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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

bluecanary1 noted that delivering for one's district is something that Joe Crowley could never be bothered to do, and that he was a "ghost" in his district.

Canary who?

Back to the video of her speech, seemingly from her office: Justice Democrats on Twitter: "“In a modern, moral, and wealthy society, no person should be too poor to live. That’s what a just society means to me.” -@AOC https://t.co/qc2Fi2ht4K" / Twitter

Great goal.

Anathema to our version of extractive capitalism.
NRA on Twitter: "There was a hearing today to ban semi-automatic rifles, so we thought it was an appropriate time to ask The Squad their thoughts on our #2A rights.
They called us mass murderers, white supremacists, and terrorists. Let's send a clear message that they will never take our guns. https://t.co/Joe0A0hfXY" / Twitter

A female reporter chased down AOC, RT, AP, and IO and asked the four about this issue. All four Congresswomen had a female aide with them. IO was wearing a long tight-fitting dress and a necklace of red disks.

Shannon Watts on Twitter: "Where the lie tho?
@IlhanMN: “We’re advocating to make sure people don’t have access to commit mass murder; that’s what you guys are advocating for.”
@AOC: “Can you tell me about the assault weapons that killed Latinos that you all are contributing an environment of hate on?” https://t.co/sZGUdh3GTx" / Twitter

AOC responded to whether she supports the universal background check law with whether the NRA supports white supremacist terrorism.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hey @NRA, why don’t you release my full, unedited interview?
You know, the one where my first answer to your question was “Aren’t y’all broke?”
I think the public would like to see it in full. Releasing it is the right move - unless of course you think it’ll make you look bad. https://t.co/kOXfkOERFF" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yo, @NRA - you seemed to have had a lot of time yesterday waiting outside my office and making videos about me.
Yet you‘re suddenly so quiet & pressed about answering my question.
Are you scared or just punking out? Release the raw video. https://t.co/kkbcsFVg9Z" / Twitter

Back to the video of her speech, seemingly from her office: Justice Democrats on Twitter: "“In a modern, moral, and wealthy society, no person should be too poor to live. That’s what a just society means to me.” -@AOC https://t.co/qc2Fi2ht4K" / Twitter

Great goal.

Anathema to our version of extractive capitalism.

Fixed this for you comrade.

Back to the video of her speech, seemingly from her office: Justice Democrats on Twitter: "“In a modern, moral, and wealthy society, no person should be too poor to live. That’s what a just society means to me.” -@AOC https://t.co/qc2Fi2ht4K" / Twitter

Great goal.

Anathema to our version of extractive capitalism.

Fixed this for you comrade.

Reads the same actually.
Okay, I get it now, but the way you presented it was confusing, couldn't tell who they were talking about. If this is true about AOC, it is troubling,

Her constituents have to go to other Reps for assistance and rely on help from the local pols for issues more suited for Congressional assistance.
She neglects to attend events that have been attended by sitting US Reps since before i was born, they have no way to reach out to her, emails are not answered, no mailbox to leave a voice message for those w/o internet or email (which they can neglect easily and do), No connection for community leaders with assistance or information or even space to have meetings like Crowley did..
No contact with local Democratic clubs or recruiting or raising funds to help sustain their hard work and efforts on behalf of her district.
No office we can walk in and look someone in their face.
Her Jackson Heights office (which is a multiple hour commute from the Bronx) is NEVER open and she keeps promising a Bronx location and it hasn't happened.

It would be an easy story to write. Get on it Fox News.
Meghan McCain on Maybe Running for Office, Voting for Biden | PEOPLE.com
Asked if she would ever run for office, Meghan said, “Honestly, I didn’t for forever and then all of a sudden I saw AOC, a clip of her documentary, and she said, ‘No one was going to do it, so I thought I better do it.’ “
That's from "Knock Down The House".

Here's what will get you blocked by AOC on Twitter - New York Post
Hikind said he was blocked by Ocasio-Cortez after he tweeted at her about her controversial comments in June comparing migrant centers at the border to concentration camps.

“That comment from her, I found so incredibly outrageous,” Hikind, who is also a Democrat, said at the hearing.

“I was shut out basically from having a conversation,” he said after he was blocked.
AOC herself states that she blocks people “for harassment, not for political views.”

AOC needs to testify, explain her decision to block ex-politician from her Twitter feed, federal judge says - New York Daily News
Before a federal judge decides if it’s A-OK for AOC to block nettlesome Twitter followers, he wants to hear from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — and not via the internet.

“I think she has to testify here,” declared Brooklyn Federal Judge Frederic Block during a Thursday hearing in the lawsuit brought by ex-politician Dov Hikind over his ban from AOC’s feed.

