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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I couldn't resist this one:
Varshini Prakash 🌅 on Twitter: "Thanks for this conversation @davidhogg111 ❤️
Here’s mine:
- Exercise at least 3x a week
- Reading fiction and reading people who are faithfully and spiritually wiser than me
- Meditation
- Going dancing
- Starting the day with gratitudes and appreciation https://t.co/vl2n2Kb44g" / Twitter

Rhiana Gunn-Wright on Twitter: "and can i just say i'm SICK of folks erasing all of the working class POC who have been leading on climate for years just so they can paint climate as a white, elite issue in order to block the #ClimateDebate. it's disingenuous, gross, and disrespectful. https://t.co/Myx8s3zujK" / Twitter
Rhiana Gunn-Wright is a black woman - "Policy lead for the #GreenNewDeal @newconsensus, former Policy Director for @AbdulElSayed. tweets/opinions are my own."

27 Women Leading the Charge in the Fight Against Climate Change—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Shailene Woodley, Greta Thunberg and More
  • Science
    • Sylvia Earle
    • Emily Pidgeon
    • Jenna Jambeck
    • Kim Cobb
    • Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
    • Heidi Cullen
    • Katherine Hayhoe
  • Activism
    • Greta Thunberg
    • Varshini Prakash
    • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
    • Kelsey Juliana
    • Isra Hirsi
    • Shailene Woodley

    • Nicole Horseherder
  • Tech
    • Lisa Jackson
    • Kate Brandt
    • Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang
  • Politics
    • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    • Rep. Jahana Hayes and Rep. Ayanna Pressley
    • Rep. Barbara Lee and Sen. Mazie Hirono
  • Social Conscience
    • Jennifer Morris
    • Xin (Lucia) Liu
    • Sandra Bessudo
    • Christiana Figures
How exactly do these illustrious ladies intend to fight GW/CC/CD? Like King Canute tried to stop the tides?
angelo, do the research for yourself. Don't stick to right-wing media like Fox News. Look at what they themselves are doing.
About AOC's road-trip vacation, I was a bit surprised that she did not make a stop at Standing Rock Reservation. It would have been nice for her to make a triumphant return and get to see the new solar panels there.

After pResident tRump demanded that AOC and her fellow squadmates go back to their home countries:
Kyle Griffin on Twitter: ".@AOC: "They sent me back to Queens, and I'm happy to be here."
Crowd member: "Welcome home!"
AOC: "Thank you!"
Via The Hill https://t.co/aYqlMxvKP4" / Twitter

"We're here. They sent me back to Queens (laughs), and I'm happy to be here (laughs)." - laughing very pleasantly. Remarkable how she has survived what she has without turning angry or embittered or feeling defeated.

AOC got a big burst of publicity late last year and early this year, but it has slowed down somewhat -- she is more of a known quantity nowadays. This interesting tidbit is from early this year:

5 Social Media Moves That Prove Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is the Queen of Digital Emotional Intelligence | Inc.com

1. Be authentic. - or as she herself puts it, be yourself. - "Sharing one's true feelings publicly and properly can be a sure sign of emotional intelligence online."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Shock doesn’t begin to cover it.
Today I left a hearing on homelessness & saw tons of people camped outside committee.
I turned to my staff and asked if it was a demonstration.
“No,” they said. “Lobbyists pay the homeless + others to hold their place so they can get in 1st.” https://t.co/mXbgqkKp4P" / Twitter

She's done a very spectacular example of this: her reaction to a kitchen garbage disposal, the "monster" in her DC apartment's sink.

2. Use the "180-Degree Rule." - respond to trolling to doing the opposite of one's initial reaction. When AOC's college dance video got publicized by some right-winger who said about it that shows what a nitwit she is, she responded by making a short dance video just outside her office.

3. Own your narrative. - don't let others define you. AOC herself once said that that was what Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, and others ought to have done but didn't in the face of right-wing attacks.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Some folks are saying I won for “demographic” reasons.
1st of all, that’s false. We won w/voters of all kinds.
2nd, here’s my 1st pair of campaign shoes. I knocked doors until rainwater came through my soles.
Respect the hustle. We won bc we out-worked the competition. Period. https://t.co/RbpQMYTiWY" / Twitter

Showing her worn shoes.

4. Empty the cart. - "Measure twice, cut once" - be careful before doing anything difficult or impossible to undo. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Many tweets 'never see the light of day' - Business Insider
Her missives are beginning to rival President Donald Trump's in engagement. But perhaps unlike the president, she doesn't hit send on every angry tweet she drafts.

