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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

(about Donald Trump...)
Well, he did manage to become a democratically elected President!
He lost by three million votes. That's nowhere near "democratically elected".
I like AOC's description of the Electoral College as a form of affirmative action -- why are its beneficiaries supposed to be so worthy of it?

Tracey on Twitter: "You may have missed this in the news cycle, but @AOC unveiled a bold vision for fighting poverty last week. Check out my latest for @Essence https://t.co/ffQrJhx1cJ" / Twitter

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Unveils Bold Vision For Addressing Poverty - Essence - "While the likelihood of passage is low with the current Senate and White House occupant, “A Just Society” creates a strong vision for what it takes to address poverty."
Across the country, roughly 106 million people— or one in every three U.S. residents —can be considered economically insecure, living in households with incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. These households balance precariously on the edge of poverty where a short-term illness, loss of income, or emergency expense can be financially insurmountable. What’s more, according to a recent report by the National Equity Atlas, a partnership between PolicyLink and the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity at USC, four out of ten economically insecure adults are working regularly, but low wages and/or limited hours prevent them from achieving economic security. Another four out of ten economically insecure working-age adults are out of the labor force due to illness or disability, family responsibilities, schooling, or other barriers to employment, such as transportation or childcare challenges. Due to persistent racial inequities, a disproportionate number of the economically insecure are Black and Latinx.
Oh like she's not using her sexuality to full effect! Do you really think had AOC been a male he would get so much media attention?

Well, Donald Trump seems to know how to attract media attention. He was even able to parlay his celebrity into a plum government position.

Well, he did manage to become a democratically elected President!

It's nice to see that you agree that one's gender has nothing to do with the ability to attract media attention. So there's no reason to discount AOC's accomplishments based on being a woman.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Our monthly town hall is tonight!
We’re answering questions, & updating everyone on our Just Society suite of bills & more.
RSVPs are already maxed out to constituents, but you can tune in online via CSPAN ⬇️ https://t.co/ewYhQ7ptK5" / Twitter

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Town Hall Meeting | C-SPAN.org - has full video.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter: "One of Ocasio-Cortez's constituents loses her mind over climate change during AOC's townhall, claims we only have a few months left: "We got to start eating babies! We don't have enough time! ... We have to get rid of the babies! ... We need to eat the babies!" https://t.co/uVmOnboluI" / Twitter

Bloomberg TicToc on Twitter: "“When I hear the rhetoric of this president talking about immigrants and undocumented people as though they are disposable and unworthy, I think of people like you and how wrong that is,” @AOC tells a 9/11 first responder that faces deportation https://t.co/AMM5dxMiyS" / Twitter
This is in response to an old Haitian immigrant man who described his experiences.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hey everyone!
We had a fabulous town hall tonight & I’ll be highlighting some moments from it.
At one point I was concerned there was a woman in crisis & want to ensure we treat the situation compassionately.
Let’s not mock or make a spectacle. &let’s work on Medicare for All!" / Twitter

The one who said that we must eat our babies.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yes, I prepare powerpoints for my constituents at town halls 🤓 https://t.co/p8lVR47NB7" / Twitter
Gloria Pazmino on Twitter: "And now, with a PowerPoint on screen, @AOC begins to explain her new “Just Society” legislation. It’s aimed at poverty reduction and upgrading the standards by which the federal government measures poverty https://t.co/s7dqaDPLdJ" / Twitter

Bloomberg TicToc on Twitter: ""The impeachment of this president is the short-term action that we need to take to protect the democracy of this country," @AOC says during a town hall in Corona, New York https://t.co/UoTwF06NdJ" / Twitter
She thinks that it should have been done a long time ago, she considers the issue "boring", saying "I'm over it", and she prefers to focus on other issues. She did not make it a high priority in her campaign, or earlier in her term of office.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Want to check out tonight’s town hall? Check it out here! ⬇️📺 https://t.co/GsUh43yAaB" / Twitter - full length: 1 1/2 hours

Mike Schlossberg on Twitter: "And this is how you decently treat someone who is in the middle of a breakdown and does so publicly. Thank you https://t.co/BrVhmsWvxu" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This person may have been suffering from a mental condition and it’s not okay that the right-wing is mocking her and potentially make her condition or crisis worse. Be a decent human being and knock it off." / Twitter
In reference to Ms. Eat Babies.

