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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC | The world leader in display technology | AOC US

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "To be honest, it should really be @AyannaPressley plus 3 since she is *easily* the best singer out of all of us.
I’m just the one holding the wind fan 🌬 https://t.co/RZtZzS4OiK" / Twitter

Nelini Stamp 🐺 on Twitter: "AOC plus 3 is the most NY remix ever. It’s basically the next step in the Fantasy plus ODB remix" / Twitter
Since AOC had played the piano in earlier years, she could sign up as a keyboardist.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Trump a 'Racist' at Shooting Vigil | NowThis - YouTube (Aug 7) - she also urged white supremacists to "come back".

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Question Line at Hearing on DC Statehood - YouTube (Sep 19) - she stated that DC was the first territory to abolish slavery. Correct for abolishing by Federal decree, but several states beat DC to it by as much as 8 decades. She then stated that treating DC as a colony does a disservice to that heritage, and she asked some DC official about what trouble it causes. She also noted a Republican amendment to some bill that forbids consideration of DC statehood, and she asked how such extreme partisanship comes about.

Ocasio-Cortez on Hurricanes and Climate Change - YouTube - she fended off a Republican's attempt to interrupt her, and she continued with asking about hurricane recovery on Vieques Island in Puerto Rico and then on the Virgin Islands. On Vieques, it was very negligent, while in the VI, it was very quick. AOC got a little bit more time, and she asked a FEMA guy how prepared FEMA was for an increased rate of natural disasters. Not very much, it seems.

A Dr. Mann described how hurricanes and droughts and wildfires in recent years are much worse than they were over the last 1000 years. I've tracked that down. It was Michael E. Mann.

Atlantic hurricanes and climate over the past 1,500 years | Nature with a pdf at Atlantic hurricanes and climate over the past 1,500 years - the last decade or so has been significantly worse than all that previous time.

Long-term perspective on wildfires in the western USA | PNAS - a "fire deficit" in part from fire-suppression activities.

Long-Term Aridity Changes in the Western United States | Science
Climate precursors of multidecadal drought variability in the western United States - Hidalgo - 2004 - Water Resources Research - Wiley Online Library
The Medieval Warm period - 900 to 1300 CE - was a time of big droughts in the US West, and the current warming is likely to produce more big droughts, like recent ones in California.

In the face of such nightmares, being awakened at 3:30 am is understandable.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Speaks at Congressional Iftar Dinner on Capitol Hill - YouTube (from last May, originally on C-SPAN).

THE SQUAD IS HERE! #OnOneWithAngelaRye LIVE Podcast at NAACP Town Hall - YouTube - the sound is weak
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Ambitious Just Society Plan | NowThis - YouTube
NowThis Español on Twitter: "Esto es una 'sociedad justa' para @AOC: aquí, ella y muchos ciudadanos explican. qué cosas debe tener un tejido social con oportunidades para todos, lo que se traduce en una serie de proyectos de ley que serán presentados por la representante https://t.co/6NyGJdNJg6" / Twitter

What Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Body Language Reveals
To find out what makes Ocasio-Cortez so appealing to her followers, we talked to body language expert Patti Wood, author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma.

"Her gestures show that she's trustworthy and honest. When identifying integrity or deception in a statement, you look for when the gesture occurs. When someone is being authentic, they gesture just before or at the moment of their statement," Wood said, pointing out at how Ocasio-Cortez gestures to emphasize the key points of her platform during speeches and other talks. "She does that, over and over again. What happens in your primitive brain is that you trust, you believe, because it's in sync. It almost musical, it makes you feel good to watch her."

Wood also said that the way Ocasio-Cortez speaks (in the 29-year-old's own words, "like a girl from the block") also makes her constituency feel closer to her. "She often uses very casual or colloquial language like 'yeah,' which would identify her with her constituency and signals 'she's like us,'" Wood said. "Until recently that was unusual, but the Trump presidency changed that." And unlike other women lawmakers, who historically have exerted control over their expressions in an effort to avoid sexist criticism, Ocasio-Cortez is part of a crop of millennial lawmakers that don't shy away from tapping into their personalities.
So AOC is essentially being herself.

Ivanka Trump & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' Body Language
Earlier this week, sentient skim vanilla latte with no whip Ivanka Trump and straight-talking socialist/right-wing obsession Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clashed on whether Americans have the right to jobs that pay a living wage. The millionaire who used to hang out with Paris Hilton in St. Tropez said absolutely not; the former bartender from the Bronx who lost her father to cancer and whose family went into debt, their house on the verge of foreclosure, said absolutely yes.
Then assessing Ivanka Trump's body language.
"Here's the problem with her: So much of what she does is a performance, I don't see very much real there. It's pretty difficult to see what's real for her and what's not," Wood told Refinery29 when asked whether she thinks Ivanka's statement seemed auåthentic.

