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Afghan "train, advise and assist" 1984 style

No, I don't realize that because it is simply not true.

Nope again, you liked it very much.

Repeating Kremlin propaganda doesn't make it so.


Note that this is Wikipedia, strongly biased to the left. What that page doesn't say is that the Afghan communist party was actually a Soviet puppet. That was the de-facto seizure of Afghanistan by Russia to which we responded by aiding those who were trying to kick them back out.
I am repeating Zbigniew Brzezinski, so fuck you. And I am telling you "fuck you" because it's not a first time you pretend not knowing it. So fuck you again.

I don't see what you are claiming.
Congrats on winning the Most Unintentionally Ironic Post of the Week award.

Congrats on winning the Most Retarded Post of the Week award.
Fact is, the current shit in Afghanistan is a result of US actions. Had they decided not to provoke soviets Afghanistan today would have been completely different place.
Wow, for your own mental health, please stop taking whatever you are imbibing. No one forced Russia to invade Afghanistan - that is delusional talk.
Congrats on winning the Most Unintentionally Ironic Post of the Week award.

Congrats on winning the Most Retarded Post of the Week award.
Fact is, the current shit in Afghanistan is a result of US actions. Had they decided not to provoke soviets Afghanistan today would have been completely different place.
Wow, for your own mental health, please stop taking whatever you are imbibing. No one forced Russia to invade Afghanistan - that is delusional talk.
Reading problems? I did not write anything about "forcing" So take your own advice, you need it more.
Wow, for your own mental health, please stop taking whatever you are imbibing. No one forced Russia to invade Afghanistan - that is delusional talk.
Reading problems? I did not write anything about "forcing" So take your own advice, you need it more.
Then you agree that Russia's invasion of Afghanistan is solely due to Russian decision-making and that blaming it on US "provocation" is delusional thinking. Which begs the question of why you brought up that stupid claim in the first place.
Wow, for your own mental health, please stop taking whatever you are imbibing. No one forced Russia to invade Afghanistan - that is delusional talk.
Reading problems? I did not write anything about "forcing" So take your own advice, you need it more.
Then you agree that Russia's invasion of Afghanistan is solely due to Russian decision-making and that blaming it on US "provocation" is delusional thinking. Which begs the question of why you brought up that stupid claim in the first place.

Because in his mind Russia can't be in the wrong.
Then you agree that Russia's invasion of Afghanistan is solely due to Russian decision-making and that blaming it on US "provocation" is delusional thinking. Which begs the question of why you brought up that stupid claim in the first place.

Because in his mind Russia can't be in the wrong.
That's ironic, coming from such a neocon like you.
Wow, for your own mental health, please stop taking whatever you are imbibing. No one forced Russia to invade Afghanistan - that is delusional talk.
Reading problems? I did not write anything about "forcing" So take your own advice, you need it more.
Then you agree that Russia's invasion of Afghanistan is solely due to Russian decision-making and that blaming it on US "provocation" is delusional thinking. Which begs the question of why you brought up that stupid claim in the first place.
What a bullshit thinking. Stop wasting eveybody's time with your bullshit posts.
Then you agree that Russia's invasion of Afghanistan is solely due to Russian decision-making and that blaming it on US "provocation" is delusional thinking. Which begs the question of why you brought up that stupid claim in the first place.
What a bullshit thinking.
You're the one claiming Russia was "provoked by the US" into invading Afghanistan, not me. That means Russia made a deliberate choice, that no one forced them to invade. And you agreed. I'll cut you some slack because English is not your native language. But, literally, it is your bullshit, not mine.
Stop wasting eveybody's time with your bullshit posts.
You'd have to stop posting if you really believed your advice.
You're the one claiming Russia was "provoked by the US" into invading Afghanistan, not me. That means Russia made a deliberate choice, that no one forced them to invade. And you agreed. I'll cut you some slack because English is not your native language. But, literally, it is your bullshit, not mine.
You just can't stop digging deeper and deeper, can you?
You're the one claiming Russia was "provoked by the US" into invading Afghanistan, not me. That means Russia made a deliberate choice, that no one forced them to invade. And you agreed. I'll cut you some slack because English is not your native language. But, literally, it is your bullshit, not mine.
You just can't stop digging deeper and deeper, can you?
That one broke irony meters around the universe. All I did is summarize your posts. But thanks for the tacit admission your position is bullshit.
Another 1.5 years, and the slow burn continues its course.
So, now we are at the 4th anniversary of Pres. Obama's “train, advise and assist” mission.

How is the Lite Surge Part II doing after more than a year of fun? Pretty much the same, though the slow bleed of territorial control being lost of the Afghan puppets has been paused for now by those extra 10 (a year) or so billion added to the massive pile of burned expenditures.

One illustration of this is the trend in Afghan government control of its territory, which has declined from 66 percent in May 2016 to 56 percent in July of this year. As the figure below shows, the Taliban now control rural areas across all regions of the country and are using those to increasingly contest areas closer to major population centers.

I think there are now 18 dead US soldiers and probably over a hundred wounded. The Afghan death count makes this sound like nothing.
UNAMA said in its report 55 percent of the civilian casualties this week were children. It also said there were nearly 650 civilian casualties between January and November -- the highest yearly airstrike toll to date since the United Nations started keeping records in 2009.
Last year 19 US soldiers were killed, and who knows how many tens of thousands of Afghans. Government control appears to have slipped another couple percentage points to maybe 53.8%, making the Clownstick Lite Surge to be yet another failure in this never ending fiasco. Evidently a retired Afghan general changed sides to the Taliban.

