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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

For the love of fucking god AOC just endorse Bernie already.

You say that like it's a bad thing. I admit I am torn between Warren and Sanders. Here is an idea. Warren as president, and when the Democrats retake the Senate in 2020, Sanders as the Senate majority leader, replacing the wretched and disgusting Mitch McConnell. Works for me!

Warren thrives in the Senate and has gotten a lot of good things done there, so I would swap the roles. Not to mention there are big differences between their platforms, especially related to foreign policy, and the President is leader of the armed forces.
What happens if Obama comes out and endorses some small candidate like Mayor Pete or Tulsi or Castro? Would they surge to being a front runner or would they stay at 1%?
What happens if Obama comes out and endorses some small candidate like Mayor Pete or Tulsi or Castro? Would they surge to being a front runner or would they stay at 1%?

Probably neither, but it would be a significant boost. The fact that he hasn't endorsed Biden isn't helping Biden's odds, though, since he brings up Obama in virtually every speech.

I like AOC, but in this election cycle would AOC's endorsement be a blessing or a curse?
It would be an obvious blessing, as she is popular and likeable and represents the next generation of the party leadership and membership.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Did you know our Fed poverty line is based on 1955 spending, & the way we calculate it hasn’t changed since 1964?
It assumes 1 earner & a mother home full-time.
It doesn’t include cost of childcare, geographic cost of living, or healthcare.
Some predict it should be *$38k/yr.* https://t.co/EmyV1TLIk6" / Twitter

The New York Times on Twitter: ""We are at our richest point that we’ve ever been, but we’ve also been our most unequal."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hopes to do for the nation’s poor what she has done with health care and climate politics with the unveiling of a new anti-poverty package. https://t.co/2Tr6jYeNtN" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Next Big Effort: Tackling Poverty - The New York Times
Nearly 40 million people in the United States live in poverty. Even middle-class workers face a shortage of affordable housing and stagnant wages. The problems are worse for both people of color, including immigrants, and people who were formerly incarcerated. The Trump administration’s response has been to tighten access to some federally funded low-income programs.

The bills in Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s package seek to change the federal response. She conceded that because Democrats do not control the Senate or the White House, her intention is to lay “down a vision for when we take back both of those bodies.”

None of this will be enacted in the foreseeable future.

“No one questions her ability to raise awareness around an issue,” Mr. Bennett said, “just because she wields her social media and mainstream media platforms very effectively. But that’s not the same as getting votes on a bill.”

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez acknowledged the package’s ambitions. “I don’t think there’s any shortage of obstacles that we have ahead of us, but I don’t think that we not do things just because they’re hard,” she said. “In fact, sometimes the hard things to do are the most worthwhile.”
Morning Edition on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC has poured her support into progressive proposals like the Green New Deal.
Now the freshman House Democrat is unveiling a bundle of new bills aimed at preventing poverty — called "A Just Society." https://t.co/pUsZO5X2nZ" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "A progressive agenda is a winning agenda. 📊✅ https://t.co/jRv5Hc38Pu" / Twitter
the supreme court will destroy everything we want on Twitter: "We polled @AOC's just society agenda. It's popular. https://t.co/RGJUVfPwDG" / Twitter
Americans Want to Live in a Just Society — Data For Progress
In early September, 2019 Data for Progress polled support for “A policy to create a national "tenant bill of rights" that would protect tenants' rights to safe, accessible, sustainable, affordable housing; to organize tenants' unions; to universal rent control; to lease renewal protection; and to legal counsel in housing court.” 58% of respondents support this, 30% opposed, and 12% are unsure. Among Democrats, 80% support a tenant bill of rights, among Republicans 35% support, and among independents 51% support.

Speaking of her bill, Representative Ocasio-Cortez said, “I am both energized and humbled to introduce legislation today to build upon the most transformative programs of the last century. From the New Deal to the Great Society, we have shown time and again that our nation is capable of implementing big ideas and bold solutions that match the scale of the challenges we face. We must once again recognize the breadth and consequences of poverty in this country and work together to ensure a path forward to economic freedom for everyone.”.

The congresswoman is right.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“It is not responsible to complain about anything we dislike as ‘socialism,’ particularly when many of my colleagues across the aisle are more than happy to support billions of dollars in government subsidies + carveouts for oil, gas, & fossil fuel industries.
Bye, @HouseGOP 👋🏽 https://t.co/Dseu2V5BIN" / Twitter
- some video of her quizzing John Kerry, then making a speech about it.
NowThis on Twitter: "'We will have blood on our hands.' — TBT to when @AOC called out the right's hypocrisy when it comes to government intervention on the climate crisis https://t.co/IW9Z42GvBX" / Twitter - calling subsidies for solar-panel development "socialism", but not subsidies for fossil fuels.
What happens if Obama comes out and endorses some small candidate like Mayor Pete or Tulsi or Castro? Would they surge to being a front runner or would they stay at 1%?