Hikind testified Thursday that he doesn’t personally send the tweets in his account — one of his staffers handles the “clicking” once he’s taken care of “the wording.”
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Representing the 14th District of New York > A Just Society | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  1. The Recognizing Poverty Act | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  2. The Place to Prosper Act | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  3. The Embrace Act | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  4. The Mercy In Re-entry Act | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  5. The Uplift Workers Act | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  6. Guaranteeing the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for All | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Some of it is already getting traction, like in Uplift Workers Act: AOC introduces bill to make jobs better - Vox
The bill would require the federal Office of Contract Compliance to create a scoring system that ranks businesses based on “worker friendliness.” Companies with the most worker-friendly policies would get the highest score, which in turn would give them an advantage in winning a lucrative government contract.
A good alternative to government regulation, I think. It won't be universal, but it will create an incentive to do better.
Okay, I get it now, but the way you presented it was confusing, couldn't tell who they were talking about. If this is true about AOC, it is troubling,

Her constituents have to go to other Reps for assistance and rely on help from the local pols for issues more suited for Congressional assistance.
She neglects to attend events that have been attended by sitting US Reps since before i was born, they have no way to reach out to her, emails are not answered, no mailbox to leave a voice message for those w/o internet or email (which they can neglect easily and do), No connection for community leaders with assistance or information or even space to have meetings like Crowley did..
No contact with local Democratic clubs or recruiting or raising funds to help sustain their hard work and efforts on behalf of her district.
No office we can walk in and look someone in their face.
Her Jackson Heights office (which is a multiple hour commute from the Bronx) is NEVER open and she keeps promising a Bronx location and it hasn't happened.

It would be an easy story to write. Get on it Fox News.

It sure sounds like a one hit wonder the closer to election it gets doesn't it! Never mind. I'm sure Hollywood beckons!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's office doesn't answer phone calls
Aides to Ocasio-Cortez say the issue is call volume. Their office deployed a special phone filtering system that blocks callers without New York or DC area codes from even making it through. Such callers get a message directing them to the Bronx Democrat’s website. There’s no option to leave a message.

“With the filter on only DC and New York phone numbers can get through,” spokesman Corbin Trent told The Post, acknowledging that his out-of-state cellphone wouldn’t be able to call the main office. “When you are getting the volume of incoming that we get, the most important thing is to try to filter out some of the volume to get the people you are actually supposed to be here to work for.”
Some of AOC's critics claim that she isn't doing a very good job in serving her constituents.
But Ocasio-Cortez’s office points to their work, saying they’ve opened 438 constituent services cases and already closed 301 of them, according to AOC’s spokesperson Anika Legrand-Wittich.

They point to the phone lines, too. Initially, the Jackson Heights calls were routed through DC – and subject to the filter – as the phone system was being set up. As of August, the district phone lines are up and running and not subject to a filter. It’s still in place in DC, according to Ocasio-Cortez’s office.

The phones were constantly ringing during a visit to Ocasio-Cortez’s DC office last month, and a few diligent young aides were picking up the lines and keeping a log of the calls on a spreadsheet. A typical day in July had 300 calls on average. In August, the volume went down to 100 per day because Congress is out of session.
AOC now has an office in the Bronx, an office in the office of New York State Assemblymember Karines Reyes, another Bronx woman, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic.
Rashida Tlaib will likely get challenged — but she'll be hard to beat
She points to
  • More than 40 meetings with district residents in eight months’ time
  • More than 9,000 constituent letters answered
  • More than 260 bills cosponsored and 11 she introduced herself, including those banning facial recognition technology in public housing, fighting unfair credit reporting and creating a $3,000 tax credit for lower-income families
  • An impeachment effort that was finally launched this week amid allegations Trump asked the Ukrainian president to investigate a political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.
“I can tell you, I'm engaging my residents in a way that's actually resulting in legislation,” Tlaib said. “That means the world to them, they feel like they finally have a voice.”

Eddie McDonald, a veteran political consultant in Detroit, said if someone does take her on, she won't be a pushover.

“She’s never quit campaigning. I mean she’s out, she’s got a good constituent ground game, she’s here every weekend,” he said. “And the harder Trump goes at her, the stronger her support will become.”