Bloomberg TicToc on Twitter: "“Change cannot wait.”
@AOC says we are at a breaking point in American society https://t.co/iuRPxT44OC" / Twitter

Seems like we are in the early stages of a transition into another progressive era. If we can allow ourselves to be so hopeful.

Like the original Progressive Era, the New-Deal Era, and the Sixties Era.

They were a LOT more than their most memorable figures - Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and LBJ. They included lots of national, state, and local politicians, and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of activists. AOC may end up the most memorable figure of a new progressive era, or she might end up overshadowed by someone else.
There is no argument that has AOC ever given the chance, America would be bankrupted at best, turned into a complete shithole with uncountable millions unemployed at worst.
If AOC had her way America would end up a mess. However, His Flatulence having his way would probably end up worse.
Loren Pechtel, angelo, how so?
Ms. Eat Babies in action:
Ryan Saavedra on Twitter: "One of Ocasio-Cortez's constituents loses her mind over climate change during AOC's townhall, claims we only have a few months left: "We got to start eating babies! We don't have enough time! ... We have to get rid of the babies! ... We need to eat the babies!" https://t.co/uVmOnboluI" / Twitter
Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter: "Seems like a normal AOC supporter to me. https://t.co/NWVMRD0wsl" / Twitter
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "AOC is a Wack Job! https://t.co/LU3hIeek0c" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Better than being a criminal who betrays our country. https://t.co/UnShA6gcQQ" / Twitter

A strong assessment, but I must agree. I marvel at tRump's blatant Putin-loving. He's like John Walker, the Navy officer who was bailed out by KGB agents -- and then who spied for him for several years.

Matthew Sweet on Twitter: "It’s that moment when your obscure research subject pops up in the news. Yesterday @AOC was confronted by a woman claiming to be a climate activist at a town hall meeting. Her proposal to solve the climate crisis - “eat the babies”. https://t.co/dUhZDTa85t" / Twitter
Jesse Ferguson on Twitter: "Important thread. The plant at @AOC town hall was one of the wacko pro-Trump Larouche cult.
Of course. https://t.co/oRSheAsxoj" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Turns out the woman yelling was a Trump supporter 🤷🏽*♀️
Doesn’t rule out potential mental issue (Drs do that) but good to know they were not in crisis.
Earlier this year I was stalked & very nearly hurt by a disturbed person.
I don’t take chances & immediately try to de-escalate. https://t.co/kgWFvigJhy" / Twitter

Glen McFerren on Twitter: "@AOC As a psychiatrist, whatever her issue was, your response was dead on...
Calm, respectful , redirecting.
Not the kind of mocking and namecalling we have seen from #POTUS .
Thank you." / Twitter

Rivethead 🌊🍑 on Twitter: "@HesTheReferee @AOC Deescalating the situation. That's grace and class like Obama.
Trump would have yelled insults and instructed people to physically assault the person because he has neither grace nor class." / Twitter

AOC was kind, compassionate, and level-headed in that incident. She handled it very well.

Viral Video About Eating Babies at AOC Town Hall Was Staged by Pro-Trump Group
Lyndon LaRouche PAC on Twitter: "@SharylAttkisson It was us. Malthusianism isn't new, Jonathan Swift knew that. Sometimes, only satire works. https://t.co/vR8oXdx39i" / Twitter
Back in 1729, Jonathan Swift wrote "A Modest Proposal": that poor Irish people feed their babies to rich landowners.
There is no argument that has AOC ever given the chance, America would be bankrupted at best, turned into a complete shithole with uncountable millions unemployed at worst.
If AOC had her way America would end up a mess. However, His Flatulence having his way would probably end up worse.
Loren Pechtel, angelo, how so?