For a bunch of transparent talking points, the statement was well-written, said Wood. But it wasn't the spontaneous delivery of a person who knows what they're talking about — which is what Ivanka is ostensibly supposed to be — it was a crafted-to-death GOP message delivered through the most attractive vessel they have.
Ivanka seemed very uncomfortable, even though she was in some home territory: Fox News.
She also adjusted her hair, which is an "anxiety cue." When she talked about traveling the country, Wood said it seemed particularly inauthentic. "Personally, I found it bizarre, the fact that she was drawing these conclusions about the American people. She's isolated with security guards when she travels."
Patti Wood also suspects that Ivanka Trump has gone through voice training to make her seem more authoritative, with lower pitch and slower speaking, instead of an earlier "flirty" sound.
Wood noted that Ivanka looked flustered and her eyes closed as she finished her answer. "I think it's because she's finished acting — she kind of stretches out and shuts her eyes, like she's done performing."
By comparison, "AOC's delivery is stronger, faster, and there's an energy underneath it, said Wood."
When analyzing someone's body language for authenticity, Wood said, she also looks for emotion. "There's a chutzpah when AOC speaks. So you know she's feeling what she's talking about, it's what she believes in and there's an authenticity there." She recommended watching both women speak with the sound off and taking note of who makes you feel more comfortable. For her, that's AOC.
Patti Wood MA Speaker Body Language Expert Blog: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Body Language Questioning Michael Cohen
Ocasio-Cortez, on the other hand, gained praise for the way she sharply got Cohen to give the committee a list of names of Trump associates who have inside knowledge of certain troubling practices by the president and because she pushed the case for Democrats to subpoena his tax returns. "It was very clear that she was prepared ... She was deliberate and forceful — but not rude, which was distinctly different from a lot of the Republican representatives who yelled and screamed," Patti Wood, author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, told Refinery29. She added: "What I found most interesting is she was listening to what he said. That's actually unusual. She listened and then she did follow-up questions based on what he said instead of going into the next question. ... She was focused on her goal: To get information."
I'm pleasantly surprised that she is so good. I sometimes wonder how she got that way -- she seems like a good trial lawyer, even though she hasn't been one.

The Freshman Congresswomen Killed It At Cohen's Hearing
Few lawmakers truly engaged with that information, but the freshman congresswomen were not among them. For example, Hill — who ran what she called the "most millennial campaign ever" — zeroed-in on Cohen's hush payments to Daniels (née Stephanie Clifford), which were made allegedly under Trump's instruction. Pressley grilled Cohen on his knowledge of misconduct within the Trump Foundation, which dissolved last year after New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood launched an investigation into the charity, and on whether the president is racist. (Cohen answered "yes" to the latter.) Tlaib also advanced the case of Trump's racism, before getting into a spat with Rep. Mark Meadows

Patti Wood's home page: Body Language Expert and Speaker | Patti Wood, MA

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is One Of 2019’s Most Powerful Voices
A new-age politician with charisma and conviction.

Why does AOC’s straightforward speaking style work so well today? Well, for the same reason we’re no longer expected to wear ties to every single business function. Society, as a whole, has become less formal in regards to how we speak and dress.

Think about how different AOC’s personality is from Hillary Clinton’s. When Clinton ran against Trump in the most recent U.S. presidential election, she stuck with a very refined, old-school approach in how she spoke. That approach probably would have resonated with people better 10 or 20 years ago.

Comparatively, Trump’s no-holds-barred, shoot-from-the-hip speaking style gained a surprising level of support. The way we communicate has shifted from lengthy hand-written letters to fast tweets, texts, and social posts. His style matched this era.
Plus she possesses a pair of tits which many guys notice!
Is that all that's worth noting about a woman?

Oh like she's not using her sexuality to full effect! Do you really think had AOC been a male he would get so much media attention?
As if heterosexual men are the only people who can possibly have any importance.

AOC's fame is due, I think, to an unusual combination of factors. She is very charismatic, she has a pleasant and likable personality, she is someone who many young women identify with, in interviews she actually seems intelligent, she has far-reaching plans that many people seem to want, like Medicare for All, she does not let herself be cowed by the right wing, she has a heroic rags-to-riches story, and she achieved big at a relatively young age. Although women have done well in some kinds of careers, like entertainment, they have not done so well in some others, and AOC being female has a certain novelty value there.