"There are so many tweets that do not see the light of day — there are so many," she said, laughing, in a recent interview with INSIDER. "In my house we joke: We call it 'emptying the cart.' It's like when you go online shopping and then you're, like, 'Oh no, never mind,' and you leave the website."
That's how she comes across as so good-natured. I don't get angered very much, but I carefully plan out what I want to say, and I'm sure that she does that a lot also. Such a world of difference between AOC and the pResident. She also notes
"I was sitting next to a public official here in New York and I had pulled up my Twitter feed and I was drafting a tweet, and she was, like, 'You write those?' And I was, like, 'Yeah,'" she told INSIDER.

5. Support others on social media. - especially when they screw up.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Unlike this President, Rep. @IlhanMN demonstrated a capacity to acknowledge pain & apologize, use the opportunity to learn abt history of antisemitism,+grow from it while clarifying her stance.
I’m also inspired by Jewish leadership who brought her in, not push her out, to heal. https://t.co/ONRegDJK2S" / Twitter
How exactly do these illustrious ladies intend to fight GW/CC/CD? Like King Canute tried to stop the tides?
angelo, do the research for yourself. Don't stick to right-wing media like Fox News. Look at what they themselves are doing.

Oh yea, they all intend to tell the Chinese and Indians that they must cease to build any more fossil fueled power stations and shut down every single existing one forthwith or else they'll nuke them? While they're at it, also tell the Third World that they can't have electricity like the West has, that they'll have to use candles for light and wash in icy cold Winter waters. Burning wood is also out as that produces CO2 as well.
How exactly do these illustrious ladies intend to fight GW/CC/CD? Like King Canute tried to stop the tides?
angelo, do the research for yourself. Don't stick to right-wing media like Fox News. Look at what they themselves are doing.
Fox News? He doesn't even make that much of an effort. He has been linking to right-wing blogs that perform circle jerks on the exact same news story for months, presenting it as new information.
How exactly do these illustrious ladies intend to fight GW/CC/CD? Like King Canute tried to stop the tides?
angelo, do the research for yourself. Don't stick to right-wing media like Fox News. Look at what they themselves are doing.

Oh yea, they all intend to tell the Chinese and Indians that they must cease to build any more fossil fueled power stations and shut down every single existing one forthwith or else they'll nuke them? While they're at it, also tell the Third World that they can't have electricity like the West has, that they'll have to use candles for light and wash in icy cold Winter waters. Burning wood is also out as that produces CO2 as well.
I thought you didn't think CO2 was an issue.
She has proven to be more politically savy than her two co-stars.
Anyone can tweet stuff written by other people and make a quip here or there in Congressional hearings, but whenever she talks in general, she comes across as being pretty smart. She doesn't rely on some list over and over again.

Clearly, the animosity from the right-wing against a freshman seat in the House is an indication of how fearful they are of her potential.
How exactly do these illustrious ladies intend to fight GW/CC/CD? Like King Canute tried to stop the tides?
angelo, do the research for yourself. Don't stick to right-wing media like Fox News. Look at what they themselves are doing.
Oh yea, they all intend to tell the Chinese and Indians that they must cease to build any more fossil fueled power stations and shut down every single existing one forthwith or else they'll nuke them? While they're at it, also tell the Third World that they can't have electricity like the West has, that they'll have to use candles for light and wash in icy cold Winter waters. Burning wood is also out as that produces CO2 as well.
Silly concern trolling. Why not look in CleanTechnica some time? There are oodles of wind-energy and solar-energy projects in the less-developed nations.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on Instagram: “Lecture at Ewha Womans University Top & pants: @jzo_ng #madeinnigeria #Seoul” - showing her wearing a loose blue oversized shirt and blue pants. AOC mentioned her in an Instagram story:
@chimamanda_adichie is one of the luminaries of our time. She's authored powerful works like Americanah and We Should All Be Feminists. Many people may recognize her voice as the sampled lecture from Beyoncé's track "Flawless" ("Feminist: the person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.")