AOC wants to throw truly vast sums in projects that are obvious non-starters. His Flatulence wants to turn the US into a theocratic oligarchy.
Saladino for Congress on Twitter: "@realDonaldTrump 1984 warned of AOC https://t.co/Xu1RQVuuuI" / Twitter
Saladino for Congress on Twitter: "
Reject Socialism.
Reject “The Squad”
https://t.co/2fGmiYkIT0" / Twitter

Apple's "1984" commercial edited to make AOC its Big Sister.

Joseph Saladino: Help me take down the Left! Running for Congress NY-11. SI & South BK.

AOC jumps into Rikers fray, opposing de Blasio's jail replacement plan - to replace the big Rikers Island jail with four smaller ones in four of NYC's boroughs: Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan.
“We shouldn’t be building new jails,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in the post. “This plan is presented as what’s necessary to #CloseRikers, but the plan itself doesn’t even include the closure of Rikers.”
AOC will explain why she blocks people on Twitter in federal court
The Bronx-born congresswoman will testify at a Nov. 5 hearing as part of an ongoing lawsuit brought by ex-Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who claims the Democratic darling wrongfully blocked him on Twitter because of his “criticism” of her.

Badrun Khan (@badrun_khan) / Twitter - who hopes to primary AOC. She doesn't want to eliminate medical-insurance companies, she pledges to deliver "real results, not empty promises". She says "Socialism is not the answer. Period." with hashtag #SocialismKills and quoting Margaret Thatcher on how a problem with socialism is that one runs out of other people's money.

She has also claimed that AOC is hardly ever around in her district. An assertion that is almost absurdly easy to refute -- she's been around MUCH more than her predecessor Joe Crowley. She hasn't been involved in local party organizations that much, however.
Looks like AOC vs. Joe Crowley again, though by proxy.

Democrats dread Kennedy-Markey showdown in 2020 | TheHill
The party’s lawmakers and strategists say they do not understand why the rising Democratic star sees the need to primary the longtime progressive, further exacerbating divisions at a time when fissures between establishment and progressive Democrats plague the party.

While a number of recent high-profile primary challenges have come down to ideological differences, Kennedy and Markey are not particularly far away from each other on the political spectrum, both supporting initiatives like “Medicare for All” and the Green New Deal, which was championed by Markey in the Senate.
Shadow Lobbyist Crowley to Raise Money for Kennedy’s Race Against Green New Deal Chief Sponsor – Sludge - "Crowley is one of several revolving-door influence peddlers who will host an upcoming fundraiser for Kennedy." - the same Joe Crowley that AOC so notably primaried.
After taking more than a million dollars from corporate PACs over his congressional career, Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) pledged to stop accepting money from these PACs in his primary against incumbent Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.). But it appears he is not going to turn away money from corporate lobbyists.

Crowley is not just the guy whom AOC beat; he is now senior policy advisor at Squire Patton Boggs, a powerful D.C. lobbying firm that represents large corporations such as oil company Royal Dutch Shell, Management and Training Corp.—the third largest private prison company in the U.S.—and insurer UnitedHealth Group. Crowley joined the firm in February despite not being allowed to formally lobby his former colleagues in Congress until January 2020 under congressional ethics laws. However, Crowley has already begun working on think-tank efforts that further the interests of⁠—and are partially funded by⁠—Squire Patton Boggs’ clients.
Lots of other big-name lobbyists will be supporting Joe Kennedy III.
She handled that well.

Yeah thought she'd go for eating babies, too? Surprised us, she did.

I think that the right is in great trouble of underestimating AOC the same way that the left underestimated Trump. I don't agree with all her positions. But she is wicked smart. Charismatic. And she's extremely good at understanding how to get attention.
I want to hear from AOC's legion of adoring fans here defending her over this!