When she won the primary, someone asked her what kind of lipstick she uses. When she revealed it, it quickly sold out.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s wild to me how people crawled over my 60 mins interview with a fine-toothed comb to find any word or reason to claim I’m unfit for the job, yet here Kevin McCarthy (the GOP Leader!) is a bumbling, sloppy, dishonest mess & his mediocrity is accepted as a matter of course. https://t.co/zx7qlhW9dh" / Twitter
Justin Amash on Twitter: "Kevin McCarthy again displays his unique brand of incompetence and dishonesty. https://t.co/KAijpPMk6R" / Twitter
His defense of pResident tRump.

Paulina on Twitter: "@justinamash McCarthy knows Trump is Putin’s puppet. He told Paul Ryan he thought Putin was paying Trump back in 2016 https://t.co/p0b56dVCKq" / Twitter - from Trump and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) being strongly pro-Russia and pro-Putin. That's something that I *never* expected to see out of Republicans. It would have seemed outlandish in the first half of my life, while the Cold War was still going on, and it would have been very startling up until tRump started campaigning for the Presidency. Now we see not only tRump, but other Republicans being Russia-lovers and Putin-lovers.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 60 Minutes interview: 5 key moments - Vox
Ocasio-Cortez, like any politician, has at times overstated or misstated some facts and figures. For example, she raised eyebrows with a tweet in December declaring that $21 trillion in “Pentagon accounting errors” could pay for a major chunk of Medicare for All expenses. The tweet earned her four Pinocchios from the Washington Post because it wasn’t true.

“If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest through the trees,” Ocasio-Cortez said when asked about the matter on 60 Minutes. “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”

Ocasio-Cortez, because of her age and gender, often seems to be held to a different standard than other politicians. She clarified to Cooper that being factually correct is “absolutely important” and said that when she makes a mistake she admits it and restates her point.

“It’s not the same thing as … the president lying about immigrants,” she said.
That factually-challenged tweet:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "$21 TRILLION of Pentagon financial transactions “could not be traced, documented, or explained.”
$21T in Pentagon accounting errors. Medicare for All costs ~$32T.
That means 66% of Medicare for All could have been funded already by the Pentagon.
And that’s before our premiums. https://t.co/soT6GSmDSG" / Twitter

jordan on Twitter: "Medicare for All: But how will we pay for it?
Military: We actually have no idea what we’re even paying for https://t.co/KGdSJ3XEOq" / Twitter

60 Minutes on Twitter: "“There's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” @AOC says in response to criticism that she’s made factual errors. [url]https://t.co/sKf3sHl9F6 https://t.co/xKc2eB7GEk" / Twitter[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“If another country came in here, blew up our mountains and poisoned our water, we’d go to war. But industry can.”
- Paula Jean Swearengin
https://t.co/Cf3seqnUYq" / Twitter

Knock Down the House on Twitter: "Speaking truth. 👊 #KnockDownTheHouse https://t.co/VWOTwKXeR3" / Twitter
Knock Down The House | A Netflix Original Documentary - that movie chronicled the runs for office of four women, among them AOC and PJS. PJS had run for Senate in 2018 but got only 30% of the votes in the primary vs. Tim Manchin's 70%. She plans to run again for Senate in 2020. The two other women followed in it were Cori Bush and Amy Vilela. Of them, CB will be running again in 2020 and AV in 2022, since AV wants to campaign for Bernie Sanders. She wants Medicare for All after insurance wouldn't help her with her now-dead daughter.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sending lots of love and solidarity to @BernieSanders today as he rests and recovers.
A lot of people don’t understand how crazy hard grassroots campaigning is - for organizers and candidates alike.
Rest up, friend. We’re with you!" / Twitter

Like what she herself had done to unseat Joe Crowley.

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm feeling good. I'm fortunate to have good health care and great doctors and nurses helping me to recover.
None of us know when a medical emergency might affect us. And no one should fear going bankrupt if it occurs. Medicare for All!" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“Struggling” 🤣 with what? Math? https://t.co/oDMet9QtNE" / Twitter
MarketWatch on Twitter: "$350,000... and STILL struggling [url]https://t.co/Q5XEM96D12 https://t.co/XZaWiXIP7p" / Twitter[/url]
An expense sheet that seems like crying in one's beer.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Zuckerberg himself said: “If someone’s going to try to threaten something that existential, you go to the mat+fight.”
Well, Facebook’s reckless behavior represents a threat to our privacy & American democracy. Some things are worth fighting for.
So let’s go to the mat & fight. https://t.co/YsZzJpDBtk" / Twitter

Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "If you work at Facebook and have a conscience, note that when Facebook takes criticism from conservative politicians, Zuckerberg tries to change things up to appease critics whereas when it takes criticism from progressive politicians he vows to “go to the mat” to fight them." / Twitter
Elizabeth Warren has advocated breaking up Facebook.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The cruelty has always been the point. https://t.co/DUSNwFR6W4" / Twitter
Andrea González-Ramírez on Twitter: "“Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate. ... he suggested that they shoot migrants in the legs to slow them down.” https://t.co/4IkJJsQRB2" / Twitter
Shoot Migrants’ Legs, Build Alligator Moat: Behind Trump’s Ideas for Border - The New York Times

Cruelty that she had experienced firsthand when she visited that Texas camp earlier this year.
Oh like she's not using her sexuality to full effect! Do you really think had AOC been a male he would get so much media attention?

Well, Donald Trump seems to know how to attract media attention. He was even able to parlay his celebrity into a plum government position.

Well, he did manage to become a democratically elected President!
Plus she possesses a pair of tits which many guys notice!
Is that all that's worth noting about a woman?

Oh like she's not using her sexuality to full effect! Do you really think had AOC been a male he would get so much media attention?
As if heterosexual men are the only people who can possibly have any importance.

AOC's fame is due, I think, to an unusual combination of factors. She is very charismatic, she has a pleasant and likable personality, she is someone who many young women identify with, in interviews she actually- seems intelligent, she has far-reaching plans that many people seem to want, like Medicare for All, she does not let herself be cowed by the right wing, she has a heroic rags-to-riches story, and she achieved big at a relatively young age. Although women have done well in some kinds of careers, like entertainment, they have not done so well in some others, and AOC being female has a certain novelty value there.

When she won the primary, someone asked her what kind of lipstick she uses. When she revealed it, it quickly sold out.

Yea, providing the questions aren't too taxing.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "One of the major reasons we don’t talk about debt & poverty is shame.
Yet way more Americans are living in poverty than our country wants to admit.
It’s time we stop looking the other way on economic abuse, like predatory lending, abusive workplaces, & extortionary landlords. https://t.co/2BidQ9hvQ1" / Twitter

NPR on Twitter: ""If we can acknowledge how many Americans are actually in poverty I think that we can start to address some of the more systemic issues in our economy," @AOC said. She's unveiled a new anti-poverty proposal to give more people access to federal benefits. https://t.co/RKxMbt3cNJ" / Twitter noting
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Introduces Anti-Poverty Legislation : NPR

Which is why this era is often called Gilded Age II. Like the original Gilded Age, it had the appearance of great prosperity on top of a lot of poverty and misery.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“Billionaires should not exist” does not mean certain people should not exist.
It means no person should have a billion dollars.
The ascent of billionaires is a symptom & outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine. https://t.co/fjxKOGIdc2" / Twitter

Cristina Alesci on Twitter: "“Maybe @BernieSanders shouldn’t exist,” says Blackstone’s Schwarzman in response to @alansmurray asking him to defend billionaires, which Sanders says should NOT exist https://t.co/YG5tHoSz3K" / Twitter

I think that that is an excessive opinion, but at the very least, one should only become a billionaire only if one does not try to force down ordinary people's wages, and certain not if one whines about "high labor costs". I'd prefer seeing a lot of money in the hands of (say) Oprah Winfrey than in the hands of some right-wing jerks like the Koch brothers.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As dire as things can be, it’s important to show how mass mobilization is still winning in very big ways through public pressure and organizing.
For-profit prison & detention co’s are running dry. Banks see them as too much of a public liability & are no longer financing them ⬇️ https://t.co/4Urt3T9cmY" / Twitter

RAICES on Twitter: "🚨 GOOD NEWS: All major banks that supported the private prisons behind mass incarceration and immigrant detention have now committed to NOT renew credit lines/loans to GEO Group and CoreCivic.
This is a HUGE win. https://t.co/bhFnwpONXW" / Twitter

I remember some video of a hearing where AOC pressed some bank officials on their financing of some private-prison companies. She seemed to think that the banks were expecting to be bailed out if these prisons failed. They eventually conceded that financing them was a risk that they were willing to take. That made me wonder why they didn't say so earlier.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank YOU!
Inspired by your diligent, committed, hard-working & tenacious students.
What a humbling video & thanks for thinking of me during #LatinxHeritageMonth.
Keep at it and aim high! https://t.co/lrXp550U5L" / Twitter

