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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Cooties Zine: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - she talked about how the global 1% buy apartments in places like Manhattan to store their wealth -- and how empty the streets look, with boarded-up shops. They are trying to zone other parts of NYC for such luxury apartments, like Jerome Avenue, a major street in the Bronx.

Global 1% including Russia, China, the Middle East, and the US.

The Fountainhead: Poor Doors | Adam Lee - New York City is far from alone.
Some of the world’s most expensive cities are witnessing a trend: new residences get snapped up as fast as they’re built, but not for anyone to live in. They’re being bought by ultra-rich elites who care about the properties only as investments to flip later. In the meantime, they’re left unoccupied.

Many of the buyers are oligarchs from autocratic and corruption-plagued countries like Russia, China or Saudi Arabia. Rather than keep their money where it could be seized at the whim of the authorities, they park it in real estate in foreign nations with a stronger rule of law than their own. Expensive real estate is even better for the purpose, since it lets them squirrel away more cash. New York City and London have been particularly plagued by this trend, as have Toronto and Vancouver.

These “safe-deposit boxes in the sky” are so common, they create a bizarre spectacle: in the most expensive, exclusive neighborhoods in the world, block after block sits vacant. In ultra-luxury buildings like 432 Park in New York or the Shard in London, multimillion-dollar apartments sit empty year-round. Meanwhile, ordinary people who actually live and work in these cities can’t keep up with soaring real-estate prices and are pushed out farther and farther, to distant suburbs and increasingly onerous commutes. Local businesses go under as they unexpectedly find themselves in ghost towns.
AOC's success has provoked several imitators in the 2020 campaign, imitators who hope to primary incumbent Democrats who are too moderate or conservative for them. But she also has an odd sort of imitator: Meet Catalina Lauf, the young Republican congressional hopeful billing herself as the anti-AOC
Catalina Lauf, 26, on Tuesday announced she is running in Illinois’ 14th Congressional District — taking on incumbent Democrat Lauren Underwood — and could become the youngest person ever elected to Congress next year.

Lauf is a former Trump administration adviser from Woodstock, Illinois, who describes herself as “Latina by heart, American first” — born to an American father and a Guatemalan mother.
She has a campaign video done in the style of The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube
“Someone like me doesn’t fit the mold,” Lauf says in the clip published on her Twitter feed. “These days we’re told that our skin color, our gender and our heritage determine who we are.”

“If that’s the case, I would be impossible. But I’m not impossible — I’m the product of the American dream,” she adds.

The video takes on freshman Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib — members of the agenda-setting self-styled “Squad” of left-leaning female Democratic lawmakers — and Bernie Sanders, calling them “angry voices who seek to divide us by our skin color, economic class and where we are from.”
Here are her illustrations of angry divisiveness:

‘This is not an elitist issue’: AOC on Republican inaction on climate change –video - YouTube
Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gives a fiery speech during a committee hearing in response to Republicans push-back on her climate change policy, The Green New Deal. ‘You want to tell people that their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist?’, yells a impassioned Ocasio-Cortez. ‘Tell that to the kids in the South Bronx which are suffering from the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country … You’re telling those kids that they are trying to get on a plane to Davos? People are dying!'

Rita Panahi on Twitter: "My god! Tlaib back in 2016. https://t.co/7RNRpv32TO" / Twitter - Rashida Tlaib being dragged out of some Trump event.
AOC's success has provoked several imitators in the 2020 campaign, imitators who hope to primary incumbent Democrats who are too moderate or conservative for them. But she also has an odd sort of imitator: Meet Catalina Lauf, the young Republican congressional hopeful billing herself as the anti-AOC

She has a campaign video done in the style of The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube

Here are her illustrations of angry divisiveness:

‘This is not an elitist issue’: AOC on Republican inaction on climate change –video - YouTube
Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gives a fiery speech during a committee hearing in response to Republicans push-back on her climate change policy, The Green New Deal. ‘You want to tell people that their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist?’, yells a impassioned Ocasio-Cortez. ‘Tell that to the kids in the South Bronx which are suffering from the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country … You’re telling those kids that they are trying to get on a plane to Davos? People are dying!'

Rita Panahi on Twitter: "My god! Tlaib back in 2016. https://t.co/7RNRpv32TO" / Twitter - Rashida Tlaib being dragged out of some Trump event.

