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A day without stupid?

Teh snowflakes are MEEEELLLLTING! That's hilarious.

the article said:
Instead of sending prayers, liberals like Ann Coulter decided to bash the president instead. Coulter tweeted, “Wish you were monitoring the situation from the country you’re going to make great again.”

How does a rational person exist in a world where people that write insanity like the above quote exist?

How does a rational person exist in a world where a pathological liar like Trump holds office?

How does a rational person withstand the gaslighting long enough to survive?
Teh snowflakes are MEEEELLLLTING! That's hilarious.

the article said:
Instead of sending prayers, liberals like Ann Coulter decided to bash the president instead. Coulter tweeted, “Wish you were monitoring the situation from the country you’re going to make great again.”

How does a rational person exist in a world where people that write insanity like the above quote exist?

How does a rational person exist in a world where a pathological liar like Trump holds office?

How does a rational person withstand the gaslighting long enough to survive?

One day at a time, Raven. An hour at a time, if necessary. At least that's how I have to deal. Since we sell trauma supplies and make them available to the public, going to work on a day like this (or the first workday in October) is a nine-hour confrontation with grief, fear and angst. I can distract myself from all that by looking only at order numbers/values, but that tends to only heighten my frustration with teh stoopid and my anger at the mis-use of power by those who have it.
But I'll go home presently, and there will be a hungry horse - I can feed him. There will be a very excited golden retriever and I can reassure him. There will be a cat who needs to be let out so she can be let back in - I can do that too. And there will be a loving wife, upset by the news of the day, whom I can remind of my prediction made on 11/9/16: NOTHING is going to happen. Thankfully, unless Cheato gets us into a nuclear war before I get home, that will still mostly hold true.
I invite you to share in celebrating the executive ineptitude that has largely kept any of his neo-nazi agenda from becoming institutionalized. Yet.
Teh snowflakes are MEEEELLLLTING! That's hilarious.

This just makes me feel uneasy. The Republicans have always been the party pushing freedom, small government and less control. The Democrats, more control. Are the Republicans now becoming the advocates of draconian police state measures? What else could monitoring mean?
Though this is really a derail from the 'stupidity of the day' thread, I don't think it is a reasonable description of the 2 US parties. The Repugs don't push freedom, only certain freedoms. The Dums aren't much different other than they use a different list and it sometimes overlaps. And the Repugs aren't (and haven't been for a long time) for small government so much as for a small social-welfare net. The internal spying became much worse under the GW Bush.
Teh snowflakes are MEEEELLLLTING! That's hilarious.

This just makes me feel uneasy. The Republicans have always been the party pushing freedom, small government and less control. The Democrats, more control. Are the Republicans now becoming the advocates of draconian police state measures? What else could monitoring mean?
Monitoring means overseeing. The Republicans don't believe in a Government police state, they believe in a privatized police state.
That's too simplistic Zoidberg. The republicans have always been in favor of harsh police and sentencing for people who are unlike them. Republican small-government rhetoric applies only to the priveleged few.
I thought this would be the day... nope. Here's Trump spouting mercantilist clap-trap.


Hey, Donald, the 18'th century called. They want their economic theory back. With leaders like this, there's no risk USA becoming great again. Enjoy your poverty guys. The Donald seems to be working damn hard to destroy American economic dominance. Let's hope he fails.
This is a decent discussion of the last year under Donald Trump. He says that Trump is not the President of the US because he refuses to govern, and the most basic job of the president is to govern the country. Instead of looking for a day without stupid he says that we are in "The Year Without a President."

Not just a year without President, but a year without a State Department, much of a Justice Department, and many government departments have been all but dismantled or have such poor leadership that the entire country has been crippled.
I'm reminded of the saying that was current in Russia prior to 1917: "The most powerful man in Russia is whoever spoke to the Tsar last."
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