abortions - it is just an issue to exploit, that they know that guns aren't going away - another issue to exploit, that they know that migrant labor drives the profits of their constituents, that the only reason to object to the Affordable Care Act is that it cuts into profits and that it has nothing to do with "socialism".

I mean, doesn't that answer your own question? All this would do is give the right something to point to as a victory, all the while not garnering any votes for the Democrats. The Bannon arrest, for example, will not affect the voting habits of any ramparteers. Nor are they concerned with replacing the ACA with anything once they repeal it. And I mean the rank & file here, not just the politicians they vote for.

The first thing to figure out is whether the man is speaking from the brain or the larynx. In the latter case reverse psychology is about as effective as forward psychology.

The Democrats' fortunes lie with overcoming the apathy of people who are amenable to their policy proposals, not to try and sway the true believers in the Republican party. The abortion one is the one where I hear the most 'Well if the Dems soften on this issue they will garner more votes', and I've talked to enough pro-lifers to know that very few of them generally support anything else that's not guided by their narrow religious worldview. This sounds like a choice between getting beaten up then giving the bully my lunch money, or giving the bully my lunch money then getting beaten up.
Yes. This is about increase your base's turnout and scratching away at surburban voters that love tax cuts, but give a growing fuck about health care.

The insanity is that Trump's insanity isn't really even in play. His crap with Putin and Kim Jong Un... nothing! The Dems need to run a campaign "on the issues" and present "optimism", meanwhile Trump is saying he'll make America safe again, like it was... just before he became President.

No wall, no factory jobs, no proposed ACA replacement, annual deficits near $1 trillion pre-Covid-19, every fucking botch in foreign policy from shoving a European Leader to throwing the CIA under the bus in front of Putin to saying the Lebanon explosion was an attack. None of that matters to Trump's base. And we've seen members here who apparently get rock hard just over the idea of Trump "trolling the libs".

Softening on the issues isn't going to change much of anything. It comes down to "lower taxes" and "health care".
Yes. This is about increase your base's turnout and scratching away at surburban voters that love tax cuts, but give a growing fuck about health care.

The insanity is that Trump's insanity isn't really even in play. His crap with Putin and Kim Jong Un... nothing! The Dems need to run a campaign "on the issues" and present "optimism", meanwhile Trump is saying he'll make America safe again, like it was... just before he became President.

No wall, no factory jobs, no proposed ACA replacement, annual deficits near $1 trillion pre-Covid-19, every fucking botch in foreign policy from shoving a European Leader to throwing the CIA under the bus in front of Putin to saying the Lebanon explosion was an attack. None of that matters to Trump's base. And we've seen members here who apparently get rock hard just over the idea of Trump "trolling the libs".

Softening on the issues isn't going to change much of anything. It comes down to "lower taxes" and "health care".

Nope. It comes down to 'are you wearing the correct coloured jersey'.

Politics is, to most voters, just a sport. You pick a team, and support them no matter what. Your team is bottom of the league, with zero wins and forty losses? Still the best team ever. Certainly you're not going to start cheering for any other team.

That's how it works. You're us, or you're them. It's pretty much irrelevant what 'us' stand for. It's certainly meaningless what 'they' stand for. The ONLY relevant question is what colour jersey you're wearing.
God is dead.

Christ or Barabbas?

EDIT: Or to recast in the analogy, what happens when the Browns leave Cleveland?
“A Day Without Stupid?”

Today is not that day.
So, the economy is great. Greatest ever. Jobs.

But...the legally mandated federal worker pay raise of 2.5% across the board, and various localoty raises, cannot be sustained in these economic conditions.

Title 5, United States Code, authorizes me to implement alternative plans for pay adjustments for civilian Federal employees covered by the General Schedule and certain other pay systems if, because of “national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare,” I view the increases that would otherwise take effect as inappropriate.
Rather, locality adjustments are frozen at 2020 rates, and the across-the-board raise is a whopping 1%.

Same as ever. There's the assets situation Trump tells investors, and the one he tells the feds....
Yes. This is about increase your base's turnout and scratching away at surburban voters that love tax cuts, but give a growing fuck about health care.