Care to put a number of GW/CC/CD deaths world wide?

That's a bullshit argument. We have better technology now than 100 years ago, but that will be heavily taxed by the heatwaves that we are starting to suffer.

AOC is having a nice vacation. She first talked about eating In-N-Out french fries on a road trip, and then she made a snarky video about the Electoral College in what looks like a wheat field. Her most recent Instagram-story video is in a national park with lots of tall redwood trees, with her taking a horse-riding tour and posing near one of the tall trees. She talked about feeling a connection to the land and wild nature, and how trees are a good way to sequester CO2 to keep our planet from getting overheated. Even if you live in a big city, doing a little bit of gardening can help.

https://www.instagram.com/p/B0os7OugE6C/ - 2019 Aug 1 - "As many of you know, I’ve fallen in love with gardening after working on a community plot this spring! I wanted to see how we bring our community into gardening opportunities in the Bronx - so this morning I joined @nyrp on a visit to our local Castle Hill community garden!
We learned so much - first, there are LOTS of community gardens throughout NYC, you just have to look 👀. @nyrp helps communities create, revitalize, and cultivate gardens. Sometimes there are even small, oddly shaped plots of land that can’t be developed or people don’t want, so they donate it to a public land trust, and turn them into gardens!
Here, these little ones and I are planting corn with @nyrp’s help. Community members take over the gardens and decide what membership means, how they’d like to run it, and how plots are divvied up. In the Castle Hill garden, they also host barbecues, lunches, and movie nights. 🍿 It’s all about reconnecting to our land, earth, food, and each other while learning new skills and growing veggies - often for the first time!"

With some video of her at a Bronx community garden with some little children.

I remember how much my mother enjoyed gardening, though I've never been into that.
Zephyr is a FIERCE statewide figure for change.
Her name is Zephyr Rain. A "zephyr" is a breeze. Her parents must have been major league hippies back in the day. :)
And she’s running for Attorney General while pregnant!
Well she lost and presumably she's given birth by now too.
Zephyr Teachout on Twitter: "On Saturday night we had an amazing healthy baby boy. He has all the joy and well-wishes of all the people he met during this summer and fall within him--thank you! Now just one week to go for a vote that moves towards a healthy democracy. His first visit to the polls is Tuesday!" / Twitter
(2019 Oct 30)
Her full name is Zephyr Rain Teachout, and that is the name that she was born with. She has kept it in her marriage.

More Indo-European heritage:

English: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten -- hundred -- name
Old English: án twá þrí féower fíf sex seofon eahta niɣon tíen -- hundred -- nama
Proto-Germanic: *ainaz *twai *þrijiz *fiþwor *fimfi *seks *sibum *ahtō *niwun *tehun -- hundaradą -- namô

Spanish: uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez -- ciento -- nombre
Latin: ūnus duo trēs quattuor quinque sex septem octō novem decem -- centum -- nômen

Bengali: æk dui tin car pãc chɔy sat aṭ nɔy dɔš -- śôt -- nam
Prakrit: ekkō dō taō chattāri pañcha ch‘a satta aṭṭa ṇava dasa -- sata -- ṇāma
Sanskrit: éka dvá trí catúr páñca ṣaṣ saptá aṣṭá náva dáśa -- śatám -- nā́man
Proto-Indo-Iranian: *aiwas *dva: *trayas *k’atwa:ras *pank’a *(k)swacsh *sapta *ashta: *nawa *daca -- ćatám -- nā́ma

PIE: *oynos / *sem *duwō *treyes *kwetwores *penkwe *sweks *septṃ *oktō *newṇ *dekṃ -- *kṃtom -- *Hnomn
The Numbers List

The Foreign Service Institute has rated some languages by difficulty for English speakers to learn them. They are roughly tiers I, II, and III, with some intermediate between I and II (Ix?). Spanish is in tier I, along with other Romance languages and most Germanic ones, and Bengali in tier II, along with most of the other languages that were rated. Tier II includes Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic + any of a lot of regional dialects), Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (the Chinese writing system).
That's a bullshit argument. We have better technology now than 100 years ago, but that will be heavily taxed by the heatwaves that we are starting to suffer.