Interesting question. I'm not sure, I think it would definitely help, but I have no idea as to the degree.
What happens if Obama comes out and endorses some small candidate like Mayor Pete or Tulsi or Castro? Would they surge to being a front runner or would they stay at 1%?

Interesting question. I'm not sure, I think it would definitely help, but I have no idea as to the degree.

But a former president endorsing any candidate is simply not done. It spoke volumes that some former presidents publicly stated they were not voting for the Republican candidate in 2016. VOLUMES. Too bad no one was listening.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ""I would like you to do us a favor...”
Folks, I am surprised the White House even released this transcript. It’s worse than we thought.
The President sought to use the powers of the United States government to investigate a political opponent.
We have no choice but to impeach. https://t.co/teZ8p83GXL" / Twitter

NPR on Twitter: "BREAKING: President Trump asked Ukraine's president to see what he could find out about Joe Biden's family activities in Ukraine, and be in touch with his lawyer and Attorney General Bill Barr, a transcript shows. https://t.co/py0sxTll3g" / Twitter
Trump Asked Ukraine For 'Favor' On Biden In Call; DOJ Says No Charges : NPR

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Introduces Anti-Poverty Legislation : NPR
About her Just-Society proposals:
"I think one of the things that, that we can get done is build popular support in acknowledging how bad the problem already is. In doing so, we can actually begin to fundamentally address those problems," Ocasio-Cortez told NPR's Steve Inskeep. "If we can acknowledge how many Americans are actually in poverty I think that we can start to address some of the more systemic issues in our economy."
AOC on concerns of risks of impeachment:
"I think that those ... concerns are understandable, but the actions that [Trump] has been taking to essentially dismantle our democracy I think take precedent over that," she said.
On her Green New Deal resolution,
I think the conversation that the Green New Deal sparked — like if I had to decide would I rather have the resolution passed or would I have rather preferred we start a national conversation about the urgency of the climate crisis — I would have chosen the latter every single time.
She compared the House Speaker's job to "herding cats" and continued with "But I think we need to take progressives in the party as seriously as we're taking conservatives in the party."

I wonder what Nancy Pelosi thinks about that comparison.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Also - what they are calling a “transcript” isn’t even a transcript. It’s a collection of notes. This is what they are *admitting* to and it’s way above and beyond what is necessary for impeachment.
The President engaged in an outright betrayal of our country." / Twitter

Ocasio-Cortez targets poverty with new legislation | TheHill links to the full text of those bills on AOC's Congressional site.
  • Recognizing Poverty Act - To require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to develop for consideration of the Congress a poverty line for purposes of the Commu-nity Services Block Grant Act, and for other purposes - update the poverty line
  • Place to Prosper Act - o create an equitable and stable rental housing market, and for other purposes - limits evictions, rate of increase of rents
  • Mercy in Re-entry Act - To provide access to Federal public benefits for individuals with criminal convictions, and for other purpose - nobody may be denied benefits because of what their criminal record contains
  • Embrace Act - To provide access to Federal public benefits for aliens, without regard to the immigration status of that alien, and for other purposes - nobody may be denied benefits because of their immigration status
  • Uplift Our Workers Act - To require a score of worker-friendliness of each employer before entering into a Federal contract, to establish a contracting preference for such score, and for other purposes - like permitting family leave, providing advance notice of work schedules, etc.
  • Ratifying the UN Resolution Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

I think that offering Federal benefits to illegal immigrants is likely to be very contentious, and AOC does seem to be advocating that. But backtracking to everybody *legally* in the US ought to be OK.

That UN resolution is  International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:
  • Labour rights
  • Right to social security
  • Right to family life
  • Right to an adequate standard of living
  • Right to health
  • Right to free education
  • Right to participation in cultural life
Many of that document's signers have made reservations or alternative interpretations of parts of it, thus signing most but not all of it.

The full text of that document: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Wikisource, the free online library
What happens if Obama comes out and endorses some small candidate like Mayor Pete or Tulsi or Castro? Would they surge to being a front runner or would they stay at 1%?

Probably neither, but it would be a significant boost. The fact that he hasn't endorsed Biden isn't helping Biden's odds, though, since he brings up Obama in virtually every speech.

I like AOC, but in this election cycle would AOC's endorsement be a blessing or a curse?
It would be an obvious blessing, as she is popular and likeable and represents the next generation of the party leadership and membership.