The insanity is that Trump's insanity isn't really even in play. His crap with Putin and Kim Jong Un... nothing! The Dems need to run a campaign "on the issues" and present "optimism", meanwhile Trump is saying he'll make America safe again, like it was... just before he became President.

No wall, no factory jobs, no proposed ACA replacement, annual deficits near $1 trillion pre-Covid-19, every fucking botch in foreign policy from shoving a European Leader to throwing the CIA under the bus in front of Putin to saying the Lebanon explosion was an attack. None of that matters to Trump's base. And we've seen members here who apparently get rock hard just over the idea of Trump "trolling the libs".

Softening on the issues isn't going to change much of anything. It comes down to "lower taxes" and "health care".

Nope. It comes down to 'are you wearing the correct coloured jersey'.
But it doesn't. When Mario Balotelli gets signed by Liverpool and he does are Balotelli does, I wasn't defending it. I was more just hoping he wouldn't do something to get carded.

Politics is, to most voters, just a sport. You pick a team, and support them no matter what. Your team is bottom of the league, with zero wins and forty losses? Still the best team ever. Certainly you're not going to start cheering for any other team.

That's how it works. You're us, or you're them. It's pretty much irrelevant what 'us' stand for. It's certainly meaningless what 'they' stand for. The ONLY relevant question is what colour jersey you're wearing.
Yes and no.

First the No. This is different. This is a populist fascism movement. This isn't about the Republican Party. Trump isn't a conservative, he isn't even political. This is about a tea party movement that the GOP took over in '09... and has gotten way out of hand. Of course, it is built on 30 years of AM Radio and Cable News lies. Things are so bad, Trump supporters think Fox News is getting liberal. One guy at another board said to me that Chris Wallace was a liberal. Fox News isn't enough, they want OAN, which is a partisan propaganda "news" station. I'm starting to get nervous, and pondering options up north of the border that I do have. Americans are getting uncomfortably crazy.

Where your analogy does overlap, though, are the conservatives that are actually conservatives. They are stricken by this whole team thing, and can't cheer for the Dems. But for fuck sakes, if I can be okay with the Lakers winning a title (I'm from the South Shore of Massachusetts) because Lebron James is there (live in NE Ohio for 20+ years now), people should be able to vote for Joe fucking Biden! The guy ain't a liberal! He is what was considered liberal back in the day. But these people just can't vote Democrat because of the team thing. Even if their party guy is a Fascist.
So, the economy is great. Greatest ever. Jobs.

But...the legally mandated federal worker pay raise of 2.5% across the board, and various localoty raises, cannot be sustained in these economic conditions.

Title 5, United States Code, authorizes me to implement alternative plans for pay adjustments for civilian Federal employees covered by the General Schedule and certain other pay systems if, because of “national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare,” I view the increases that would otherwise take effect as inappropriate.
Rather, locality adjustments are frozen at 2020 rates, and the across-the-board raise is a whopping 1%.

Same as ever. There's the assets situation Trump tells investors, and the one he tells the feds....

Trumpworld: Where Reality is just a Trifle

So yesterday I had to go to the land (downtown Portland) of 'Death and Destruction' to do a job. I parked in a paid lot under a freeway, right next to the Zombie tent encampments. I then had to walk about 5 city blocks thru the burnt buildings and partially eaten bodies strewn about, to get to this gig. In the afternoon I had to risk everything to get back to my vehicle. At least the smoke from the fires wasn't so severe.

Or fuck, just maybe, I just had a pleasant walk in the nice downtown part of the city of Portland to get to the high tech data center...hum...
So yesterday I had to go to the land (downtown Portland) of 'Death and Destruction' to do a job. I parked in a paid lot under a freeway, right next to the Zombie tent encampments. I then had to walk about 5 city blocks thru the burnt buildings and partially eaten bodies strewn about, to get to this gig. In the afternoon I had to risk everything to get back to my vehicle. At least the smoke from the fires wasn't so severe.

Or fuck, just maybe, I just had a pleasant walk in the nice downtown part of the city of Portland to get to the high tech data center...hum...
We are all relived to read you survived your ordeal.
To be an Onion, or just Orange Yugely Fucking Stupid?
Fuck Face von Clownstick said:
But they (cops shooting a black guy in the back 7 times) choke, just like in a golf tournament, they miss a 3-foot putt.
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