AOC is having a nice vacation. She first talked about eating In-N-Out french fries on a road trip, and then she made a snarky video about the Electoral College in what looks like a wheat field. Her most recent Instagram-story video is in a national park with lots of tall redwood trees, with her taking a horse-riding tour and posing near one of the tall trees. She talked about feeling a connection to the land and wild nature, and how trees are a good way to sequester CO2 to keep our planet from getting overheated. Even if you live in a big city, doing a little bit of gardening can help.

https://www.instagram.com/p/B0os7OugE6C/ - 2019 Aug 1 - "As many of you know, I’ve fallen in love with gardening after working on a community plot this spring! I wanted to see how we bring our community into gardening opportunities in the Bronx - so this morning I joined @nyrp on a visit to our local Castle Hill community garden!
We learned so much - first, there are LOTS of community gardens throughout NYC, you just have to look ??????. @nyrp helps communities create, revitalize, and cultivate gardens. Sometimes there are even small, oddly shaped plots of land that can’t be developed or people don’t want, so they donate it to a public land trust, and turn them into gardens!
Here, these little ones and I are planting corn with @nyrp’s help. Community members take over the gardens and decide what membership means, how they’d like to run it, and how plots are divvied up. In the Castle Hill garden, they also host barbecues, lunches, and movie nights. ?????? It’s all about reconnecting to our land, earth, food, and each other while learning new skills and growing veggies - often for the first time!"

With some video of her at a Bronx community garden with some little children.

I remember how much my mother enjoyed gardening, though I've never been into that.

You fail to see the con artist AOC really is? Yea, that figures!
That's a bullshit argument. We have better technology now than 100 years ago, but that will be heavily taxed by the heatwaves that we are starting to suffer.

(AOC's vacation, gardening)

You fail to see the con artist AOC really is? Yea, that figures!
How is AOC supposed to be a con artist?
That last one would be Tier III - Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.

Meet the Couple Making Propaganda for New Socialist Politicians - The Ringer
Like AOC's campaign video:
The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube
El Valor para Cambiar | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - in Spanish
... the left’s most successful insurgents this cycle like Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley in Massachusetts, and Andrew Gillum in Florida. All three have deep roots in their respective communities, are charismatic public speakers, and have been able to spin their left-leaning message as an authentic outgrowth of their biography.

“It’s clear that the secret sauce is in the marriage of identity and ideology,” says Teddy Goff, a former Obama campaign staffer and the cofounder of Precision Strategies, a corporate strategy group.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "A new day, a new friend 🐧✨ https://t.co/1PmPEHP5Yx" / Twitter - AOC with a penguin -- at Monterey Bay Aquarium?

She posted Aug 17 about going on a road trip, Aug 20 about the Electoral College in some flatland, Aug 22 in Kings Canyon and the giant redwood trees, and now Aug 24 at some aquarium. From the timing, she would be in some prairie state where she slammed the EC.

Siberian Husky meets Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and sits down to hear her Amazing story - YouTube - from Feb 2018, before she got on the ballot. She tells her story, and she slams opponent Joe Crowley for never having had a "real job" before he was appointed a candidate.

Public Citizen on Twitter: ".@AOC: We're coming to you live from the Electoral College - many votes here, as you can see. 😂😂😂 https://t.co/7FVW2H7fZ5" / Twitter - "All right everyone, it's been a minute. We're coming to you live from the Electoral College - many votes here, as you can see. Very efficient way to choose leadership of the country. I mean, I can't think of any other way, can you?"

AOC quietly visits Kings Canyon National Park | YourCentralValley.com - "Her posts included captions referencing the importance of nature and the importance of protecting it."
"Take Up Space" - The Pep talk masterclass from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Public Speaking Courses with a difference

About 61 minutes in, AOC gets ready to debate Joe Crowley. I've slightly edited the words.

“I am debating on behalf of the movement tonight
This is not about electing me to congress
Its about electing us to congress
That’s what I have to communicate”

She tells herself to

“Take up space
Take up space
I need to take up space
I am here”

She practices taking up space by waving her arms
And she then speaks the following

“I CAN do this
I AM experienced enough to do this
I am knowledgeable enough to do this
I am prepared enough to do this
I am mature enough to do this
I am brave enough to do this”

“The whole time he’s going to tell that I can’t do this,
That I’m small, that I’m little and that I’m young, that I’m inexperienced”

She pushes those ideas away with a strong movement of her arms and big sigh

While her boyfriend assures her "I know you can".