I also love the way she dresses. I've always been interested (in) clothing that exudes feminine power, and how that is expressed in so many different ways, times, and cultures. We are very used to how power looks in conventional masculine aesthetics. So dressing powefully in other ways, to me, is a creative, wild, powerful act. And I love being inspred by women, queer people, and creative men who show us new ways of looking powerful every day. (sparkle)"
 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Official Author Website - a Nigerian novelist. Her novel  Americanah is about a Nigerian woman who moves to the US and has to cope with American race politics. She has also written  We Should All Be Feminists - about her voice appearing on Beyoncé's record:
Still, her type of feminism is not mine, as it is the kind that, at the same time, gives quite a lot of space to the necessity of men. I think men are lovely, but I don’t think that women should relate everything they do to men: did he hurt me, do I forgive him, did he put a ring on my finger? We women are so conditioned to relate everything to men. Put a group of women together and the conversation will eventually be about men. Put a group of men together and they will not talk about women at all, they will just talk about their own stuff. We women should spend about 20 percent of our time on men, because it’s fun, but otherwise we should also be talking about our own stuff.
CNA has also written  Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions. I like #14: "In teaching her about oppression, be careful not to turn the oppressed into saints." - reminds me of Bertrand Russell's "The Superior Virtue of the Oppressed".
Oh yea, they all intend to tell the Chinese and Indians that they must cease to build any more fossil fueled power stations and shut down every single existing one forthwith or else they'll nuke them? While they're at it, also tell the Third World that they can't have electricity like the West has, that they'll have to use candles for light and wash in icy cold Winter waters. Burning wood is also out as that produces CO2 as well.
Silly concern trolling. Why not look in CleanTechnica some time? There are oodles of wind-energy and solar-energy projects in the less-developed nations.

Cleantechnica is just as batshit crazy as the climate change deniers. They just have a different subset of science that they choose to handwave away to allow themselves to feel good.

A pox on both your houses.

I saw an article this week that was obviously pro-fossil fuel, which included the following gem:

In Australia, regulators this month took four wind farm operators to court, alleging that their facilities contributed to a massive 2016 blackout. The incident has sparked a debate over whether a nation so rich in coal and natural gas resources should even allow the grid to become so dependent on renewable power.

Well it makes sense to eliminate gas and coal, to reduce our crazily high carbon emissions.

But why no mention of Australia's rich uranium resources?

Australia could be a massive contributor to the fight against climate change. We can not only generate our own fission power, but can fuel half the world to help them do the same. And we can keep our coal and gas in the ground, where it's harmless.

But the right wing want to burn coal, and the left wing want to use windmills, and nobody (except, apparently, me) wants to do neither, in favour of doing what is by far the safest, cleanest and most reliable option.

WTF is wrong with people? Doesn't anyone learn physics or chemistry anymore?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If there‘s any CEO in the country that I’d be honored to go toe to toe with,the CEO of the largest for-profit private prison corporation would definitely be up there.
Guess what, @GEOGroup: your entire business - the caging of humans for profit - is immoral & should be outlawed. https://t.co/72FoiSnpUs" / Twitter

Ken Klippenstein on Twitter: "CEO of the largest private prison corp in the US decries anti-ICE protests, @AOC, [MENTION=17]Never[/MENTION]AgainActn, and people who “defamed the American flag” (?) per internal email I obtained: [url]https://t.co/NxHL3DQLTs https://t.co/P1hvOUGo13" / Twitter[/url]

Vala Afshar on Twitter: "It is time that we pay people what they are worth and not how little they are desperate enough to accept. —@AOC https://t.co/AJrUlCAtGY" / Twitter
Defends the Paycheck Fairness Act, which she cosponsors, including (1) employers not being able to ask about salary history and (2) employees being allowed to compare what they get. She also claims that wage-gap deniers ought to like the second position.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....And by the way, I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to Puerto Rico!" / Twitter
she responds
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "3,000 Americans died on your watch.
You’re not the best thing to happen to anybody but yourself. And even that’s questionable. https://t.co/NEoWUFd9cC" / Twitter

Excellent response.

Anger Can Be Power - Women Who Run with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - Dec 11, 2017 - early in her campaign, before she got on the ballot. She recalls when she was about 22 when she got a cough that was getting worse and worse, and when she went to the emergency room, she discovered that she was about 3 days away from pneumonia. She had to pay for it all, because of inadequate coverage from her workplace medical insurance. She recalled her that her "Medicare for All" plank inspired Joe Crowley to support it.

She states that she is a writer at heart, and that social movements need art to illustrate what they are striving for. She also does all her social-media stuff, unlike many politicians - it's all a reflection of her. She doesn't regret doing what she believes in, only where she didn't go far enough. She also notes New York State gerrymandering, awkward voting laws, and low turnout. Joe Crowley was a sitting duck.