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to defend with the plethora of pop-up ads, the poor formatting and spelling errors (is the expert Ryan Maue or Maute?) Also, the article doesn't source where AOC said what they claim she said, they just link to other pages of their ad-infested webpage. So yes, this article is about as credible and well-written as some crap from the Gateway Pundit, and I've already given it far more attention than it deserves.
I'd posted elsewhere here about this, but since AOC expresses it so well, I'll repeat it here.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "With respect to the betrayal of our country, it doesn’t matter much how these aides felt.
History will judge them by what they did.
And the answer is nothing. https://t.co/j5fJUXhMbk" / Twitter

The Washington Post on Twitter: "Trump’s calls with foreign leaders have long worried aides, leaving some "genuinely horrified" https://t.co/ZCqFCPPiHe" / Twitter
Trump’s calls with foreign leaders have long worried aides, leaving some 'genuinely horrified' - The Washington Post

I think that she hits the nail on the head about this issue.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hey Suzie! Thanks for your question.
Comptroller reported this yr that “the city’s annual cost per inmate ballooned to $302,296 — up from $275,986 the previous year.”
Conservatively, we spend 14x more to incarcerate each person than to educate each child:[url]https://t.co/C8Xz4XUMgC
https://t.co/JXxwTp4RsJ" / Twitter[/url]
responding to a now-deleted tweet.

Some of her Twitter followers were skeptical. Rob Tanniru on Twitter: "@AOC A lot of the data I'm seeing if between $50k and $80k. These calculations must be taking vastly different things into account or the $300k number is missing something. https://t.co/1tMxBecW35" / Twitter

Then someone linked to NYC Department Of Correction FYs 2008-18 Operating Expenditures, Jail Population, Cost Per Detainee, Staffing Ratios, Performance Measure Outcomes, and Overtime : Office of the New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer at an official site. The New York Post mentioned those numbers in NYC spending more on jails despite inmate population decline AOC's numbers are correct. Also, cost per detainee has increased by a factor of 3 over the last decade.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "To clarify on that ratio:
Annually, we spend about $17,500 per child on education; and ~$250k-300k per person we incarcerate. https://t.co/nrngxluqX4" / Twitter

New York City to spend an average of $17.5K per student this school year (Politico)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The United States doesn’t even offer guaranteed healthcare for *its own citizens,* yet wants to demand it from people of other national origins.
Hypocrisy, xenophobia, and barbarism all in one policy. https://t.co/qM1bwztfh7" / Twitter

The Washington Post on Twitter: "Immigrants who can’t prove they have health coverage will be denied visas, White House says https://t.co/ymiMpO0k3m" / Twitter
Trump’s order will deny visas to immigrants who lack health-care coverage - The Washington Post
The White House late Friday issued a proclamation saying it would deny visas to immigrants who “will financially burden” the U.S. health-care system starting Nov. 3, demanding that foreign nationals prove that they have insurance or are affluent enough to cover their own health-care costs before entering the United States.

To obtain an immigration visa, foreigners must prove they will be covered by “approved health insurance,” such as a family or employment-based policy, within 30 days of entering the United States, unless they are affluent enough to cover their “reasonably foreseeable medical costs.”
I want to hear from AOC's legion of adoring fans here defending her over this!


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to defend with the plethora of pop-up ads, the poor formatting and spelling errors (is the expert Ryan Maue or Maute?) Also, the article doesn't source where AOC said what they claim she said, they just link to other pages of their ad-infested webpage. So yes, this article is about as credible and well-written as some crap from the Gateway Pundit, and I've already given it far more attention than it deserves.

One can't defend the un-defensible, right?
I want to hear from AOC's legion of adoring fans here defending her over this!


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to defend with the plethora of pop-up ads, the poor formatting and spelling errors (is the expert Ryan Maue or Maute?) Also, the article doesn't source where AOC said what they claim she said, they just link to other pages of their ad-infested webpage. So yes, this article is about as credible and well-written as some crap from the Gateway Pundit, and I've already given it far more attention than it deserves.

One can't defend the un-defensible, right?

Or understand the incomprehensible.
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