She did well in that debate. When JC professed to oppose the Trump Admin on the border camps, AOC responded, in effect, "What have you been doing about it?" JC didn't have much of an answer.
If you look at the picture that shows the front view instead of to the side, you can see a building in the distance. And actually you can go online to see a map of the camp. The camp is not merely a parking lot.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Bussing into Tornillo, TX - site of the first ICE child detention center - with activists now.
@votolatino @MariaTeresa1 https://t.co/fpwv1MqDcs" / Twitter

With a video from inside that bus. Several other activists were with her.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The child detention camps are here - I confronted the border officers myself
Using their names, I told them exactly what they are responsible for.
One of them made eye contact with me.
I spoke directly to him.
I saw his sense of guilt.
We can dismantle this.
#AbolishICE https://t.co/QLyc9MAnkt" / Twitter

Video of her with several other activists.

That was on June 24, two days before the primary election where she was up against Joe Crowley. On the day of that election, she tweeted
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "
No bans.
No walls.
No fences.
No chains.
No justice - no peace.
We will fight, we will vote, and we will run until hate is dismantled.
Vote today and help us mobilize. AFTER VOTING, NYC #MuslimBan protests start at 6pm.
2 NYC Congressional candidates today support #AbolishICE https://t.co/ePTMSJvoOm" / Twitter

Four pictures of her with those activists. One of them shows them holding some big sheet? flag? with some writing around its edge. All I could read of it is "ALL FREE".

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This video was from 1 year ago this week - before my primary & the Fox News cycle.
I flew to the concentration camp where the Trump admin was keeping children they stole from their parents.
Back then, I was voicing my conscience. I still am.
#AbolishICE https://t.co/QLyc9MiMsV" / Twitter

That video again.

A year later,
Ivan Pierre Aguirre on Twitter: "Before @AOC hit the national stage & was just a fairly unknown House candidate frm NYC,she took time awy frm her campaign & came dwn to #Tornillo to protest the #tentcity housing migrant children.I made these previously unpublished fotos a yr ago today. #elpaso #aoc #onassignment https://t.co/SWyyI1XVt9" / Twitter
noted by
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’ll never forget this, because it was the moment I saw with my own eyes that the America I love was becoming a nation that steals refugee children from their parents,& caged them.
More kids died after this. To date, no one has been held accountable.
We need to save these kids. https://t.co/HhdMqc5zML" / Twitter

Does an Image Show Ocasio-Cortez Fake-Crying at a Migrant Camp?
The so-called empty parking lot was in fact a roadway leading towards the Tornillo Border Patrol station, where thousands of migrant children were housed in a tent city.

“It wasn’t an empty parking lot; it’s an entrance and we [media and protesters] weren’t allowed to go past that,” Aguirre told us.

Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t the first or last person to get emotional after reaching that fence. “She finally got to the fence and right beyond that road, way to the left, was the [migrant tent city] camp, and it represented something that made her emotional,” Aguirre told us. “I’ve been out there, and some people get mad, some people cry, some people pray. No one questioned her [when the photographs were posted] last year.”
You fail to see the con artist AOC really is? Yea, that figures!
How is AOC supposed to be a con artist?

This proves AOC only really cares about herself and her image. Just like a Hollywood starlet, the moment a camera is around she turns on the waterworks.

Someone needs to bump the record player... it's skipping again.
Alex Ocasio-Cortéz in San Francisco ❤️✊🏼💪🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 - YouTube - 2018 Jul 31 - AOC became a celebrity very quickly after defeating Joe Crowley. She talked about how Puerto Rico's poor representation cause trouble after Hurricane Maria. She also talked about how certain people in the NYC Dem Party told her that she ought to wait for her turn to hold office. She said that we aren't going to wait for justice, for climate-change action, for a renewable-energy economy, for voting rights.

After she described herself as being outspent 10:1 by JC's campaign, she said that the ratio of endorsements was infinity - she got none while JC got a lot. As a math lover, I loved that. Her strategy was an end run: convincing more people to vote.

She also appeared in LA around then.