If that's so, then may our lord god Apollo truly have mercy on America!
Ocasio-Cortez On Impeachment: "What He Has Already Admitted To Is An Impeachable Offense" | Video | RealClearPolitics - AOC seemed to duck the question of what if the impeachment inquiry decides that there is no good reason to impeach him. She seemed to be saying that that is unlikely, because of what he has done. Likewise, she ducked the question of why she said that it was such a big scandal that the Democrats were not moving on impeachment - she seemed happy that they were.

The Tenants’ Rights Movement Is Expanding Beyond Big Cities | The New Republic - what AOC proposes is a nationwide extension of what many activists have been pushing for in cities and states.

'A Just Society': Ocasio-Cortez Unveils Legislative Package to Tackle American Poverty and Inequality | Common Dreams News
The New York Democrat's "A Just Society" package—which includes provisions that aim to expand the rights of tenants, workers, immigrants, and formerly incarcerated individuals—won praise from anti-poverty advocates such as Philadelphia Councilmember Helen Gym, vice chair of Local Progress, a national network of progressive elected officials serving in local governments.

"We are winning real victories in our local governments, like our eviction defense fund here in Philadelphia and right to counsel. But we can't do it alone. We need a transformative federal policy with the money to back it up, and that's why we applaud Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's 'Just Society' plan," said Gym. "It's a visionary plan that makes moral and economic sense, and most importantly, is informed by what's moving in communities all around the nation."
"With the Green New Deal, we weren't just talking about climate change; we're talking about the systems that got us to climate change... We're addressing root causes," the congresswoman told the Times. "And similarly, with our Just Society package, we're not simply addressing poverty or wages. We're addressing some of the basic structural reasons that are resulting in those outcomes."

"We must once again recognize the breadth and consequences of poverty in this country," she added, "and work together to ensure a path forward to economic freedom for everyone."

AOC a little earlier, before she introduced these bills: NowThis on Twitter: "‘Housing is a human right.’ — Watch @AOC explain why the U.S. can’t call itself an advanced society until housing is fixed https://t.co/Xz67oa6INh" / Twitter
Perhaps the supreme genius AOC should partake of a tour of the shanty tin or bamboo huts people live in and around Manila!
Perhaps the supreme genius AOC should partake of a tour of the shanty tin or bamboo huts people live in and around Manila!

Perhaps you might want to consider the fact that the "socialist" Scandinavian nations are well run, and are at the top levels of happiest nations. America can do a lot better than we are doing if we could get rid of the stupid conservatives. Consider the Red states of the deep South, run by far right Republicans for decades now and are in many places in their states not much better than third world nations. They are parasite states, propped up by massive financial help supplied by the successful liberal blue states and Uncle Sugar.
Without that much of the oh so very red Southern states would soon be bankrupt and would utterly collapse.

You ugly, sour hatefulness is about to get you put in my ignore file. You don't have anything worth reading and you don't seem to be able to learn from anybody. You are one of this forums biggest examples of a waste of time.
PRAYER CANDLES — The Five15 - not as many as (say) at Illumidol, but those that are meaningful to their maker, Angie Quintanilla Coates.

The politicians: Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Stacey Abrams. Also Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The others: Lizzo, Megan Rapinoe, Nina West, MFM Karen And Georgia, RuPaul, Golden Girls, David Bowie, Prince, Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, (Manila, Latrice, Alaska, Shangela, Alyssa - Drag Race All Stars), (Jonathan, Tan, Karamo, Antoni, Bobby - Queer Eye), Bey, Dolly Parton, Selena, Frida Kahlo, Cardi B.

Queens Democrat Launches Primary Challenge Against AOC - Gothamist - Badrun Khan - Badrun Khan for Congress - Democratic Candidate Challenging Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Khan’s campaign site is light on specific policy but does list four issues she plans to focus on: “Health Care,” “Fighting the Drug Epidemic,” “Government Reform,” and “Veterans.” The health care section vows to “fight to make sure health care is made available for all,” but it does not take a stand in favor of Medicare for all—one of Ocasio-Cortez’s signature issues. Nor is there any discernible mention of climate change or a Green New Deal on the site.
Some of the comments were interesting.
John Gray:
Good one.
I might donate to AOC, too, if she can manage to get through 3 sentences without saying "Like" 23 times. And up-talking, ending every statement as if a question, sounding like a retarded 11 year old.
AOC is garden variety stupid. But if she can at least SOUND not so stupid, that is worth throwing a little coin at. I'm down with that, sure!

She sounds intelligent to me and her speech pattern is only slightly annoying. You can hear it everywhere, even from newscasters.

I've heard AOC at hearings, asking question that indicated that she truly knowledgeable and completely prepared. To say she is dumb as a rock implies total ignorance and makes me think you're not being objective and would rather listen to Trump speak.

Ok. Umm. You know. Like, you are , like, right. And umm, like, I am like totally wrong.