Katie Curtin on Twitter: "@AOC My advisory chose to highlight you for #HispanicHeritageMonth and made this video of the many reasons they admire you (and only one is our @BU_Tweets connection). They’d LOVE a tweet response! https://t.co/grIUuDYIjA" / Twitter

Barbara Lee's video with AOC and Ayanna Pressley:
Barbara Lee on Twitter: "I remember the days of back-alley abortions. And we must never return to those dark times. I’m working with my sisters in Congress @AOC and @AyannaPressley to #BeBoldEndHyde. https://t.co/8b4BK32CHO" / Twitter
Thus proposing to end the Missouri Compromise of abortion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "You’re in, @FullFrontalSamB! 😉 #TheSquadIsBig https://t.co/h6qIlHeBa8" / Twitter
Full Frontal on Twitter: "Sam doesn’t get starstruck but she does get squadstruck. https://t.co/el4XMGv6Q4" / Twitter
Samantha Bee interviewed Ilhan Omar, and the two briefly encountered AOC as she was passing by.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "So apparently at Fox News you can parrot a wide range of conspiracy theories & falsely claim white supremacy is a “hoax,” but saying this gets you fired?
I’m just trying to figure out where the line is 🤷🏽*♀️
After all, how was he supposed to know this was below their standards? https://t.co/qELhdI9MT8" / Twitter

Yashar Ali 🐘 on Twitter: "Fox News Host Todd Starnes Out After Suggesting Democrats Worship Pagan God Moloch https://t.co/mGR8ZI3wwF" / Twitter

I'm also :confused:
Oh like she's not using her sexuality to full effect! Do you really think had AOC been a male he would get so much media attention?

Well, Donald Trump seems to know how to attract media attention. He was even able to parlay his celebrity into a plum government position.

Well, he did manage to become a democratically elected President!

He lost by three million votes. That's nowhere near "democratically elected".
Ocasio-Cortez wishes Sanders speedy recovery: 'Rest up, friend' | TheHill
Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Thinking of @BernieSanders as he recovers today. In solidarity always, my friend. ✊🏽" / Twitter
Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "Thinking of you Amo @BernieSanders. We got your back!" / Twitter
Amo = uncle in Arabic, an honorific: "Uncle Bernie"
In an interview with Rolling Stone shortly after the freshman congresswoman was sworn in, she said he offered advice on committee assignments, telling her “You spend a lot of time in your committee, so it’s really important to pick a subject that you’re passionate about.”

... Sanders’s campaign said he had two stents inserted Tuesday after experiencing chest discomfort, with the campaign saying he was “conversing and in good spirits” since the procedure.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Wow. Congratulations to the California grassroots for this enormous victory. Kudos to @GavinNewsom for signing this.
Public banking is next level! #PeopleOverProfit https://t.co/Hxjl7FF8xn" / Twitter

Public Bank LA on Twitter: "WE MADE HISTORY. Thank you Governor @GavinNewsom for signing #AB857. Public banking is officially law in California!!!
Activists working together from across the state took on the most powerful industry on the planet- and won. #PeopleOverProfit #MainStreetNotWallStreet https://t.co/0f4ltkAn5O" / Twitter

Public Bank LA - its 5-point agenda:
1. Save money
The city of Los Angeles pays $100M a year in banking fees and interest. This could be reinvested into our communities instead of siphoned out by Wall Street. ...

2. Community Development
Private Wall Street banks are responsible for maintaining the stability of their bank system, our tax dollars are used to keep their doors open, instead of it being the other way around. With a public bank, we can focus on the long-term prosperity of our community through low-income housing, green energy infrastructure, co-ops, small businesses, etc. ...

3. Ethical Allocation of Money
The municipal public banking movement advocates for banks to be chartered with socially and environmentally responsible mandates. This includes a transparent Board of Directors and an anti-corruption ethos to ensure the bank operates under sustainable and ethical guidelines. The bank’s lending activities would be subject to strict evaluation to determine adherence to its principles and fulfillment of its public policy goals. ...

4. Local Self-Determination
The City of Los Angeles pays $3.14B in debt services, which is the cost to borrow money; billions of dollars of our city’s interest payments are redirected into the coffers of Wall Street. ...

5. Serve the Unbanked and Underbanked
3 out of 10 Angelenos do not have either access or adequate access to a checking or savings account and therefore cannot build credit, and are susceptible to theft, fraud, and the predatory practices of financial alternatives such as payday lenders or check cashers. ...
Kim-Mai Cutler on Twitter: "Cough. Give credit to @DavidChiu, who authored it! https://t.co/q674psGicP" / Twitter
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