AOC and Abby Finkenauer, Congress' youngest women, show Democrat split - AF, the second-youngest, and from Iowa, has a much lower profile and is much less of an activist. But AOC thinks that AF has been "doing a fabulous job."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compares Trump's wall to the Berlin Wall - YouTube calling it a "moral abomination". She also noted all the people noting her presence around them and mimed some typing with her hands.

The Berlin Wall was officially opened on 1989 Nov 9, a little less than a month after AOC was born. Ending the Cold War was a supreme act of mercy by Mikhail Gorbachev, and for that, I am very grateful. He paid with his career -- a little over two years later, the Soviet Union was voted out of existence by its constituent republics, putting him out of office -- but the sacrifice was very worth it. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1990, and unlike some other recipients, he fully deserved it. Международный фонд социально-экономических и политологических исследований (Горбачев-Фонд) The International Non-Govermental foundation for socio-economic and political studies (The Gorbachev Foundation)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lists Progressive Economists | Dec. 11, 2018 | Instagram Live - YouTube
Sorry about the beginning being cut off. Alexandria was first talking about Derrick Hamilton’s baby bonds. The economists are listed as follows:
1. Derrick Hamilton
2. Stephanie Kelton
3. Jeffrey Sachs
4. Mariana Mazzucato
Everybody would get some of these bonds when born, and the bonds could grow with value as one ages. It's Darrick Hamilton, and Baby Bonds: A Plan for Black/White Wealth Equality Conservatives Could Love? describes it.

AOC sometimes says some very enlightened things. I'm glad that someone in her position is willing to say them.
1 in 5 business leaders are psychopaths—here's why
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Justifying psychopathy because low empathy, narcissism, dishonesty + lack of deep emotional attachments are traits that have made a tiny handful of people billionaires (yet land many more people in prison while not getting adequate mental healthcare) is very 2019. https://t.co/IDKm4qWkqn" / Twitter

On privilege, she stated in an interview that she accepts that she has the privilege of never feeling like she was born in the wrong kind of body.
You fail to see the con artist AOC really is? Yea, that figures!
How is AOC supposed to be a con artist?

This proves AOC only really cares about herself and her image. Just like a Hollywood starlet, the moment a camera is around she turns on the waterworks.


This crap was discredited last time you posted it.
Women At Sundance Celebration: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - early this year, when she couldn't show up because of the government shutdown. So she appeared by online video. Like her conversation with Greta Thunberg more recently. AOC said that "Knock Down the House" is about telling our own stories, not just in front of the camera, but also behind it. So that it won't just be others doing it. Like in politics, her pushback against the right wing.

She said more:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tells Sundance That Trump Isn’t The Only Problem | HuffPost
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Sundance After All, by Webcast
Jennifer Brandel on Twitter: "Tears of joy, pride and hope seeing the world premiere of #KnockDownTheHouse at #Sundance
@AOC⁩ joined in, and reminded us all that this notion of “viability” limits the field. Support the people you want to see representing our country early. They *can* win, and do. https://t.co/j5puRUI4Ga" / Twitter

Johanna Fuentes on Twitter: "She couldn’t be here in person, but @AOC joins us remotely at #Sundance. #KnockDowntheHouse was fantastic! https://t.co/S7U2XmkBg2" / Twitter - she was still recovering from the tears from first seeing KDtH in its final form.
We can do 2018 again better in 2020. So when someone tells you they’re gonna run for office, believe in them early, don’t dismiss them, and know that we all participate, and when we all know what we have to give and choose to give it, our nation will be better.

I’m so glad that this moment for all four of us was captured and documented – not just for the personal meaning of it but for everyday people to see that yes, this is incredibly challenging, yes, the odds are long, but yes, that it’s worth it.

In other news,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Getting back home after taking a few days‘ road trip - including our National Parks! 🏞
At @SequoiaKingsNPS, anyone can preside over the House 😉
We all should fight to protect the land, *and* so every American can have the ample, necessary time off to recuperate & enjoy it. https://t.co/IaaRG6PFw6" / Twitter

Showing that video of her in front of a giant redwood tree.

