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A day without stupid?

Let's keep the remarks about size out of this. I mean other than Trump's tiny hands that is.

Mea Culpa,Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa...
I don't know if I can even seek forgiveness for that. Such a deplorable assault upon human decency makes Cheato's transgressions pale in comparison.
You get what I'm saying, so you can cancel the self-flogging.

It is incredible what Sanders and Spicer were willing to say. I remember Ari Fleischer. He was a member of the Bush Admin and supported the system, so at least I could look at him as a major part of the problem. Sanders and Spicer are out there just trying to defend the indefensible for a paycheck. They are defending something I don't think they even believe in. Which makes them even worse that Fleischer, it makes them political whores.
Both major parties like to pretend they are the victim of the other.

Yeah, Rethuglicans like to pretend they are victims of the Alt-Left, and Democrats like to point out that they are victims of Rethuglicans.
Just as Nazis like to pretend they are "victims" of those who resist fascism while the victims of fascism like to pretend they are victims of fascism.

Oh wait - I just said the same thing twice. Never mind.
Both major parties like to pretend they are the victim of the other.

Yeah, Rethuglicans like to pretend they are victims of the Alt-Left, and Democrats like to point out that they are victims of Rethuglicans.
Just as Nazis like to pretend they are "victims" of those who resist fascism while the victims of fascism like to pretend they are victims of fascism.

Oh wait - I just said the same thing twice. Never mind.
Of course it is not all just pretend, but what is, hardly represents personal responsibility and accountability.
FFvC wants a tax bill out of the Congressional Critters, but thinks nothing of continuing to feud with is Repug counter parts... His tweedle was pretty much the usual blather, but I did enjoy Corker's retort:

"Same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. #AlertTheDaycareStaff

— Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker)"
Another covfefe stupid day

This is from the newest Phaux News softball interview transcripts with Maria Bartiromo. Sure The Dotard probably meant psychologically instead of psychotically, but can he spell potato?
BARTIROMO: Isn’t there a way that you can get Taylor and Powell in there? Because you’ve got a vice chairman opening as well, you can actually put them both in there. Is that in your thinking?

TRUMP: It is in my thinking. And I have a couple of other things in my thinking. But I like talent. And they are both very talented people. And it’s a hard decision. It’s actually a very important decision. People have no — most people have no idea how important that position is. That position is actually — more — a lot of people get rid of the Fed.

Take the Fed out. That’s a very important position. It’s also important psychotically. If the right person is there a lot of good things can happen. I think I’m doing a good job for businesses in that way. People are coming into the country; you saw what happened with Foxconn going to Wisconsin.

Another fun snippet from elsewhere on the interview. Fuck the wut? Get tough on Iran, but yeah our EU friends should just keep on a trading...Well at least the Iranian leadership might fall off their chairs from laughter.
BARTIROMO: Do you think they're going to get Europeans to support you in terms of sanctions, in terms of not selling technology to Iran?

TRUMP: Honestly, I told them. They're friends of mine. They really are. I get along with all of them. Whether it's Emmanuel [Macron] or whether it’s Angela [Merkel], I get along — I really like those people.

I told them, just keep making money. Don’t worry about it. We don’t need you on this. You just keep making money. When Iran buys things from Germany and from France and from the various — by billions of dollars, even us, they were going to buy Boeings. I don’t know what's going to happen with the deal.
FFvC wants a tax bill out of the Congressional Critters, but thinks nothing of continuing to feud with is Repug counter parts... His tweedle was pretty much the usual blather, but I did enjoy Corker's retort:

"Same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. #AlertTheDaycareStaff

— Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker)"

McCain has been taking shots too. Repubs have to be retiring or dying to get the gumption to say something. Sad.
Trump just is a Stupid Shit Factory pumping out at unbelievable rates.

Trump Tweet said:
Bob Corker, who helped President O give us the bad Iran Deal & couldn't get elected dog catcher in Tennessee, is now fighting Tax Cuts...
Yes folks, Trump said the guy who is serving his second term in the US Senate, couldn't get elected dog catcher.
FFvC wants a tax bill out of the Congressional Critters, but thinks nothing of continuing to feud with is Repug counter parts... His tweedle was pretty much the usual blather, but I did enjoy Corker's retort:

"Same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. #AlertTheDaycareStaff

— Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker)"

McCain has been taking shots too. Repubs have to be retiring or dying to get the gumption to say something. Sad.

Picasso Barbie said Trump will fight back.

And now Senator Jeff Flake has jumped on the anti-orange band wagon.
The funny thing about tyranny is that the people that support it don't think it is tyranny. Steve Bannon is leading this nation towards it and has a group of heavily dedicated anti-American assholes willing to support it under the guise of nationalism.

Bannon is drunk on power at this point. He realizes that if he could help get Trump elected President, there is no position that is safe from his tentacles. And he might be right. Look at Wisconsin. Ron Johnson won by just 3 pts more than Trump in that state. The Right-Wing is so galvanized to hate the Democrat party that they'll vote for almost anyone, en masse.
The Dotard wished some random dude (@leegreenwood83) happy birthday today when trying for Lee Greenwood of "God Bless the U.S.A" fame. Guess that guy will be surprised to find out it is his birthday.

Hey Donny there is a big staff somewhere that can help you with acquiring basic info...
The Dotard wished some random dude (@leegreenwood83) happy birthday today when trying for Lee Greenwood of "God Bless the U.S.A" fame. Guess that guy will be surprised to find out it is his birthday.

Hey Donny there is a big staff somewhere that can help you with acquiring basic info...
I wish this were the worst and we were being overly critical.
The Dotard wished some random dude (@leegreenwood83) happy birthday today when trying for Lee Greenwood of "God Bless the U.S.A" fame. Guess that guy will be surprised to find out it is his birthday.

Hey Donny there is a big staff somewhere that can help you with acquiring basic info...
I wish this were the worst and we were being overly critical.

With FFvC pretty much every day is Potatoe Day :D

Then there is the 'holy fucking covfefe, Don the Con did/said what?' about once a week...
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