I spent years teaching ESL in NYC schools and I think maybe I'm more accustomed to hearing these speech patterns than you are. Now I work in an environment where I interacted verbally with thousands of people everyday (seriously, a lot of people, and not all of them are American.)

I pay attention to how people communicate and realize how rare people with high standards of communication even exist. This is actually why I became an English teacher in the first place- my theory is that many adults are frustrated over their inability to properly communicate with others and these frustrations have negative aspects throughout their lives.

Sorry if my comment about newscasters threw you- my point was that newscasters should be (and possibly are) hired partially because of their ability to communicate verbally, which is why there are so few newscasters who are inarticulate. I listen to mostly WNYC & WNPR radio stations and would say most of their newscasters are well-educated and very articulate but not necessarily intellectuals. (newsflash: not all newscasters are on TV and their hair is not always relevant. Is this where you get your news? I do not watch TV news. I listen and read to get my news.) I frequently notice the many of them (mostly the women) use upspeak and that drives me crazy. It doesn't negate the content of what they're saying, though.

I follow AOC on Twitter and don't spend a lot of time "listening" to her. She reads like someone who is well-prepared, intelligent, and yes, like an intellectual leader whose ideas should control society. I've also watched her asking questions and grilling people as a Congresswoman and thought she sounded fine. She speaks like the majority of young and professional women do; she's a product of the NYC in the 21st century. Every generation has its style and its way of communicating. You're forgiven for wishing that our language and the way it's used would remain constant; you're not the first person to do so.

I can actually put together some thoughts without that weird injection of "like" every other word.
Why come down on me? Not my fault she got $100K education and sounds embarrassingly stupid.
Upspeak -  High rising terminal - raising one's voice pitch as if one is asking a question.
bluecanary1 noted that delivering for one's district is something that Joe Crowley could never be bothered to do, and that he was a "ghost" in his district.

LetsStickToTheFacts responded
Unless you lived in his district I beg to differ.
He had a team of dedicated surrogates who helped him serve the district well.
arguing that AOC's district office is rather negligent, like not responding to phone calls or e-mails, and forcing constituents to go to other reps' offices.

The Angry Otaku
Crowley was way past his expiration date and gave zero fucks about his "district"

I tried to read her website, but it's almost too terrible:

I don't know what's worse, the feckless platitudes, the inept policy understanding, or the writing itself.

I'm a masochist... This is a woman who wants to write laws!

It's slightly better writing than my aunt describing a kitchen remodel on Facebook, at least.
Writing like
It is sad to say that our Health Care System is failing many Americans so many of our friends and neighbors simply do not have enough money for necessary medical care or prescription drugs. This is wrong and should not be the reality in the United States a nation that has so many resources.

Members of Congress continue to have record low approval ratings. They forget who sent them to Washington...not the power brokers nor the lobbyist.

Our Veterans and Service Men and Woman proudly sacrifice for our Nation. Their families also make sacrifices ,to enable our citizens to live in freedom.
It provoked responses like
I wouldn't vote for her based on her writing skills alone. Good lord.

I want to know who is this fearless lone service woman we have!

Michael Landon Jones
I want to meet this (singular) "Service Woman" and thank her for her solitary service to this country, all on her own!
AOC has shown herself to be a good writer. I can't say that about whoever wrote her site, whether Bedrun Khan or someone else.

It should be an easy win for AOC, unless she gets overconfident or else unless someone pumps a LOT of money into BK's campaign.
bluecanary1 noted that delivering for one's district is something that Joe Crowley could never be bothered to do, and that he was a "ghost" in his district.

LetsStickToTheFacts responded

arguing that AOC's district office is rather negligent, like not responding to phone calls or e-mails, and forcing constituents to go to other reps' offices.

Writing like
It is sad to say that our Health Care System is failing many Americans so many of our friends and neighbors simply do not have enough money for necessary medical care or prescription drugs. This is wrong and should not be the reality in the United States a nation that has so many resources.

Members of Congress continue to have record low approval ratings. They forget who sent them to Washington...not the power brokers nor the lobbyist.

Our Veterans and Service Men and Woman proudly sacrifice for our Nation. Their families also make sacrifices ,to enable our citizens to live in freedom.
It provoked responses like
I wouldn't vote for her based on her writing skills alone. Good lord.

I want to know who is this fearless lone service woman we have!

Michael Landon Jones
I want to meet this (singular) "Service Woman" and thank her for her solitary service to this country, all on her own!
AOC has shown herself to be a good writer. I can't say that about whoever wrote her site, whether Bedrun Khan or someone else.

It should be an easy win for AOC, unless she gets overconfident or else unless someone pumps a LOT of money into BK's campaign.

She sure makes the power structure nervous doesn't she. The unsubstantial people are not supposed to have any real representation in america. Take a real look at the founding.
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