Interesting that she lists having leisure time as something to fight for.
YouTube has some bits from the "All In" interview of last March. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Contemplates What's Next. | All In | MSNBC - YouTube -- her calling is to serve other people, and she will be at whatever she thinks will do the most good.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says It’s About The “Future Of Fossil Fuel Workers.” | All In | MSNBC - YouTube - renewable-energy jobs ought to be at least as good as their old jobs.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Explains Why The Green New Deal Is About More Than Climate | All In | MSNBC - YouTube - because one will need to do a lot to get the economic vitality for the mobilization necessary for massive renewable-energy, efficiency, and conservation measures.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez On What Makes Her Different From President Donald Trump | All In | MSNBC - YouTube - Bob Inglis was concerned that climate-change efforts might be the Tea Party of the left, and that it might take up a heck of a lot of Congress's time. A bit after 8:4, someone called him a moron, and AOC said "Hey! Hey! Hey! hey! That's unacceptable! That's the difference between me and Trump." One out of a lot of differences, at least. BI appreciated that: "That's good. I appreciate that." - I'm so appreciative that we have someone like her in Congress. Thanx, Alexandria, for running.

Web-Exclusive: All In Extra Conversation With Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | All In | MSNBC - YouTube - has an appearance by Sara Nelson, the head of a flight-attendants union. She says that she's concerned about global warming because it can (1) cause lots of turbulence, making air unsafe to fly in, and (2) make airports too hot for airplanes to operate safely. The latter has happened a few times at some airports. So that's another calamity of global warming.
Varshini Prakash 🌅 on Twitter: "Behind the scenes at the taping of the @chrislhayes #GreenNewDeal townhall!
Blown away as usual by the good-heartedness, wisdom and moral conviction of this unbelievable lady.
Don’t forget to tune in tonight at 8pm ET on @MSNBC!
#AOCAllIn https://t.co/wXa4lxN2gp" / Twitter

Varshini Prakash is in the Sunrise Movement, some climate-change activism. Not long after the 2018 election, some Sunrise activists had a sit-in in Nancy Pelosi's office, and AOC showed up there. Varshini Prakash of the Sunrise Movement on Climate Justice, the Green New Deal, and Revolution | The Nation
WS: What I see Sunrise doing—and what the climate-justice movement has done all along—is calling the Democratic establishment’s bluff that they’re serious about climate.

VP: Definitely. I mean, for 40 years, Democrats have been saying that they understand the science—and they’ve been in large part kicking the can down the road for the last few decades.

When we were starting Sunrise, we saw how it took Obama five years to put any kind of powerful climate plan forward, and it took a ton of movement energy to make that happen. It took the Keystone XL fight, it took divestment taking off, reaching a sort of fever pitch, with all the civil disobedience and marches and all of that. The climate movement was effervescing in a new way, and when push came to shove, that was the thing that caused Obama to do a lot of things.

And so for us, a great example is the confrontation that the young people had with Dianne Feinstein [in February], and her saying, “I’ve been doing this for 30 years—I know what I’m doing.” And we’re looking around, saying, “We have nothing. No, you don’t. So we’re going to push you to step up, too, because we believe that you actually care about this issue and want to do something about it.”

WS: So, if someone says they’ve been in Congress for 30 years, they’d better have a pretty good excuse?

VP: Exactly. Why do a bunch of 21-year-olds have to come and make this an actual national priority? We didn’t ask to have the responsibility of protecting human civilization on our shoulders. But we’re stepping up to the plate.

The Story Behind the Green New Deal’s Meteoric Rise | The New Republic
On November 13, 2018, just days after Democrats reclaimed the House of Representatives, dozens of young activists filed silently into Representative Nancy Pelosi’s office on Capitol Hill. Some sat down along the walls of the office, unfurling banners and forming a circle. Others stood in the center and told their stories. A teenage woman from Northern California began, “There were fires at my school. There was ash falling from the sky for a week.” She and her companions in the Cannon Office Building that day carried manila envelopes containing pictures of the people and places in their lives that climate change would destroy—or already had. On one side of the envelopes were the words “Dear Democrats”; on the other, “What Is Your Plan?” After some time, they began to sing—the protest songs of another generation, like “Which Side Are You On?,” and new ones they’d written themselves, about waters rising up and people rising, too. Their voices echoed down the marble halls.
Its origin: "Sunrise began in late 2015, when Sara Blazevic and Varshini Prakash, who’d worked together in the fossil fuel divestment movement, gathered a small group of friends for meetings in Brooklyn and Philadelphia."

The article then got into structured organizations vs. mass protest. The most successful movements combine both, and that's what Sunrise does.
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