AOC didn't seem to be very angry there - more determined to win.

China And India Will Watch The West Destroy Itself
Posted on 6 Jun 2019 by Iowa Climate Science Education 3 Comments
Does anyone think China or India will rush to point out how stupid we are? They laugh at us quietly, as we hobble ourselves with unreliable infrastructure that produces green electrons and vandalizes our cheap baseload power.

The world has 150 years of coal, and China and India are going to use it (unless they get cheap nukes, in which case, coal really will be worthless). Meanwhile the West puts white-elephants on every roof…

China And India Will Watch The West Destroy Itself

By Todd Royal, Eurasia Review

Without energy you have nothing. China and India understand this better than the west since their citizenry and leaders view energy through the lens of what will help over two-billion-combined-citizens; join the prosperous, western, consumer-driven world…

Naïve-thinking, bordering on western suicide, believes China and India will stop using fossil fuels, led by coal. Each country understands coal is plentiful (“estimated 1.1 trillion tonnes of proven coal reserves worldwide that at current rates of production will last 150 years”), and it is scalable, reliable, cost-effective to the end user, and has the best energy density of all fossil fuels or renewables available.

China is currently building hundreds of new, coal-fired power […]
Does anyone think China or India will rush to point out how stupid we are? They laugh at us quietly,
mostly because we got Trump, and seem incapable of getting rid of that mistake

as we hobble ourselves with unreliable infrastructure that produces green electrons and vandalizes our cheap baseload power.

The world has 150 years of coal, and China and India are going to use it (unless they get cheap nukes, in which case, coal really will be worthless). Meanwhile the West puts white-elephants on every roof…
Funny.. but China happens to be the world leader in going solar

Or there is this article
The report acknowledges recent research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance that puts total global solar installations in 2017 at 98 gigawatts (GW), a 31% increase over 2016. It notes that China was responsible for over half (53 GW) of that total, and that India installed 10 GW of solar in 2017, almost double its record in 2016. Crucially, India’s “Scheme for Development of Solar Parks” has proven successful at attracting foreign capital toward construction of the world’s largest ultra-mega solar parks.
Looks like China and India are also laughing at us as they leave us in the dust on renewable energy.
She has proven to be more politically savy than her two co-stars.
Anyone can tweet stuff written by other people and make a quip here or there in Congressional hearings, but whenever she talks in general, she comes across as being pretty smart. She doesn't rely on some list over and over again.

Clearly, the animosity from the right-wing against a freshman seat in the House is an indication of how fearful they are of her potential.

They are right to be concerned about her potential. She could go very far if she plays her cards right. She could be a large part of their undoing.
She takes the issue very seriously, and with recent heatwaves and a lack of the massive mobilization necessary, her pessimism is understandable.

Fox News slammed her for not being familiar with the Sixties generation's youth activism. But while I fully concede that she is mistaken about that, she is pretty much correct about the time since then, including the time when she was alive. When she was born, the Woodstock festival happened 20 years ago, and when she was 20, it happened 40 years ago.
She takes the issue very seriously, and with recent heatwaves and a lack of the massive mobilization necessary, her pessimism is understandable.
I understand how a heat wave would keep one from sleeping. I suggest using an AC. A wonderful invention. Even better than a garbage disposal. :)
No, seriously, I understand that climate change is a very serious issue but telling people that you wake up at 3:30am worrying about it is a tad melodramatic.

Fox News slammed her for not being familiar with the Sixties generation's youth activism. But while I fully concede that she is mistaken about that, she is pretty much correct about the time since then, including the time when she was alive. When she was born, the Woodstock festival happened 20 years ago, and when she was 20, it happened 40 years ago.

There was a history before one was born. For somebody seemingly so educated she seems very ignorant about things not in her immediate sphere of experience.
And I can't tell what's supposedly so great about Millennials.
She takes the issue very seriously, and with recent heatwaves and a lack of the massive mobilization necessary, her pessimism is understandable.
I understand how a heat wave would keep one from sleeping. I suggest using an AC. A wonderful invention. Even better than a garbage disposal. :)
Except that that's not very usable for crop plants. Increasing heat will make it difficult for a lot of crop plants to grow, an issue that AOC herself has acknowledged in a video about her community-garden plot in DC.
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