For more than four years the war has been at a stalemate, with, according to official U.S. government estimates as of 2019, only 53.8 percent of Afghan districts under government control or influence, 33.9 percent contested, and the remaining 12.3 percent under the control or influence of the Taliban. The ANDSF continue to suffer heavy casualties

As the US looks for face saving ways to bug out...while another Presidential race keeps the never ending war under the Mute Button.

Getting good information is hard when the US tries to burry the bad news, but wow, what another year of non-news it has been in Afghanistan. So as reported above the thought was that the government controlled about 53% of the districts at some point in 2019.

Now estimates of government district control are much lower, at 33%. Well, I'd say we have a good idea of how well less soldiers and increased bombing works to contain the 'problem'. After all it worked so well 50 plus years ago in SE Asia...
In early 2021, the Taliban controlled an estimated 19 percent of districts, while the government controlled 33 percent, according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Long War Journal, a U.S.-based publication that has covered the U.S. fight against al-Qaeda and other militant groups since 2007. The rest of the country was contested by both groups.

On the minor plus side (less bad than other things), the Biden team may be continuing the ending of the slow moving train wreck/stalemate that Clownstick started.
Another 1.5 years, and the slow burn continues its course.
So, now we are at the 4th anniversary of Pres. Obama's “train, advise and assist” mission.

How is the Lite Surge Part II doing after more than a year of fun? Pretty much the same, though the slow bleed of territorial control being lost of the Afghan puppets has been paused for now by those extra 10 (a year) or so billion added to the massive pile of burned expenditures.


I think there are now 18 dead US soldiers and probably over a hundred wounded. The Afghan death count makes this sound like nothing.
Last year 19 US soldiers were killed, and who knows how many tens of thousands of Afghans. Government control appears to have slipped another couple percentage points to maybe 53.8%, making the Clownstick Lite Surge to be yet another failure in this never ending fiasco. Evidently a retired Afghan general changed sides to the Taliban.

For more than four years the war has been at a stalemate, with, according to official U.S. government estimates as of 2019, only 53.8 percent of Afghan districts under government control or influence, 33.9 percent contested, and the remaining 12.3 percent under the control or influence of the Taliban. The ANDSF continue to suffer heavy casualties

As the US looks for face saving ways to bug out...while another Presidential race keeps the never ending war under the Mute Button.

Doesn't "under government control or influence" in Afghanistan usually mean "under the control of a local warlord the US is bribing"?
The President set a hard date for troop withdrawal in this morning's public address:

Biden announces troops will leave Afghanistan by September 11: 'It's time to end America's longest war'

"War in Afghanistan was never meant to be a multigenerational undertaking ... We were attacked. We went to war with clear goals. We achieved those objectives. Bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda is degraded in Afghanistan and it's time to end the forever war ... I am now the fourth American president to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan. Two Republicans. Two Democrats. I will not pass this responsibility to a fifth."
I disagree that it was "never meant" to be a multigenerational undertaking, as from the start Republican officials had always pointedly refused to indicate when or what specific circumstances we would withdraw. But I appreciate Mr Biden's general point, and hope that he remains firm on the matter.
Another 1.5 years, and the slow burn continues its course.

Last year 19 US soldiers were killed, and who knows how many tens of thousands of Afghans. Government control appears to have slipped another couple percentage points to maybe 53.8%, making the Clownstick Lite Surge to be yet another failure in this never ending fiasco. Evidently a retired Afghan general changed sides to the Taliban.


As the US looks for face saving ways to bug out...while another Presidential race keeps the never ending war under the Mute Button.

Doesn't "under government control or influence" in Afghanistan usually mean "under the control of a local warlord the US is bribing"?
Well, considering how much of a farce their last Presidential election was, that pretty much describes the whole governing structure of the Afghan government. But its ok, we (the US) only worry the lack of legitimacy of rulers who are on the bad side of the American ledger...
Biden ceding rare earths to China?

At any rate, what is up with this real tweet?

View attachment 32919

Try reading my opening post and my Post #4 on this thread from 2015:

...the '1984 style' phrase was supposed to be in reference to the previous "train, advise and assist" phrase, where double speak has been fully mastered in a way that would make George Orwell proud.

Dec 28, 2014:
The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan ended its combat mission Sunday, marking the formal—if not real—end to the longest war in American history.
I think the pull out date to be September 11 to be...ill advised. watch all the MAGAcunts lose their collective shit and bleat about appeasement or some crap. Entertaining to be sure, but ultimately unproductive. Also, when have arbitrary deadlines ever produced a positive result? Unless this is showboating and Biden actually pulls troops out earlier than 9/11, this is borderline Trumpesque stupidity.
I think the pull out date to be September 11 to be...ill advised. watch all the MAGAcunts lose their collective shit and bleat about appeasement or some crap. Entertaining to be sure, but ultimately unproductive. Also, when have arbitrary deadlines ever produced a positive result? Unless this is showboating and Biden actually pulls troops out earlier than 9/11, this is borderline Trumpesque stupidity.
May 1st was the Clownstick arbitrary deadline, and he got us much of the way there. I think Biden's is more of a 'we can't get it done right by May 1st, but we can get it done NLT 9/11. The right wing/neocons will loose their shit no matter what. Ending this stupid and wasteful occupation is necessary, period. Besides, even Ted Cruz had positive things to say about leaving. This Afghan mess is no longer a good 'go to issue' for the right, ergo the divergent opinions...
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