It’s also worth noting that Tlaib, who is a civic and social activist at heart and a self-described “girl with a bullhorn," not only enjoys a well-earned reputation as a strong campaigner, knocking on thousands of doors herself, and showing up at community events. She also has used her newfound celebrity to bring attention to local issues — such as this month when she brought a congressional subcommittee chairman in to talk about environmental issues, including a recent chemical leak at Marathon’s refinery in southwest Detroit — and she is also able to raise plenty of money.
I went to Congress.gov | Library of Congress and I found the numbers of (co)sponsored bills for her and her squadmates:
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 8+298 = 306 bills
  • Ayanna Pressley: 21+337 = 358 bills
  • Rashida Tlaib: 8+316 = 324 bills
  • Ilhan Omar: 13+385 = 398 bills
Meghan McCain on Maybe Running for Office, Voting for Biden | PEOPLE.com

That's from "Knock Down The House".

Here's what will get you blocked by AOC on Twitter - New York Post

AOC herself states that she blocks people “for harassment, not for political views.”

AOC needs to testify, explain her decision to block ex-politician from her Twitter feed, federal judge says - New York Daily News
Before a federal judge decides if it’s A-OK for AOC to block nettlesome Twitter followers, he wants to hear from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — and not via the internet.

“I think she has to testify here,” declared Brooklyn Federal Judge Frederic Block during a Thursday hearing in the lawsuit brought by ex-politician Dov Hikind over his ban from AOC’s feed.

Hikind testified Thursday that he doesn’t personally send the tweets in his account — one of his staffers handles the “clicking” once he’s taken care of “the wording.”

Now that's some funny shit there, I don't care who you are. Megan McCain's entitled little temper tantrumy ass representing real people. What an empty vacuous child of privilege, exactly what america needs, another one of these.

"Did I mention John McCain was my dad?"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I love how McConnell is saying “since you’re impeaching, NOW we’re not going to pass bills.”
What does he mean, now? Mitch McConnell hasn’t done a damn thing all year.
He literally brags that his office is a graveyard. We passed gun safety in Feb & he STILL hasn’t held a vote." / Twitter

These are people who knew AOC in Boston University, and they all gush over her. If I wrote a character like that in a story, I'd be suspected of writing a Mary Sue.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s friends in Boston recall her drive and dedication - The Boston Globe
In the wake of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s shocking congressional primary win over a longtime incumbent in New York, people in Boston recalled her strong work ethic and dedication to helping people over the years.

"She's really had her mind and her heart set on improving the lives of people that live in communities like ours," said Raul Fernandez, a BU professor who worked with Ocasio-Cortez when she was a student ambassador in the Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground.

"She was always up for a good debate, absolutely, but not before hearing someone else," said Fernandez, who was the assistant director of the center at the time. "I think that really served her well in undergrad; I think it's gonna serve her even better now that's she the Democratic nominee for Congress."

Fernandez said she hasn't always had aspirations of holding political office, but she followed politics closely and had a passion for giving back and helping those around her. Fernandez said before the election, Ocasio-Cortez texted him and said that "it all happened so fast."

"She answered the call," he said, adding that people who know her are "collectively beaming with pride. There's something that people see in her specifically."

Julian Jensen, a fellow BU alum who worked with Ocasio-Cortez in the Howard Thurman Center, said she is "tack sharp" but also quite empathetic.

"She's a warm person," he said. "She takes her time to listen to everyone she comes across and meets."

She has "always been fighting for the right groups of people . . . always the people who need their voices to be heard," he said.
AOC tweeted about Ayanna Pressley, then running for a House seat in MA, "Vote her in next, Massachusetts". AP was still in the primary race, and he was running against a long-time liberal Democrat. Not as worth unseating as Joe Crowley.
At BU, Ocasio-Cortez was president of Alianza Latina, BU's largest Latin American student organization. She also worked in Kennedy's office from 2008-2009.

Sarah Sullivan, who was in Ocasio-Cortez's graduating class, also said she was "deeply rooted in social justice issues" at BU. Back when Ocasio-Cortez went by the nickname "Sandy," she had a reputation for being involved and motivated, Sullivan said.

"So many people would talk about Sandy and how great she was," she said. "People would be like, 'You have to talk to her, she's awesome.' "
THE NEO-PROGRESSIVE MACHINE – The Trojan Horse Infiltrating The Left – Centipede Nation - AOC as part of some big conspiracy.

But that page revealed the home page of that GAGEis company: http://gageu.com/ at the Internet Archive as Gage Strategies from 2014. AOC was its "Educational Director", but that page nowhere mentions AOC or links to other pages.

AOC's two previous Twitter handles were Ocasio2018 and aiocasio

Alisha Spielmann on Instagram: “Got to run a 5K today in Astoria Park in support of @ocasio2018 ‘s Green New Deal and after got a chance to thank her for all her work so…” (Apr 27) - Britain's Daily Mail had an article on it which described the event as a fundraiser for AOC's re-election deceptively packaged as a pro-GND event.
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